41196493 | Prelid1-ps2 | PRELI domain containing 1, pseudogene 2 | 17 | 38821562 | 38822894 | Rat |
7624352 | LOC102547708 | uncharacterized LOC102547708 | 17 | 38892869 | 38924239 | Rat |
41130148 | LOC120097912 | uncharacterized LOC120097912 | 17 | 39055590 | 39074794 | Rat |
11436884 | Trnap-agg16 | transfer RNA proline (anticodon AGG) 16 | 17 | 39197917 | 39197991 | Rat |
41214770 | Trnap-agg58 | transfer RNA proline (anticodon AGG) 58 | 17 | 39381427 | 39381499 | Rat |
1596974 | Tpi1-ps2 | triosephosphate isomerase 1, pseudogene 2 | 17 | 39623324 | 39628409 | Rat |
1307833 | Nrsn1 | neurensin 1 | 17 | 39806238 | 39824550 | Rat |
1310227 | Dcdc2 | doublecortin domain containing 2 | 17 | 39845952 | 40031781 | Rat |
7652139 | Rpl32-ps10 | ribosomal protein L32, pseudogene 10 | 17 | 40034788 | 40035377 | Rat |
708529 | Mrs2 | magnesium transporter MRS2 | 17 | 40063924 | 40087073 | Rat |
631371 | Gpld1 | glycosylphosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase D1 | 17 | 40084427 | 40132035 | Rat |
621422 | Aldh5a1 | aldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family, member A1 | 17 | 40132339 | 40158677 | Rat |
1307443 | Kiaa0319 | KIAA0319 homolog | 17 | 40162512 | 40226666 | Rat |
1587113 | Rpl37-ps1 | ribosomal protein L37, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 40167499 | 40167862 | Rat |
1560342 | Tdp2 | tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 | 17 | 40228943 | 40240337 | Rat |
1306513 | Acot13 | acyl-CoA thioesterase 13 | 17 | 40240378 | 40252851 | Rat |
6491729 | C17h6orf62 | similar to human chromosome 6 open reading frame 62 | 17 | 40256211 | 40267851 | Rat |
1308137 | Gmnn | geminin, DNA replication inhibitor | 17 | 40301771 | 40310054 | Rat |
7707229 | Armh2 | armadillo-like helical domain containing 2 | 17 | 40317319 | 40321924 | Rat |
41335353 | LOC120098024 | U2 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 40321105 | 40321289 | Rat |
1306939 | Ripor2 | RHO family interacting cell polarization regulator 2 | 17 | 40323748 | 40547482 | Rat |
1311930 | Cmah | cytidine monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase | 17 | 40557161 | 40642350 | Rat |
7522343 | LOC102552189 | uncharacterized LOC102552189 | 17 | 40559793 | 40618320 | Rat |
41132204 | LOC120097967 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 40566885 | 40566980 | Rat |
41089246 | LOC120098001 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 | 17 | 40774693 | 40774802 | Rat |
1583868 | Ap1b1-ps1 | adaptor related protein complex 1 subunit beta 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 40779065 | 40782001 | Rat |
1306623 | Carmil1 | capping protein regulator and myosin 1 linker 1 | 17 | 40807921 | 41088326 | Rat |
41121482 | Sumo1-ps1 | small ubiquitin-like modifier 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 40867971 | 40870590 | Rat |
40984707 | LOC120097824 | uncharacterized LOC120097824 | 17 | 40895100 | 40899698 | Rat |
41005009 | LOC120097823 | uncharacterized LOC120097823 | 17 | 41041737 | 41047120 | Rat |
1303281 | Scgn | secretagogin, EF-hand calcium binding protein | 17 | 41106681 | 41148656 | Rat |
6501968 | LOC100909739 | uncharacterized LOC100909739 | 17 | 41135458 | 41204291 | Rat |
3854 | H2ac1 | H2A clustered histone 1 | 17 | 41171324 | 41171801 | Rat |
3855 | H2bc1 | H2B clustered histone 1 | 17 | 41172041 | 41172510 | Rat |
1584758 | Slc17a4 | solute carrier family 17, member 4 | 17 | 41201546 | 41218752 | Rat |
620099 | Slc17a1 | solute carrier family 17 member 1 | 17 | 41219461 | 41255199 | Rat |
628815 | Slc17a3 | solute carrier family 17 member 3 | 17 | 41270804 | 41300132 | Rat |
1308821 | Slc17a2 | solute carrier family 17, member 2 | 17 | 41318312 | 41339012 | Rat |
1596868 | Trim38 | tripartite motif containing 38 | 17 | 41351857 | 41365021 | Rat |
1305706 | H1f1 | H1.1 linker histone, cluster member | 17 | 41366268 | 41367011 | Rat |
1598076 | H3c1 | H3 clustered histone 1 | 17 | 41368379 | 41368902 | Rat |
7725170 | H4cl1 | histone H4C like 1 | 17 | 41368743 | 41426735 | Rat |
7709329 | H3cl | H3 clustered histone like | 17 | 41372194 | 41378877 | Rat |
1564767 | Hist1h2af | histone cluster 1 H2A family member F | 17 | 41379404 | 41379796 | Rat |
7729692 | H2bc3 | H2B clustered histone 3 | 17 | 41380056 | 41380686 | Rat |
1594367 | Hist1h2ah | histone cluster 1 H2A family member H | 17 | 41384521 | 41385018 | Rat |
1587893 | H1f2 | H1.2 linker histone, cluster member | 17 | 41391106 | 41392597 | Rat |
2322506 | Pced1a-ps1 | PC-esterase domain containing 1A, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 41401604 | 41404243 | Rat |
2793 | Hfe | homeostatic iron regulator | 17 | 41413451 | 41421502 | Rat |
2778 | H1f6 | H1.6 linker histone, cluster member | 17 | 41427365 | 41428109 | Rat |
1305011 | Hist1h2bq | histone cluster 1 H2B family member Q | 17 | 41432100 | 41441487 | Rat |
40979326 | Hist1h2anl1-ps2 | Histone cluster 1, H2an-like 1, pseudogene 2 | 17 | 41441516 | 41443077 | Rat |
41261545 | LOC120097965 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 41456550 | 41456642 | Rat |
2776 | H1f4 | H1.4 linker histone, cluster member | 17 | 41486574 | 41487355 | Rat |
2320230 | H2bc6 | H2B clustered histone 6 | 17 | 41520775 | 41521238 | Rat |
1586732 | H3c13 | H3 clustered histone 13 | 17 | 41531502 | 41531971 | Rat |
1586722 | H2ac23 | H2A clustered histone 23 | 17 | 41532685 | 41533271 | Rat |
1586699 | H2bcl2 | H2B clustered histone like 2 | 17 | 41534048 | 41534478 | Rat |
1309078 | Hist1h2an | histone cluster 1, H2an | 17 | 41534653 | 41535259 | Rat |
6498914 | H4f3-ps1 | H1.3 linker histone, cluster member, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 41542252 | 41556577 | Rat |
41017428 | LOC120097727 | uncharacterized LOC120097727 | 17 | 41546168 | 41549385 | Rat |
1585568 | H4f3 | H1.3 linker histone, cluster member | 17 | 41551524 | 41552303 | Rat |
2319827 | H2bc12l1 | H2B clustered histone 12 like 1 | 17 | 41562540 | 41562985 | Rat |
1311554 | Hist1h2ail1 | histone cluster 1 H2a family member I like 1 | 17 | 41568181 | 41569093 | Rat |
41047719 | H2ac10 | H2A clustered histone 10 | 17 | 41570532 | 41571020 | Rat |
621439 | Hist1h2bg | histone cluster 1, H2bg | 17 | 41571234 | 41572202 | Rat |
11438638 | Trnam-cau4 | transfer RNA methionine (anticodon CAU) 4 | 17 | 41576180 | 41576251 | Rat |
11474935 | Trnar-ucg3 | transfer RNA arginine (anticodon UCG) 3 | 17 | 41579998 | 41580070 | Rat |
11427922 | Trnas-gcu8 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon GCU) 8 | 17 | 41585131 | 41585212 | Rat |
11462764 | Trnaq-uug2 | transfer RNA glutamine (anticodon UUG) 2 | 17 | 41587307 | 41587378 | Rat |
11430337 | Trnaq-uug3 | transfer RNA glutamine (anticodon UUG) 3 | 17 | 41587841 | 41587912 | Rat |
11359056 | Trnas-uga2 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon UGA) 2 | 17 | 41588903 | 41588984 | Rat |
11416553 | Trnam-cau5 | transfer RNA methionine (anticodon CAU) 5 | 17 | 41589365 | 41589436 | Rat |
11441119 | Trnaw-cca7 | transfer RNA tryptophan (anticodon CCA) 7 | 17 | 41598977 | 41599048 | Rat |
11418896 | Trnar-ucg4 | transfer RNA arginine (anticodon UCG) 4 | 17 | 41601266 | 41601338 | Rat |
11450768 | Trnas-aga6 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon AGA) 6 | 17 | 41604665 | 41604746 | Rat |
11358050 | Trnar-acg4 | transfer RNA arginine (anticodon ACG) 4 | 17 | 41605110 | 41605182 | Rat |
11451236 | Trnaw-cca8 | transfer RNA tryptophan (anticodon CCA) 8 | 17 | 41607123 | 41607194 | Rat |
1306973 | Btn2a2 | butyrophilin, subfamily 2, member A2 | 17 | 41620807 | 41632621 | Rat |
1306984 | Btn1a1 | butyrophilin, subfamily 1, member A1 | 17 | 41653499 | 41664246 | Rat |
11451237 | Trnae-uuc10 | transfer RNA glutamic acid (anticodon UUC) 10 | 17 | 41657047 | 41657118 | Rat |
41288305 | Trnal-cag9 | transfer RNA leucine (anticodon CAG) 9 | 17 | 41667704 | 41667786 | Rat |
11422105 | Trnat-agu5 | transfer RNA threonine (anticodon AGU) 5 | 17 | 41672173 | 41672246 | Rat |
40996861 | LOC120098034 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 41675625 | 41675731 | Rat |
11454070 | Trnar-acg5 | transfer RNA arginine (anticodon ACG) 5 | 17 | 41676229 | 41676301 | Rat |
11476617 | Trnav-cac4 | transfer RNA valine (anticodon CAC) 4 | 17 | 41676886 | 41676958 | Rat |
11490736 | Trnaa-cgc2 | transfer RNA alanine (anticodon CGC) 2 | 17 | 41684018 | 41684089 | Rat |
11412596 | Trnai-aau7 | transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon AAU) 7 | 17 | 41684605 | 41684678 | Rat |
41235417 | LOC120097977 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA44 | 17 | 41685912 | 41686040 | Rat |
11388337 | Trnap-agg17 | transfer RNA proline (anticodon AGG) 17 | 17 | 41686203 | 41686274 | Rat |
41063273 | Trnay-gua6 | transfer RNA tyrosine (anticodon GUA) 6 | 17 | 41689739 | 41689826 | Rat |
40965321 | Trnay-gua5 | transfer RNA tyrosine (anticodon GUA) 5 | 17 | 41696104 | 41696188 | Rat |
41256602 | Trnay-gua7 | transfer RNA tyrosine (anticodon GUA) 7 | 17 | 41696417 | 41696501 | Rat |
40961720 | Trnay-gua | transfer RNA tyrosine (anticodon GUA) | 17 | 41697337 | 41697420 | Rat |
1310785 | Abt1 | activator of basal transcription 1 | 17 | 41699151 | 41701253 | Rat |
41225435 | Trnav-aac14 | transfer RNA valine (anticodon AAC) 14 | 17 | 41710504 | 41710576 | Rat |
41052310 | Trnav-cac | transfer RNA valine (anticodon CAC) | 17 | 41711910 | 41711982 | Rat |
11386218 | LOC108348562 | uncharacterized LOC108348562 | 17 | 41739197 | 41790603 | Rat |
41082825 | Trnas-acu | transfer RNA serine (anticodon ACU) | 17 | 41744675 | 41744748 | Rat |
1594230 | Zfp322a | zinc finger protein 322a | 17 | 41773789 | 41789654 | Rat |
11472361 | Trnam-cau6 | transfer RNA methionine (anticodon CAU) 6 | 17 | 41807715 | 41807787 | Rat |
11472030 | Trnai-aau8 | transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon AAU) 8 | 17 | 41811672 | 41811745 | Rat |
11483266 | Trnav-cac6 | transfer RNA valine (anticodon CAC) 6 | 17 | 41818388 | 41818460 | Rat |
11458077 | LOC108353148 | uncharacterized LOC108353148 | 17 | 41825373 | 41850990 | Rat |
11395923 | Trnav-cac5 | transfer RNA valine (anticodon CAC) 5 | 17 | 41843004 | 41843076 | Rat |
11481973 | Trnav-aac6 | transfer RNA valine (anticodon AAC) 6 | 17 | 41844370 | 41844442 | Rat |
41373208 | Trnar-ucu | transfer RNA arginine (anticodon UCU) | 17 | 41861886 | 41861984 | Rat |
2316378 | Vom1r-ps105 | vomeronasal 1 receptor pseudogene 105 | 17 | 41862719 | 41863491 | Rat |
2316377 | Vom1r-ps106 | vomeronasal 1 receptor pseudogene 106 | 17 | 41888447 | 41888706 | Rat |
2316376 | Vom1r-ps107 | vomeronasal 1 receptor pseudogene 107 | 17 | 41891001 | 41891891 | Rat |
1589713 | Taf5l-ps2 | TATA-box binding protein associated factor 5 like, pseudogene 2 | 17 | 42046891 | 42049615 | Rat |
1561897 | Uhmk1l1 | U2AF homology motif kinase 1l1 | 17 | 42241640 | 42243666 | Rat |
11403004 | Trnas-gcu9 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon GCU) 9 | 17 | 42463311 | 42463392 | Rat |
2325039 | H2bc9 | H2B clustered histone 9 | 17 | 42470593 | 42478590 | Rat |
1597155 | Hist1h2ac | histone cluster 1 H2A family member C | 17 | 42478836 | 42479306 | Rat |
620814 | Hist1h4b | histone cluster 1 H4 family member B | 17 | 42480467 | 42484912 | Rat |
1593016 | H2bc12 | H2B clustered histone 12 | 17 | 42485699 | 42486162 | Rat |
1593006 | H2ac12 | H2A clustered histone 12 | 17 | 42486415 | 42486880 | Rat |
11470760 | Trnat-agu6 | transfer RNA threonine (anticodon AGU) 6 | 17 | 42492996 | 42493069 | Rat |
11374956 | Trnai-aau9 | transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon AAU) 9 | 17 | 42493984 | 42494057 | Rat |
11463849 | Trnas-cga3 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon CGA) 3 | 17 | 42501276 | 42501357 | Rat |
7606205 | LOC102556078 | uncharacterized LOC102556078 | 17 | 42501747 | 42509155 | Rat |
11468428 | Trnar-acg6 | transfer RNA arginine (anticodon ACG) 6 | 17 | 42502608 | 42502680 | Rat |
11394111 | Trnav-aac7 | transfer RNA valine (anticodon AAC) 7 | 17 | 42507556 | 42507628 | Rat |
1306326 | Tada3lb | transcriptional adaptor 3 (NGG1 homolog, yeast)-like B | 17 | 42510228 | 42511974 | Rat |
1306652 | Prss16 | serine protease 16 | 17 | 42514306 | 42521885 | Rat |
11422630 | Trnaq-cug7 | transfer RNA glutamine (anticodon CUG) 7 | 17 | 42534948 | 42535019 | Rat |
11384777 | Trnas-gcu11 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon GCU) 11 | 17 | 42537360 | 42537441 | Rat |
1594366 | Pom121l2 | POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin-like 2 | 17 | 42546144 | 42553447 | Rat |
11440272 | Trnam-cau7 | transfer RNA methionine (anticodon CAU) 7 | 17 | 42557293 | 42557364 | Rat |
1304798 | Zfp184 | zinc finger protein 184 | 17 | 42588140 | 42603905 | Rat |
41008613 | Tufm-ps3 | Tu translation elongation factor, mitochondrial, pseudogene 3 | 17 | 42590431 | 42591728 | Rat |
11439713 | Trnas-aga7 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon AGA) 7 | 17 | 42605549 | 42605630 | Rat |
7575386 | LOC102555506 | uncharacterized LOC102555506 | 17 | 42613402 | 42620728 | Rat |
11435663 | Trnas-aga8 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon AGA) 8 | 17 | 42615648 | 42615729 | Rat |
11474770 | Trnaq-cug8 | transfer RNA glutamine (anticodon CUG) 8 | 17 | 42619106 | 42619177 | Rat |
11467209 | Trnam-cau8 | transfer RNA methionine (anticodon CAU) 8 | 17 | 42622234 | 42622305 | Rat |
11459487 | Trnas-aga9 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon AGA) 9 | 17 | 42625137 | 42625217 | Rat |
11395456 | Trnas-uga3 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon UGA) 3 | 17 | 42628071 | 42628152 | Rat |
11391621 | Trnaq-cug9 | transfer RNA glutamine (anticodon CUG) 9 | 17 | 42632367 | 42632438 | Rat |
11410733 | Trnas-aga10 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon AGA) 10 | 17 | 42633141 | 42633222 | Rat |
11467602 | Trnar-ucu7 | transfer RNA arginine (anticodon UCU) 7 | 17 | 42635203 | 42635288 | Rat |
11509903 | Trnak-uuu5 | transfer RNA lysine (anticodon UUU) 5 | 17 | 42645587 | 42645659 | Rat |
11462763 | Trnam-cau9 | transfer RNA methionine (anticodon CAU) 9 | 17 | 42646374 | 42646445 | Rat |
11404861 | Trnai-uau3 | transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon UAU) 3 | 17 | 42655563 | 42655656 | Rat |
11441723 | Trnaf-gaa6 | transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA) 6 | 17 | 42664823 | 42664895 | Rat |
11365248 | Trnai-aau10 | transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon AAU) 10 | 17 | 42665622 | 42665695 | Rat |
41175676 | Trnat-agu14 | transfer RNA threonine (anticodon AGU) 14 | 17 | 42685145 | 42685218 | Rat |
11465641 | Trnai-aau11 | transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon AAU) 11 | 17 | 42685920 | 42685993 | Rat |
1591796 | Hist1h2bc | histone cluster 1, H2bc | 17 | 42692335 | 42696601 | Rat |
6497956 | Hist1h2anl2 | histone cluster 1, H2an like 2 | 17 | 42696845 | 42697423 | Rat |
1306905 | Hist1h4m | histone cluster 1, H4m | 17 | 42698016 | 42698420 | Rat |
1304905 | Hist1h2ao | histone cluster 1, H2ao | 17 | 42704740 | 42705130 | Rat |
9366689 | Ung-ps1 | uracil-DNA glycosylase, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 42706095 | 42707241 | Rat |
9087157 | Hist1h2al1 | histone cluster 1 H2A family like 1 | 17 | 42707954 | 42708420 | Rat |
1308088 | H2bc8 | H2B clustered histone 8 | 17 | 42708658 | 42709408 | Rat |
1311828 | Hist1h2bo | histone cluster 1 H2B family member O | 17 | 42716433 | 42718046 | Rat |
2321504 | Hist1h2ai | histone cluster 1, H2ai | 17 | 42718310 | 42718797 | Rat |
1591702 | Hist1h3b | histone cluster 1, H3b | 17 | 42723453 | 42723925 | Rat |
1590638 | H1f5 | H1.5 linker histone, cluster member | 17 | 42726132 | 42727162 | Rat |
6499934 | H2bcl1 | H2B clustered histone like 1 | 17 | 42752471 | 42752941 | Rat |
1562827 | Hist1h2ail2 | histone cluster 1, H2ai like 2 | 17 | 42753160 | 42753620 | Rat |
11470019 | Ost4-ps1 | oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit 4, non-catalytic, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 42755757 | 42756821 | Rat |
2321110 | H4cl3 | histone H4C like 3 | 17 | 42774600 | 42799175 | Rat |
1307126 | Hist1h2bd | histone cluster 1 H2B family member D | 17 | 42792887 | 42793268 | Rat |
1589461 | H2ac4 | H2A clustered histone 4 | 17 | 42799884 | 42800387 | Rat |
41126886 | H2bc12l-ps1 | H2B clustered histone 12 like, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 42800404 | 42801542 | Rat |
11492389 | Trnam-cau10 | transfer RNA methionine (anticodon CAU) 10 | 17 | 42805265 | 42805336 | Rat |
11397535 | Trnag-gcc8 | transfer RNA glycine (anticodon GCC) 8 | 17 | 42805683 | 42805753 | Rat |
621794 | Or2b2 | olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily B member 2 | 17 | 42811452 | 42812393 | Rat |
1332800 | Or2b2c-ps1 | olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily B member 2C, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 42848432 | 42849342 | Rat |
1334337 | Or2w6b-ps1 | olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily W member 6B, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 42869592 | 42869922 | Rat |
1333996 | Or2w6 | olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily W member 6 | 17 | 42906458 | 42907396 | Rat |
41053466 | LOC120097985 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA48 | 17 | 42946352 | 42946492 | Rat |
1333681 | Or2w2 | olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily W member 2 | 17 | 42964558 | 42965478 | Rat |
1333190 | Or1f12-ps1 | olfactory receptor family 1 subfamily F member 12, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 43030943 | 43031880 | Rat |
1308983 | Zkscan8 | zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 8 | 17 | 43039383 | 43057391 | Rat |
40943840 | Zfp420-ps1 | zinc finger protein 420, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 43057726 | 43066884 | Rat |
41195547 | LOC120097740 | uncharacterized LOC120097740 | 17 | 43102273 | 43116434 | Rat |
1309004 | Zkscan4 | zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 4 | 17 | 43104853 | 43113101 | Rat |
1311667 | Nkapl | NFKB activating protein-like | 17 | 43135096 | 43136613 | Rat |
727885 | Zscan26 | zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 26 | 17 | 43148063 | 43168070 | Rat |
9685076 | Mir1896 | microRNA 1896 | 17 | 43165283 | 43165363 | Rat |
9394854 | Pgbd1 | piggyBac transposable element derived 1 | 17 | 43168275 | 43198738 | Rat |
41004241 | LOC120097923 | uncharacterized LOC120097923 | 17 | 43204417 | 43210678 | Rat |
1305753 | Zkscan3 | zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 3 | 17 | 43217168 | 43232828 | Rat |
628738 | Zscan12 | zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 12 | 17 | 43247250 | 43253206 | Rat |
41401873 | LOC120097820 | uncharacterized LOC120097820 | 17 | 43261457 | 43269071 | Rat |
1566347 | Smarce1-ps1 | SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily e, member 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 43313154 | 43323603 | Rat |
11363864 | Trnat-cgu3 | transfer RNA threonine (anticodon CGU) 3 | 17 | 43405440 | 43405513 | Rat |
628789 | Gpx6 | glutathione peroxidase 6 | 17 | 43408472 | 43416091 | Rat |
41164128 | LOC120097981 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA48 | 17 | 43432154 | 43432294 | Rat |
69227 | Gpx5 | glutathione peroxidase 5 | 17 | 43436126 | 43443074 | Rat |
11518303 | Trnar-ucg5 | transfer RNA arginine (anticodon UCG) 5 | 17 | 43449884 | 43449956 | Rat |
11452152 | Trnat-ugu5 | transfer RNA threonine (anticodon UGU) 5 | 17 | 43452738 | 43452811 | Rat |
11468708 | Trnaq-uug4 | transfer RNA glutamine (anticodon UUG) 4 | 17 | 43460383 | 43460454 | Rat |
11418220 | Trnat-cgu4 | transfer RNA threonine (anticodon CGU) 4 | 17 | 43468592 | 43468665 | Rat |
11446334 | Trnaa-agc15 | transfer RNA alanine (anticodon AGC) 15 | 17 | 43475115 | 43475186 | Rat |
11412813 | Trnaa-cgc3 | transfer RNA alanine (anticodon CGC) 3 | 17 | 43479255 | 43479326 | Rat |
11394767 | Trnat-agu7 | transfer RNA threonine (anticodon AGU) 7 | 17 | 43483429 | 43483502 | Rat |
11476618 | Trnaa-agc16 | transfer RNA alanine (anticodon AGC) 16 | 17 | 43487413 | 43487484 | Rat |
11380145 | Trnaa-agc17 | transfer RNA alanine (anticodon AGC) 17 | 17 | 43488475 | 43488546 | Rat |
11503488 | Trnaa-ugc6 | transfer RNA alanine (anticodon UGC) 6 | 17 | 43489652 | 43489723 | Rat |
11385663 | Trnaa-agc18 | transfer RNA alanine (anticodon AGC) 18 | 17 | 43499709 | 43499780 | Rat |
11513908 | Trnaa-agc19 | transfer RNA alanine (anticodon AGC) 19 | 17 | 43512146 | 43512217 | Rat |
11368087 | Trnar-ccg3 | transfer RNA arginine (anticodon CCG) 3 | 17 | 43519585 | 43519657 | Rat |
11437631 | Trnal-caa2 | transfer RNA leucine (anticodon CAA) 2 | 17 | 43529460 | 43529564 | Rat |
1310105 | Trim27 | tripartite motif-containing 27 | 17 | 43538282 | 43550633 | Rat |
11406215 | Trnal-caa3 | transfer RNA leucine (anticodon CAA) 3 | 17 | 43557346 | 43557451 | Rat |
11464131 | Trnaq-cug10 | transfer RNA glutamine (anticodon CUG) 10 | 17 | 43557863 | 43557934 | Rat |
11428841 | Trnal-aag5 | transfer RNA leucine (anticodon AAG) 5 | 17 | 43559624 | 43559705 | Rat |
11446177 | Trnal-aag6 | transfer RNA leucine (anticodon AAG) 6 | 17 | 43559793 | 43559874 | Rat |
11481416 | Trnam-cau11 | transfer RNA methionine (anticodon CAU) 11 | 17 | 43560156 | 43560228 | Rat |
7607859 | LOC102547106 | uncharacterized LOC102547106 | 17 | 43560954 | 43572339 | Rat |
11457719 | Trnak-uuu6 | transfer RNA lysine (anticodon UUU) 6 | 17 | 43561724 | 43561796 | Rat |
11463090 | Trnam-cau12 | transfer RNA methionine (anticodon CAU) 12 | 17 | 43562214 | 43562286 | Rat |
11437423 | Trnaf-gaa7 | transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA) 7 | 17 | 43566576 | 43566648 | Rat |
11508988 | Trnae-cuc9 | transfer RNA glutamic acid (anticodon CUC) 9 | 17 | 43567194 | 43567265 | Rat |
1333109 | Or2ad1 | olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily AD member 1 | 17 | 43595164 | 43596102 | Rat |
40973146 | LOC120097979 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA2/SNORA34 family | 17 | 43603582 | 43603718 | Rat |
1334041 | Or2w1 | olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily W member 1 | 17 | 43611986 | 43612939 | Rat |
6484939 | Or2w1c | olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily W member 1C | 17 | 43650212 | 43652771 | Rat |
1564243 | Zc3h15l1 | zinc finger CCCH-type containing 15 like 1 | 17 | 43670444 | 43671788 | Rat |
1594365 | Set-ps14 | Set nuclear proto-oncogene, pseudogene 14 | 17 | 43685854 | 43702432 | Rat |
9278669 | LOC103694098 | sorbitol dehydrogenase pseudogene | 17 | 43711505 | 43713494 | Rat |
1332759 | Or2p2 | olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily P member 2 | 17 | 43739459 | 43740409 | Rat |
1560514 | Aoah | acyloxyacyl hydrolase | 17 | 43808110 | 44049458 | Rat |
11494514 | LOC108348471 | glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase pseudogene | 17 | 44006893 | 44015579 | Rat |
41212499 | LOC120098000 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 | 17 | 44109505 | 44109636 | Rat |
41326641 | Fus-ps3 | FUS RNA binding protein, pseudogene 3 | 17 | 44216333 | 44216983 | Rat |
1583590 | Hnrnpa1-ps11 | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1, pseudogene 11 | 17 | 44254321 | 44255822 | Rat |
1308182 | Elmo1 | engulfment and cell motility 1 | 17 | 44286495 | 44822668 | Rat |
41124181 | LOC120097999 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 | 17 | 44623279 | 44623407 | Rat |
1583544 | Krt18-ps6 | keratin 18, pseudogene 6 | 17 | 44988278 | 45067317 | Rat |
727906 | Gpr141 | G protein-coupled receptor 141 | 17 | 45117818 | 45180053 | Rat |
7675350 | Gpr141-ps1 | G protein-coupled receptor 141 | 17 | 45201573 | 45205489 | Rat |
735069 | Nme8 | NME/NM23 family member 8 | 17 | 45237022 | 45304948 | Rat |
621075 | Sfrp4 | secreted frizzled-related protein 4 | 17 | 45278867 | 45330806 | Rat |
1359161 | Epdr1 | ependymin related 1 | 17 | 45333932 | 45358597 | Rat |
41350807 | LOC120098033 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 45438594 | 45438700 | Rat |
2319504 | Maip1-ps1 | matrix AAA peptidase interacting protein 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 45444081 | 45445646 | Rat |
6492103 | Rpl9-ps1 | ribosomal protein L9, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 45453377 | 45481489 | Rat |
1308633 | Stard3nl | STARD3 N-terminal like | 17 | 45583278 | 45617226 | Rat |
7503535 | Tcrg | T cell receptor gamma chain | 17 | 45622041 | 45666123 | Rat |
620274 | Amph | amphiphysin | 17 | 45739385 | 45982905 | Rat |
11501383 | LOC108353132 | HAUS augmin-like complex subunit 6 pseudogene | 17 | 45839912 | 45843776 | Rat |
40926054 | LOC120098035 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 45863760 | 45863866 | Rat |
41305259 | LOC120098006 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 | 17 | 46001609 | 46001738 | Rat |
1560511 | Vps41 | VPS41 subunit of HOPS complex | 17 | 46063132 | 46227533 | Rat |
11494167 | LOC108348563 | uncharacterized LOC108348563 | 17 | 46453844 | 46472044 | Rat |
1584652 | Pou6f2 | POU class 6 homeobox 2 | 17 | 46472182 | 46886796 | Rat |
1596717 | Tgif2-ps1 | TGFB-induced factor homeobox 2, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 46929546 | 46932278 | Rat |
9195373 | LOC103694101 | ZW10 interactor pseudogene | 17 | 46986248 | 46988591 | Rat |
1306613 | Yae1 | YAE1 maturation factor of ABCE1 | 17 | 47027033 | 47033549 | Rat |
11485636 | LOC108353144 | 60S ribosomal protein L7 pseudogene | 17 | 47066545 | 47067812 | Rat |
11437630 | Arf1-ps1 | ADP-ribosylation factor 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 47078560 | 47079282 | Rat |
619851 | Rala | RAS like proto-oncogene A | 17 | 47092163 | 47145192 | Rat |
41145206 | Pgam1-ps5 | phosphoglycerate mutase 1, pseudogene 5 | 17 | 47229962 | 47231795 | Rat |
1311226 | Cdk13 | cyclin-dependent kinase 13 | 17 | 47251145 | 47344675 | Rat |
1584365 | Mplkip | M-phase specific PLK1 interacting protein | 17 | 47373624 | 47376199 | Rat |
1308114 | Sugct | succinylCoA:glutarate-CoA transferase | 17 | 47376392 | 48234362 | Rat |
41343248 | LOC120097885 | uncharacterized LOC120097885 | 17 | 48240391 | 48249934 | Rat |
11428585 | LOC108348564 | uncharacterized LOC108348564 | 17 | 48298047 | 48320825 | Rat |
7611777 | LOC102549623 | uncharacterized LOC102549623 | 17 | 48361332 | 48408433 | Rat |
41048167 | LOC120097772 | uncharacterized LOC120097772 | 17 | 48371814 | 48414332 | Rat |
41202653 | LOC120097966 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 48509531 | 48509626 | Rat |
40990385 | LOC120097752 | uncharacterized LOC120097752 | 17 | 48735005 | 48807075 | Rat |
62074 | Inhba | inhibin subunit beta A | 17 | 49091635 | 49111573 | Rat |
620272 | Gli3 | GLI family zinc finger 3 | 17 | 49438567 | 49709712 | Rat |
40989647 | LOC120098021 | U2 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 49519635 | 49519728 | Rat |
41363120 | LOC120098015 | U2 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 49735373 | 49735527 | Rat |
1563690 | Rps6-ps4 | ribosomal protein S6, pseudogene 4 | 17 | 49765793 | 49766597 | Rat |
1334357 | Or5bf1-ps1 | olfactory receptor family 5 subfamily BF member 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 49977001 | 49977400 | Rat |
1597686 | Psme1-ps1 | proteasome activator subunit 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 50174233 | 50175012 | Rat |
6498683 | Ppia-ps2 | peptidylprolyl isomerase A, pseudogene 2 | 17 | 50267138 | 50285702 | Rat |
1596471 | Noc3l-ps1 | NOC3-like DNA replication regulator, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 50334760 | 50337072 | Rat |
1310235 | Gabpb1l | GA binding protein transcription factor, beta subunit 1-like | 17 | 50356830 | 50358810 | Rat |
2318687 | Hax1-ps1 | HCLS1 associated protein X-1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 50370650 | 50371494 | Rat |
1596446 | Hspd1-ps3 | heat shock protein family D (Hsp60) member 1, pseudogene 3 | 17 | 50459283 | 50462867 | Rat |
1308147 | C17h7orf25 | similar to human chromosome 7 open reading frame 25 | 17 | 50543231 | 50549880 | Rat |
61842 | Psma2 | proteasome 20S subunit alpha 2 | 17 | 50554536 | 50564923 | Rat |
1310541 | Mrpl32 | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L32 | 17 | 50565133 | 50568000 | Rat |
1561038 | Hecw1 | HECT, C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 | 17 | 50671239 | 51084536 | Rat |
6489142 | Rbbp4-ps2 | RB binding protein 4, chromatin remodeling factor, pseudogene 2 | 17 | 50836299 | 50838226 | Rat |
11374295 | LOC108348567 | 40S ribosomal protein S19 pseudogene | 17 | 50899169 | 50899788 | Rat |
619919 | Arid4b | AT-rich interaction domain 4B | 17 | 51138419 | 51262894 | Rat |
1359680 | Ggps1 | geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase 1 | 17 | 51263262 | 51282471 | Rat |
1305533 | Tbce | tubulin folding cofactor E | 17 | 51290143 | 51336090 | Rat |
1306946 | B3galnt2 | beta-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2 | 17 | 51334921 | 51377469 | Rat |
2318347 | Rps19l4 | ribosomal protein S19 like 4 | 17 | 51365005 | 51365544 | Rat |
621559 | Kif5b | kinesin family member 5B | 17 | 51489904 | 51527508 | Rat |
1310017 | Arhgap12 | Rho GTPase activating protein 12 | 17 | 51588810 | 51702417 | Rat |
11460862 | Rps27-ps6 | ribosomal protein S27, pseudogene 6 | 17 | 51748952 | 51750448 | Rat |
41106420 | LOC120097736 | uncharacterized LOC120097736 | 17 | 51800362 | 51841519 | Rat |
7664285 | LOC102554214 | uncharacterized LOC102554214 | 17 | 51894047 | 51899141 | Rat |
3831 | Zeb1 | zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 | 17 | 51948948 | 52116018 | Rat |
41314205 | LOC120097729 | uncharacterized LOC120097729 | 17 | 52083254 | 52087110 | Rat |
41058243 | LOC120097728 | translation initiation factor IF-2-like | 17 | 52113758 | 52192794 | Rat |
11486823 | LOC108348574 | uncharacterized LOC108348574 | 17 | 52363119 | 52426181 | Rat |
40965894 | LOC120097983 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA48 | 17 | 52384170 | 52384307 | Rat |
1307214 | Zfp438 | zinc finger protein 438 | 17 | 52426221 | 52547472 | Rat |
7504252 | Hspa8-ps1 | heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 52438746 | 52440545 | Rat |
9300452 | Ndufb3l3 | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B3 like 3 | 17 | 52499427 | 52499893 | Rat |
11509198 | LOC108348573 | uncharacterized LOC108348573 | 17 | 52582936 | 52589268 | Rat |
1306354 | Svil | supervillin | 17 | 52648502 | 52844114 | Rat |
41313920 | LOC120097826 | uncharacterized LOC120097826 | 17 | 52849186 | 52856361 | Rat |
1590169 | Rps24-ps12 | ribosomal protein S24, pseudogene 12 | 17 | 52871864 | 52872255 | Rat |
7673560 | LOC102556228 | uncharacterized LOC102556228 | 17 | 52915273 | 52931670 | Rat |
41314458 | LOC120097795 | uncharacterized LOC120097795 | 17 | 52991286 | 53030132 | Rat |
1562037 | Jcad | junctional cadherin 5 associated | 17 | 53089382 | 53130996 | Rat |
7635257 | LOC102557539 | uncharacterized LOC102557539 | 17 | 53131028 | 53133757 | Rat |
11476018 | LOC108348576 | uncharacterized LOC108348576 | 17 | 53242039 | 53263943 | Rat |
40949735 | LOC120097757 | uncharacterized LOC120097757 | 17 | 53286593 | 53305454 | Rat |
1310900 | Mtpap | mitochondrial poly(A) polymerase | 17 | 53320739 | 53341500 | Rat |
620969 | Map3k8 | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8 | 17 | 53382908 | 53403216 | Rat |
1564062 | Rpl27al1 | ribosomal protein L27A like 1 | 17 | 53503488 | 53504080 | Rat |
1559869 | Lyzl1 | lysozyme-like 1 | 17 | 53530437 | 53543877 | Rat |
41149856 | LOC120098025 | U2 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 53666519 | 53666669 | Rat |
7742134 | LOC102552678 | uncharacterized LOC102552678 | 17 | 53997088 | 54016410 | Rat |
621831 | Bambi | BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor | 17 | 54121251 | 54125816 | Rat |
1564129 | 4930596D02Rikl2 | RIKEN cDNA 4930596D02 gene like 2 | 17 | 54151572 | 54154198 | Rat |
1310644 | Cul2 | cullin 2 | 17 | 54169093 | 54210197 | Rat |
11403554 | LOC108348577 | 60S ribosomal protein L29 pseudogene | 17 | 54186312 | 54187090 | Rat |
11359972 | LOC108348578 | uncharacterized LOC108348578 | 17 | 54231399 | 54239004 | Rat |
2402 | Crem | cAMP responsive element modulator | 17 | 54238889 | 54305989 | Rat |
6498435 | Mki67-ps1 | marker of proliferation Ki-67, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 54414155 | 54415827 | Rat |
1589712 | Hdac1-ps12 | Histone deacetylase 1, pseudogene 12 | 17 | 54417450 | 54419389 | Rat |
2324280 | Epc1 | enhancer of polycomb homolog 1 | 17 | 54503358 | 54594444 | Rat |
41373608 | LOC120097886 | ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator-like | 17 | 54664871 | 54667458 | Rat |
9147085 | Fam95c | family with sequence similarity 95 member C | 17 | 54681040 | 54721106 | Rat |
41319530 | LOC120097781 | ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator-like | 17 | 54720780 | 54728358 | Rat |
41289469 | LOC120097863 | ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator-like | 17 | 54745780 | 54748331 | Rat |
7544805 | LOC102553208 | ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator-like | 17 | 54780591 | 54783184 | Rat |
1585457 | Ralgdsl8 | ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator like 8 | 17 | 54800565 | 54808145 | Rat |
1560860 | 4921524L21Rikl1 | RIKEN cDNA 4921524L21 gene like 1 | 17 | 54808184 | 54847675 | Rat |
1589711 | Rps14-ps4 | ribosomal protein S14, pseudogene 4 | 17 | 54904019 | 54904610 | Rat |
1308905 | Rab18 | RAB18, member RAS oncogene family | 17 | 54944099 | 54976093 | Rat |
1305652 | Mkx | mohawk homeobox | 17 | 55077073 | 55156877 | Rat |
1306933 | Odad2 | outer dynein arm docking complex subunit 2 | 17 | 55216877 | 55409872 | Rat |
41152666 | Ddx5-ps1 | DEAD-box helicase 5, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 55245454 | 55259642 | Rat |
1593823 | Psme1l1 | proteasome activator subunit 1 like 1 | 17 | 55297627 | 55298808 | Rat |
41151572 | LOC120098020 | U2 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 55414522 | 55414611 | Rat |
1305675 | Mpp7 | MAGUK p55 scaffold protein 7 | 17 | 55439939 | 55706810 | Rat |
41063315 | LOC120098009 | small Cajal body-specific RNA 20 | 17 | 55820358 | 55820490 | Rat |
1562407 | Wac | WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil | 17 | 55922686 | 55984286 | Rat |
1586464 | Ddx5-ps3 | DEAD-box helicase 5, pseudogene 3 | 17 | 56069278 | 56070533 | Rat |
1586445 | Hspa8-ps22 | heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8, pseudogene 22 | 17 | 56133298 | 56135340 | Rat |
1586431 | Rpl11-ps8 | ribosomal protein L11, pseudogene 8 | 17 | 56177393 | 56231616 | Rat |
41139904 | LOC120097995 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 | 17 | 56216680 | 56216814 | Rat |
1586418 | Snrpnl1 | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N like 1 | 17 | 56372096 | 56373049 | Rat |
2323728 | Snurf-ps2 | SNRPN upstream open reading frame, pseudogene 2 | 17 | 56372096 | 56373411 | Rat |
9098363 | LOC103694114 | DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 1 pseudogene | 17 | 56694365 | 56695323 | Rat |
1589709 | Nsfl1c-ps1 | NSFL1 cofactor, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 57057259 | 57058451 | Rat |
40985311 | Trnaa-agc37 | transfer RNA alanine (anticodon AGC) 37 | 17 | 57197642 | 57197722 | Rat |
1560525 | Fzd8 | frizzled class receptor 8 | 17 | 57312924 | 57320551 | Rat |
628621 | Gjd4 | gap junction protein, delta 4 | 17 | 57348844 | 57352601 | Rat |
1565969 | Ccny | cyclin Y | 17 | 57385002 | 57512860 | Rat |
6501948 | LOC100909729 | uncharacterized LOC100909729 | 17 | 57513159 | 57514759 | Rat |
9152346 | LOC103690071 | interaptin-like | 17 | 57621542 | 57900975 | Rat |
9472036 | Poted | POTE ankyrin domain family member D | 17 | 57942124 | 57975149 | Rat |
1566097 | Anlnl1 | anillin, actin binding protein-like 1 | 17 | 57985340 | 57995824 | Rat |
621272 | Lgals8 | galectin 8 | 17 | 58024652 | 58052764 | Rat |
1564769 | Heatr1 | HEAT repeat containing 1 | 17 | 58053288 | 58093895 | Rat |
1308097 | Actn2 | actinin alpha 2 | 17 | 58143334 | 58210622 | Rat |
41054517 | Trnas-aga47 | transfer RNA serine (anticodon AGA) 47 | 17 | 58191569 | 58191644 | Rat |
621283 | Mtr | 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase | 17 | 58219998 | 58308560 | Rat |
41377181 | LOC120097915 | uncharacterized LOC120097915 | 17 | 58243704 | 58247835 | Rat |
41125104 | LOC120097928 | SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily A member 5-like | 17 | 58274295 | 58278695 | Rat |
41267736 | Rps7-ps15 | ribosomal protein S7, pseudogene 15 | 17 | 58320607 | 58324029 | Rat |
620314 | Ryr2 | ryanodine receptor 2 | 17 | 58389925 | 58975641 | Rat |
41332867 | LOC120098026 | small nucleolar RNA U3 | 17 | 58422309 | 58422433 | Rat |
628708 | Zp4 | zona pellucida glycoprotein 4 | 17 | 59005649 | 59012202 | Rat |
41156892 | LOC120097906 | uncharacterized LOC120097906 | 17 | 59130719 | 59138035 | Rat |
41243501 | LOC120097813 | uncharacterized LOC120097813 | 17 | 59337582 | 59355633 | Rat |
1589973 | Nsa2-ps11 | NSA2 ribosome biogenesis factor, pseudogene 11 | 17 | 59625020 | 59625946 | Rat |
2343 | Chrm3 | cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 3 | 17 | 60005137 | 60467250 | Rat |
1303252 | Zmynd11 | zinc finger, MYND-type containing 11 | 17 | 60542669 | 60631913 | Rat |
1560155 | Dip2c | disco-interacting protein 2 homolog C | 17 | 60647346 | 61032467 | Rat |
11470481 | LOC108348621 | uncharacterized LOC108348621 | 17 | 60704709 | 60733102 | Rat |
41219403 | Adi1-ps1 | acireductone dioxygenase 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 60989273 | 60989828 | Rat |
9362362 | LOC103694116 | 60S ribosomal protein L22 pseudogene | 17 | 61084892 | 61085261 | Rat |
1310713 | Larp4b | La ribonucleoprotein 4B | 17 | 61138663 | 61217423 | Rat |
41242720 | LOC120097870 | uncharacterized LOC120097870 | 17 | 61247536 | 61263382 | Rat |
620783 | Gtpbp4 | GTP binding protein 4 | 17 | 61308033 | 61328184 | Rat |
1559783 | Idi2 | isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase 2 | 17 | 61331385 | 61334987 | Rat |
41339945 | LOC120097764 | isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase 2-like | 17 | 61338622 | 61349795 | Rat |
1564347 | Idi2l2 | isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase 2 like 2 | 17 | 61372853 | 61386459 | Rat |
7617990 | LOC102552003 | uncharacterized LOC102552003 | 17 | 61384938 | 61387088 | Rat |
9378476 | LOC103690178 | nucleolar GTP-binding protein 1-like | 17 | 61404561 | 61417990 | Rat |
9352023 | Idi2-ps1 | isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase 2, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 61420357 | 61423924 | Rat |
7740538 | LOC102550988 | isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase 2-like | 17 | 61451920 | 61457799 | Rat |
2322079 | LOC100360477 | hypothetical protein LOC100360477 | 17 | 61477037 | 61483516 | Rat |
1589708 | Eef1g-ps11 | eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma, pseudogene 11 | 17 | 61497581 | 61498918 | Rat |
7541008 | LOC102551575 | isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase 2-like | 17 | 61504294 | 61507015 | Rat |
1564999 | Idi2l3 | isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase 2 like 3 | 17 | 61518138 | 61535484 | Rat |
40959177 | Eef1g-ps8 | eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma, pseudogene 8 | 17 | 61556987 | 61562152 | Rat |
6489760 | LOC100911936 | uncharacterized LOC100911936 | 17 | 61568737 | 61578142 | Rat |
621835 | Idi1 | isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase 1 | 17 | 61629592 | 61637357 | Rat |
1306189 | Wdr37 | WD repeat domain 37 | 17 | 61637258 | 61703677 | Rat |
621519 | Adarb2 | adenosine deaminase RNA specific B2 | 17 | 61750437 | 62300984 | Rat |
7646455 | LOC102552293 | uncharacterized LOC102552293 | 17 | 61940574 | 61982314 | Rat |
2325073 | Elobl1 | elongin B like 1 | 17 | 62208966 | 62209274 | Rat |
11485055 | LOC108348614 | uncharacterized LOC108348614 | 17 | 63293556 | 63296453 | Rat |
1585155 | Moap1-ps1 | modulator of apoptosis 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 63380207 | 63381740 | Rat |
6497110 | Atp5mg-ps7 | ATP synthase membrane subunit g, pseudogene 7 | 17 | 63636387 | 63636687 | Rat |
1589707 | Mcm7-ps1 | minichromosome maintenance complex component 7, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 63662635 | 63666781 | Rat |
61893 | Pfkp | phosphofructokinase, platelet | 17 | 63729743 | 63794026 | Rat |
1310998 | Pitrm1 | pitrilysin metallopeptidase 1 | 17 | 63795670 | 63827317 | Rat |
1589706 | Zzz3-ps1 | zinc finger, ZZ-type containing 3, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 63879601 | 63881399 | Rat |
11406958 | LOC108348582 | uncharacterized LOC108348582 | 17 | 64016609 | 64037489 | Rat |
1589705 | Smarce1-ps3 | SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily e, member 1, pseudogene 3 | 17 | 64085837 | 64087092 | Rat |
1595871 | Hspa8-ps5 | heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8, pseudogene 5 | 17 | 64093959 | 64095858 | Rat |
62389 | Klf6 | KLF transcription factor 6 | 17 | 64539456 | 64548451 | Rat |
41363710 | LOC120098005 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 | 17 | 64670246 | 64670368 | Rat |
41220445 | LOC120097984 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA48 | 17 | 64695177 | 64695319 | Rat |
7686967 | LOC102554523 | uncharacterized LOC102554523 | 17 | 64831462 | 64865907 | Rat |
41200047 | LOC120097925 | uncharacterized LOC120097925 | 17 | 64947950 | 64970825 | Rat |
41048340 | LOC120097919 | uncharacterized LOC120097919 | 17 | 65553157 | 65559311 | Rat |
41044963 | LOC120098044 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 65576345 | 65576451 | Rat |
11401537 | LOC108348616 | uncharacterized LOC108348616 | 17 | 65715566 | 65723420 | Rat |
1309599 | Akr1e2 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member E2 | 17 | 65735909 | 65750441 | Rat |
41341161 | Srsf3-ps9 | serine and arginine rich splicing factor 3, pseudogene 9 | 17 | 65756567 | 65759644 | Rat |
1311841 | Akr1c2 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C2 | 17 | 65759778 | 65808013 | Rat |
1306847 | Akr1c1 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C1 | 17 | 65810474 | 65837385 | Rat |
1564865 | Akr1c3l1 | aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3-like 1 | 17 | 65847580 | 65881488 | Rat |
1559604 | Akr1c12l1 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C12-like 1 | 17 | 65937834 | 65948344 | Rat |
1589704 | Vdac1-ps6 | voltage-dependent anion channel 1, pseudogene 6 | 17 | 65954648 | 65959462 | Rat |
1308232 | Akr1c13 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C13 | 17 | 65964186 | 65997598 | Rat |
1562954 | Akr1c19 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C19 | 17 | 66001358 | 66027226 | Rat |
1359406 | Akr1c12 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C12 | 17 | 66045376 | 66061496 | Rat |
41218517 | Slc23a2-ps1 | solute carrier family 23 member 2, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 66075590 | 66082748 | Rat |
708428 | Akr1c3 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C3 | 17 | 66110970 | 66127867 | Rat |
708361 | Akr1c14 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C14 | 17 | 66156286 | 66173277 | Rat |
1307514 | Akr1c15 | aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C15 | 17 | 66181493 | 66208090 | Rat |
41155374 | LOC120097737 | uncharacterized LOC120097737 | 17 | 66207088 | 66215750 | Rat |
1562213 | Ucn3 | urocortin 3 | 17 | 66309748 | 66315996 | Rat |
1305289 | Tubal3 | tubulin, alpha-like 3 | 17 | 66323733 | 66332423 | Rat |
1305034 | Net1 | neuroepithelial cell transforming 1 | 17 | 66341251 | 66370445 | Rat |
9474191 | LOC103694125 | uncharacterized LOC103694125 | 17 | 66391048 | 66393245 | Rat |
1310047 | Calml5 | calmodulin-like 5 | 17 | 66394433 | 66395352 | Rat |
1305499 | Calml3 | calmodulin-like 3 | 17 | 66419844 | 66423083 | Rat |
41186790 | LOC120097832 | uncharacterized LOC120097832 | 17 | 66504091 | 66507987 | Rat |
1582824 | Nip7-ps15 | nucleolar pre-rRNA processing protein NIP7, pseudogene 15 | 17 | 66525395 | 66526387 | Rat |
1564088 | Rpl29-ps3 | ribosomal protein L29, pseudogene 3 | 17 | 66552468 | 66553027 | Rat |
1310387 | Asb13 | ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 13 | 17 | 66564653 | 66583365 | Rat |
1564456 | Tasor2 | transcription activation suppressor family member 2 | 17 | 66583554 | 66650127 | Rat |
61802 | Gdi2 | GDP dissociation inhibitor 2 | 17 | 66649616 | 66676299 | Rat |
41312831 | LOC120097798 | uncharacterized LOC120097798 | 17 | 66686455 | 66688084 | Rat |
41298822 | LOC120097902 | uncharacterized LOC120097902 | 17 | 66713315 | 66716474 | Rat |
41193472 | LOC120097862 | uncharacterized LOC120097862 | 17 | 66725477 | 66727913 | Rat |
1311405 | Ankrd16 | ankyrin repeat domain 16 | 17 | 66735325 | 66748533 | Rat |
1306298 | Fbh1 | F-box DNA helicase 1 | 17 | 66749506 | 66787590 | Rat |
1305149 | Il15ra | interleukin 15 receptor subunit alpha | 17 | 66802300 | 66831973 | Rat |
41401159 | Arpc5l-ps2 | actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 5-like, pseudogene 2 | 17 | 66836720 | 66837695 | Rat |
2895 | Il2ra | interleukin 2 receptor subunit alpha | 17 | 66849974 | 66898665 | Rat |
7519062 | Psmc6-ps1 | proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase 6, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 66931805 | 66937314 | Rat |
1311208 | Rbm17 | RNA binding motif protein 17 | 17 | 66937140 | 66954034 | Rat |
619776 | Pfkfb3 | 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 3 | 17 | 66983629 | 67064702 | Rat |
41387287 | LOC120098047 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 67008651 | 67008754 | Rat |
41105207 | LOC120097756 | uncharacterized LOC120097756 | 17 | 67143956 | 67148274 | Rat |
620968 | Prkcq | protein kinase C, theta | 17 | 67246394 | 67379049 | Rat |
7532113 | LOC102552793 | uncharacterized LOC102552793 | 17 | 67424844 | 67433157 | Rat |
1564416 | Hnrnpa1-ps26 | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1, pseudogene 26 | 17 | 67445414 | 67446386 | Rat |
41134540 | LOC120097974 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA68 | 17 | 67534427 | 67534557 | Rat |
6486636 | Atp5f1c-ps4 | ATP synthase F1 subunit gamma, pseudogene 4 | 17 | 67588331 | 67588976 | Rat |
11517690 | LOC108348487 | nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 2 pseudogene | 17 | 67615838 | 67621169 | Rat |
2321948 | Prmt1-ps1 | protein arginine methyltransferase 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 67625454 | 67626376 | Rat |
41360715 | LOC120097741 | uncharacterized LOC120097741 | 17 | 67680612 | 67766669 | Rat |
7578249 | LOC102552867 | uncharacterized LOC102552867 | 17 | 67680830 | 67715001 | Rat |
2321902 | Fth1-ps3 | ferritin heavy chain 1, pseudogene 3 | 17 | 67854304 | 67855385 | Rat |
1305027 | Sfmbt2 | Scm-like with four mbt domains 2 | 17 | 67934296 | 68128905 | Rat |
4888560 | Mir466d | microRNA 466d | 17 | 68003267 | 68003359 | Rat |
9685628 | Mir466c | microRNA 466c | 17 | 68017864 | 68017942 | Rat |
14398573 | Mir466b-2 | microRNA mir-466b-2 | 17 | 68032728 | 68032809 | Rat |
14398587 | Mir466b-1 | microRNA mir-466b-1 | 17 | 68035758 | 68035843 | Rat |
41260975 | LOC120097910 | uncharacterized LOC120097910 | 17 | 68154758 | 68158084 | Rat |
40950915 | LOC120097951 | uncharacterized LOC120097951 | 17 | 68237471 | 68242527 | Rat |
1591485 | Itih5 | inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 5 | 17 | 68248115 | 68352216 | Rat |
41060414 | LOC120097950 | uncharacterized LOC120097950 | 17 | 68263885 | 68273069 | Rat |
41184525 | LOC120097849 | uncharacterized LOC120097849 | 17 | 68356283 | 68360010 | Rat |
1565426 | Itih2 | inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 2 | 17 | 68375574 | 68411849 | Rat |
1596107 | Kin | Kin17 DNA and RNA binding protein | 17 | 68413483 | 68431392 | Rat |
620011 | Atp5f1c | ATP synthase F1 subunit gamma | 17 | 68423927 | 68446169 | Rat |
41303092 | LOC120097988 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 | 17 | 68428723 | 68428851 | Rat |
7541609 | LOC102546431 | uncharacterized LOC102546431 | 17 | 68442922 | 68457029 | Rat |
2324594 | Taf3 | TATA-box binding protein associated factor 3 | 17 | 68455389 | 68608367 | Rat |
41224909 | LOC120097843 | uncharacterized LOC120097843 | 17 | 68637322 | 68641249 | Rat |
621250 | Gata3 | GATA binding protein 3 | 17 | 68643760 | 68666000 | Rat |
7745365 | LOC102546657 | uncharacterized LOC102546657 | 17 | 68954810 | 68996252 | Rat |
41264459 | LOC120097778 | uncharacterized LOC120097778 | 17 | 68973146 | 69007426 | Rat |
7751577 | LOC102546763 | uncharacterized LOC102546763 | 17 | 69262510 | 69321716 | Rat |
40997098 | LOC120097918 | uncharacterized LOC120097918 | 17 | 69412170 | 69418345 | Rat |
41049176 | LOC120097994 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 | 17 | 69680517 | 69680648 | Rat |
41205386 | LOC120098030 | U4 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 69901673 | 69901783 | Rat |
41096094 | LOC120097900 | uncharacterized LOC120097900 | 17 | 69960627 | 69985753 | Rat |
2319552 | Npm1-ps16 | nucleophosmin 1, pseudogene 16 | 17 | 70784740 | 70785697 | Rat |
2319016 | Snrpe-ps2 | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E, pseudogene 2 | 17 | 70899916 | 70900190 | Rat |
68347 | Celf2 | CUGBP, Elav-like family member 2 | 17 | 70904462 | 71729072 | Rat |
41116272 | LOC120098055 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 70952628 | 70952728 | Rat |
7656762 | LOC102547255 | uncharacterized LOC102547255 | 17 | 71295758 | 71309918 | Rat |
11389928 | LOC108348587 | uncharacterized LOC108348587 | 17 | 71749634 | 71753741 | Rat |
1311786 | Usp6nl | USP6 N-terminal like | 17 | 71828433 | 71956878 | Rat |
41014789 | LOC120098050 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 71915446 | 71915547 | Rat |
9206913 | LOC103694128 | small EDRK-rich factor 2 pseudogene | 17 | 71981211 | 71981386 | Rat |
1589147 | Echdc3 | enoyl CoA hydratase domain containing 3 | 17 | 72070697 | 72093519 | Rat |
1586830 | Proser2 | proline and serine rich 2 | 17 | 72151961 | 72187524 | Rat |
1309178 | Upf2 | UPF2, regulator of nonsense mediated mRNA decay | 17 | 72224575 | 72335896 | Rat |
9084032 | LOC103694151 | cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B1 pseudogene | 17 | 72354142 | 72355238 | Rat |
1308092 | Dhtkd1 | dehydrogenase E1 and transketolase domain containing 1 | 17 | 72355201 | 72406725 | Rat |
1305948 | Sec61a2 | SEC61 translocon subunit alpha 2 | 17 | 72407574 | 72445630 | Rat |
1359284 | Nudt5 | nudix hydrolase 5 | 17 | 72435690 | 72459008 | Rat |
619766 | Cdc123 | cell division cycle 123 | 17 | 72459270 | 72503316 | Rat |
7693725 | LOC102551026 | uncharacterized LOC102551026 | 17 | 72521565 | 72528731 | Rat |
7666974 | LOC102551092 | uncharacterized LOC102551092 | 17 | 72559793 | 72562834 | Rat |
1560691 | Camk1d | calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ID | 17 | 72581899 | 72982704 | Rat |
11471276 | LOC108348589 | uncharacterized LOC108348589 | 17 | 72964025 | 72998728 | Rat |
1559473 | Ccdc3 | coiled-coil domain containing 3 | 17 | 73031891 | 73135173 | Rat |
11502719 | LOC108348590 | uncharacterized LOC108348590 | 17 | 73155791 | 73158095 | Rat |
628886 | Optn | optineurin | 17 | 73209572 | 73260251 | Rat |
1311330 | Mcm10 | minichromosome maintenance 10 replication initiation factor | 17 | 73263788 | 73288346 | Rat |
1308977 | Ucma | upper zone of growth plate and cartilage matrix associated | 17 | 73293977 | 73303709 | Rat |
620317 | Phyh | phytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase | 17 | 73329461 | 73346359 | Rat |
40936831 | LOC120097916 | uncharacterized LOC120097916 | 17 | 73347955 | 73356920 | Rat |
1311182 | Sephs1 | selenophosphate synthetase 1 | 17 | 73354435 | 73382803 | Rat |
1305898 | Bend7 | BEN domain containing 7 | 17 | 73483212 | 73566221 | Rat |
9410960 | LOC103694152 | cyclin-dependent kinases regulatory subunit 2 pseudogene | 17 | 73579772 | 73598021 | Rat |
708550 | Prpf18 | pre-mRNA processing factor 18 | 17 | 73630560 | 73661210 | Rat |
11478102 | Fbxl14-ps1 | F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 14, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 73657273 | 73659619 | Rat |
1309050 | Frmd4a | FERM domain containing 4A | 17 | 73667787 | 74258487 | Rat |
41299169 | LOC120097893 | uncharacterized LOC120097893 | 17 | 73722248 | 73725978 | Rat |
41380062 | LOC120097894 | uncharacterized LOC120097894 | 17 | 73974901 | 73981948 | Rat |
41189467 | LOC120097896 | uncharacterized LOC120097896 | 17 | 74079192 | 74091043 | Rat |
7723752 | LOC102554651 | uncharacterized LOC102554651 | 17 | 74258720 | 74261283 | Rat |
1561482 | Fam107b | family with sequence similarity 107, member B | 17 | 74478608 | 74685027 | Rat |
11474069 | LOC108348592 | uncharacterized LOC108348592 | 17 | 74581473 | 74586792 | Rat |
41145682 | LOC120097880 | uncharacterized LOC120097880 | 17 | 74605509 | 74623485 | Rat |
41239690 | LOC120097879 | uncharacterized LOC120097879 | 17 | 74663190 | 74672471 | Rat |
1307600 | Cdnf | cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor | 17 | 74714564 | 74728639 | Rat |
7640129 | Msantd7 | Myb/SANT DNA binding domain containing 7 | 17 | 74728927 | 74735527 | Rat |
1303296 | Hspa14 | heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 14 | 17 | 74728945 | 74749727 | Rat |
40957286 | LOC120097881 | uncharacterized LOC120097881 | 17 | 74744299 | 74747340 | Rat |
1306969 | Suv39h2 | SUV39H2 histone lysine methyltransferase | 17 | 74756290 | 74775332 | Rat |
708574 | Dclre1c | DNA cross-link repair 1C | 17 | 74775828 | 74810089 | Rat |
1642516 | Mt1-ps3 | metallothionein 1, pseudogene 3 | 17 | 74786652 | 74787040 | Rat |
1583655 | Meig1 | meiosis/spermiogenesis associated 1 | 17 | 74810791 | 74828433 | Rat |
41389710 | LOC120097878 | uncharacterized LOC120097878 | 17 | 74835543 | 74849584 | Rat |
1595454 | Rpl34-ps1 | ribosomal protein L34, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 74874706 | 74875132 | Rat |
621115 | Olah | oleoyl-ACP hydrolase | 17 | 74877651 | 74902517 | Rat |
1564164 | Acbd7 | acyl-CoA binding domain containing 7 | 17 | 74903936 | 74909977 | Rat |
1307474 | Rpp38 | ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p38 | 17 | 74914066 | 74917742 | Rat |
1303175 | Nmt2 | N-myristoyltransferase 2 | 17 | 74917833 | 74964788 | Rat |
40981689 | LOC120098027 | U4 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 74953614 | 74953754 | Rat |
1594172 | Fam171a1 | family with sequence similarity 171, member A1 | 17 | 75024582 | 75148348 | Rat |
621634 | Itga8 | integrin subunit alpha 8 | 17 | 75304004 | 75501510 | Rat |
40953259 | LOC120097958 | uncharacterized LOC120097958 | 17 | 75391444 | 75396471 | Rat |
40940378 | LOC120097971 | U7 small nuclear RNA | 17 | 75519643 | 75519707 | Rat |
9187604 | LOC103694135 | uncharacterized LOC103694135 | 17 | 75526475 | 75557758 | Rat |
1309605 | Mindy3 | MINDY lysine 48 deubiquitinase 3 | 17 | 75545286 | 75623884 | Rat |
11394977 | Sec61gl2 | Sec61 translocon subunit gamma like 2 | 17 | 75638449 | 75638655 | Rat |
41202623 | LOC120097970 | U7 small nuclear RNA | 17 | 75680802 | 75680865 | Rat |
7727712 | LOC102548534 | uncharacterized LOC102548534 | 17 | 75868382 | 75954711 | Rat |
7746419 | LOC102555562 | uncharacterized LOC102555562 | 17 | 76000569 | 76003218 | Rat |
11369392 | LOC108348618 | uncharacterized LOC108348618 | 17 | 76043980 | 76055239 | Rat |
61313 | Pter | phosphotriesterase related | 17 | 76058388 | 76119633 | Rat |
1591795 | C1ql3 | complement C1q like 3 | 17 | 76119344 | 76129170 | Rat |
1591781 | Rsu1 | Ras suppressor protein 1 | 17 | 76128774 | 76377515 | Rat |
68355 | Cubn | cubilin | 17 | 76385046 | 76593133 | Rat |
7525245 | LOC102550536 | uncharacterized LOC102550536 | 17 | 76582719 | 76584183 | Rat |
1306292 | Trdmt1 | tRNA aspartic acid methyltransferase 1 | 17 | 76601966 | 76646104 | Rat |
621646 | Vim | vimentin | 17 | 76668701 | 76677186 | Rat |
1303161 | St8sia6 | ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 6 | 17 | 76740755 | 76884178 | Rat |
1595507 | Hacd1 | 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 1 | 17 | 77081508 | 77106114 | Rat |
1564499 | Stam | signal transducing adaptor molecule | 17 | 77120235 | 77166173 | Rat |
1590637 | Tmem236 | transmembrane protein 236 | 17 | 77180919 | 77241258 | Rat |
1309353 | Mrc1 | mannose receptor, C type 1 | 17 | 77249187 | 77330857 | Rat |
2325483 | Mir511 | microRNA 511 | 17 | 77279415 | 77279493 | Rat |
1309305 | Slc39a12 | solute carrier family 39 member 12 | 17 | 77353761 | 77440384 | Rat |
67385 | Cacnb2 | calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 2 | 17 | 77564630 | 77910000 | Rat |
41143387 | LOC120098018 | U2 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 77748397 | 77748583 | Rat |
41353002 | Trnaa-cgc5 | transfer RNA alanine (anticodon CGC) 5 | 17 | 77821797 | 77821869 | Rat |
1309535 | Nsun6 | NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase 6 | 17 | 77912374 | 77955694 | Rat |
1305569 | Arl5b | ARF like GTPase 5B | 17 | 77955864 | 77979895 | Rat |
2320914 | Csnk1a1-ps1 | casein kinase 1, alpha 1, pseudogene 1 | 17 | 78267278 | 78267954 | Rat |
2320868 | Malrd1 | MAM and LDL receptor class A domain containing 1 | 17 | 78418819 | 79131015 | Rat |
41399030 | LOC120097989 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 | 17 | 78453837 | 78453970 | Rat |
41009648 | LOC120098039 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 78827375 | 78827481 | Rat |
1305962 | Plxdc2 | plexin domain containing 2 | 17 | 79169238 | 79594279 | Rat |
1308315 | Nebl | nebulette | 17 | 80113891 | 80466331 | Rat |
1589380 | Actb-ps3 | actin, beta, pseudogene 3 | 17 | 80526681 | 80527538 | Rat |
7693888 | LOC102553115 | uncharacterized LOC102553115 | 17 | 80618764 | 80641022 | Rat |
11360801 | LOC108353137 | uncharacterized LOC108353137 | 17 | 80785473 | 80803132 | Rat |
1588196 | Skida1 | SKI/DACH domain containing 1 | 17 | 80798241 | 80809062 | Rat |
1310874 | Mllt10 | MLLT10, histone lysine methyltransferase DOT1L cofactor | 17 | 80821870 | 80949349 | Rat |
2322144 | Dnajc1 | DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C1 | 17 | 80955209 | 81112025 | Rat |
11375075 | LOC108348596 | uncharacterized LOC108348596 | 17 | 81052945 | 81056216 | Rat |
41056436 | LOC120097882 | uncharacterized LOC120097882 | 17 | 81161882 | 81166210 | Rat |
9155296 | LOC103694155 | 60S ribosomal protein L29-like | 17 | 81242763 | 81243083 | Rat |
11483937 | Trnan-guu13 | transfer RNA asparagine (anticodon GUU) 13 | 17 | 81249930 | 81250003 | Rat |
41161195 | LOC120097883 | uncharacterized LOC120097883 | 17 | 81267255 | 81268961 | Rat |
735116 | Commd3 | COMM domain containing 3 | 17 | 81327444 | 81331191 | Rat |
1307403 | Bmi1 | BMI1 proto-oncogene, polycomb ring finger | 17 | 81332175 | 81341625 | Rat |
1305616 | Spag6 | sperm associated antigen 6 | 17 | 81352372 | 81401504 | Rat |
41291069 | LOC120097847 | uncharacterized LOC120097847 | 17 | 81463771 | 81468391 | Rat |
621708 | Pip4k2a | phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type 2 alpha | 17 | 81496669 | 81668180 | Rat |
2320114 | LOC100361451 | hypothetical LOC100361451 | 17 | 81788887 | 81839561 | Rat |
2319961 | Armc3 | armadillo repeat containing 3 | 17 | 81814087 | 81917534 | Rat |
9381442 | LOC103694139 | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3 pseudogene | 17 | 81825506 | 81826541 | Rat |
6488061 | Pimregl1 | PICALM interacting mitotic regulator like 1 | 17 | 81864207 | 81868932 | Rat |
7552804 | LOC102556079 | uncharacterized LOC102556079 | 17 | 81953294 | 81965306 | Rat |
1306026 | Msrb2 | methionine sulfoxide reductase B2 | 17 | 81974378 | 82000044 | Rat |
621709 | Ptf1a | pancreas associated transcription factor 1a | 17 | 82051281 | 82053135 | Rat |
1598031 | C17h10orf67 | similar to human chromosome 10 open reading frame 67 | 17 | 82062461 | 82174401 | Rat |
1563344 | Otud1 | OTU deubiquitinase 1 | 17 | 82259920 | 82262770 | Rat |
41020367 | G3bp1-ps3 | G3BP stress granule assembly factor 1, pseudogene 3 | 17 | 82267921 | 82282303 | Rat |
41352910 | LOC120098007 | small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 | 17 | 82293761 | 82293861 | Rat |
11407481 | LOC108348625 | uncharacterized LOC108348625 | 17 | 82422845 | 82430429 | Rat |
41301616 | Tuba1a-ps6 | tubulin, alpha 1A, pseudogene 6 | 17 | 82561852 | 82624501 | Rat |
41222033 | LOC120097744 | 60S ribosomal protein L37-like | 17 | 82653507 | 82654862 | Rat |
41197928 | LOC120098053 | U6 spliceosomal RNA | 17 | 82791311 | 82791404 | Rat |
1563437 | Etl4 | enhancer trap locus 4 | 17 | 82841075 | 83304868 | Rat |
41271402 | LOC120097745 | uncharacterized LOC120097745 | 17 | 83142679 | 83146931 | Rat |