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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

Term:EC (3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase) inhibitor
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Accession:CHEBI:50568 term browser browse the term
Definition:An EC 3.1.4.* (phosphoric diester hydrolase) inhibitor which interferes with the action of 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase (EC
Synonyms:related_synonym: 3',5'-cyclic nucleoside monophosphate phosphodiesterase inhibitor;   3',5'-cyclic nucleoside monophosphate phosphodiesterase inhibitors;   3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide 5'-nucleotidohydrolase inhibitor;   3',5'-cyclonucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitor;   3',5'-cyclonucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors;   3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitor;   3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors;   3': 5'-monophosphate phosphodiesterase (cyclic CMP) inhibitor;   3': 5'-monophosphate phosphodiesterase (cyclic CMP) inhibitors;   3':5'-cyclic nucleotide 5'-nucleotidohydrolase inhibitors;   EC (3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase) inhibitors;   EC inhibitor;   EC inhibitors;   PDE inhibitor;   PDE inhibitors;   cyclic 3',5'-mononucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitor;   cyclic 3',5'-mononucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors;   cyclic 3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitor;   cyclic 3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors;   cyclic 3',5'-phosphodiesterase inhibitor;   cyclic 3',5'-phosphodiesterase inhibitors;   cyclic 3',5-nucleotide monophosphate phosphodiesterase inhibitor;   cyclic 3',5-nucleotide monophosphate phosphodiesterase inhibitors;   cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor;   cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors;   cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitor;   cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors;   cytidine 3':5'-monophosphate phosphodiesterase (cyclic CMP) inhibitor;   cytidine 3':5'-monophosphate phosphodiesterase (cyclic CMP) inhibitors;   nucleoside 3',5'-cyclic phosphate diesterase inhibitor;   nucleoside 3',5'-cyclic phosphate diesterase inhibitors;   nucleoside-3',5-monophosphate phosphodiesterase inhibitor;   nucleoside-3',5-monophosphate phosphodiesterase inhibitors;   phosphodiesterase III inhibitor

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cilostazol term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abca1 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 1 increases expression ISO cilostazol increases expression of abca1 protein in liver
cilostazol reverses the reaction [palmitate decreases expression of abca1 protein in hepatoma cells]
RGD PMID:26362727 PMID:26362727 RGD:21408552, RGD:21408552 NCBI chr 5:72,473,676...72,596,563
Ensembl chr 5:67,681,297...67,801,170
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G Abl1 ABL proto-oncogene 1, non-receptor tyrosine kinase multiple interactions ISO [Meloxicam co-treated with Cilostazol] results in decreased expression of ABL1 protein CTD PMID:35920412 NCBI chr 3:35,377,587...35,480,843
Ensembl chr 3:14,979,853...15,083,065
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G Aifm1 apoptosis inducing factor, mitochondria associated 1 increases localization ISO cilostazol results in increased localization of AIFM1 protein CTD PMID:20131233 NCBI chr  X:132,528,107...132,567,237
Ensembl chr  X:127,650,226...127,689,256
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G Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
[Meloxicam co-treated with Cilostazol] results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]; iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]; paxilline inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]; PTEN affects the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]; PTEN affects the reaction [iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]]
cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein
CTD PMID:12807996 PMID:15978173 PMID:18556572 PMID:35920412 NCBI chr 6:137,534,810...137,555,131
Ensembl chr 6:131,713,720...131,733,921
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G Amh anti-Mullerian hormone multiple interactions EXP Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in decreased expression of AMH protein] CTD PMID:32456565 NCBI chr 7:9,557,451...9,559,867
Ensembl chr 7:8,906,836...8,909,282
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G App amyloid beta precursor protein multiple interactions
affects expression
ISO (E)-3-(2,3,4,5-tetrabromophenyl)acrylic acid inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [APP protein results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of SIRT1 protein]]; cilostazol inhibits the reaction [APP protein results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of SIRT1 protein]; KT 5720 inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [APP protein results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of SIRT1 protein]]; sirtinol inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [APP protein results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of SIRT1 protein]]
cilostazol affects the expression of APP protein
CTD PMID:24254769 NCBI chr11:37,506,207...37,724,351
Ensembl chr11:24,019,778...24,236,561
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G Atp2a2 ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 2 affects expression EXP cilostazol affects the expression of ATP2A2 mRNA; cilostazol affects the expression of ATP2A2 protein CTD PMID:18088389 NCBI chr12:39,733,519...39,782,942
Ensembl chr12:34,072,683...34,122,101
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G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator increases expression
affects expression
multiple interactions
Cilostazol results in increased expression of BAX mRNA; Cilostazol results in increased expression of BAX protein
cilostazol affects the expression of BAX protein
[Cilostazol co-treated with Meloxicam] results in increased expression of BAX mRNA; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of BAX protein]
CTD PMID:15978173 PMID:16822680 PMID:20131233 PMID:35920412 NCBI chr 1:105,076,472...105,081,906
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
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G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions
affects expression
decreases expression
cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein]
cilostazol affects the expression of BCL2 protein
cilostazol results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein
CTD PMID:15978173 PMID:16822680 PMID:20131233 NCBI chr13:23,204,464...23,366,900
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
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G Bid BH3 interacting domain death agonist multiple interactions EXP cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Nitroprusside results in decreased expression of BID protein modified form]; cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Nitroprusside results in increased cleavage of and results in increased localization of BID protein] CTD PMID:18311796 NCBI chr 4:155,785,366...155,808,775
Ensembl chr 4:154,113,198...154,134,720
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G Casp3 caspase 3 multiple interactions
increases activity
[Meloxicam co-treated with Cilostazol] results in increased activity of CASP3 protein; KT 5720 inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]
Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Nitroprusside results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]
CTD PMID:18311796 PMID:20131233 PMID:32456565 PMID:35920412 NCBI chr16:52,395,539...52,413,794
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Casp7 caspase 7 multiple interactions EXP cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Nitroprusside results in increased activity of CASP7 protein] CTD PMID:18311796 NCBI chr 1:265,442,647...265,481,938
Ensembl chr 1:255,437,172...255,476,729
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G Casp8 caspase 8 multiple interactions EXP cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Nitroprusside results in increased activity of CASP8 protein] CTD PMID:18311796 NCBI chr 9:67,747,109...67,806,699
Ensembl chr 9:60,264,075...60,312,542
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G Casp9 caspase 9 multiple interactions
increases activity
ISO [Meloxicam co-treated with Cilostazol] results in increased activity of CASP9 protein
Cilostazol results in increased activity of CASP9 protein
CTD PMID:35920412 Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626 JBrowse link
G Ccl2 C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 multiple interactions ISO cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2]; cilostazol promotes the reaction [Probucol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2]]; Probucol promotes the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2]] CTD PMID:19967051 NCBI chr10:67,503,077...67,504,875
Ensembl chr10:67,005,424...67,007,226
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G Ccna2 cyclin A2 decreases expression ISO cilostazol results in decreased expression of CCNA2 protein CTD PMID:15723965 NCBI chr 2:121,355,363...121,361,762
Ensembl chr 2:119,426,089...119,433,577
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G Cdkn1a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A increases expression ISO cilostazol results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein CTD PMID:10642304 NCBI chr20:7,150,820...7,161,373
Ensembl chr20:7,149,217...7,159,585
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G Cftr CF transmembrane conductance regulator multiple interactions
increases activity
ISO cilostazol promotes the reaction [CFTR protein affects the secretion of Chlorides]
cilostazol results in increased activity of CFTR protein
CTD PMID:12714375 NCBI chr 4:47,422,084...47,694,646
Ensembl chr 4:46,560,885...46,728,756
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G Creb1 cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]; iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]; paxilline inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]; PTEN affects the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]; PTEN affects the reaction [iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]]
cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein
CTD PMID:12807996 PMID:15978173 NCBI chr 9:73,397,333...73,466,339
Ensembl chr 9:65,903,547...65,970,816
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G Csnk2a1 casein kinase 2 alpha 1 increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
ISO cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of CSNK2A1 protein
(E)-3-(2,3,4,5-tetrabromophenyl)acrylic acid inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of CSNK2A1 protein]; CSNK2A1 protein affects the reaction [cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of SIRT1 protein]; KT 5720 inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of CSNK2A1 protein]
CTD PMID:24254769 NCBI chr 3:161,170,295...161,217,073
Ensembl chr 3:140,709,991...140,756,696
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G E2f1 E2F transcription factor 1 decreases expression ISO cilostazol results in decreased expression of E2F1 protein CTD PMID:15723965 NCBI chr 3:163,524,739...163,535,563
Ensembl chr 3:143,049,478...143,075,361
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G E2f2 E2F transcription factor 2 decreases expression ISO cilostazol results in decreased expression of E2F2 protein CTD PMID:15723965 NCBI chr 5:153,682,789...153,706,087
Ensembl chr 5:148,399,642...148,421,217
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G Ep300 E1A binding protein p300 affects expression
multiple interactions
ISO cilostazol affects the expression of EP300 protein
(E)-3-(2,3,4,5-tetrabromophenyl)acrylic acid inhibits the reaction [cilostazol affects the expression of EP300 protein]; KT 5720 inhibits the reaction [cilostazol affects the expression of EP300 protein]; SIRT1 protein affects the reaction [cilostazol affects the expression of EP300 protein]; sirtinol inhibits the reaction [cilostazol affects the expression of EP300 protein]
CTD PMID:24254769 NCBI chr 7:114,987,857...115,058,652
Ensembl chr 7:113,106,247...113,136,088
Ensembl chr 7:113,106,247...113,136,088
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G Fshb follicle stimulating hormone subunit beta multiple interactions EXP Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in increased expression of FSHB protein] CTD PMID:32456565 NCBI chr 3:114,003,262...114,007,072
Ensembl chr 3:93,548,560...93,552,370
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G Gsk3b glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta affects phosphorylation
multiple interactions
ISO cilostazol affects the phosphorylation of GSK3B protein
SIRT1 protein affects the reaction [cilostazol affects the phosphorylation of GSK3B protein]
CTD PMID:24254769 NCBI chr11:76,004,502...76,154,665
Ensembl chr11:62,504,316...62,648,646
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 increases response to substance
increases expression
multiple interactions
HMOX1 results in increased susceptibility to cilostazol
cilostazol results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA; cilostazol results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein
copper protoporphyrin IX inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]; HMOX1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL1B protein]]; HMOX1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL6 protein]]; HMOX1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [cilostazol results in increased activity of PPARG protein]; NFE2L2 mutant form inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]; zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]; zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]
Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in decreased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in decreased expression of HMOX1 protein]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Nitroprusside results in decreased expression of HMOX1 protein]
CTD PMID:18311796 PMID:20131233 PMID:21256160 PMID:21660147 PMID:32456565 NCBI chr19:13,452,365...13,479,823
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions
decreases expression
cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL1B protein]; HMOX1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL1B protein]]; zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL1B protein]]
Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in increased expression of IL1B mRNA]
cilostazol results in decreased expression of IL1B protein
CTD PMID:20131233 PMID:32456565 NCBI chr 3:137,030,200...137,036,581
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il4 interleukin 4 multiple interactions ISO cilostazol inhibits the reaction [4-(3-Butoxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone results in decreased expression of IL4 protein] CTD PMID:15169552 NCBI chr10:38,272,003...38,277,549
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Il5 interleukin 5 multiple interactions ISO cilostazol inhibits the reaction [4-(3-Butoxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone results in decreased expression of IL5 protein] CTD PMID:15169552 NCBI chr10:38,375,132...38,378,003
Ensembl chr10:37,874,342...37,877,213
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G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions
decreases expression
cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL6 protein]; HMOX1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL6 protein]]; zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL6 protein]]
Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA]
cilostazol results in decreased expression of IL6 protein
CTD PMID:20131233 PMID:32456565 NCBI chr 4:5,889,999...5,894,575
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Lhb luteinizing hormone subunit beta multiple interactions EXP Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in increased expression of LHB protein] CTD PMID:32456565 NCBI chr 1:105,037,457...105,038,446
Ensembl chr 1:95,900,984...95,901,972
Ensembl chr 1:95,900,984...95,901,972
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G Mapt microtubule-associated protein tau multiple interactions ISO cilostazol affects the acetylation of and affects the phosphorylation of MAPT protein; SIRT1 protein affects the reaction [cilostazol affects the acetylation of and affects the phosphorylation of MAPT protein] CTD PMID:24254769 NCBI chr10:89,638,618...89,736,108
Ensembl chr10:89,138,627...89,236,129
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G Myc MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor multiple interactions ISO [Meloxicam co-treated with Cilostazol] results in decreased expression of MYC protein CTD PMID:35920412 NCBI chr 7:95,483,105...95,488,031
Ensembl chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,630
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G Nfe2l2 NFE2 like bZIP transcription factor 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
increases response to substance
cilostazol results in increased expression of NFE2L2 protein
Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in decreased expression of NFE2L2 mRNA]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in decreased expression of NFE2L2 protein]; Verapamil promotes the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in decreased expression of NFE2L2 protein]]
NFE2L2 results in increased susceptibility to cilostazol
NFE2L2 mutant form inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]
CTD PMID:20131233 PMID:30295103 PMID:32456565 NCBI chr 3:81,001,529...81,031,165
Ensembl chr 3:60,594,242...60,621,737
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G Nfkbia NFKB inhibitor alpha increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO cilostazol results in increased expression of NFKBIA protein
zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased expression of NFKBIA protein]
CTD PMID:20131233 NCBI chr 6:78,593,844...78,597,307
Ensembl chr 6:72,858,712...72,861,941
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO cilostazol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide] CTD PMID:21256160 NCBI chr10:64,313,335...64,349,221
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Nos3 nitric oxide synthase 3 multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
ISO cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Everolimus results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein]; cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Paclitaxel results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein]; cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Sirolimus results in decreased expression of NOS3 protein]
cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of NOS3 protein
CTD PMID:18556572 PMID:19520256 NCBI chr 4:11,686,088...11,706,604
Ensembl chr 4:10,793,834...10,814,166
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G Nqo1 NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 multiple interactions EXP Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in decreased expression of NQO1 protein]; Verapamil promotes the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in decreased expression of NQO1 protein]] CTD PMID:30295103 NCBI chr19:52,205,374...52,220,267
Ensembl chr19:35,295,573...35,310,557
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G Pcna proliferating cell nuclear antigen decreases expression ISO cilostazol results in decreased expression of PCNA protein CTD PMID:15723965 NCBI chr 3:139,951,948...139,955,820
Ensembl chr 3:119,498,810...119,502,995
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G Pln phospholamban affects expression EXP cilostazol affects the expression of PLN mRNA; cilostazol affects the expression of PLN protein CTD PMID:18088389 NCBI chr20:33,166,512...33,182,241 JBrowse link
G Pparg peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma increases activity
multiple interactions
ISO cilostazol results in increased activity of PPARG protein
2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased activity of PPARG protein]; HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [cilostazol results in increased activity of PPARG protein]; zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased activity of PPARG protein]
CTD PMID:21660147 NCBI chr 4:150,095,743...150,221,104
Ensembl chr 4:148,423,194...148,548,468
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G Prkaa1 protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 1 multiple interactions ISO [Meloxicam co-treated with Cilostazol] results in increased expression of and results in increased phosphorylation of PRKAA1 protein CTD PMID:35920412 NCBI chr 2:55,967,766...56,003,450
Ensembl chr 2:54,240,137...54,275,978
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G Pten phosphatase and tensin homolog multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in increased phosphorylation of PTEN protein]; iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in increased phosphorylation of PTEN protein]]; paxilline inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in increased phosphorylation of PTEN protein]]; PTEN affects the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]; PTEN affects the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]; PTEN affects the reaction [iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]]; PTEN affects the reaction [iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]]
cilostazol results in decreased phosphorylation of PTEN protein
CTD PMID:12807996 PMID:15978173 NCBI chr 1:240,043,707...240,110,330
Ensembl chr 1:230,630,338...230,696,838
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] CTD PMID:21256160 NCBI chr13:64,714,063...64,722,320
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Rela RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit multiple interactions ISO Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of RELA protein]; zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of RELA protein]] CTD PMID:20131233 NCBI chr 1:212,354,336...212,364,815
Ensembl chr 1:202,924,945...202,935,484
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G Sirt1 sirtuin 1 multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
affects expression
increases expression
ISO cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Everolimus results in decreased expression of SIRT1 protein]; cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Paclitaxel results in decreased expression of SIRT1 protein]; cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Sirolimus results in decreased expression of SIRT1 protein]
cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of SIRT1 protein
cilostazol affects the expression of SIRT1 mRNA
(E)-3-(2,3,4,5-tetrabromophenyl)acrylic acid inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [APP protein results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of SIRT1 protein]]; cilostazol affects the expression of and affects the activity of SIRT1 protein; cilostazol inhibits the reaction [APP protein results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of SIRT1 protein]; CSNK2A1 protein affects the reaction [cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of SIRT1 protein]; KT 5720 inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [APP protein results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of SIRT1 protein]]; KT 5720 inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of SIRT1 protein]; SIRT1 protein affects the reaction [cilostazol affects the acetylation of and affects the phosphorylation of MAPT protein]; SIRT1 protein affects the reaction [cilostazol affects the expression of EP300 protein]; SIRT1 protein affects the reaction [cilostazol affects the phosphorylation of GSK3B protein]; sirtinol inhibits the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [APP protein results in decreased expression of and results in decreased activity of SIRT1 protein]]; sirtinol inhibits the reaction [cilostazol results in increased phosphorylation of SIRT1 protein]
cilostazol results in increased expression of SIRT1 protein
CTD PMID:18556572 PMID:19520256 PMID:24254769 NCBI chr20:25,305,953...25,328,000
Ensembl chr20:25,306,917...25,329,260
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G Slc22a2 solute carrier family 22 member 2 multiple interactions ISO cilostazol inhibits the reaction [SLC22A2 protein results in increased uptake of 4-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-1-methylpyridinium] CTD PMID:21599003 NCBI chr 1:50,668,817...50,711,019
Ensembl chr 1:48,121,061...48,163,268
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G Slc29a1 solute carrier family 29 member 1 multiple interactions ISO cilostazol inhibits the reaction [4-nitrobenzylthioinosine binds to SLC29A1 protein]; cilostazol inhibits the reaction [SLC29A1 protein results in increased uptake of Adenosine] CTD PMID:28041785 NCBI chr 9:22,897,099...22,911,640
Ensembl chr 9:15,399,612...15,414,203
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G Sod1 superoxide dismutase 1 multiple interactions EXP [Verapamil co-treated with Cilostazol] inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein] CTD PMID:30295103 NCBI chr11:42,942,742...42,948,399
Ensembl chr11:29,456,558...29,462,249
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions
decreases response to substance
decreases expression
[Cilostazol co-treated with Probucol] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of VCAM1]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]; Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in increased phosphorylation of PTEN protein]; Cilostazol promotes the reaction [Probucol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2]]; Cilostazol promotes the reaction [Probucol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of VCAM1]]; HMOX1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]; iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]; iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in increased phosphorylation of PTEN protein]]; paxilline inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]; paxilline inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]; paxilline inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in increased phosphorylation of PTEN protein]]; Probucol promotes the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2]]; Probucol promotes the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of VCAM1]]; PTEN affects the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]; PTEN affects the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]; PTEN affects the reaction [iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]]]; PTEN affects the reaction [iberiotoxin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF results in decreased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]]; zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [Cilostazol results in decreased susceptibility to TNF protein]
Cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Cyclophosphamide results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]
cilostazol results in decreased susceptibility to TNF protein
cilostazol inhibits the reaction [4-(3-Butoxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone results in decreased expression of TNF protein]; cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]
cilostazol results in decreased expression of TNF protein
CTD PMID:12807996 PMID:15169552 PMID:19967051 PMID:20131233 PMID:21256160 More... NCBI chr20:3,626,685...3,629,303
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
JBrowse link
G Tp53 tumor protein p53 increases expression
multiple interactions
cilostazol results in increased expression of TP53 protein
cilostazol inhibits the reaction [Nitroprusside results in increased phosphorylation of TP53 protein]
CTD PMID:10642304 PMID:18311796 NCBI chr10:54,798,871...54,810,300
Ensembl chr10:54,300,048...54,311,524
JBrowse link
G Vcam1 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 multiple interactions ISO cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of VCAM1]; cilostazol promotes the reaction [Probucol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of VCAM1]]; Probucol promotes the reaction [cilostazol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of VCAM1]] CTD PMID:19967051 NCBI chr 2:206,723,050...206,742,783
Ensembl chr 2:204,038,114...204,057,958
JBrowse link
milrinone term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Adh1c alcohol dehydrogenase 1C (class I), gamma polypeptide increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of ADH1 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 2:229,470,703...229,482,291
Ensembl chr 2:226,797,303...226,808,892
JBrowse link
G Akip1 A-kinase interacting protein 1 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of AKIP1 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 1:173,169,520...173,178,445
Ensembl chr 1:163,734,798...163,743,648
JBrowse link
G Angptl4 angiopoietin-like 4 decreases expression EXP Milrinone results in decreased expression of ANGPTL4 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 7:15,252,450...15,259,971
Ensembl chr 7:14,550,311...14,556,519
JBrowse link
G Aqp7 aquaporin 7 decreases expression EXP Milrinone results in decreased expression of AQP7 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 5:60,968,495...60,982,618
Ensembl chr 5:56,172,519...56,186,642
JBrowse link
G Aspn asporin increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of ASPN mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr17:15,286,338...15,310,567
Ensembl chr17:15,080,639...15,104,041
JBrowse link
G Bmal1 basic helix-loop-helix ARNT like 1 decreases expression EXP Milrinone results in decreased expression of BMAL1 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 1:176,766,222...176,864,741
Ensembl chr 1:167,331,633...167,430,231
JBrowse link
G Cftr CF transmembrane conductance regulator multiple interactions
increases activity
ISO Milrinone promotes the reaction [CFTR protein affects the secretion of Chlorides]
Milrinone results in increased activity of CFTR protein
CTD PMID:12714375 NCBI chr 4:47,422,084...47,694,646
Ensembl chr 4:46,560,885...46,728,756
JBrowse link
G Chtf8 chromosome transmission fidelity factor 8 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of CHTF8 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr19:51,691,776...51,702,076
Ensembl chr19:34,781,856...34,792,578
JBrowse link
G Crem cAMP responsive element modulator increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of CREM mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr17:58,932,011...59,001,160
Ensembl chr17:54,239,030...54,305,989
JBrowse link
G Crp C-reactive protein decreases expression ISO Milrinone results in decreased expression of CRP protein CTD PMID:11772795 NCBI chr13:87,694,062...87,695,978
Ensembl chr13:85,124,977...85,175,178
JBrowse link
G Csrp2 cysteine and glycine-rich protein 2 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of CSRP2 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 7:48,235,415...48,254,049
Ensembl chr 7:46,348,686...46,367,745
JBrowse link
G Cthrc1 collagen triple helix repeat containing 1 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of CTHRC1 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 7:72,007,372...72,017,654
Ensembl chr 7:70,122,474...70,132,756
JBrowse link
G Dbp D-box binding PAR bZIP transcription factor increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of DBP mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 1:105,312,256...105,317,205
Ensembl chr 1:96,175,440...96,180,745
JBrowse link
G Eif4ebp2 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 2 decreases expression EXP Milrinone results in decreased expression of EIF4EBP2 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr20:29,922,260...29,942,922
Ensembl chr20:29,382,668...29,399,946
JBrowse link
G Fam171a1 family with sequence similarity 171, member A1 decreases expression EXP Milrinone results in decreased expression of FAM171A1 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr17:79,933,742...80,057,495
Ensembl chr17:75,024,575...75,150,255
JBrowse link
G Fhl1 four and a half LIM domains 1 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of FHL1 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr  X:139,592,794...139,652,290
Ensembl chr  X:134,555,479...134,614,928
JBrowse link
G Gadd45g growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, gamma increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of GADD45G mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr17:13,528,606...13,530,351
Ensembl chr17:13,376,839...13,378,610
JBrowse link
G Gpnmb glycoprotein nmb increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of GPNMB mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 4:79,341,128...79,362,366
Ensembl chr 4:78,010,197...78,049,367
JBrowse link
G Hadh hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of HADH mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 2:222,462,049...222,504,446
Ensembl chr 2:219,787,927...219,830,353
JBrowse link
G Igkc immunoglobulin kappa constant decreases expression EXP Milrinone results in decreased expression of IGKC mRNA CTD PMID:22936366
G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions ISO Milrinone promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA] CTD PMID:21088047 NCBI chr 4:5,889,999...5,894,575
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
JBrowse link
G Kap kidney androgen regulated protein increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of KAP mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 4:168,405,981...168,409,032
Ensembl chr 4:166,674,595...166,677,639
JBrowse link
G Lyz2 lysozyme 2 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of LYZ2 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 7:54,792,715...54,798,060
Ensembl chr 7:52,906,811...52,912,106
JBrowse link
G Msi2 musashi RNA-binding protein 2 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of MSI2 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr10:73,640,960...74,007,497
Ensembl chr10:73,147,380...73,510,157
JBrowse link
G Myh7 myosin heavy chain 7 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of MYH7 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr15:32,416,525...32,439,851
Ensembl chr15:28,446,550...28,468,217
JBrowse link
G Myl1 myosin, light chain 1 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of MYL1 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 Ensembl chr 9:68,437,517...68,458,261 JBrowse link
G Noct nocturnin increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of NOCT mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 2:137,422,074...137,442,282
Ensembl chr 2:135,271,189...135,291,400
JBrowse link
G Nos1 nitric oxide synthase 1 multiple interactions ISO Milrinone inhibits the reaction [NOS1 gene mutant form results in decreased secretion of REN1 protein] CTD PMID:20651700 NCBI chr12:44,276,011...44,456,371
Ensembl chr12:38,626,714...38,710,945
JBrowse link
G Nppa natriuretic peptide A increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of NPPA mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 5:163,712,184...163,713,493
Ensembl chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
JBrowse link
G Nr4a3 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 3 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of NR4A3 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 5:67,157,141...67,198,287
Ensembl chr 5:62,361,822...62,402,733
JBrowse link
G Per2 period circadian regulator 2 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of PER2 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 9:99,454,828...99,497,069
Ensembl chr 9:92,007,296...92,049,459
JBrowse link
G Postn periostin increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of POSTN mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 2:140,677,774...140,709,304
Ensembl chr 2:138,527,696...138,559,099
JBrowse link
G Reg3b regenerating family member 3 beta increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of REG3B mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 4:112,419,776...112,423,014
Ensembl chr 4:110,861,775...110,865,015
JBrowse link
G Ren renin multiple interactions ISO Milrinone inhibits the reaction [NOS1 gene mutant form results in decreased secretion of REN1 protein] CTD PMID:20651700 NCBI chr13:47,348,312...47,359,539
Ensembl chr13:44,796,091...44,807,489
JBrowse link
G S100a4 S100 calcium-binding protein A4 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of S100A4 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 2:178,388,529...178,390,838
Ensembl chr 2:176,091,804...176,093,254
JBrowse link
G Spp1 secreted phosphoprotein 1 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of SPP1 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr14:5,613,569...5,620,695
Ensembl chr14:5,308,885...5,315,162
JBrowse link
G Thbs4 thrombospondin 4 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of THBS4 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr 2:25,718,219...25,760,345
Ensembl chr 2:23,983,158...24,026,313
JBrowse link
G Timp1 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1 increases expression EXP Milrinone results in increased expression of TIMP1 mRNA CTD PMID:22936366 NCBI chr  X:3,766,509...3,772,578
Ensembl chr  X:1,212,972...1,217,664
JBrowse link
G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions ISO Milrinone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein] CTD PMID:8937731 NCBI chr20:3,626,685...3,629,303
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19904
    role 19875
      biological role 19873
        biochemical role 19583
          enzyme inhibitor 18780
            EC 3.* (hydrolase) inhibitor 18380
              EC 3.1.* (ester hydrolase) inhibitor 14823
                EC 3.1.4.* (phosphoric diester hydrolase) inhibitor 4327
                  EC (3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase) inhibitor 88
                    cilostazol 52
                    levosimendan 0
                    milrinone + 39
                    milrinone lactate 0
paths to the root