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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

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Accession:CHEBI:28768 term browser browse the term
Definition:A monoterpene that is toluene substituted by an isopropyl group at position 4.
Synonyms:related_synonym: 1-isopropyl-4-methylbenzene;   1-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)benzene;   1-methyl-4-(propan-2-yl)benzene;   1-methyl-4-isopropylbenzene;   4-Isopropyltoluene;   4-cymene;   Cymene;   Formula=C10H14;   InChI=1S/C10H14/c1-8(2)10-6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h4-8H,1-3H3;   InChIKey=HFPZCAJZSCWRBC-UHFFFAOYSA-N;   Isopropyltoluene;   Para-cymene;   SMILES=CC(C)c1ccc(C)cc1;   p-cimene;   p-cymol;   p-isopropyltoluene;   p-methylcumene;   p-methylisopropylbenzene
 alt_id: CHEBI:10624;   CHEBI:25825
 xref: BPDB:2018;   CAS:99-87-6;   Gmelin:305912;   HMDB:HMDB0005805;   KEGG:C06575;   KNApSAcK:C00003040;   LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPR0102090014
 xref_mesh: MESH:C007210
 xref: MetaCyc:CPD-1001;   PMID:11341314;   PMID:15508832;   PMID:17826989;   PMID:19040104;   PMID:24023812;   PMID:24421258;   Reaxys:1903377;   UM-BBD_compID:c0375;   Wikipedia:P-cymene

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p-cymene term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G AHR aryl hydrocarbon receptor multiple interactions EXP 4-cymene inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]; [4-cymene co-treated with beta-pinene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with cuminol] results in increased activity of AHR protein; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol co-treated with carvacrol] inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol co-treated with carvacrol] results in increased activity of AHR protein; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol] inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol] results in increased activity of AHR protein CTD PMID:29191726 NCBI chr 7:17,298,652...17,346,147
Ensembl chr 7:16,916,359...17,346,152
JBrowse link
G CYP1A1 cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily A member 1 multiple interactions EXP 4-cymene inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased expression of CYP1A1 mRNA] CTD PMID:29191726 NCBI chr15:74,719,542...74,725,528
Ensembl chr15:74,719,542...74,725,536
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carvacrol term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ACHE acetylcholinesterase (Yt blood group) decreases activity
multiple interactions
ISO carvacrol results in decreased activity of ACHE protein
[propiconazole co-treated with carvacrol] results in decreased activity of ACHE protein
CTD PMID:29852196 NCBI chr 7:100,889,994...100,896,994
Ensembl chr 7:100,889,994...100,896,974
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G ACTA2 actin alpha 2, smooth muscle multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in increased expression of ACTA2 protein] CTD PMID:34155936 NCBI chr10:88,935,074...88,991,337
Ensembl chr10:88,934,822...88,991,339
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G ADIPOQ adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Poloxamer results in decreased secretion of ADIPOQ protein]; carvacrol promotes the reaction [Simvastatin inhibits the reaction [Poloxamer results in decreased secretion of ADIPOQ protein]] CTD PMID:29071762 NCBI chr 3:186,842,710...186,858,463
Ensembl chr 3:186,842,704...186,858,463
JBrowse link
G AHR aryl hydrocarbon receptor increases activity
multiple interactions
EXP carvacrol results in increased activity of AHR protein
[4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol co-treated with carvacrol] inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol co-treated with carvacrol] results in increased activity of AHR protein; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]
CTD PMID:29191726 NCBI chr 7:17,298,652...17,346,147
Ensembl chr 7:16,916,359...17,346,152
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G ALB albumin multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in decreased expression of ALB protein] CTD PMID:34155936 NCBI chr 4:73,404,287...73,421,482
Ensembl chr 4:73,397,114...73,421,482
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G BAX BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of BAX protein] CTD PMID:37499997 NCBI chr19:48,954,875...48,961,798
Ensembl chr19:48,954,815...48,961,798
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G BCL2 BCL2 apoptosis regulator multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein] CTD PMID:37499997 NCBI chr18:63,123,346...63,320,090
Ensembl chr18:63,123,346...63,320,128
JBrowse link
G CASP3 caspase 3 increases activity
multiple interactions
carvacrol results in increased activity of CASP3 protein
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Poloxamer results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [propiconazole results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Simvastatin promotes the reaction [Poloxamer results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]
CTD PMID:23146755 PMID:29071762 PMID:29852196 PMID:34155936 NCBI chr 4:184,627,696...184,649,447
Ensembl chr 4:184,627,696...184,650,062
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G CAT catalase multiple interactions ISO
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in decreased expression of CAT protein]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Poloxamer results in decreased activity of CAT protein]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [propiconazole results in decreased activity of CAT protein]; carvacrol promotes the reaction [Simvastatin inhibits the reaction [Poloxamer results in decreased activity of CAT protein]]
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Diethylhexyl Phthalate results in increased activity of CAT protein]
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Benzo(a)pyrene results in decreased activity of CAT protein]
CTD PMID:29019276 PMID:29071762 PMID:29852196 PMID:35521929 PMID:37499997 NCBI chr11:34,438,934...34,472,060
Ensembl chr11:34,438,934...34,472,060
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G CKM creatine kinase, M-type multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Poloxamer results in increased secretion of CKM protein]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Simvastatin results in increased secretion of CKM protein] CTD PMID:29071762 NCBI chr19:45,306,413...45,322,875
Ensembl chr19:45,306,413...45,322,875
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G CRYZ crystallin zeta multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Benzo(a)pyrene results in decreased activity of CRYZ protein] CTD PMID:29019276 NCBI chr 1:74,705,486...74,733,050
Ensembl chr 1:74,705,482...74,733,408
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G CXCL1 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1 multiple interactions ISO 2-(1,3-dimethyl-2,6-dioxo-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-7H-purin-7-yl)-N-(4-isopropylphenyl)acetamide inhibits the reaction [carvacrol inhibits the reaction [irinotecan results in increased expression of CXCL1 protein]]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [irinotecan results in increased expression of CXCL1 protein] CTD PMID:27838229 NCBI chr 4:73,869,393...73,871,308
Ensembl chr 4:73,869,393...73,871,308
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G CYP1A1 cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily A member 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased expression of CYP1A1 mRNA]
carvacrol results in increased expression of CYP1A1 mRNA
CTD PMID:29191726 NCBI chr15:74,719,542...74,725,528
Ensembl chr15:74,719,542...74,725,536
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G EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
EXP carvacrol results in increased phosphorylation of EGFR protein
KN 93 inhibits the reaction [carvacrol results in increased phosphorylation of EGFR protein]; TRPV3 protein affects the reaction [carvacrol results in increased phosphorylation of EGFR protein]
CTD PMID:32535744 NCBI chr 7:55,019,017...55,211,628
Ensembl chr 7:55,019,017...55,211,628
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G ENPP2 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in increased expression of ENPP2 protein] CTD PMID:34155936 NCBI chr 8:119,557,086...119,673,390
Ensembl chr 8:119,557,086...119,673,453
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G FSHB follicle stimulating hormone subunit beta multiple interactions ISO carvacrol affects the reaction [Streptozocin results in decreased expression of FSHB protein] CTD PMID:32153207 NCBI chr11:30,231,014...30,235,194
Ensembl chr11:30,231,014...30,235,261
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G FSHR follicle stimulating hormone receptor multiple interactions ISO carvacrol affects the reaction [Streptozocin results in decreased expression of FSHR mRNA]; carvacrol affects the reaction [Streptozocin results in decreased expression of FSHR protein] CTD PMID:32153207 NCBI chr 2:48,962,157...49,154,515
Ensembl chr 2:48,962,157...49,154,527
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G GFAP glial fibrillary acidic protein multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [propiconazole results in increased expression of GFAP protein] CTD PMID:29852196 NCBI chr17:44,903,159...44,915,500
Ensembl chr17:44,903,159...44,916,937
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G GPT glutamic--pyruvic transaminase multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in increased activity of GPT protein] CTD PMID:34155936 NCBI chr 8:144,503,068...144,507,172
Ensembl chr 8:144,502,973...144,507,174
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G GPX1 glutathione peroxidase 1 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in decreased expression of GPX1 protein] CTD PMID:37499997 NCBI chr 3:49,357,176...49,358,353
Ensembl chr 3:49,357,174...49,358,605
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G GPX4 glutathione peroxidase 4 affects binding EXP carvacrol binds to GPX4 protein CTD PMID:37499997 NCBI chr19:1,103,994...1,106,779
Ensembl chr19:1,103,982...1,106,791
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G HTR3A 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A increases activity EXP carvacrol results in increased activity of HTR3A protein CTD PMID:26456648 NCBI chr11:113,975,108...113,990,313
Ensembl chr11:113,975,075...113,990,313
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G IL1B interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions ISO
2-(1,3-dimethyl-2,6-dioxo-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-7H-purin-7-yl)-N-(4-isopropylphenyl)acetamide inhibits the reaction [carvacrol inhibits the reaction [irinotecan results in increased expression of IL1B protein]]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [irinotecan results in increased expression of IL1B protein]
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in increased expression of IL1B protein]
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Acetaminophen results in increased expression of IL1B mRNA]
CTD PMID:26801986 PMID:27838229 PMID:34155936 NCBI chr 2:112,829,751...112,836,779
Ensembl chr 2:112,829,751...112,836,816
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G INS-IGF2 INS-IGF2 readthrough multiple interactions ISO carvacrol affects the reaction [Streptozocin results in decreased expression of INS1 protein] CTD PMID:32153207 NCBI chr11:2,129,117...2,161,209
Ensembl chr11:2,132,538...2,161,209
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G LEP leptin multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Poloxamer results in increased secretion of LEP protein] CTD PMID:29071762 NCBI chr 7:128,241,278...128,257,629
Ensembl chr 7:128,241,278...128,257,629
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G LHB luteinizing hormone subunit beta multiple interactions ISO carvacrol affects the reaction [Streptozocin results in decreased expression of LHB protein] CTD PMID:32153207 NCBI chr19:49,015,980...49,019,498
Ensembl chr19:49,015,980...49,017,091
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G LHCGR luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor multiple interactions ISO carvacrol affects the reaction [Streptozocin results in decreased expression of LHCGR mRNA]; carvacrol affects the reaction [Streptozocin results in decreased expression of LHCGR protein] CTD PMID:32153207 NCBI chr 2:48,686,774...48,755,724
Ensembl chr 2:48,686,774...48,755,730
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G MB myoglobin multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Poloxamer results in increased secretion of MB protein] CTD PMID:29071762 NCBI chr22:35,606,764...35,623,354
Ensembl chr22:35,606,764...35,637,951
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G MMP3 matrix metallopeptidase 3 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in increased expression of MMP3 protein] CTD PMID:34155936 NCBI chr11:102,835,801...102,843,609
Ensembl chr11:102,835,801...102,843,609
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G MMP9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in increased expression of MMP9 protein] CTD PMID:34155936 NCBI chr20:46,008,908...46,016,561
Ensembl chr20:46,008,908...46,016,561
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G MPO myeloperoxidase multiple interactions ISO 2-(1,3-dimethyl-2,6-dioxo-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-7H-purin-7-yl)-N-(4-isopropylphenyl)acetamide inhibits the reaction [carvacrol inhibits the reaction [irinotecan results in increased activity of MPO protein]]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [irinotecan results in increased activity of MPO protein] CTD PMID:27838229 NCBI chr17:58,269,855...58,280,935
Ensembl chr17:58,269,855...58,280,935
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G NFE2L2 NFE2 like bZIP transcription factor 2 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in decreased expression of NFE2L2 protein] CTD PMID:34155936 NCBI chr 2:177,230,303...177,264,727
Ensembl chr 2:177,218,667...177,392,756
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G NFKB1 nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [irinotecan results in increased expression of NFKB1 protein]
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of NFKB1 protein]
CTD PMID:27838229 PMID:37499997 NCBI chr 4:102,501,359...102,617,302
Ensembl chr 4:102,501,330...102,617,302
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G NOS2 nitric oxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Benzo(a)pyrene results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]
CTD PMID:29019276 PMID:34155936 NCBI chr17:27,756,766...27,800,529
Ensembl chr17:27,756,766...27,800,529
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G NOX1 NADPH oxidase 1 affects binding
multiple interactions
carvacrol binds to NOX1 protein
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of NOX1 protein]
CTD PMID:37499997 NCBI chr  X:100,843,324...100,874,359
Ensembl chr  X:100,843,324...100,874,359
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G NOX4 NADPH oxidase 4 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of NOX4 protein] CTD PMID:37499997 NCBI chr11:89,324,353...89,589,557
Ensembl chr11:89,324,353...89,498,187
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G NR5A1 nuclear receptor subfamily 5 group A member 1 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol affects the reaction [Streptozocin results in decreased expression of NR5A1 mRNA]; carvacrol affects the reaction [Streptozocin results in decreased expression of NR5A1 protein] CTD PMID:32153207 NCBI chr 9:124,481,236...124,507,399
Ensembl chr 9:124,481,236...124,507,420
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G PIK3CA phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
EXP Erlotinib Hydrochloride inhibits the reaction [carvacrol results in increased phosphorylation of PIK3CA protein]; TRPV3 protein affects the reaction [carvacrol results in increased phosphorylation of PIK3CA protein] CTD PMID:32535744 NCBI chr 3:179,148,126...179,240,093
Ensembl chr 3:179,148,114...179,240,093
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G PTGS2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Benzo(a)pyrene results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Irinotecan results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [propiconazole results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]
CTD PMID:27838229 PMID:29019276 PMID:29852196 NCBI chr 1:186,671,791...186,680,423
Ensembl chr 1:186,671,791...186,680,922
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G RELA RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
EXP Erlotinib Hydrochloride inhibits the reaction [carvacrol results in increased phosphorylation of RELA protein]; TRPV3 protein affects the reaction [carvacrol results in increased phosphorylation of RELA protein] CTD PMID:32535744 NCBI chr11:65,653,601...65,663,857
Ensembl chr11:65,653,599...65,663,090
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G TGFA transforming growth factor alpha multiple interactions
increases secretion
EXP KN 93 inhibits the reaction [carvacrol results in increased secretion of TGFA protein] CTD PMID:32535744 NCBI chr 2:70,447,284...70,553,826
Ensembl chr 2:70,447,284...70,554,193
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G TGFB1 transforming growth factor beta 1 multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein] CTD PMID:34155936 NCBI chr19:41,330,323...41,353,922
Ensembl chr19:41,301,587...41,353,922
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G TNF tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions ISO
2-(1,3-dimethyl-2,6-dioxo-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-7H-purin-7-yl)-N-(4-isopropylphenyl)acetamide inhibits the reaction [carvacrol inhibits the reaction [irinotecan results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; carvacrol inhibits the reaction [irinotecan results in increased expression of TNF protein]
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Acetaminophen results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]
carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of TNF protein]
CTD PMID:26801986 PMID:27838229 PMID:37499997 NCBI chr 6:31,575,565...31,578,336
Ensembl chr 6:31,575,565...31,578,336
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G TRPA1 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily A member 1 increases activity ISO
carvacrol results in increased activity of TRPA1 protein CTD PMID:16617338 PMID:22935519 NCBI chr 8:72,021,250...72,090,010
Ensembl chr 8:72,019,917...72,075,584
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G TRPV3 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3 increases activity
affects response to substance
multiple interactions
increases response to substance
carvacrol results in increased activity of TRPV3 protein
TRPV3 protein affects the susceptibility to carvacrol
TRPV3 protein affects the reaction [carvacrol results in increased phosphorylation of EGFR protein]; TRPV3 protein affects the reaction [carvacrol results in increased phosphorylation of PIK3CA protein]; TRPV3 protein affects the reaction [carvacrol results in increased phosphorylation of RELA protein]
TRPV3 protein results in increased susceptibility to carvacrol
[carvacrol results in increased activity of TRPV3 protein] which results in increased transport of Calcium
[carvacrol binds to and results in increased activity of TRPV3 protein] which results in increased transport of Calcium; [carvacrol results in increased activity of TRPV3 protein] which results in increased transport of Calcium; carvacrol binds to and results in increased activity of TRPV3 protein; Ruthenium Red inhibits the reaction [[carvacrol binds to and results in increased activity of TRPV3 protein] which results in increased transport of Calcium]
CTD PMID:16617338 PMID:20086034 PMID:29658714 PMID:32535744 NCBI chr17:3,510,502...3,557,812
Ensembl chr17:3,510,502...3,557,812
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G TXN thioredoxin multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Thioacetamide results in increased expression of TXN protein] CTD PMID:34155936 NCBI chr 9:110,243,810...110,256,507
Ensembl chr 9:110,243,810...110,256,507
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G UGT2B15 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B15 increases metabolic processing EXP UGT2B15 protein results in increased metabolism of carvacrol CTD PMID:7835232 NCBI chr 4:68,646,597...68,670,652
Ensembl chr 4:68,646,597...68,670,652
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G XDH xanthine dehydrogenase multiple interactions ISO carvacrol inhibits the reaction [Benzo(a)pyrene results in increased activity of XDH protein] CTD PMID:29019276 NCBI chr 2:31,334,321...31,414,742
Ensembl chr 2:31,334,321...31,414,742
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tea tree oil term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G AR androgen receptor multiple interactions EXP Tea Tree Oil inhibits the reaction [Testosterone results in increased activity of AR protein] CTD PMID:31393563 NCBI chr  X:67,544,021...67,730,619
Ensembl chr  X:67,544,021...67,730,619
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G CTSD cathepsin D multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [Tea Tree Oil results in increased expression of CTSD mRNA] CTD PMID:31393563 NCBI chr11:1,752,755...1,763,927
Ensembl chr11:1,752,752...1,764,573
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G CYP4F8 cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 8 multiple interactions EXP Tea Tree Oil inhibits the reaction [Testosterone results in increased expression of CYP4F8 mRNA] CTD PMID:31393563 NCBI chr19:15,615,218...15,630,639
Ensembl chr19:15,615,218...15,630,639
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G ESR1 estrogen receptor 1 increases activity EXP Tea Tree Oil results in increased activity of ESR1 protein CTD PMID:31393563 NCBI chr 6:151,656,672...152,129,619
Ensembl chr 6:151,656,691...152,129,619
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G GREB1 growth regulating estrogen receptor binding 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [Tea Tree Oil results in increased expression of GREB1 mRNA] CTD PMID:31393563 NCBI chr 2:11,482,888...11,642,788
Ensembl chr 2:11,482,341...11,642,788
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G PGR progesterone receptor increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Tea Tree Oil results in increased expression of PGR mRNA
Fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [Tea Tree Oil results in increased expression of PGR mRNA]
CTD PMID:31393563 NCBI chr11:101,029,624...101,129,813
Ensembl chr11:101,029,624...101,129,813
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G SEC14L2 SEC14 like lipid binding 2 multiple interactions EXP Tea Tree Oil inhibits the reaction [Testosterone results in increased expression of SEC14L2 mRNA] CTD PMID:31393563 NCBI chr22:30,397,018...30,425,303
Ensembl chr22:30,396,941...30,425,303
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G UGT2B28 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B28 multiple interactions EXP Tea Tree Oil inhibits the reaction [Testosterone results in increased expression of UGT2B28 mRNA] CTD PMID:31393563 NCBI chr 4:69,280,475...69,295,050
Ensembl chr 4:69,280,475...69,295,050
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thymol term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ACP5 acid phosphatase 5, tartrate resistant multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of ACP5 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of ACP5 protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of ACP5 mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr19:11,574,660...11,578,975
Ensembl chr19:11,574,653...11,579,993
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G AHR aryl hydrocarbon receptor multiple interactions
increases activity
EXP [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol co-treated with carvacrol] inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol co-treated with carvacrol] results in increased activity of AHR protein; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol] inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol] results in increased activity of AHR protein; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]
Thymol results in increased activity of AHR protein
CTD PMID:29191726 NCBI chr 7:17,298,652...17,346,147
Ensembl chr 7:16,916,359...17,346,152
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G AIFM1 apoptosis inducing factor mitochondria associated 1 affects localization EXP Thymol affects the localization of AIFM1 protein CTD PMID:21640085 NCBI chr  X:130,129,362...130,165,841
Ensembl chr  X:130,124,666...130,165,879
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G BAX BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator increases expression
multiple interactions
Thymol results in increased expression of BAX protein
Thymol results in increased expression of BAX mRNA
Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in increased expression of BAX mRNA]
CTD PMID:21640085 PMID:34171690 NCBI chr19:48,954,875...48,961,798
Ensembl chr19:48,954,815...48,961,798
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G BCL2 BCL2 apoptosis regulator decreases expression
multiple interactions
Thymol results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein
Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of BCL2 mRNA]
CTD PMID:21640085 PMID:34171690 NCBI chr18:63,123,346...63,320,090
Ensembl chr18:63,123,346...63,320,128
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G BCL2L1 BCL2 like 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 mRNA] CTD PMID:26996544 NCBI chr20:31,664,452...31,723,963
Ensembl chr20:31,664,452...31,723,989
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G CA2 carbonic anhydrase 2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CAR2 mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 8:85,464,007...85,481,493
Ensembl chr 8:85,463,968...85,481,493
JBrowse link
G CASP3 caspase 3 increases activity
multiple interactions
Thymol results in increased activity of CASP3 protein
Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]
CTD PMID:21640085 PMID:34171690 NCBI chr 4:184,627,696...184,649,447
Ensembl chr 4:184,627,696...184,650,062
JBrowse link
G CASP8 caspase 8 increases activity
multiple interactions
Thymol results in increased activity of CASP8 protein
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of CASP8 mRNA]
CTD PMID:21640085 PMID:26996544 NCBI chr 2:201,233,463...201,287,711
Ensembl chr 2:201,233,443...201,361,836
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G CASP9 caspase 9 increases activity
multiple interactions
Thymol results in increased activity of CASP9 protein
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of CASP9 mRNA]
CTD PMID:21640085 PMID:26996544 NCBI chr 1:15,491,401...15,524,912
Ensembl chr 1:15,490,832...15,526,534
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G CAT catalase multiple interactions ISO
Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased activity of CAT protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in decreased activity of CAT protein]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Diethylhexyl Phthalate results in increased activity of CAT protein]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Dietary Fats results in decreased activity of CAT protein]
CTD PMID:26680107 PMID:26721194 PMID:34171690 PMID:35521929 NCBI chr11:34,438,934...34,472,060
Ensembl chr11:34,438,934...34,472,060
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G CTSK cathepsin K multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of CTSK mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of CTSK protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CTSK mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CTSK protein] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 1:150,796,208...150,808,260
Ensembl chr 1:150,794,880...150,809,577
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G CYP11A1 cytochrome P450 family 11 subfamily A member 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 mRNA] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr15:74,337,762...74,367,646
Ensembl chr15:74,337,759...74,367,646
JBrowse link
G CYP17A1 cytochrome P450 family 17 subfamily A member 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of CYP17A1 mRNA] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr10:102,830,531...102,837,413
Ensembl chr10:102,830,531...102,837,472
JBrowse link
G CYP19A1 cytochrome P450 family 19 subfamily A member 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr15:51,208,057...51,338,596
Ensembl chr15:51,208,057...51,338,601
JBrowse link
G CYP1A1 cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily A member 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Thymol results in increased expression of CYP1A1 mRNA
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased expression of CYP1A1 mRNA]
CTD PMID:29191726 NCBI chr15:74,719,542...74,725,528
Ensembl chr15:74,719,542...74,725,536
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G DCSTAMP dendrocyte expressed seven transmembrane protein multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of DCSTAMP mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 8:104,339,796...104,356,689
Ensembl chr 8:104,339,087...104,356,689
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G DGAT2 diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of DGAT2 mRNA] CTD PMID:36535314 NCBI chr11:75,768,778...75,801,534
Ensembl chr11:75,759,512...75,801,535
JBrowse link
G FAS Fas cell surface death receptor multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of FAS mRNA] CTD PMID:26996544 NCBI chr10:88,964,050...89,017,059
Ensembl chr10:88,953,813...89,029,605
JBrowse link
G FOS Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of FOS protein]; Thymol promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in decreased expression of FOS protein] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr14:75,278,828...75,282,230
Ensembl chr14:75,278,826...75,283,190
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G FSHB follicle stimulating hormone subunit beta multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in increased expression of FSHB protein] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr11:30,231,014...30,235,194
Ensembl chr11:30,231,014...30,235,261
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G GAB2 GRB2 associated binding protein 2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of GAB2 mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr11:78,215,293...78,417,820
Ensembl chr11:78,215,293...78,418,348
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G GABRA1 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit alpha1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol results in increased activity of [GABRG2 binds to GABRA1 binds to GABRB2] CTD PMID:11399263 NCBI chr 5:161,847,191...161,899,971
Ensembl chr 5:161,847,063...161,899,981
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G GABRB2 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit beta2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol results in increased activity of [GABRG2 binds to GABRA1 binds to GABRB2] CTD PMID:11399263 NCBI chr 5:161,288,436...161,548,404
Ensembl chr 5:161,288,429...161,549,044
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G GABRG2 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit gamma2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol results in increased activity of [GABRG2 binds to GABRA1 binds to GABRB2] CTD PMID:11399263 NCBI chr 5:162,067,465...162,155,539
Ensembl chr 5:162,000,057...162,162,977
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G GSR glutathione-disulfide reductase multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Dietary Fats results in decreased activity of GSR protein] CTD PMID:26680107 NCBI chr 8:30,678,066...30,727,846
Ensembl chr 8:30,678,066...30,727,846
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G HSD17B3 hydroxysteroid 17-beta dehydrogenase 3 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of HSD17B3 mRNA] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr 9:96,235,306...96,302,176
Ensembl chr 9:96,235,306...96,302,176
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G HSPA8 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8 multiple interactions ISO Chloroquine inhibits the reaction [Thymol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in decreased expression of HSPA8 protein]]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in decreased expression of HSPA8 protein] CTD PMID:36535314 NCBI chr11:123,057,489...123,062,462
Ensembl chr11:123,057,489...123,063,230
JBrowse link
G HTR3A 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A increases activity EXP Thymol results in increased activity of HTR3A protein CTD PMID:26456648 NCBI chr11:113,975,108...113,990,313
Ensembl chr11:113,975,075...113,990,313
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G IL10 interleukin 10 multiple interactions ISO [Thymol co-treated with Fluorouracil] results in increased expression of IL10 protein CTD PMID:34665902 NCBI chr 1:206,767,602...206,772,494
Ensembl chr 1:206,767,602...206,774,541
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G IL1B interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions ISO
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL1B protein]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Acetaminophen results in increased expression of IL1B mRNA]
CTD PMID:26801986 PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 2:112,829,751...112,836,779
Ensembl chr 2:112,829,751...112,836,816
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G IL6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of IL6 protein] CTD PMID:34665902 NCBI chr 7:22,727,200...22,731,998
Ensembl chr 7:22,725,884...22,732,002
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G LHB luteinizing hormone subunit beta multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in increased expression of LHB protein] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr19:49,015,980...49,019,498
Ensembl chr19:49,015,980...49,017,091
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G MAP1LC3A microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3 alpha multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of MAP1LC3A protein]
Thymol results in increased expression of MAP1LC3A protein
CTD PMID:36535314 NCBI chr20:34,546,844...34,560,345
Ensembl chr20:34,546,854...34,560,345
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G MITF melanocyte inducing transcription factor multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MITF mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 3:69,739,464...69,968,332
Ensembl chr 3:69,739,456...69,968,336
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G MMP9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of MMP9 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of MMP9 protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MMP9 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MMP9 protein] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr20:46,008,908...46,016,561
Ensembl chr20:46,008,908...46,016,561
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G MYC MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MYC mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 8:127,735,434...127,742,951
Ensembl chr 8:127,735,434...127,742,951
JBrowse link
G NFATC1 nuclear factor of activated T cells 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NFATC1 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NFATC1 protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of NFATC1 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of NFATC1 protein] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr18:79,395,930...79,529,323
Ensembl chr18:79,395,856...79,529,325
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G OGDH oxoglutarate dehydrogenase multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in decreased activity of OGDH protein] CTD PMID:26721194 NCBI chr 7:44,606,627...44,709,066
Ensembl chr 7:44,606,572...44,709,066
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G PCNA proliferating cell nuclear antigen multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of PCNA protein] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr20:5,114,953...5,126,622
Ensembl chr20:5,114,953...5,126,626
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G PTGS2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] CTD PMID:34665902 NCBI chr 1:186,671,791...186,680,423
Ensembl chr 1:186,671,791...186,680,922
JBrowse link
G RELA RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of RELA protein] CTD PMID:34665902 NCBI chr11:65,653,601...65,663,857
Ensembl chr11:65,653,599...65,663,090
JBrowse link
G SQSTM1 sequestosome 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of SQSTM1 protein] CTD PMID:36535314 NCBI chr 5:179,806,393...179,838,078
Ensembl chr 5:179,806,398...179,838,078
JBrowse link
G SRC SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of SRC mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr20:37,344,699...37,406,050
Ensembl chr20:37,344,685...37,406,050
JBrowse link
G SREBF1 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Dietary Fats results in increased expression of SREBF1 protein] CTD PMID:26680107 NCBI chr17:17,811,334...17,836,986
Ensembl chr17:17,810,399...17,837,002
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G STAR steroidogenic acute regulatory protein multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of STAR mRNA] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr 8:38,142,700...38,150,952
Ensembl chr 8:38,142,700...38,150,992
JBrowse link
G TGFB1 transforming growth factor beta 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Dietary Fats results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein]
CTD PMID:26680107 PMID:34665902 NCBI chr19:41,330,323...41,353,922
Ensembl chr19:41,301,587...41,353,922
JBrowse link
G TNF tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions ISO
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Acetaminophen results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of TNF protein]
CTD PMID:26801986 PMID:30048646 PMID:34665902 NCBI chr 6:31,575,565...31,578,336
Ensembl chr 6:31,575,565...31,578,336
JBrowse link
G TNFRSF11A TNF receptor superfamily member 11a multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNFRSF11A mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNFRSF11A protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of TNFRSF11A mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr18:62,325,310...62,391,288
Ensembl chr18:62,325,287...62,391,288
JBrowse link
G TNFSF11 TNF superfamily member 11 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of ACP5 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CAR2 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CTSK mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CTSK protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of DCSTAMP mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of FOS protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of GAB2 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MITF mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MMP9 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MMP9 protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MYC mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of NFATC1 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of NFATC1 protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of SRC mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of TNFRSF11A mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr13:42,562,736...42,608,013
Ensembl chr13:42,562,736...42,608,013
JBrowse link
G TRPV3 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3 increases activity ISO
Thymol results in increased activity of TRPV3 protein CTD PMID:16617338 NCBI chr17:3,510,502...3,557,812
Ensembl chr17:3,510,502...3,557,812
JBrowse link
G UGT1A1 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A1 increases glucuronidation EXP UGT1A1 protein results in increased glucuronidation of Thymol CTD PMID:14557274 NCBI chr 2:233,760,270...233,773,300
Ensembl chr 2:233,760,270...233,773,300
JBrowse link
G UGT1A10 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A10 increases glucuronidation EXP UGT1A10 protein results in increased glucuronidation of Thymol CTD PMID:14557274 NCBI chr 2:233,636,448...233,773,300
Ensembl chr 2:233,636,448...233,773,300
JBrowse link
G UGT1A7 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A7 increases glucuronidation EXP UGT1A7 protein results in increased glucuronidation of Thymol CTD PMID:14557274 NCBI chr 2:233,681,901...233,773,300
Ensembl chr 2:233,681,901...233,773,300
JBrowse link
G UGT1A8 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A8 increases glucuronidation EXP UGT1A8 protein results in increased glucuronidation of Thymol CTD PMID:14557274 NCBI chr 2:233,617,633...233,773,300
Ensembl chr 2:233,617,633...233,773,300
JBrowse link
G UGT1A9 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A9 increases glucuronidation EXP UGT1A9 protein results in increased glucuronidation of Thymol CTD PMID:14557274 NCBI chr 2:233,671,898...233,773,300
Ensembl chr 2:233,671,898...233,773,300
JBrowse link
G VEGFA vascular endothelial growth factor A multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Dietary Fats results in increased expression of VEGFA protein] CTD PMID:26680107 NCBI chr 6:43,770,211...43,786,487
Ensembl chr 6:43,770,184...43,786,487
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thymol sulfate(1-) term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ACP5 acid phosphatase 5, tartrate resistant multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of ACP5 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of ACP5 protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of ACP5 mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr19:11,574,660...11,578,975
Ensembl chr19:11,574,653...11,579,993
JBrowse link
G AHR aryl hydrocarbon receptor multiple interactions
increases activity
EXP [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol co-treated with carvacrol] inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol co-treated with carvacrol] results in increased activity of AHR protein; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol] inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]; [4-cymene co-treated with gamma-terpinene co-treated with Thymol] results in increased activity of AHR protein; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein]
Thymol results in increased activity of AHR protein
CTD PMID:29191726 NCBI chr 7:17,298,652...17,346,147
Ensembl chr 7:16,916,359...17,346,152
JBrowse link
G AIFM1 apoptosis inducing factor mitochondria associated 1 affects localization EXP Thymol affects the localization of AIFM1 protein CTD PMID:21640085 NCBI chr  X:130,129,362...130,165,841
Ensembl chr  X:130,124,666...130,165,879
JBrowse link
G BAX BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator increases expression
multiple interactions
Thymol results in increased expression of BAX protein
Thymol results in increased expression of BAX mRNA
Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in increased expression of BAX mRNA]
CTD PMID:21640085 PMID:34171690 NCBI chr19:48,954,875...48,961,798
Ensembl chr19:48,954,815...48,961,798
JBrowse link
G BCL2 BCL2 apoptosis regulator decreases expression
multiple interactions
Thymol results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein
Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of BCL2 mRNA]
CTD PMID:21640085 PMID:34171690 NCBI chr18:63,123,346...63,320,090
Ensembl chr18:63,123,346...63,320,128
JBrowse link
G BCL2L1 BCL2 like 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 mRNA] CTD PMID:26996544 NCBI chr20:31,664,452...31,723,963
Ensembl chr20:31,664,452...31,723,989
JBrowse link
G CA2 carbonic anhydrase 2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CAR2 mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 8:85,464,007...85,481,493
Ensembl chr 8:85,463,968...85,481,493
JBrowse link
G CASP3 caspase 3 increases activity
multiple interactions
Thymol results in increased activity of CASP3 protein
Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in increased expression of CASP3 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in increased expression of CASP3 protein]
CTD PMID:21640085 PMID:34171690 NCBI chr 4:184,627,696...184,649,447
Ensembl chr 4:184,627,696...184,650,062
JBrowse link
G CASP8 caspase 8 increases activity
multiple interactions
Thymol results in increased activity of CASP8 protein
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of CASP8 mRNA]
CTD PMID:21640085 PMID:26996544 NCBI chr 2:201,233,463...201,287,711
Ensembl chr 2:201,233,443...201,361,836
JBrowse link
G CASP9 caspase 9 multiple interactions
increases activity
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of CASP9 mRNA]
Thymol results in increased activity of CASP9 protein
CTD PMID:21640085 PMID:26996544 NCBI chr 1:15,491,401...15,524,912
Ensembl chr 1:15,490,832...15,526,534
JBrowse link
G CAT catalase multiple interactions ISO
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Dietary Fats results in decreased activity of CAT protein]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Diethylhexyl Phthalate results in increased activity of CAT protein]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased activity of CAT protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in decreased activity of CAT protein]
CTD PMID:26680107 PMID:26721194 PMID:34171690 PMID:35521929 NCBI chr11:34,438,934...34,472,060
Ensembl chr11:34,438,934...34,472,060
JBrowse link
G CTSK cathepsin K multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of CTSK mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of CTSK protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CTSK mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CTSK protein] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 1:150,796,208...150,808,260
Ensembl chr 1:150,794,880...150,809,577
JBrowse link
G CYP11A1 cytochrome P450 family 11 subfamily A member 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 mRNA] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr15:74,337,762...74,367,646
Ensembl chr15:74,337,759...74,367,646
JBrowse link
G CYP17A1 cytochrome P450 family 17 subfamily A member 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of CYP17A1 mRNA] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr10:102,830,531...102,837,413
Ensembl chr10:102,830,531...102,837,472
JBrowse link
G CYP19A1 cytochrome P450 family 19 subfamily A member 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr15:51,208,057...51,338,596
Ensembl chr15:51,208,057...51,338,601
JBrowse link
G CYP1A1 cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily A member 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Thymol results in increased expression of CYP1A1 mRNA
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased expression of CYP1A1 mRNA]
CTD PMID:29191726 NCBI chr15:74,719,542...74,725,528
Ensembl chr15:74,719,542...74,725,536
JBrowse link
G DCSTAMP dendrocyte expressed seven transmembrane protein multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of DCSTAMP mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 8:104,339,796...104,356,689
Ensembl chr 8:104,339,087...104,356,689
JBrowse link
G DGAT2 diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of DGAT2 mRNA] CTD PMID:36535314 NCBI chr11:75,768,778...75,801,534
Ensembl chr11:75,759,512...75,801,535
JBrowse link
G FAS Fas cell surface death receptor multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in increased expression of FAS mRNA] CTD PMID:26996544 NCBI chr10:88,964,050...89,017,059
Ensembl chr10:88,953,813...89,029,605
JBrowse link
G FOS Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of FOS protein]; Thymol promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in decreased expression of FOS protein] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr14:75,278,828...75,282,230
Ensembl chr14:75,278,826...75,283,190
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G FSHB follicle stimulating hormone subunit beta multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in increased expression of FSHB protein] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr11:30,231,014...30,235,194
Ensembl chr11:30,231,014...30,235,261
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G GAB2 GRB2 associated binding protein 2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of GAB2 mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr11:78,215,293...78,417,820
Ensembl chr11:78,215,293...78,418,348
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G GABRA1 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit alpha1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol results in increased activity of [GABRG2 binds to GABRA1 binds to GABRB2] CTD PMID:11399263 NCBI chr 5:161,847,191...161,899,971
Ensembl chr 5:161,847,063...161,899,981
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G GABRB2 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit beta2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol results in increased activity of [GABRG2 binds to GABRA1 binds to GABRB2] CTD PMID:11399263 NCBI chr 5:161,288,436...161,548,404
Ensembl chr 5:161,288,429...161,549,044
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G GABRG2 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunit gamma2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol results in increased activity of [GABRG2 binds to GABRA1 binds to GABRB2] CTD PMID:11399263 NCBI chr 5:162,067,465...162,155,539
Ensembl chr 5:162,000,057...162,162,977
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G GSR glutathione-disulfide reductase multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Dietary Fats results in decreased activity of GSR protein] CTD PMID:26680107 NCBI chr 8:30,678,066...30,727,846
Ensembl chr 8:30,678,066...30,727,846
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G HSD17B3 hydroxysteroid 17-beta dehydrogenase 3 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of HSD17B3 mRNA] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr 9:96,235,306...96,302,176
Ensembl chr 9:96,235,306...96,302,176
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G HSPA8 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8 multiple interactions ISO Chloroquine inhibits the reaction [Thymol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in decreased expression of HSPA8 protein]]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in decreased expression of HSPA8 protein] CTD PMID:36535314 NCBI chr11:123,057,489...123,062,462
Ensembl chr11:123,057,489...123,063,230
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G HTR3A 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A increases activity EXP Thymol results in increased activity of HTR3A protein CTD PMID:26456648 NCBI chr11:113,975,108...113,990,313
Ensembl chr11:113,975,075...113,990,313
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G IL10 interleukin 10 multiple interactions ISO [Thymol co-treated with Fluorouracil] results in increased expression of IL10 protein CTD PMID:34665902 NCBI chr 1:206,767,602...206,772,494
Ensembl chr 1:206,767,602...206,774,541
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G IL1B interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions ISO
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL1B protein]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Acetaminophen results in increased expression of IL1B mRNA]
CTD PMID:26801986 PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 2:112,829,751...112,836,779
Ensembl chr 2:112,829,751...112,836,816
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G IL6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of IL6 protein] CTD PMID:34665902 NCBI chr 7:22,727,200...22,731,998
Ensembl chr 7:22,725,884...22,732,002
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G LHB luteinizing hormone subunit beta multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in increased expression of LHB protein] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr19:49,015,980...49,019,498
Ensembl chr19:49,015,980...49,017,091
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G MAP1LC3A microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3 alpha multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of MAP1LC3A protein]
Thymol results in increased expression of MAP1LC3A protein
CTD PMID:36535314 NCBI chr20:34,546,844...34,560,345
Ensembl chr20:34,546,854...34,560,345
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G MITF melanocyte inducing transcription factor multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MITF mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 3:69,739,464...69,968,332
Ensembl chr 3:69,739,456...69,968,336
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G MMP9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of MMP9 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of MMP9 protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MMP9 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MMP9 protein] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr20:46,008,908...46,016,561
Ensembl chr20:46,008,908...46,016,561
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G MYC MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MYC mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr 8:127,735,434...127,742,951
Ensembl chr 8:127,735,434...127,742,951
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G NFATC1 nuclear factor of activated T cells 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NFATC1 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NFATC1 protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of NFATC1 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of NFATC1 protein] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr18:79,395,930...79,529,323
Ensembl chr18:79,395,856...79,529,325
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G OGDH oxoglutarate dehydrogenase multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Isoproterenol results in decreased activity of OGDH protein] CTD PMID:26721194 NCBI chr 7:44,606,627...44,709,066
Ensembl chr 7:44,606,572...44,709,066
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G PCNA proliferating cell nuclear antigen multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of PCNA protein] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr20:5,114,953...5,126,622
Ensembl chr20:5,114,953...5,126,626
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G PTGS2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] CTD PMID:34665902 NCBI chr 1:186,671,791...186,680,423
Ensembl chr 1:186,671,791...186,680,922
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G RELA RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of RELA protein] CTD PMID:34665902 NCBI chr11:65,653,601...65,663,857
Ensembl chr11:65,653,599...65,663,090
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G SQSTM1 sequestosome 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Ethanol results in increased expression of SQSTM1 protein] CTD PMID:36535314 NCBI chr 5:179,806,393...179,838,078
Ensembl chr 5:179,806,398...179,838,078
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G SRC SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of SRC mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr20:37,344,699...37,406,050
Ensembl chr20:37,344,685...37,406,050
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G SREBF1 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Dietary Fats results in increased expression of SREBF1 protein] CTD PMID:26680107 NCBI chr17:17,811,334...17,836,986
Ensembl chr17:17,810,399...17,837,002
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G STAR steroidogenic acute regulatory protein multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [imidacloprid results in decreased expression of STAR mRNA] CTD PMID:34171690 NCBI chr 8:38,142,700...38,150,952
Ensembl chr 8:38,142,700...38,150,992
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G TGFB1 transforming growth factor beta 1 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Dietary Fats results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein]
CTD PMID:26680107 PMID:34665902 NCBI chr19:41,330,323...41,353,922
Ensembl chr19:41,301,587...41,353,922
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G TNF tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions ISO
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Acetaminophen results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]
Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of TNF protein]
CTD PMID:26801986 PMID:30048646 PMID:34665902 NCBI chr 6:31,575,565...31,578,336
Ensembl chr 6:31,575,565...31,578,336
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G TNFRSF11A TNF receptor superfamily member 11a multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNFRSF11A mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNFRSF11A protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of TNFRSF11A mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr18:62,325,310...62,391,288
Ensembl chr18:62,325,287...62,391,288
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G TNFSF11 TNF superfamily member 11 multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of ACP5 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CAR2 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CTSK mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of CTSK protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of DCSTAMP mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of FOS protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of GAB2 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MITF mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MMP9 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MMP9 protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of MYC mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of NFATC1 mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of NFATC1 protein]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of SRC mRNA]; Thymol inhibits the reaction [TNFSF11 protein results in increased expression of TNFRSF11A mRNA] CTD PMID:30048646 NCBI chr13:42,562,736...42,608,013
Ensembl chr13:42,562,736...42,608,013
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G TRPV3 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 3 increases activity EXP
Thymol results in increased activity of TRPV3 protein CTD PMID:16617338 NCBI chr17:3,510,502...3,557,812
Ensembl chr17:3,510,502...3,557,812
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G UGT1A1 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A1 increases glucuronidation EXP UGT1A1 protein results in increased glucuronidation of Thymol CTD PMID:14557274 NCBI chr 2:233,760,270...233,773,300
Ensembl chr 2:233,760,270...233,773,300
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G UGT1A10 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A10 increases glucuronidation EXP UGT1A10 protein results in increased glucuronidation of Thymol CTD PMID:14557274 NCBI chr 2:233,636,448...233,773,300
Ensembl chr 2:233,636,448...233,773,300
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G UGT1A7 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A7 increases glucuronidation EXP UGT1A7 protein results in increased glucuronidation of Thymol CTD PMID:14557274 NCBI chr 2:233,681,901...233,773,300
Ensembl chr 2:233,681,901...233,773,300
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G UGT1A8 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A8 increases glucuronidation EXP UGT1A8 protein results in increased glucuronidation of Thymol CTD PMID:14557274 NCBI chr 2:233,617,633...233,773,300
Ensembl chr 2:233,617,633...233,773,300
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G UGT1A9 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A9 increases glucuronidation EXP UGT1A9 protein results in increased glucuronidation of Thymol CTD PMID:14557274 NCBI chr 2:233,671,898...233,773,300
Ensembl chr 2:233,671,898...233,773,300
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G VEGFA vascular endothelial growth factor A multiple interactions ISO Thymol inhibits the reaction [Dietary Fats results in increased expression of VEGFA protein] CTD PMID:26680107 NCBI chr 6:43,770,211...43,786,487
Ensembl chr 6:43,770,184...43,786,487
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 26506
    role 26329
      biological role 26308
        biochemical role 25520
          volatile oil component 8092
            p-cymene 97
              4-isopropylbenzyl alcohol 0
              carvacrol 48
              tea tree oil 8
              thymol + 57
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 26506
    subatomic particle 26482
      composite particle 26482
        hadron 26482
          baryon 26482
            nucleon 26482
              atomic nucleus 26482
                atom 26482
                  main group element atom 26220
                    p-block element atom 26220
                      carbon group element atom 25665
                        carbon group molecular entity 25665
                          organic molecular entity 25627
                            organic molecule 25371
                              organic cyclic compound 24429
                                organic aromatic compound 24025
                                  benzenoid aromatic compound 20317
                                    benzenes 20033
                                      toluenes 7375
                                        p-cymene 97
                                          4-isopropylbenzyl alcohol 0
                                          carvacrol 48
                                          tea tree oil 8
                                          thymol + 57
paths to the root