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Aldosterone signaling plays a major role in the control of blood pressure by regulating sodium reabsorption in the kidney via expression of its target genes. Aldosterone is a steroid hormone that engages the aldosterone receptor, also known as the mineralocorticoid receptor - a member of the nuclear receptor family that belongs to subfamily 3 (Nr3c2). A unique feature of this receptor is that, in addition to aldosterone, it can be bound by different steroid hormones such as other mineralocortico

Pathway Diagram:

Ariadne Genomics Inc. Hsd11b2 ---| Nr3c2 cortisol ---- Nr3c2 cortisone cortisol aldosterone aldosterone biosynthetic pathway steroid hormone biosynthetic pathway Nr3c2 target genes Hsd11b2 Nr3c2 ---> translocated Nr3c2 complex translocated Nr3c2 complex Nr3c2 aldosterone ---- Nr3c2 cortisol ---> cortisone Nr3c2 ---- Nr3c2 chaperones Nr3c2 corepressors ---- translocated Nr3c2 complex Nr3c2 coactivators ---- translocated Nr3c2 complex Nr3c2 coactivators --+> translocated Nr3c2 complex Nr3c2 corepressors ---| translocated Nr3c2 complex translocated Nr3c2 complex ---> Nr3c2 target genes Nr3c2 chaperones Nr3c2 corepressors Nr3c2 coactivators

Genes in Pathway:

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aldosterone signaling pathway term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Atp1a1 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 2:189,020,722...189,048,826
Ensembl chr 2:189,020,722...189,048,837
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G Atp1a2 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 2 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr13:84,729,597...84,754,544
Ensembl chr13:84,729,601...84,754,544
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G Atp1a3 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 3 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 1:80,572,790...80,601,936
Ensembl chr 1:80,572,796...80,601,918
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G Atp1a4 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 4 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr13:84,683,766...84,719,790
Ensembl chr13:84,683,768...84,719,687
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G Atp1b1 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr13:76,786,580...76,807,096
Ensembl chr13:76,786,578...76,807,459
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G Atp1b2 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 2 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr10:54,318,698...54,324,933
Ensembl chr10:54,318,701...54,324,933
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G Atp1b3 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 3 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 8:96,910,265...96,941,592
Ensembl chr 8:96,910,309...96,941,598
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G Atp1b4 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting family member beta 4 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr  X:117,087,284...117,108,023
Ensembl chr  X:117,057,423...117,108,020
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G Casp8ap2 caspase 8 associated protein 2 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr 5:47,014,501...47,052,276
Ensembl chr 5:47,014,667...47,052,275
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G Crebbp CREB binding protein ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr10:11,335,551...11,461,888
Ensembl chr10:11,335,953...11,461,888
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G Daxx death-domain associated protein ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr20:4,970,090...4,976,145
Ensembl chr20:4,970,092...4,975,843
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G Dhx9 DExH-box helicase 9 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr13:65,602,322...65,639,098
Ensembl chr13:65,602,323...65,639,069
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G Ell elongation factor for RNA polymerase II ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr16:18,843,775...18,891,484
Ensembl chr16:18,843,780...18,891,118
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G Faf1 Fas associated factor 1 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr 5:124,426,032...124,790,014
Ensembl chr 5:124,426,062...124,789,977
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G Fkbp4 FKBP prolyl isomerase 4 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr 4:161,703,379...161,711,833
Ensembl chr 4:161,703,379...161,711,833
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G Fkbp5 FKBP prolyl isomerase 5 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr20:6,457,207...6,575,404
Ensembl chr20:6,457,216...6,541,674
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G Fxyd2 FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 2 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 8:45,712,901...45,720,032
Ensembl chr 8:45,712,903...45,720,203
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G Fxyd4 FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 4 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 4:151,109,779...151,113,659
Ensembl chr 4:151,109,779...151,113,637
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G Hsd11b1 hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr13:104,728,539...104,798,884
Ensembl chr13:104,728,539...104,788,687
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G Hsd11b2 hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr19:33,397,656...33,402,899
Ensembl chr19:33,397,656...33,402,899
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G Hsp90aa1 heat shock protein 90 alpha family class A member 1 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr 6:129,702,376...129,707,907
Ensembl chr 6:129,702,383...129,707,268
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G Hsp90ab1 heat shock protein 90 alpha family class B member 1 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr 9:15,432,986...15,438,358
Ensembl chr 9:15,433,691...15,438,488
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G Igf1 insulin-like growth factor 1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 7:22,282,895...22,361,972
Ensembl chr 7:22,282,930...22,359,296
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G Ins1 insulin 1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,540
Ensembl chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,536
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G Ins2 insulin 2 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 1:197,843,277...197,992,522
Ensembl chr 1:197,843,281...197,864,775
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G Insr insulin receptor IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr12:1,193,193...1,330,976
Ensembl chr12:1,197,100...1,330,883
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G Irs1 insulin receptor substrate 1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 9:83,552,964...83,605,797
Ensembl chr 9:83,548,944...83,606,122
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G Irs2 insulin receptor substrate 2 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr16:78,488,249...78,512,482
Ensembl chr16:78,485,045...78,512,482
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G Irs3 insulin receptor substrate 3 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr12:19,053,148...19,055,286
Ensembl chr12:19,053,148...19,055,286
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G Irs4 insulin receptor substrate 4 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr  X:105,344,020...105,360,004 JBrowse link
G Jak2 Janus kinase 2 IMP RGD PMID:15932931 RGD:1641841 NCBI chr 1:226,995,334...227,054,381
Ensembl chr 1:226,995,334...227,054,189
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G Kcnj1 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 8:30,779,883...30,808,607
Ensembl chr 8:30,753,617...30,813,796
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G Kras KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 4:178,185,418...178,218,484 JBrowse link
G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr11:83,957,813...84,023,629
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
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G Ncoa1 nuclear receptor coactivator 1 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr 6:27,232,609...27,507,992
Ensembl chr 6:27,232,611...27,475,664
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G Ncoa2 nuclear receptor coactivator 2 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr 5:5,835,642...6,069,693
Ensembl chr 5:5,835,706...6,067,451
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G Ncor1 nuclear receptor co-repressor 1 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr10:46,999,536...47,142,294
Ensembl chr10:46,999,536...47,141,032
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G Ncor2 nuclear receptor co-repressor 2 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr12:31,466,418...31,628,319
Ensembl chr12:31,466,412...31,628,319
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G Nedd4l NEDD4 like E3 ubiquitin protein ligase IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr18:58,393,759...58,726,709
Ensembl chr18:58,393,509...58,723,137
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G Nfyc nuclear transcription factor Y subunit gamma ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr 5:134,336,802...134,405,372
Ensembl chr 5:134,336,808...134,405,377
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G Nherf2 NHERF family PDZ scaffold protein 2 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr10:13,662,461...13,672,975
Ensembl chr10:13,662,461...13,673,049
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G Nr3c2 nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2 IEA
PMID:21784126 rno:04960, RGD:7421504 NCBI chr19:30,715,634...31,059,885
Ensembl chr19:30,715,648...31,059,885
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G Pdpk1 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr10:13,105,435...13,182,664
Ensembl chr10:13,105,498...13,174,623
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G Pias1 protein inhibitor of activated STAT, 1 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr 8:63,338,150...63,451,670
Ensembl chr 8:63,338,150...63,438,905
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G Pik3ca phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit alpha IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 2:115,175,275...115,249,034
Ensembl chr 2:115,174,984...115,249,032
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G Pik3cb phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit beta IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 8:99,594,600...99,699,772
Ensembl chr 8:99,594,644...99,699,663
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G Pik3cd phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit delta IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 5:160,094,952...160,142,962
Ensembl chr 5:160,094,952...160,120,930
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G Pik3r1 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 2:32,878,942...32,963,668
Ensembl chr 2:32,882,032...32,963,631
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G Pik3r2 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 2 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr16:18,665,517...18,674,067
Ensembl chr16:18,665,457...18,674,065
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G Pik3r3 phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 3 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 5:129,700,925...129,772,591
Ensembl chr 5:129,701,229...129,772,583
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G Pik3r5 phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 5 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr10:53,132,585...53,200,663
Ensembl chr10:53,132,603...53,199,374
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G Ppargc1a PPARG coactivator 1 alpha ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr14:58,860,752...59,516,525
Ensembl chr14:58,861,144...59,512,656
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G Prkca protein kinase C, alpha IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr10:92,889,390...93,288,013
Ensembl chr10:92,894,012...93,288,012
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G Prkcb protein kinase C, beta IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 1:176,832,173...177,163,539
Ensembl chr 1:176,832,226...177,163,536
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G Prkcg protein kinase C, gamma IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 1:65,832,851...65,860,676
Ensembl chr 1:65,832,855...65,859,384
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G Ptges3 prostaglandin E synthase 3 ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr 7:490,698...507,759
Ensembl chr 7:490,656...508,084
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G Scnn1a sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit alpha IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 4:158,122,962...158,146,184
Ensembl chr 4:158,122,962...158,146,181
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G Scnn1b sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit beta IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 1:176,430,063...176,484,451
Ensembl chr 1:176,430,103...176,484,451
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G Scnn1g sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit gamma IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 1:176,304,942...176,338,816
Ensembl chr 1:176,304,942...176,338,816
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G Sfn stratifin IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 5:145,826,722...145,827,994
Ensembl chr 5:145,826,201...145,831,314
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G Sgk1 serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 1 IEA KEGG rno:04960 NCBI chr 1:22,980,257...23,098,122
Ensembl chr 1:22,980,261...23,098,283
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G Ube2i ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2I ISO RGD PMID:21784126 RGD:7421504 NCBI chr10:14,277,749...14,294,681
Ensembl chr10:69,701,618...69,702,443
Ensembl chr10:69,701,618...69,702,443
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Additional Elements in Pathway:

(includes Gene Groups, Small Molecules, Other Pathways..etc.)
Object TypePathway ObjectPathway Object Description
Functional ClassNr3c2 chaperonesaldosterone receptor chaperones
Functional ClassNr3c2 coactivatorsaldosterone receptor coactivators
Functional ClassNr3c2 corepressorsaldosterone receptor corepressors
Gene GroupNr3c2 target genesaldosterone receptor target genes

Pathway Gene Annotations

Disease Annotations Associated with Genes in the aldosterone signaling pathway
Disease TermsGene Symbols
1q24 Deletion SyndromeAtp1b1 , Dhx9
46, XY Disorders of Sex DevelopmentInsr
Abdominal ObesityHsd11b1
abdominal obesity-metabolic syndromePpargc1a
Aberrant Crypt FociMapk1 , Mapk3
Abnormal ReflexesIns1
acoustic neuromaIgf1
Acute Experimental PancreatitisKras
acute kidney failureIgf1 , Ins2 , Jak2 , Ppargc1a
Acute Liver FailureIns1 , Ins2
acute lymphoblastic leukemiaCrebbp , Kras
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, with Lymphomatous FeaturesJak2
acute myeloid leukemiaAtp1b1 , Crebbp , Jak2 , Kras , Ncoa2 , Sgk1
Acute-Phase ReactionNcor1
adenocarcinomaKras , Pik3ca
adenoid cystic carcinomaCrebbp , Kras , Pik3ca
adenomaAtp1a1 , Igf1 , Ins2 , Kras
adrenal cortical adenomaAtp1a1
Adrenal InsufficiencyScnn1b
adrenocortical carcinomaDaxx , Faf1 , Jak2 , Pik3ca
adult T-cell leukemia/lymphomaPrkcb
agammaglobulinemia 7Pik3r1
age related macular degenerationPpargc1a
Agenesis of Corpus CallosumCrebbp , Pik3ca
AIDS Dementia ComplexInsr , Irs1
AlbuminuriaIgf1 , Ins2 , Ppargc1a
alcohol dependenceFkbp5 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Nr3c2
alcohol use disorderCrebbp , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Nr3c2
alcohol withdrawal syndromeFkbp5
Alcoholic Fatty LiverFkbp5
alcoholic liver cirrhosisJak2
Alcoholic Liver DiseasesFkbp5
alcoholic neuropathyIgf1
allergic contact dermatitisHsd11b1
alternating hemiplegia of childhoodAtp1a2 , Atp1a3
Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood 1Atp1a2
Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood 2Atp1a3
Alzheimer's diseaseCrebbp , Hsp90aa1 , Igf1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3r1 , Ppargc1a , Prkcb
amyotrophic lateral sclerosisPpargc1a
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 1Crebbp
Anal Atresia, Hypospadias, and Penoscrotal InversionIrs2
anaplastic astrocytomaKras
anaplastic large cell lymphomaHsp90aa1
androgen insensitivity syndromeFkbp4
anemiaJak2 , Kras
Animal Disease ModelsKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkcg
Animal Mammary NeoplasmsIns1 , Pik3r1 , Sgk1 , Ube2i
ankylosing spondylitisJak2
anxiety disorderNcor1
apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndromeHsd11b2
appendiceal neoplasmDaxx
Arsenic PoisoningPias1
arteriovenous malformations of the brainKras
asthmaFkbp5 , Hsd11b2
ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 3Pik3r5
atherosclerosisJak2 , Ptges3
atrial heart septal defectCrebbp
Au-Kline SyndromeCrebbp
autism spectrum disorderAtp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b2 , Crebbp , Insr , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Nedd4l , Nr3c2 , Ptges3 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
autistic disorderAtp1b4 , Igf1 , Irs4 , Mapk3 , Ncor1 , Nr3c2 , Prkcb
autoimmune interstitial lung, joint, and kidney diseaseAtp1a2 , Atp1a4
autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome type 4Kras
autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxiaPrkcg
autosomal dominant dyskeratosis congenita 6Hsd11b2
autosomal dominant familial periodic feverScnn1a
autosomal dominant intellectual developmental disorder 5Daxx
autosomal dominant pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1Nr3c2
autosomal recessive chronic granulomatous disease 2Dhx9
autosomal recessive polycystic kidney diseasePik3ca
autosomal recessive pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia 14Prkcg
B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaKras
bacterial gastritisJak2
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndromePik3ca
Bartter diseaseKcnj1
Bartter disease type 2Kcnj1
basal cell carcinomaPik3ca
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromeIns1
benign familial infantile seizures 3Atp1a2
Benign Familial Neonatal Seizures, 1Atp1a3
benign neonatal seizuresAtp1a2
bipolar disorderAtp1a3 , Ins2
bladder diseaseIns2
bladder exstrophy-epispadias-cloacal exstrophy complexHsd11b1
Bloom syndromePias1
borna diseaseIgf1
Bowen's DiseasePpargc1a
Brain Hypoxia-IschemiaDaxx , Igf1
Brain InjuriesIgf1 , Jak2 , Pias1 , Ppargc1a
brain ischemiaIgf1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkca
Brain NeoplasmsPik3ca , Pik3r1
breast adenocarcinomaKras , Pik3ca
breast angiosarcomaPik3ca
breast cancerIgf1 , Insr , Kras , Mapk1 , Ncor2 , Pik3ca , Ptges3
Breast Cancer, FamilialKras , Ncor1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3
breast carcinomaNcoa1 , Pik3ca
Breast NeoplasmsHsp90aa1 , Igf1 , Insr , Kras , Ncoa1 , Ncoa2 , Ncor1 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Prkca
bronchiectasis 1Scnn1a , Scnn1b
bronchiectasis 2Scnn1a
bronchiectasis 3Scnn1g
bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinomaKras
Budd-Chiari syndromeJak2
Burkitt lymphomaPik3r1
CachexiaIgf1 , Jak2
Cancer PainJak2
Capillary Malformation-Arteriovenous Malformation 1Kras
CAPOS SyndromeAtp1a3
carcinomaKras , Pik3r1 , Sgk1 , Ube2i
cardiac amyloidosisCrebbp
cardiac arrestIns2
Cardiac ArrhythmiasAtp1b1
cardiofaciocutaneous syndromeKras
cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 1Kras
cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 2Kras
CardiomegalyAtp1a2 , Igf1 , Mapk1 , Ppargc1a , Prkca , Prkcb
cardiomyopathyInsr , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ppargc1a
Cardiovascular AbnormalitiesPik3ca
cardiovascular system diseasePpargc1a
carotid artery diseaseIgf1
Carotid Artery InjuriesIgf1 , Ppargc1a
Carpenter Syndrome 2Atp1a3
catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia 1Atp1a1
CD3epsilon deficiencyFxyd2
Cecal NeoplasmsKras
cerebellar ataxiaAtp1b2 , Prkcg
Cerebral Cavernous Malformation 4Pik3ca
Charcot-Marie-Tooth diseaseDhx9
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease axonal type 2OHsp90aa1
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease dominant intermediate CNfyc , Pik3r3
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2Pik3cd
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2A2Atp1a1
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2DDAtp1a1
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type XIrs4
Chediak-Higashi syndromeScnn1a
Chemical and Drug Induced Liver InjuryIgf1
childhood pilocytic astrocytomaMapk1
Chlamydia pneumoniaPik3cd
cholangiocarcinomaIns2 , Kras
chordoid gliomaPrkca
Chromosome 11, Partial Trisomy 11qFxyd2 , Kcnj1
chromosome 16p11.2 deletion syndrome, 593-kbMapk3
chromosome 16p11.2 duplication syndromeMapk3
chromosome 1p36 deletion syndromePik3cd
chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, distalMapk1
chromosome 9p deletion syndromeJak2
chronic kidney diseaseInsr , Ppargc1a
chronic lymphocytic leukemiaKras
chronic myelogenous leukemia, BCR-ABL1 positiveJak2 , Kras
chronic myeloid leukemiaJak2 , Kras
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseasePpargc1a
Chronobiology DisordersNcoa2
CLAPO SyndromePik3ca
clear cell adenocarcinomaDaxx
cleft palateNedd4l
Closed Head InjuriesIgf1
CLOVES syndromePik3ca , Pik3r1
cocaine abuseFkbp5 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
cocaine dependenceMapk1 , Mapk3
Cocaine-Related DisordersMapk1 , Mapk3
Cockayne syndromeIgf1
cognitive disorderIns2
Cognitive DysfunctionHsp90aa1
colitisIgf1 , Ppargc1a
colon adenocarcinomaDaxx , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3
colon cancerHsp90aa1 , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r5
colon carcinomaPik3ca
Colonic NeoplasmsKras , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2
colorectal adenocarcinomaMapk1 , Mapk3 , Ncoa2
colorectal cancerIns1 , Irs4 , Kras , Pias1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1
colorectal carcinomaJak2 , Ncoa2 , Pik3ca
Colorectal NeoplasmsCrebbp , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Pik3r3 , Prkcb
common variable immunodeficiencyAtp1b2
complex cortical dysplasia with other brain malformationsPik3ca
congenital diaphragmatic herniaIgf1 , Insr
congenital disorder of glycosylation IaIgf1
congenital disorder of glycosylation type IIeScnn1b , Scnn1g
congenital heart diseaseMapk1
congenital hypoplastic anemiaAtp1a3
congenital hypothyroidismIgf1 , Ppargc1a
congenital myasthenic syndrome 2AAtp1b2
congenital nongoitrous hypothyroidism 9Irs4
congestive heart failureAtp1a3 , Igf1 , Ins2 , Nr3c2 , Pdpk1 , Ppargc1a , Prkca , Prkcb
contact dermatitisHsp90aa1
corneal diseaseIgf1
coronary artery diseaseHsd11b1 , Irs1
Coronary DiseaseIgf1 , Irs1
coronary restenosisMapk1
coronary stenosisIgf1
Coronavirus infectious diseaseMapk1 , Mapk3
coronin-1A deficiencyMapk3
cortisone reductase deficiencyHsd11b1
cortisone reductase deficiency 2Hsd11b1
Costello syndromeKras
COVID-19Fkbp5 , Jak2 , Sgk1
Cowden syndromePik3ca
Cowden syndrome 5Pik3ca
Crohn's diseaseIgf1 , Jak2
Currarino syndromePik3ca
cutaneous leishmaniasisPik3cd
cutaneous Paget's diseasePik3ca
cystic fibrosisIgf1 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
cystic kidney diseaseIns2
Danon diseaseAtp1b4
delta beta-thalassemiaIns1 , Ins2
demyelinating diseaseIgf1 , Mapk1
depressive disorderIgf1 , Ins1 , Mapk1
developmental and epileptic encephalopathyIns1 , Ins2 , Pik3r3
developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 98Atp1a2
developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 99Atp1a3
Developmental DisabilitiesAtp1a3 , Atp1b1 , Crebbp , Mapk3 , Ncor1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r2
Developmental DiseaseNedd4l
diabetes mellitusIgf1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1
Diabetic CardiomyopathiesIgf1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca
Diabetic FootIgf1
diabetic ketoacidosisIns2 , Insr
Diabetic NephropathiesHsd11b1 , Igf1 , Ins2 , Irs2 , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Ppargc1a , Prkcb
diabetic neuropathyIgf1 , Insr , Sgk1
diabetic retinopathyIgf1 , Ins2 , Insr , Ppargc1a
Diamond-Blackfan anemiaAtp1a3
diaphragmatic eventrationPik3ca
Diaphragmatic HerniaIgf1
diffuse large B-cell lymphomaCrebbp , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd
DiGeorge syndromeMapk1
dilated cardiomyopathyIgf1 , Kras , Nedd4l , Nr3c2 , Ppargc1a , Prkca , Prkcb , Ube2i
disease of cellular proliferationKras , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
disease of metabolismIns2
Disease ProgressionKras , Pik3ca
Diseases of the AgedPpargc1a
Donohue syndromeInsr
Down syndromePik3ca
Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse ReactionsIgf1
Ductal CarcinomaHsp90aa1
ductal carcinoma in situPrkca
DwarfismFxyd2 , Igf1 , Kcnj1 , Mapk1
dyskeratosis congenitaAtp1b2
dystonia 12Atp1a3
early infantile epileptic encephalopathyIns1 , Ins2 , Pik3r3
EAST syndromeAtp1a2
Encephalocraniocutaneous LipomatosisKras
end stage renal diseaseIgf1 , Irs1
endometrial adenocarcinomaKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3r1
endometrial cancerPik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1
endometrial carcinomaKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ncoa1 , Ncor2 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Prkca , Sfn
endometrial hyperplasiaKras
Endometrial Hyperplasia without AtypiaKras
Endometrial Intraepithelial NeoplasiaKras
Endometrial NeoplasmsKras , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb
Endometrioid CarcinomasDaxx , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3r2
endometriosisFkbp5 , Igf1 , Kras , Ncoa1 , Ncor1 , Nedd4l , Nr3c2
EndotoxemiaIgf1 , Irs1
epidermal nevusKras , Pik3ca
epilepsyAtp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Crebbp , Kcnj1 , Nedd4l , Nherf2 , Pdpk1 , Pik3r2 , Ube2i
episodic kinesigenic dyskinesia 1Mapk3
esophageal atresiaAtp1a3 , Insr
esophageal cancerPik3ca
esophageal carcinomaJak2 , Kras , Pik3ca
Esophageal NeoplasmsSfn
esophagus adenocarcinomaPik3ca
esophagus squamous cell carcinomaAtp1b2 , Crebbp , Jak2 , Sfn
essential hypertensionAtp1b1 , Hsd11b1
essential thrombocythemiaJak2
estrogen-receptor positive breast cancerPik3ca
Experimental ArthritisIgf1 , Jak2 , Pik3cd , Ptges3
Experimental Autoimmune EncephalomyelitisIgf1 , Jak2
Experimental ColitisJak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Experimental Diabetes MellitusHsd11b1 , Hsp90aa1 , Igf1 , Ins1 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3r1 , Ppargc1a , Prkca , Prkcb
Experimental Liver CirrhosisFxyd2 , Igf1 , Ins2 , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ncor2 , Prkcb
Experimental Liver NeoplasmsInsr , Jak2 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Experimental Mammary NeoplasmsIgf1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ncoa1 , Pik3r1 , Sgk1 , Ube2i
Experimental NeoplasmsKras
Experimental Radiation InjuriesMapk1 , Mapk3
Experimental SarcomaKras
extrahepatic cholestasisMapk1 , Mapk3
Facial AsymmetryPik3ca
factor X deficiencyIrs2
Failure to ThriveScnn1a
Familial Amyloid PolyneuropathiesCrebbp
Familial Basilar MigraineAtp1a2
familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome 2Prkcg
familial erythrocytosis 1Jak2
familial erythrocytosis 2Jak2
familial hemiplegic migraineAtp1a2 , Atp1a4
familial hemiplegic migraine 2Atp1a2
familial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia 4Insr
familial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia 5Insr
familial hyperlipidemiaHsd11b1 , Irs1
familial Mediterranean feverIgf1 , Scnn1a
familial multiple nevi flammeiPik3ca
Fanconi renotubular syndrome 4Scnn1b
Female InfertilityHsp90ab1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Female Urogenital DiseasesIgf1
fetal alcohol spectrum disorderHsd11b2 , Igf1 , Nr3c2
Fetal DiseasesPrkcb
Fetal Growth RetardationHsd11b2 , Igf1 , Irs1 , Irs2 , Ppargc1a
Fetal MacrosomiaIgf1
fibrillary astrocytomaKras
focal segmental glomerulosclerosisPias1
folic acid deficiency anemiaIgf1
follicular lymphomaCrebbp
Frontotemporal Lobar DegenerationHsp90aa1
gallbladder cancerKras , Pik3ca
gallbladder carcinomaPik3ca
Gallbladder NeoplasmsKras
gastric adenocarcinomaCrebbp , Kras , Pik3ca
gastric ulcerMapk1 , Mapk3
Gastro-Enteropancreatic Neuroendocrine TumorDaxx
Gastrointestinal NeoplasmsPik3ca
gastrointestinal stromal tumorAtp1a2 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Dhx9 , Hsd11b1 , Kras
generalized dystoniaAtp1a3 , Ins2
Generalized EpilepsyAtp1a2 , Atp1a3
genetic diseaseAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Casp8ap2 , Crebbp , Daxx , Dhx9 , Ell , Faf1 , Fkbp4 , Fkbp5 , Fxyd2 , Fxyd4 , Hsd11b1 , Hsd11b2 , Hsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1 , Igf1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Irs4 , Jak2 , Kcnj1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ncoa1 , Ncoa2 , Ncor1 , Ncor2 , Nedd4l , Nfyc , Nherf2 , Nr3c2 , Pdpk1 , Pias1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Ppargc1a , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg , Ptges3 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g , Sfn , Sgk1
Genetic Predisposition to DiseaseJak2
Germ Cell and Embryonal NeoplasmsScnn1a
gestational diabetesIns2 , Insr
glioblastomaCrebbp , Kras , Ncor1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1
GliosisMapk1 , Mapk3
glucose intoleranceIns2 , Insr , Jak2 , Pik3r1 , Ppargc1a
glycogen storage disease IIPik3ca
Glycogen Storage Disease XIIMapk3
granulomatosis with polyangiitisIgf1
granulosa cell tumorSgk1
Graves ophthalmopathyIgf1
Graves' diseaseIgf1
Growth DisordersIgf1 , Jak2 , Pik3ca
head and neck cancerPik3ca
Head and Neck NeoplasmsMapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca
head and neck squamous cell carcinomaCrebbp , Igf1 , Irs1 , Mapk1 , Pik3ca
Hearing Loss, Noise-InducedIgf1
heart diseaseJak2 , Ppargc1a
heart valve diseaseJak2
Heavy Metal ToxicityDaxx
hemiplegiaAtp1a2 , Atp1a3
Hemorrhagic ShockMapk1
Henoch-Schoenlein purpuraIgf1
hepatic encephalopathyInsr
hepatocellular adenomaKras
hepatocellular carcinomaCrebbp , Igf1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Jak2 , Kras , Mapk1 , Ncoa2 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Sfn
hereditary ataxiaPrkcg
hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndromeJak2 , Kras
hereditary diffuse gastric cancerKras
Hereditary Neoplastic SyndromesPik3ca
heroin dependenceFkbp5
high grade gliomaAtp1b2 , Igf1 , Kras , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3 , Prkca
Hirschsprung Disease 1Crebbp
Hirschsprung's diseaseCrebbp
Hodgkin's lymphomaKras , Mapk1
human immunodeficiency virus infectious diseaseHsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1
Huntington's diseaseCrebbp , Igf1 , Ncor1 , Ppargc1a
Hydrops FetalisKras
HyperalgesiaIgf1 , Insr , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkcb , Prkcg , Ptges3
hyperglycemiaHsd11b1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs2 , Ppargc1a , Prkcb
hyperhomocysteinemiaAtp1a1 , Atp1a2
hyperinsulinismIns2 , Insr , Irs1
Hyperphosphatemic Familial Tumoral Calcinosis 1Fkbp4 , Scnn1a
HyperproinsulinemiaIns1 , Ins2
hypertensionAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Fxyd2 , Hsd11b1 , Hsd11b2 , Igf1 , Ins2 , Kcnj1 , Kras , Nedd4l , Nherf2 , Pik3r1 , Prkca , Prkcb , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g , Sgk1
Hypertension, Early-Onset, Autosomal Dominant, with Severe Exacerbation in PregnancyNr3c2
HypertriglyceridemiaIns2 , Ppargc1a
hypertrophic cardiomyopathyIgf1 , Ins2
HypertrophyMapk1 , Mapk3
hyperuricemiaIns2 , Jak2
hypoglycemiaIns1 , Ins2 , Pik3r1
HypoinsulinemiaIns1 , Ins2
HypotensionIns2 , Scnn1g
hypothyroidismIgf1 , Ncoa1 , Ncor1
idiopathic generalized epilepsyCrebbp , Nherf2 , Pdpk1 , Ube2i
immune system diseasePrkcb
immunodeficiency 12Nedd4l
immunodeficiency 14Pik3cd
immunodeficiency 17Fxyd2
immunodeficiency 18Fxyd2
immunodeficiency 19Fxyd2
immunodeficiency 36Pik3r1
immunodeficiency 39Ins1 , Ins2
in situ carcinomaSfn
Infant, Newborn, DiseasesFkbp5
inflammatory bowel disease 28Fxyd2
inherited metabolic disorderHsd11b2
Insulin ResistanceAtp1a2 , Hsd11b1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Mapk3 , Pik3r1 , Ppargc1a , Prkcb
Insulin-Like Growth Factor I DeficiencyIgf1
Insulin-Resistant Diabetes Mellitus, with Acanthosis NigricansInsr
intellectual disabilityAtp1a1 , Atp1a3 , Crebbp , Fxyd2 , Igf1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Nedd4l , Pik3r2 , Prkcg
Intervertebral Disc DisplacementIgf1
Intestinal NeoplasmsPrkca
Intestinal Reperfusion InjuryJak2
Intimal HyperplasiaMapk1
intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomaHsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1 , Kras
islet cell tumorDaxx
isolated microphthalmia 3Nedd4l
isolated microphthalmia 5Fxyd2
Jacobsen SyndromeKcnj1
juvenile myelomonocytic leukemiaKras
juvenile rheumatoid arthritisKras , Mapk1
Kearns-Sayre syndromePpargc1a
kidney cancerPpargc1a
kidney diseaseIgf1 , Ins2 , Mapk1
kidney failureIns2 , Ppargc1a
Kidney NeoplasmsKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Kidney Reperfusion InjuryDaxx , Ppargc1a
Klatskin's tumorKras
Klippel-Trenaunay syndromePik3ca
Knee OsteoarthritisHsp90aa1 , Igf1
Kohlschutter-Tonz syndromeCrebbp
Kuhnt-Junius degenerationIgf1
large cell carcinomaPrkca
Laron syndromeIgf1
Leber congenital amaurosisPik3ca
Left Ventricular HypertrophyHsd11b1 , Mapk1 , Nr3c2 , Ppargc1a , Prkca , Prkcb
leukemiaDaxx , Jak2
Lewy body dementiaIns2 , Insr , Ppargc1a
Li-Fraumeni syndromeAtp1b2
Liddle syndromeScnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
Liddle Syndrome 1Scnn1b , Scnn1g
Liddle Syndrome 2Scnn1g
Liddle Syndrome 3Scnn1a
limited sclerodermaJak2
linear nevus sebaceous syndromeKras
lipoatrophic diabetes mellitusInsr
liver cancerJak2 , Pik3ca
liver cirrhosisHsd11b2 , Jak2
liver diseaseIns2
Liver InjuryJak2
Liver MetastasisDaxx
Liver NeoplasmsKras , Ncor1
Liver Reperfusion InjuryJak2
lung adenocarcinomaCrebbp , Jak2 , Kras , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Sfn
lung cancerIrs4 , Kras , Pik3ca
lung carcinomaJak2 , Kras , Pik3ca
lung diseaseIgf1 , Insr , Scnn1a , Scnn1b
Lung NeoplasmsKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca
lung non-small cell carcinomaIrs4 , Jak2 , Kras , Ncoa2 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Prkcb
lung non-squamous non-small cell carcinomaDaxx
lung oat cell carcinomaPik3ca
Lung Reperfusion InjuryCrebbp , Kras
lung sarcomatoid carcinomaKras
lung small cell carcinomaCrebbp , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
lung squamous cell carcinomaCrebbp , Kras , Pik3ca
Lymphatic MetastasisPdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Sfn
lymphoproliferative syndrome 2Scnn1a
Lynch syndromeKras
macular degenerationPpargc1a
major depressive disorderFkbp5
malignant astrocytomaKras
malignant fibrous histiocytomaPpargc1a
malignant pleural mesotheliomaNcoa2
mantle cell lymphomaPik3cd
maple syrup urine diseaseAtp1a3
Marfanoid Mental Retardation Syndrome, AutosomalAtp1a1 , Crebbp
maturity-onset diabetes of the youngIns1 , Ins2
maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 1Ins1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1
maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 10Ins1 , Ins2
medulloblastomaCrebbp , Irs2 , Pik3ca
Megalencephaly - Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica CongenitaPik3ca , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus SyndromePik3ca , Pik3r2
Megalencephaly-Polymicrogyria-Polydactyly-Hydrocephalus Syndrome 1Ell , Pik3r2
melanomaCrebbp , Kras , Mapk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Ppargc1a
Memory DisordersIns2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Menke-Hennekam SyndromeCrebbp
Menke-Hennekam Syndrome 1Crebbp
mesenteric vascular occlusionJak2
Metabolic Bone DiseasesIgf1
metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitisJak2
metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver diseaseIgf1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Jak2 , Ppargc1a , Prkca
Metabolic SyndromeHsd11b1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Ppargc1a
methylmalonic acidemia cblA typeNr3c2
Micronuclei, Chromosome-DefectiveIns2
middle cerebral artery infarctionIgf1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkcg
migraine with auraAtp1a2
mitochondrial complex III deficiency nuclear type 1Ncor1
mitochondrial complex III deficiency nuclear type 2Ncor1
morphine dependenceMapk1 , Mapk3 , Nr3c2
morphine withdrawal syndromeNr3c2
Mouth NeoplasmsKras , Pik3ca , Sfn
MPTP PoisoningIns2
mucinous cystadenocarcinomaSgk1
Mucinous CystadenomaDaxx
mucolipidosis type IVInsr
Multiple AbnormalitiesKras
multiple myelomaCrebbp , Kras , Ncor2 , Pik3ca , Pik3r2 , Sgk1
Multiple Organ FailureMapk1
multiple sclerosisHsp90ab1
muscular atrophyHsp90ab1 , Igf1 , Kras
muscular diseaseIns2
Muscular Dystrophy, AnimalPpargc1a
Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumoniaAtp1b2
myelodysplastic syndromeCrebbp , Kras
myelofibrosisJak2 , Ncor2
myeloid neoplasmJak2 , Kras
myeloid sarcomaKras
myeloproliferative neoplasmJak2
myocardial infarctionAtp1a1 , Hsd11b1 , Hsd11b2 , Igf1 , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Nr3c2 , Ppargc1a
Myocardial IschemiaAtp1a1 , Igf1 , Jak2
Myocardial Reperfusion InjuryAtp1a1 , Crebbp , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ppargc1a , Prkcb
myoclonic-atonic epilepsyAtp1a3
myoepitheliomaNr3c2 , Scnn1g
Nasal PolypsIgf1
Nasopharyngeal NeoplasmsPik3ca
nasopharynx carcinomaJak2
Native American myopathyInsr
Nematode InfectionsPik3r1
neonatal diabetesIns1 , Ins2
Neonatal HyperbilirubinemiaNcor1
Neoplasm InvasivenessIgf1 , Ins2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Neoplasm MetastasisDaxx , Hsp90aa1 , Igf1 , Jak2 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ncoa1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r3
Neoplastic Cell TransformationIrs1 , Jak2 , Kras
nephrogenic diabetes insipidusPrkca
nephronophthisis 15Fxyd2
nephrotic syndromeHsd11b2 , Jak2 , Kcnj1 , Ppargc1a , Scnn1a , Scnn1b
Nerve DegenerationIgf1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Nervous System MalformationsCrebbp
neural tube defectIns2
Neurobehavioral ManifestationsFkbp5
neuroblastomaKras , Pik3ca , Scnn1a
Neurodevelopmental DisordersCrebbp , Hsp90aa1 , Mapk3 , Pik3cd , Pik3r1
neuroendocrine tumorDaxx
neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosisIns1 , Ins2 , Pias1
neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 1Ppargc1a
neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 6AMapk1 , Mapk3
Niemann-Pick disease type C1Jak2
non-Hodgkin lymphomaPik3ca
Noonan syndromeIgf1 , Kras
Noonan syndrome 1Kras
Noonan syndrome 13Mapk1
Noonan syndrome 3Kras
Noonan syndrome 8Pik3ca
obesityAtp1a2 , Hsd11b1 , Hsd11b2 , Ins2 , Irs1 , Irs2 , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ncoa1 , Nr3c2 , Pik3r1 , Ppargc1a , Prkcb
obstructive lung diseaseScnn1b
occupational asthmaPrkca
oculoectodermal syndromeKras
oculogyric crisisAtp1a3
Opsoclonus-Myoclonus SyndromeScnn1b
oral squamous cell carcinomaDaxx
osteoarthritisAtp1a3 , Igf1 , Ins2 , Ncor2 , Pik3r1
Osteoarthritis, ExperimentalMapk3
osteogenesis imperfecta type 4Atp1a3
osteoporosisIgf1 , Irs1 , Irs2
Osteoporotic FracturesIgf1
ovarian cancerPik3ca , Prkca , Sfn , Ube2i
ovarian carcinomaPrkca
Ovarian NeoplasmsKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
ovarian serous cystadenocarcinomaPik3ca
ovary epithelial cancerDaxx
ovary serous adenocarcinomaKras
Oxygen-Induced RetinopathyIgf1
pancreatic adenocarcinomaKras , Mapk1 , Pik3ca
pancreatic cancerDaxx , Igf1 , Ins2 , Kras
pancreatic carcinomaKras
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaPik3r2
pancreatic ductal carcinomaIgf1 , Ins2 , Kras , Mapk3
pancreatic endocrine carcinomaDaxx
pancreatic mucinous cystadenomaKras
pancreatitisHsp90ab1 , Ins2
panic disorderIns2
papillary renal cell carcinomaPik3ca
ParaproteinemiasKras , Pik3ca
Parasitic Liver DiseasesKras
parathyroid carcinomaAtp1a2 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Dhx9 , Hsd11b1
Parkinson's diseaseIns2 , Insr , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ppargc1a
ParkinsonismAtp1a3 , Ppargc1a
PEHO syndromeIgf1
Penile NeoplasmsKras , Pik3ca
peripheral nervous system diseaseIgf1
periventricular nodular heterotopiaNedd4l
Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia 5Nedd4l
Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia 7Nedd4l
permanent neonatal diabetes mellitusIns1 , Ins2
Permanent Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus 4Ins1 , Ins2
peroxisome biogenesis disorder 12AAtp1a2 , Atp1a4
peroxisome biogenesis disorder 2BScnn1a
Phelan-McDermid syndromeIns2
pilocytic astrocytomaKras
Pituitary NeoplasmsIgf1 , Prkca
placental insufficiencyPpargc1a
Plaque, AtheroscleroticIgf1 , Ppargc1a
plasma cell neoplasmKras , Pik3ca
Pneumococcal PneumoniaMapk1 , Mapk3
polycystic kidney diseasePik3ca
polycystic ovary syndromeIgf1 , Ins2 , Ncoa2 , Ncor1 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a
polycythemia veraJak2
portal hypertensionHsp90aa1 , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Pik3r1
post-traumatic stress disorderFkbp5
Postmenopausal OsteoporosisIgf1
Postoperative Cognitive DysfunctionMapk1 , Mapk3 , Nr3c2
pre-eclampsiaCrebbp , Hsd11b1 , Scnn1a
pre-malignant neoplasmInsr , Irs1
Precocious PubertyIgf1
prediabetes syndromePpargc1a
Pregnancy ComplicationsHsd11b2 , Jak2 , Ncoa2
Prenatal Exposure Delayed EffectsNr3c2
primary biliary cholangitisJak2 , Ppargc1a
primary cerebellar degenerationPrkcg
primary hyperaldosteronismAtp1a1
primary hypomagnesemiaFxyd2
primary immunodeficiency diseasePik3cd , Pik3r1
primary ovarian insufficiencyJak2
prostate adenocarcinomaInsr , Mapk1 , Ncoa2 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb
prostate cancerAtp1a1 , Daxx , Ins2 , Kcnj1 , Kras , Ncoa1 , Ncoa2 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Scnn1a
Prostate Cancer, Hereditary, 1Kras
prostate carcinomaPrkca
prostate carcinoma in situIgf1 , Kras
Prostatic NeoplasmsCrebbp , Hsp90ab1 , Igf1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Jak2 , Kras , Mapk3 , Ncoa1 , Ncoa2 , Ncor1 , Ncor2 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2
proteasome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome 1Daxx , Fkbp5
Protein DeficiencyInsr
pseudohypoaldosteronismNr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
Pseudohypoaldosteronism Type IB1, Autosomal RecessiveScnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
Pseudohypoaldosteronism Type IB2, Autosomal RecessiveScnn1b
psychotic disorderAtp1a3
PTEN hamartoma tumor syndromePik3ca
pulmonary emphysemaPpargc1a , Scnn1b
pulmonary fibrosisHsp90ab1 , Igf1
pulmonary hypertensionMapk1 , Mapk3
RASopathyFxyd2 , Kras
rectal benign neoplasmPik3ca , Pik3cb
renal cell carcinomaInsr , Kras , Mapk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
Renal Cell Carcinoma 1Pik3ca
renal fibrosisKras , Mapk1 , Ppargc1a
renal hypomagnesemia 2Fxyd2
Reperfusion InjuryIgf1 , Jak2 , Pik3r1 , Prkca
retinal detachmentJak2
retinitis pigmentosaPrkcg
retinitis pigmentosa 59Sfn
retinopathy of prematurityIgf1
rheumatic heart diseaseIgf1
rheumatoid arthritisFkbp5 , Hsd11b1 , Hsp90aa1 , Jak2 , Pik3r1
Right Ventricular HypertrophyIgf1 , Ppargc1a , Prkca
Roifman-Chitayat SyndromePik3cd
rosette-forming glioneuronal tumorPik3ca
Rubinstein-Taybi syndromeCrebbp
SarcopeniaIgf1 , Ppargc1a
schizophreniaAtp1a3 , Kcnj1 , Mapk3 , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Ppargc1a , Scnn1b
sciatic neuropathyPpargc1a
Sebaceous Nevus Syndrome and HemimegalencephalyKras
seborrheic keratosisPik3ca
Segawa Syndrome, Autosomal RecessiveIns1 , Ins2
seminomaInsr , Kras
sensorineural hearing lossAtp1a1 , Atp1b1 , Prkcb
SepsisIrs1 , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ppargc1a
Sepsis-Associated EncephalopathyJak2
Septic PeritonitisPik3r1
serous cystadenocarcinomaSgk1
Serous CystadenomaDaxx
severe acute respiratory syndromeIgf1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
Sezary's diseaseCrebbp , Mapk1
ShockMapk1 , Mapk3
short bowel syndromeInsr
SHORT syndromePik3r1
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 9 with or without polydactylyCrebbp , Nherf2 , Pdpk1 , Ube2i
Silver-Russell Syndrome 1Ins1
Silver-Russell Syndrome 3Ins1
skin diseasePias1
skin melanomaCrebbp , Kras , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
Skin NeoplasmsIgf1
Skull FracturesIgf1
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance DisordersPpargc1a
Smith-Kingsmore SyndromePik3r1 , Pik3r2
spastic ataxiaAtp1a2 , Pik3r5
Spinal Cord InjuriesHsp90ab1 , Jak2 , Ppargc1a , Prkcg
spinocerebellar ataxia type 14Prkcg
Spinocerebellar AtaxiasPrkcg
SplenomegalyJak2 , Kras
spondylocostal dysostosis 5Mapk3
Spontaneous AbortionsIgf1 , Jak2
Sporadic Papillary Renal Cell CarcinomaPik3ca
squamous cell carcinomaCrebbp , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Sfn
status epilepticusHsd11b1 , Prkcb
steatotic liver diseaseIns2 , Insr , Jak2 , Nr3c2 , Ppargc1a
stomach cancerDaxx , Jak2 , Kras , Ncoa2 , Pik3ca
stomach carcinomaKras
Stomach NeoplasmsIrs2 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Prkcb
Streptococcus pneumoniaPik3cd
stress-related disorderNr3c2
StrokeIgf1 , Jak2 , Nedd4l , Pik3ca , Scnn1a
Subarachnoid HemorrhagePik3cb
substance-related disorderAtp1b1 , Insr
Sudden Hearing LossIgf1
syndromic intellectual disabilityAtp1a3
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability 14Atp1b4
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Cabezas typeAtp1b4
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Lubs typeAtp1b4 , Irs4
systemic lupus erythematosusJak2
T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiaKras
Takotsubo CardiomyopathyPpargc1a
Tatton-Brown-Rahman syndromeNcoa1
Temtamy syndromeScnn1a
teratomaCrebbp , Kras
Testis Reperfusion InjuryMapk1 , Mapk3
Thrombocythemia 3Jak2
thrombosisJak2 , Pik3cb
Thumb DeformityCrebbp
thyroid cancerMapk1
Thyroid Carcinoma, Nonmedullary 1Kras
thyroid gland follicular carcinomaKras
thyroid gland medullary carcinomaKras
thyroid hormone resistance syndromeNcoa1
Thyroid NeoplasmsKras , Mapk1 , Pik3ca
Tongue NeoplasmsIgf1
toxic encephalopathyPtges3
toxic shock syndromePik3cd
transient cerebral ischemiaDaxx , Igf1 , Jak2 , Sgk1
transient neonatal diabetes mellitusIns1 , Ins2
transitional cell carcinomaCrebbp , Daxx , Kras , Mapk1 , Ncor1 , Pik3ca , Sfn
Transmissible Gastroenteritis, of SwineAtp1a1
transthyretin amyloidosisCrebbp
trigeminal neuralgiaMapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkcg
Triple Negative Breast NeoplasmsKras
tuberous sclerosis 2Nherf2 , Ube2i
Turner syndromeIgf1
type 1 diabetes mellitusHsd11b2 , Igf1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Ppargc1a
type 1 diabetes mellitus 2Ins1 , Ins2
type 2 diabetes mellitusHsd11b1 , Hsd11b2 , Igf1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3cb , Pik3r1 , Ppargc1a , Prkcb
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 1Ins1 , Ins2
ulcerative colitisJak2
ureteral obstructionHsd11b2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
urethral obstructionMapk1
urinary bladder cancerCrebbp , Igf1 , Jak2 , Kras , Ncor1 , Pik3ca , Prkca , Sfn , Ube2i
Urinary Bladder NeoplasmKras
Urinary IncontinenceMapk1
uterine cancerKras , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
uterine carcinosarcomaPik3ca , Pik3r1
Uterine Cervical NeoplasmsCrebbp , Jak2 , Kras , Mapk1 , Pik3ca
uterine fibroidIrs1
Uterine NeoplasmsKras
uveal melanomaIgf1
vascular dementiaIgf1 , Mapk1
Vascular MalformationsKras , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
velocardiofacial syndromeMapk1
Venous ThrombosisJak2
Ventilator-Induced Lung InjuryAtp1a2
Ventricular Dysfunction, LeftAtp1a3 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Nr3c2 , Pik3ca
Ventricular Dysfunction, RightPpargc1a
Ventricular FibrillationIns2
Ventricular Outflow ObstructionIns2
very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencyAtp1b2
vestibular diseaseAtp1a1
visceral leishmaniasisPik3cd
vulva squamous cell carcinomaSfn
Weight GainPik3ca
Weight LossIns1 , Ins2
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndromeMapk1
withdrawal disorderMapk1 , Mapk3
Wounds and InjuriesIgf1
X-linked agammaglobulinemiaPik3r1
Zinc DeficiencyIgf1
Pathway Annotations Associated with Genes in the aldosterone signaling pathway
Pathway TermsGene Symbols
11-beta-hydroxylase deficiency pathwayHsd11b1 , Hsd11b2
17-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency pathwayHsd11b1 , Hsd11b2
21-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency pathwayHsd11b1 , Hsd11b2
acebutolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
acute myeloid leukemia pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
adenosine signaling pathwayMapk1 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca
adrenergic beta receptor agonist and beta-blocker pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
aldosterone signaling pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Casp8ap2 , Crebbp , Daxx , Dhx9 , Ell , Faf1 , Fkbp4 , Fkbp5 , Fxyd2 , Fxyd4 , Hsd11b1 , Hsd11b2 , Hsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1 , Igf1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Irs3 , Irs4 , Jak2 , Kcnj1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ncoa1 , Ncoa2 , Ncor1 , Ncor2 , Nedd4l , Nfyc , Nherf2 , Nr3c2 , Pdpk1 , Pias1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Ppargc1a , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg , Ptges3 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g , Sfn , Sgk1 , Ube2i
alfentanil pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
altered androgen signaling pathwayNcoa2 , Ncor2
altered extracellular signal-regulated Raf/Mek/Erk signaling pathwayKras
altered insulin signaling pathwayIns2 , Insr
altered insulin-like growth factor signaling pathwayIgf1
altered Jak-Stat signaling pathwayJak2
altered leptin system pathwayInsr
altered p53 signaling pathwayNfyc
altered phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathwayPik3ca
altered phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt signaling pathwayPik3ca
altered ubiquitin/proteasome degradation pathwayUbe2i
Alzheimer's disease pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3 , Ube2i
amiloride pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
amiodarone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
amlodipine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis pathwayDaxx
androgen signaling pathwayCrebbp , Hsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1 , Ncoa1 , Ncoa2 , Ncor1 , Ncor2
angiotensin II signaling pathwayJak2 , Pdpk1
angiotensin II signaling pathway via AT1 receptorJak2
antigen processing and presentation pathwayHsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1 , Nfyc
apoptotic cell death pathwayPik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndrome pathwayHsd11b1 , Hsd11b2
ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) signaling pathwayPias1
atenolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
autophagy pathwayIns1 , Ins2
B cell receptor signaling pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkcb
bendroflumethiazide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
betaxolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
bile acid transport pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
bisoprolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
Bone morphogenetic proteins signaling pathwayMapk1
bumetanide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
bupivacaine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
bupranolol drug pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
bupranolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
buprenorphine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
calcium/calcium-mediated signaling pathwayPrkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
cardiovascular system disease pathwayIgf1
carvedilol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
cell cycle pathway, mitoticCrebbp , Sfn
ceramide signaling pathwayIgf1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
Chagas disease pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
chaperone mediated autophagy pathwayHsp90aa1
chemokine mediated signaling pathwayJak2 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkcb
chloroprocaine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
chlorothiazide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
chlorthalidone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
chronic myeloid leukemia pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
citalopram pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
cocaine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
codeine and morphine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
colorectal cancer pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
cortisol signaling pathwayCrebbp , Fkbp4 , Fkbp5 , Hsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1 , Ncoa1 , Ncoa2 , Ncor1 , Ncor2 , Ptges3
cystinuria pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
desipramine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
dilated cardiomyopathy pathwayIgf1
diltiazem pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
diphenoxylate pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
disopyramide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
dobutamine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
E-cadherin signaling pathwayIgf1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
eicosanoid signaling pathwayPik3r5 , Prkca , Prkcg
eicosanoid signaling pathway via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gammaPdpk1
endocytosis pathwayNedd4l
endometrial cancer pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
Endoplasmic Reticulum-associated degradation pathwayHsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1
endothelin signaling pathwayJak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkca , Prkcg
Entamoebiasis pathwayPik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
ephrin - ephrin receptor bidirectional signaling axisMapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Pik3r5
epidermal growth factor/neuregulin signaling pathwayHsp90aa1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
eplerenone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
erythropoietin signaling pathwayIrs2 , Jak2 , Pik3r1
escitalopram pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
esmolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
estrogen signaling pathwayCrebbp , Fkbp4 , Hsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1 , Ncoa1 , Ncoa2 , Ncor1 , Ncor2 , Ptges3
etacrynic acid pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
ethylmorphine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
FasL mediated signaling pathwayPdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3
Fc epsilon receptor mediated signaling pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkca , Prkcg
Fc gamma receptor mediated signaling pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
fentanyl pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
fibroblast growth factor signaling pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
flecainde pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
fluoxetine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
forkhead class A signaling pathwayCrebbp , Ins2
fosphenytoin pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
furosemide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
gliclazide pharmacodynamics pathwayIns2
glioma pathwayIgf1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
glucocorticoid signaling pathwaySgk1
glutamate signaling pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
glyburide pharmacodynamics pathwayIns2
gonadotropin-releasing hormone signaling pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkca , Prkcb
granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor signaling pathwayJak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
growth hormone signaling pathwayJak2
Hartnup disease pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
Hedgehog signaling pathwayCrebbp , Pias1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
hepatitis C pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pias1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
heroin pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
histone modification pathwayCrebbp , Daxx
Huntington's disease pathwayCrebbp , Ppargc1a
hydrochlorothiazide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
hydrocodone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
hydroflumethiazide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
hydromorphone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy pathwayIgf1
hypoxia inducible factor pathwayCrebbp , Ncoa1 , Ncoa2
ibutilide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
iminoglycinuria pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
imipramine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
influenza A pathwayCrebbp , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkca , Prkcb
inositol metabolic pathwayPik3ca
inositol phosphate metabolic pathwayPik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd
insulin responsive facilitative sugar transporter mediated glucose transport pathwayIns2 , Insr , Sfn
insulin signaling pathwayIns1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Irs3 , Irs4 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Ppargc1a , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg , Sgk1
insulin-like growth factor signaling pathwayIgf1 , Irs1 , Irs2 , Irs4 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-1 signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-12 signaling pathwayJak2
interleukin-2 signaling pathwayIrs1 , Irs2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1 , Prkcb
interleukin-23 signaling pathwayJak2 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-27 signaling pathwayJak2
interleukin-3 signaling pathwayJak2 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-4 signaling pathwayIrs1 , Irs2 , Jak2 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-5 signaling pathwayJak2 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
interleukin-6 signaling pathwayJak2 , Pias1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
isoprenaline pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
isradipine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
Jak-Stat signaling pathwayCrebbp , Jak2 , Pias1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
lactose degradation pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
Leishmaniasis pathwayJak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkcb
leptin system pathwayIrs1 , Irs2 , Jak2
levacetylmethadol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
levobunolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
levobupivacaine phgarmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
levorphanol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
lidocaine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia pathwayHsd11b1 , Hsd11b2
long term depressionIgf1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
long term potentiationCrebbp , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
lysinuric protein intolerance pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
maturity-onset diabetes of the young pathwayIns1 , Ins2
measles pathwayJak2 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
melanoma pathwayIgf1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
mepivacaine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
methadone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
metolazone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
metoprolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
mexiletine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
mitogen activated protein kinase signaling pathwayDaxx , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
mTOR signaling pathwayIgf1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Irs1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Ppargc1a , Prkca , Sfn , Sgk1
N-cadherin signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3r1
nadolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
nalbuphine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
naloxone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
naltrexone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
nebivolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
neurotrophic factor signaling pathwayIrs1 , Irs2 , Irs3 , Irs4 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
nicotine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
nifedipine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
nimodipine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
nisoldipine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
nitrendipine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
NOD-like receptor signaling pathwayHsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
non-small cell lung carcinoma pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
Notch signaling pathwayCrebbp , Ncor1 , Ncor2
nuclear factor kappa B signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3r1 , Prkca
nuclear factor, erythroid 2 like 2 signaling pathwayCrebbp
oxybuprocaine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
oxycodone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
oxymorphone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
p53 signaling pathwayCrebbp , Daxx , Igf1 , Sfn
pancreatic cancer pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
parathyroid hormone signaling pathwayNherf2
penbutolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
pentazocine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
phenytoin pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase class I signaling pathwayHsp90aa1 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Sgk1
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt signaling pathwayHsp90aa1 , Insr , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Sfn
phosphoinositide metabolic pathwayPik3ca , Pik3cd , Pik3r1
pindolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
platelet-derived growth factor signaling pathwayJak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Nherf2 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkca , Sfn
potassium channel inhibitors pharmacodynamics pathwayIns2
prednisolone pharmacodynamics pathwayHsp90aa1
prednisolone pharmacokinetics pathwayHsp90aa1
prilocaine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
prion disease pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3
procainamide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
procaine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
propranolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
prostaglandin biosynthetic pathwayPtges3
prostate cancer pathwayCrebbp , Hsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1 , Igf1 , Ins1 , Ins2 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Ncoa2 , Ncor2 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathwayHsp90aa1 , Pdpk1 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
quinidine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
Reelin signaling pathwayPik3ca , Pik3r1
remifentanil pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
renal cell carcinoma pathwayCrebbp , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
retinoic acid signaling pathwayNcoa1 , Ncoa2 , Ncor1 , Ncor2
ribosome biogenesis pathwayPrkcb
RNA polymerase I transcription pathwayCrebbp
RNA polymerase II transcription elongation pathwayEll
RNA transport pathwayUbe2i
ropivacaine pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor signaling pathwayPik3r1
sleeping sickness pathwayPrkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
small cell lung carcinoma pathwayPias1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
somatostatin signaling pathwayJak2
sotalol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling pathwayIrs1 , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3
spironolactone pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
steroid hormone biosynthetic pathwayHsd11b1 , Hsd11b2
sumoylation pathwayUbe2i
syndecan signaling pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3 , Prkca
T cell receptor signaling pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
tamoxifen pharmacodynamics pathwayNcor1 , Ncor2
the extracellular signal-regulated Raf/Mek/Erk signaling pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3
thyroid cancer pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3
timolol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
Toll-like receptor signaling pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
torasemide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
toxoplasmosis pathwayJak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
Trail mediated signaling pathwayMapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3
tramadol pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
transforming growth factor-beta Smad dependent signaling pathwayCrebbp , Daxx , Nedd4l , Pdpk1
transforming growth factor-beta superfamily mediated signaling pathwayCrebbp , Mapk1 , Mapk3
trehalose degradation pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
triamterene pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
trichlormethiazide pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2 , Nr3c2 , Scnn1a , Scnn1b , Scnn1g
tuberculosis pathwayCrebbp , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Nfyc
type 1 diabetes mellitus pathwayIns1 , Ins2
type 2 diabetes mellitus pathwayIns1 , Ins2 , Insr , Irs1 , Irs2 , Irs3 , Irs4 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5
type II interferon signaling pathwayCrebbp , Jak2 , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pias1 , Pik3ca , Pik3r1
ubiquitin/proteasome degradation pathwayNedd4l , Pias1 , Ube2i
urinary bladder cancer pathwayKras , Mapk1 , Mapk3
vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathwayHsp90aa1 , Hsp90ab1 , Kras , Mapk1 , Mapk3 , Pdpk1 , Pik3ca , Pik3cb , Pik3cd , Pik3r1 , Pik3r2 , Pik3r3 , Pik3r5 , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
verapamil pharmacodynamics pathwayAtp1a1 , Atp1a2 , Atp1a3 , Atp1a4 , Atp1b1 , Atp1b2 , Atp1b3 , Atp1b4 , Fxyd2
Wnt signaling pathwayCrebbp , Prkca , Prkcb , Prkcg
Wnt signaling, canonical pathwayCrebbp
Phenotype Annotations Associated with Genes in the aldosterone signaling pathway

References Associated with the aldosterone signaling pathway:

Ontology Path Diagram:

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paths to the root

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