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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acquisition of desiccation tolerance in seed 
acrosome assembly +   
adenohypophysis development +   
adrenal cortex development +   
aerial mycelium formation 
ammon gyrus development  
amygdala development  
analia development +  
anatomical structure maturation +   
anatomical structure morphogenesis +   
animal organ development +   
antennal joint development +  
anterior cibarial plate development +  
anterior midgut development 
anterior rotation of the optic cup 
anterior/posterior axis specification, follicular epithelium 
anther development +  
anther septum development 
anther wall tapetum cell differentiation +  
anther wall tapetum cell fate specification 
anther wall tapetum development +  
anther wall tapetum formation +  
anther wall tapetum morphogenesis +  
antral ovarian follicle growth +   
apical cell fate commitment 
apoptotic process involved in development +   
appendage development +   
ascending aorta development +   
ascospore release from ascus +  
ascospore wall assembly 
ascospore-type prospore assembly +  
ascospore-type prospore membrane formation +  
asexual spore wall assembly 
asexual sporulation +  
atrioventricular canal development +   
beak development +  
blastocyst development +   
blood vessel development +   
brainstem development +   
caecum development 
cardiac chamber development +   
cardiac septum development +   
cell development +   
cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development +   
central canal development 
central complex development 
centrosomal and pronuclear rotation 
cerebellar cortex development +   
cerebellar granular layer development +   
cerebellar molecular layer development +   
cerebellar Purkinje cell layer development +   
cerebellum development +   
cerebral cortex development +   
chorion micropyle formation 
chorion-containing eggshell pattern formation 
cingulate gyrus development 
cloaca development +   
clypeus development +  
cochlea development +   
compound eye corneal lens development +  
conidiophore stalk development +  
cornea development in camera-type eye +   
corpora quadrigemina development +   
corpus callosum development +   
cortical collecting duct development +   
cranial skeletal system development +   
cumulus cell differentiation +   
cupula development +  
cuticle development +   
cutin-based cuticle development +  
deltoid tuberosity development  
dendrite development +   
dendritic spine development +   
dentate gyrus development  
dermatome development +   
descending aorta development +   
descending thin limb development +   
development of primary sexual characteristics +   
development of secondary sexual characteristics +   
dichotomous subdivision of prostate epithelial cord terminal unit 
diencephalon development +   
donor selection +  
dorsal appendage formation 
dorsal spinal cord development +   
dorsal/ventral axis specification, ovarian follicular epithelium +  
ectodermal placode development +   
ectopic germ cell programmed cell death  
egg chorion assembly +  
eggshell formation +  
embryo development ending in seed dormancy +  
embryo sac egg cell differentiation +  
embryonic heart tube elongation  
embryonic meristem development +  
endocardium development +   
endocrine pancreas development +   
endosperm development +  
epistomal sclerite development +  
epithalamus development +   
epithelial cell differentiation involved in prostate gland development +   
epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development +   
epithelial-mesenchymal signaling involved in prostate gland development +   
esophagus development 
establishment of floral organ orientation +  
extraembryonic membrane development +   
eyelid development in camera-type eye  
face development +   
floor plate development +   
floral meristem determinacy 
floral meristem growth +  
floral organ abscission +  
floral organ development +  
floral organ formation +  
floral organ morphogenesis +  
floral whorl development +  
floral whorl formation 
floral whorl morphogenesis +  
floral whorl structural organization 
flower formation 
flower morphogenesis +  
flower structural organization +  
follicle cell of egg chamber development +  
follicle cell of egg chamber stalk formation 
forebrain development +   
forebrain-midbrain boundary formation  
fourth ventricle development  
fruit morphogenesis 
fruit replum development 
fruit septum development 
fruit valve development 
fungiform papilla development +   
genital disc sexually dimorphic development 
genitalia morphogenesis +   
germ cell development +   
germ tube formation +  
germ-line cyst encapsulation +  
germarium-derived egg chamber formation +  
germarium-derived oocyte fate determination 
glomerular basement membrane development +   
glomerulus development +   
glomus development 
gonad morphogenesis +   
gonadal mesoderm development  
growth of a germarium-derived egg chamber +  
habenula development  
hair follicle development +   
hard palate development  
head development +   
heart valve development +   
hindbrain development +   
hippocampus development +   
Hulle cell development +  
hypothalamus development +   
inferior colliculus development  
inflorescence meristem growth +  
inflorescence morphogenesis +  
inner ear development +   
inner stripe development 
insect visual primordium development +  
integument development 
intermediate reticular formation development 
juxtaglomerular apparatus development +   
Kupffer's vesicle development 
labrum development +  
labyrinthine layer development +   
lateral ventricle development  
left horn of sinus venosus development 
lens development in camera-type eye +   
Leydig cell differentiation  
longitudinal axis specification 
lung alveolus development +   
lung lobe development +   
lung saccule development +   
lymph vessel development +   
mammary gland alveolus development +   
mammary gland branching involved in pregnancy +   
mammary gland lobule development +   
mammillary axonal complex development +   
mammillary body development +   
mammillotectal axonal tract development 
mammillotegmental axonal tract development 
mammillothalamic axonal tract development  
maternal placenta development +   
medulla oblongata development +   
medullary reticular formation development +   
menstrual cycle 
mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development +   
mesenchymal-epithelial cell signaling involved in prostate gland development +   
mesendoderm development +   
metencephalon development +   
metula development +  
microsporocyte differentiation 
midbrain development +   
midbrain-hindbrain boundary development +   
Mullerian duct regression  
multicellular organism development +   
muscle structure development +   
mushroom body development 
myotome development +   
nail development +   
Nebenkern assembly 
nectary development 
nephron development +   
nephrostome development 
nerve development +   
neural nucleus development +   
neural retina development +   
nipple development +   
notum development +  
nurse cell apoptotic process +  
olfactory bulb development +   
olfactory bulb mitral cell layer development  
olfactory cortex development  
olfactory lobe development +   
olfactory pit development  
oocyte axis specification +   
oocyte construction +   
oocyte differentiation +   
oocyte fate commitment 
oocyte growth +   
oocyte maturation +   
oocyte morphogenesis 
optic chiasma development  
orbitofrontal cortex development +   
otolith development +   
outer stripe development 
ovarian follicle atresia  
ovarian follicle development +   
ovary septum development 
oviduct epithelium development +   
palisade mesophyll development 
pallium development +   
parahippocampal gyrus development 
paramesonephric duct development  
parietal peritoneum development 
pharynx development +   
phialide development +  
plant organ development +  
plant ovule development +  
plant ovule morphogenesis +  
plant septum development +  
plantlet formation on parent plant 
pole cell development +  
pole cell fate determination 
pole cell formation 
pollen sperm cell differentiation 
pollen tube development +  
pollen tube growth +  
pons development +   
posterior cibarial plate development +  
posterior midgut development  
primary shoot apical meristem specification 
primary spermatocyte growth  
progression of morphogenetic furrow involved in compound eye morphogenesis 
pronephric sinus development 
prostate field specification +   
prostate gland epithelium morphogenesis +   
prostate gland growth +   
prostate gland morphogenesis +   
prostate gland stromal morphogenesis  
prostate glandular acinus development +   
The progression of a glandular acinus of the prostate gland over time, from its initial formation to the mature structure. The glandular acini are the saclike structures of the gland.
pyramid development +  
rectal diverticulum development 
regeneration +   
renal cortex development +   
renal inner medulla development  
renal outer medulla development +   
reproductive structure development +   
retina development in camera-type eye +   
rhombomere development +   
right horn of sinus venosus development 
roof of mouth development +   
root cap development 
root meristem specification 
sclerotium development +  
seed coat development +  
seed dormancy process +  
seed maturation +  
seed morphogenesis 
seed trichome differentiation +  
seed trichome elongation 
seed trichome initiation 
seed trichome maturation 
seminal vesicle epithelium development +   
serous membrane development +  
Sertoli cell development +   
Sertoli cell differentiation +   
Sertoli cell fate commitment  
sex determination +   
sex determination, establishment of X:A ratio 
sex determination, primary response to X:A ratio 
sex differentiation +   
sex-specific pigmentation +  
sexual spore wall assembly 
sexual sporulation +  
smooth muscle cell differentiation involved in prostate glandular acinus development 
socially cooperative development +  
soft palate development  
specification of floral organ identity +  
specification of floral organ number +  
specification of ovule identity 
sperm axoneme assembly  
sperm capacitation +   
sperm flagellum assembly +   
sperm individualization  
spermatid cytoplasm removal during spermiation of flagellated sperm  
spermatid differentiation +   
spermatogenesis +   
spinal cord development +   
stamen filament development 
stigma development 
stipule development 
stomach development +   
stomium development 
striatum development +   
stromal-epithelial cell signaling involved in prostate gland development  
style development 
subpallium development +   
substantia propria of cornea development  
substrate mycelium formation 
subthalamus development +   
superior colliculus development 
superior reticular formation development 
superior temporal gyrus development  
suspensor development 
synergid death 
system development +   
telencephalon development +   
tertiary branching involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis  
thalamus development +   
third ventricle development  
tissue development +   
tooth eruption  
trachea submucosa development +   
tube development +   
umbilical cord development +   
uterus morphogenesis  
vascular cord development 
vegetative to reproductive phase transition of meristem +  
ventral midline development +   
ventral spinal cord development +   
ventral tegmental area development 
visceral peritoneum development 
visceral serous pericardium development  
vitelline membrane formation +   
yolk syncytial layer development 

Definition Sources: GOC:dph, PMID:18977204

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