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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
drug +     
1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine(1+) +   
anaesthetic +   
analgesic +   
angiogenesis inhibitor +   
angiogenesis modulating agent +   
antacid +   
anti-allergic agent +   
anti-asthmatic drug +   
anti-estrogen +   
anti-inflammatory drug +   
anti-ulcer drug +   
antidyskinesia agent +   
antiemetic +   
antifungal drug +   
antihyperplasia drug +   
antiinfective agent +   
A substance used in the prophylaxis or therapy of infectious diseases.
antilipemic drug +   
antimyopathic agent +   
antineoplastic agent +   
antinociceptive agent +  
antipyretic +   
antirheumatic drug +   
antitussive +   
appetite regulator +   
astringent +   
bile therapy drug +  
bone density conservation agent +   
bronchoconstrictor agent +   
bronchodilator agent +   
calcimimetic +   
cardiovascular drug +   
central nervous system drug +   
cetraxates +  
depigmentation drug +   
dermatologic drug +   
diuretic +   
drug allergen +   
emetic +   
estrogen receptor antagonist +   
estrogen receptor modulator +   
evolvoid A 
expectorant +   
fibrin modulating drug +   
gastrointestinal drug +   
hematologic agent +   
hormone receptor modulator +   
hyperglycemic agent +   
hypoglycemic agent +   
immunomodulator +   
interferon inducer +   
laxative +   
mucolytic +   
mydriatic agent +   
nasal decongestant +   
neuromuscular agent +   
neurotransmitter agent +   
nootropic agent +   
nutraceutical +   
ophthalmology drug +   
orphan drug +   
oxytocic +   
peripheral nervous system drug +   
photosensitizing agent +   
prodrug +   
proteasome inhibitor +   
protective agent +   
radiosensitizing agent +   
receptor modulator +   
renal agent +   
reproductive control drug +   
vulnerary +   
 antifungal drug +   
 antiseptic drug +   
caspofungin +   
costunolide +   
dapsone +   
emetine +   
ganciclovir +   
gatifloxacin +   
pefloxacin +   
puromycin +   
ribavirin +   
solasodine +   

Related Synonyms: anti-infective agents ;   anti-infective drugs ;   antiinfective agents ;   antiinfective drug

paths to the root