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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
A band +   
acrosomal matrix  
actin body 
actin cap  
actin filament branch point  
actin filament bundle +   
actin wave 
actomyosin +   
alae of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix 
annular furrow extracellular matrix 
annuli extracellular matrix 
apical complex +  
apical cytoplasm +   
apical lamina of hyaline layer 
apical part of cell +   
ascus epiplasm 
axon collateral +   
axon hillock  
axon initial segment  
axonemal A tubule inner sheath  
axonemal B tubule inner sheath  
axonemal basal plate  
axonemal central apparatus +   
axonemal central bridge 
axonemal central pair +  
axonemal central pair projection  
axonemal doublet microtubule +   
axonemal microtubule doublet inner junction 
axonemal microtubule doublet inner sheath +   
axonemal microtubule doublet outer junction 
axonemal microtubule doublet ribbon 
axoneme +   
bacterial biofilm matrix surface 
bacterial-type flagellum basal body +  
bacterial-type flagellum basal body, C ring 
bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod +  
bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, L ring 
bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, P ring 
bacterial-type flagellum basal body, MS ring 
bacterial-type flagellum basal body, proximal rod 
bacterial-type flagellum basal body, rod +  
bacterial-type flagellum filament +  
bacterial-type flagellum filament cap 
bacterial-type flagellum hook 
bacterial-type flagellum hook-filament junction 
bacterial-type flagellum motor +  
bacterial-type flagellum rotor complex 
bacterial-type flagellum secretion apparatus 
basal body patch  
basal labyrinth 
basal layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix 
basal part of cell +   
basal ring of apical complex 
basolateral cytoplasm +  
basolateral part of cell  
bilobe structure 
blood microparticle +   
C zone  
Casparian strip 
cell body +   
cell body membrane +   
cell division site +   
cell envelope +  
cell junction +   
cell leading edge +   
cell periphery +   
cell plate 
cell pole +   
cell projection +   
cell septum +  
cell septum edging 
cell surface +   
cell surface furrow +  
cell trailing edge +   
cell trailing edge membrane +   
cellular birth scar 
cellular bud +  
cellular bud membrane 
cellular bud neck septin structure +  
cellular bud scar 
cellularization cleavage furrow invagination front 
cellulose microfibril 
central cylinder 
central element  
central plaque of spindle pole body +  
central region of growth cone  
centriolar satellite  
centrosomal core 
centrosomal corona  
chitosan layer of spore wall 
chromatin +   
chromosomal region +   
chrorion micropyle 
ciliary base  
ciliary cap 
ciliary inversin compartment  
ciliary microtubule quartet 
ciliary pocket +   
ciliary pocket collar 
ciliary pro-basal body 
ciliary rootlet  
ciliary shaft 
ciliary tip  
ciliary transition zone +   
cleavage apparatus septin structure +  
cleavage furrow leading edge 
cleavage furrow rim 
cluster of actin-based cell projections +   
compact myelin +   
concave side of sperm head  
cone matrix sheath  
contractile ring +   
cortical dynamic polarity patch 
cortical layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix +  
cuticular plate  
cytoplasm +   
cytoplasmic side of nuclear pore  
cytoskeletal calyx  
cytosol +   
deep fiber 
dendrite terminus +   
dendritic shaft  
dendritic spine head  
dendritic spine neck +   
dendritic spine origin 
dense body  
dense fibrillar component  
dense nuclear body 
DIM/DIP cell wall layer 
dinoflagellate antapex +  
dinoflagellate apex +  
dinoflagellate epicone +  
dinoflagellate hypocone +  
distal axon +   
distal portion of axoneme  
dityrosine layer of spore wall 
DNA replication termination region 
ectexine +  
eisosome +  
endocytic patch +  
endomembrane system +   
endonuclear canal 
endoplasmic reticulum exit site  
endoplasmic reticulum quality control compartment  
endospore coat 
endospore cortex 
ensheathing process +   
epicuticle of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix 
etioplast prolamellar body 
exine +  
external encapsulating structure +   
external side of cell wall +  
extracellular core region of desmosome 
extracellular region +   
extracellular space +   
extrahaustorial matrix 
extraorganismal space 
extrinsic component of membrane +   
female germline ring canal inner rim 
female germline ring canal outer rim 
fibrillar center  
filiform apparatus 
filopodium tip  
Flemming body  
foot layer 
gas vesicle shell 
germ tube +  
glycogen granule  
glycoprotein network 
granular component  
granum +  
growth cone membrane  
H zone  
half bridge of spindle pole body +  
Hechtian strand 
hemicellulose network 
host cellular component +   
hyaluranon cable  
I band +   
immunological synapse  
inner dense plaque of desmosome  
inner layer of spore wall 
inner membrane pellicle complex 
inner plaque of spindle pole body +  
intercellular bridge +   
intermediate layer of spindle pole body +  
internode region of axon  
intracellular anatomical structure +   
intracellular canaliculus  
intracellular immature spore +  
investment cone 
Isp3 layer of spore wall 
juxtaparanode region of axon  
keratohyalin granule  
kinetoplast +  
lateral element  
lateral loop  
lateral part of cell +   
lateral plasma membrane  
lateral shield 
leading edge membrane +   
leaflet of membrane bilayer 
left lateral basal body pair 
left middle basal body pair 
left tetrad 
Lewy body core  
Lewy body corona  
lignin network 
longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum +   
longitudinal side of cell surface 
lysosomal matrix  
M band  
macropinocytic cup cytoskeleton 
main axon +   
mating projection actin fusion focus 
mating projection base 
medial cortical node +  
medial layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix 
medial membrane band 
median body 
membrane +   
membrane-enclosed lumen +   
microsporidian-type endospore 
microsporidian-type exospore 
microtubule bundle +   
microtubule end +   
microtubule organizing center +   
microtubule organizing center attachment site +   
midbody +   
mitochondrial crista  
mitochondrial inner boundary membrane 
mitochondrial intracristal space 
mitochondrial membrane scission site 
mitochondrion-associated adherens complex 
mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, distal actin filament layer 
mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, intermediate layer 
mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, proximal layer 
mitotic nuclear bridge +  
mitotic nuclear bridge midzone +  
mitotic nuclear bridge midzone membrane domain 
mitotic nuclear bridge stalk 
mucus layer +   
myelin sheath +   
An electrically insulating fatty layer that surrounds the axons of many neurons. It is an outgrowth of glial cells: Schwann cells supply the myelin for peripheral neurons while oligodendrocytes supply it to those of the central nervous system.
myelin sheath abaxonal region  
myelin sheath adaxonal region  
myofilament +   
neck portion of tanycyte 
neuron projection branch point +   
neuron projection terminus +   
node of Ranvier  
nuclear body +   
nuclear envelope adjacent to nuclear pore complex 
nuclear lamina +   
nuclear matrix  
nuclear periphery +   
nucleoid +   
nucleoplasm +   
nucleoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex  
nucleoplasmic reticulum  
nucleoplasmic side of nuclear pore  
nucleus lagging edge 
nucleus leading edge 
oral apparatus +  
organellar chromatophore intermembrane space 
organelle +   
organelle envelope +   
organelle membrane contact site +   
organelle subcompartment +   
organelle-enclosing lipid monolayer +  
orthogonal array 
other organism part +   
outer dense plaque of desmosome  
outer plaque of spindle pole body +  
pairing center 
paranode region of axon  
pectic matrix 
pellicle +  
perforation plate 
peribacteroid fluid 
pericellular basket  
pericentriolar material  
perichromatin fibrils  
perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum +   
perinuclear region of cytoplasm +   
perinucleolar compartment  
periphagosomal region of cytoplasm 
peripheral region of growth cone +   
periplasmic space +  
phagocytic cup +   
phagocytic cup base 
phagocytic cup lip 
phagophore assembly site +   
photoreceptor distal connecting cilium  
photoreceptor inner segment +   
photoreceptor outer segment +   
photoreceptor proximal connecting cilium  
pilus shaft 
pilus tip 
pinceau fiber  
plasma membrane-derived chromatophore +  
plasmodesmatal cytoplasmic sleeve 
plasmodesmatal desmotubule +  
plasmodesmatal plasma membrane 
plastid stroma +  
podosome core  
podosome ring  
polar ring of apical complex 
polar tube 
polar tube anchoring disc 
pollen aperture 
polytene chromosome ectopic fiber 
polytene chromosome weak point 
post-anaphase microtubule array +  
postsynapse +   
postsynaptic endocytic zone +   
preprophase band 
presynapse +   
presynaptic active zone +   
presynaptic active zone dense projection 
presynaptic endocytic zone +   
presynaptic grid 
prospore membrane spindle pole body attachment site 
proximal portion of axoneme  
rDNA protrusion 
recombination nodule +   
replication fork +   
reservosome lumen 
reservosome matrix 
reservosome membrane 
retrotransposon nucleocapsid 
rhoptry +  
rhoptry neck 
right lateral basal body pair 
right middle basal body pair 
right tetrad 
ring centriole 
rough endoplasmic reticulum cisterna 
sarcomere +   
satellite fibril 
Schmidt-Lanterman incisure  
sculpture element 
septin band +  
sexine +  
side of membrane +   
sieve area 
sieve plate +  
site of DNA damage +   
site of polarized growth +   
smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisterna +  
smooth muscle dense body  
somatodendritic compartment +   
sperm annulus  
sperm end piece  
sperm fibrous sheath  
sperm head +   
sperm head-tail coupling apparatus  
sperm individualization complex +  
sperm midpiece +   
sperm mitochondrial sheath  
sperm principal piece  
spindle matrix  
spindle midzone +   
spindle pole +   
spine mat 
starch grain +  
stereocilia coupling link +   
stereocilia tip-link density +   
stereocilium base  
stereocilium shaft  
stereocilium tip  
striated muscle dense body  
subapical part of cell  
suberin network 
subpellicular network 
subplasmalemmal coating  
supramolecular complex +   
surface coat of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix 
symplast +  
synaptonemal structure +   
T-tubule +   
tail portion of tanycyte 
tetraspanin-enriched microdomain  
thylakoid lumen +  
transverse filament  
tripartite attachment complex 
tubular endosome  
Ubisch body 
unencapsulated part of cell 
unicellular trichome apex +  
unicellular trichome branch 
unicellular trichome tip 
ventral disc crossbridge 
ventral disc dorsal microribbon 
ventral disc lateral crest 
ventral disc microtubule array 
ventral disc overlap zone 
ventral disc supernumerary microtubule array 
ventral surface of cell  
virus-like capsid  
yolk +   
yolk granule 
yolk plasma 
Z disc +   

Narrow Synonyms: Schwann cell myelin sheath ;   astrocyte sheath ;   oligodendrocyte myelin sheath
Xrefs: FMA:62983 ;   NIF_Subcellular:sao593830697 ;   Wikipedia:Myelin
Only In Taxon: NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
Definition Sources: GOC:cjm, GOC:jl, NIF_Subcellular:sao593830697, Wikipedia:Myelin

paths to the root