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Strain: F344/IcoCrlf

Symbol: F344/IcoCrlf
Strain: F344
Substrain: IcoCrlf
RGD ID: 1354670
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_1354670
Ontology ID: RS:0000311
Type: inbred
Available Source: Charles River France
Origination: Charles River France
Description: These are inbred rats that were bought from Charles River, Les Oncins near Lyon, France.
Last Known Status: Unknown


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. QTLs influencing IGF-1 levels in a LOU/CxFischer 344F2 rat population. Tracks towards the metabolic theory of Ageing. Marissal-Arvy N, etal., Growth Horm IGF Res. 2013 Dec;23(6):220-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ghir.2013.08.002. Epub 2013 Aug 19.
2. Quantitative Trait Loci Influencing Abdominal Fat Deposition and Functional Variability of the HPA Axis in the Rat. Marissal-Arvy N, etal., Horm Metab Res. 2014 Jul 8.
3. Gain of function mutation in the mineralocorticoid receptor of the Brown Norway rat. Marissal-Arvy N, etal., J Biol Chem 2004 Sep 17;279(38):39232-9. Epub 2004 Jul 12.
4. QTLs influencing carbohydrate and fat choice in a LOU/CxFischer 344 F2 rat population. Marissal-Arvy N, etal., Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Apr 17. doi: 10.1002/oby.20485.
5. Strains registered by Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. Personal communication with Charles River Laboratories
6. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines


Strain QTL Data
Symbol Name Trait
Abfw1 Abdominal fat weight QTL 1 visceral adipose mass   (VT:0010063)    
Abfw2 Abdominal fat weight QTL 2 visceral adipose mass   (VT:0010063)    
Abfw3 Abdominal fat weight QTL 3 visceral adipose mass   (VT:0010063)    
Abfw4 Abdominal fat weight QTL 4 visceral adipose mass   (VT:0010063)    
Abfw5 Abdominal fat weight QTL 5 visceral adipose mass   (VT:0010063)    
Abfw6 Abdominal fat weight QTL 6 visceral adipose mass   (VT:0010063)    
Abfw7 Abdominal fat weight QTL 7 visceral adipose mass   (VT:0010063)    
Abfw8 Abdominal fat weight QTL 8 visceral adipose mass   (VT:0010063)    
Bw127 Body weight QTL 127 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw128 Body weight QTL 128 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw129 Body weight QTL 129 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw130 Body weight QTL 130 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw131 Body weight QTL 131 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw132 Body weight QTL 132 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw133 Body weight QTL 133 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw134 Body weight QTL 134 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw135 Body weight QTL 135 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw136 Body weight QTL 136 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw137 Body weight QTL 137 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw138 Body weight QTL 138 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw139 Body weight QTL 139 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw140 Body weight QTL 140 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw141 Body weight QTL 141 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw142 Body weight QTL 142 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw147 Body weight QTL 147 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw148 Body weight QTL 148 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw149 Body weight QTL 149 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw150 Body weight QTL 150 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw151 Body weight QTL 151 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw152 Body weight QTL 152 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw153 Body weight QTL 153 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw154 Body weight QTL 154 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw155 Body weight QTL 155 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw156 Body weight QTL 156 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw157 Body weight QTL 157 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw158 Body weight QTL 158 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw159 Body weight QTL 159 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw160 Body weight QTL 160 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw161 Body weight QTL 161 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw162 Body weight QTL 162 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw163 Body weight QTL 163 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw164 Body weight QTL 164 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw165 Body weight QTL 165 body lean mass   (VT:0010483)    
Bw166 Body weight QTL 166 retroperitoneal fat pad mass   (VT:0010430)    
Bw167 Body weight QTL 167 retroperitoneal fat pad mass   (VT:0010430)    
Bw168 Body weight QTL 168 retroperitoneal fat pad mass   (VT:0010430)    
Bw169 Body weight QTL 169 retroperitoneal fat pad mass   (VT:0010430)    
Bw170 Body weight QTL 170 retroperitoneal fat pad mass   (VT:0010430)    
Bw171 Body weight QTL 171 retroperitoneal fat pad mass   (VT:0010430)    
Bw172 Body weight QTL 172 retroperitoneal fat pad mass   (VT:0010430)    
Bw28 Body weight QTL 28 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Bw29 Body weight QTL 29 body mass   (VT:0001259)    
Epfw10 Epididymal fat weight QTL 10 epididymal fat pad mass   (VT:0010421)    
Epfw11 Epididymal fat weight QTL 11 epididymal fat pad mass   (VT:0010421)    
Epfw12 Epididymal fat weight QTL 12 epididymal fat pad mass   (VT:0010421)    
Epfw6 Epididymal fat weight QTL 6 epididymal fat pad mass   (VT:0010421)    
Epfw7 Epididymal fat weight QTL 7 epididymal fat pad mass   (VT:0010421)    
Epfw8 Epididymal fat weight QTL 8 epididymal fat pad mass   (VT:0010421)    
Epfw9 Epididymal fat weight QTL 9 epididymal fat pad mass   (VT:0010421)    
Foco1 Food consumption QTL 1 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco10 Food consumption QTL 10 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco11 Food consumption QTL 11 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco12 Food consumption QTL 12 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco13 Food consumption QTL 13 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco14 Food consumption QTL 14 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco15 Food consumption QTL 15 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco16 Food consumption QTL 16 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco17 Food consumption QTL 17 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco18 Food consumption QTL 18 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco19 Food consumption QTL 19 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco2 Food consumption QTL 2 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco20 Food consumption QTL 20 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco21 Food consumption QTL 21 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco22 Food consumption QTL 22 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco23 Food consumption QTL 23 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco24 Food consumption QTL 24 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco25 Food consumption QTL 25 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco26 Food consumption QTL 26 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco27 Food consumption QTL 27 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco28 Food consumption QTL 28 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco29 Food consumption QTL 29 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco3 Food consumption QTL 3 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco30 Food consumption QTL 30 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco31 Food consumption QTL 31 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco32 Food consumption QTL 32 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco4 Food consumption QTL 4 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco5 Food consumption QTL 5 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco6 Food consumption QTL 6 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco7 Food consumption QTL 7 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco8 Food consumption QTL 8 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Foco9 Food consumption QTL 9 eating behavior trait   (VT:0001431)    
Gluco65 Glucose level QTL 65 blood glucose amount   (VT:0000188)    
Gluco66 Glucose level QTL 66 blood glucose amount   (VT:0000188)    
Gluco67 Glucose level QTL 67 blood glucose amount   (VT:0000188)    
Gluco68 Glucose level QTL 68 blood glucose amount   (VT:0000188)    
Gmadr1 Adrenal mass QTL 1 adrenal gland mass   (VT:0010420)    
Insglur3 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 3 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insglur4 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 4 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insglur5 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 5 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insglur6 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 6 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insglur7 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 7 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insglur8 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 8 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insglur9 Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 9 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insul23 Insulin level QTL 23 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insul24 Insulin level QTL 24 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insul25 Insulin level QTL 25 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insul26 Insulin level QTL 26 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insul27 Insulin level QTL 27 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insul28 Insulin level QTL 28 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insul29 Insulin level QTL 29 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insul30 Insulin level QTL 30 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insul31 Insulin level QTL 31 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Insul32 Insulin level QTL 32 blood insulin amount   (VT:0001560)    
Pigfal1 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 1 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal10 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 10 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal11 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 11 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal12 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 12 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal13 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 13 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal14 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 14 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal15 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 15 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal16 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 16 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal17 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 17 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal18 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 18 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal19 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 19 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal2 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 2 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal3 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 3 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal4 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 4 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal5 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 5 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal6 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 6 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal7 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 7 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal8 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 8 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Pigfal9 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 9 blood insulin-like growth factor amount   (VT:0010479)    
Salc1 Saline consumption QTL 1 drinking behavior trait   (VT:0001422)    
Salc2 Saline consumption QTL 2 drinking behavior trait   (VT:0001422)    
Scfw1 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 1 subcutaneous adipose mass   (VT:1000472)    
Scfw2 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 2 subcutaneous adipose mass   (VT:1000472)    
Scfw3 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 3 subcutaneous adipose mass   (VT:1000472)    
Scfw4 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 4 subcutaneous adipose mass   (VT:1000472)    
Scfw5 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 5 subcutaneous adipose mass   (VT:1000472)    
Scfw6 Subcutaneous fat weight QTL 6 subcutaneous adipose mass   (VT:1000472)    
Scort10 Serum corticosterone level QTL 10 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort11 Serum corticosterone level QTL 11 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort12 Serum corticosterone level QTL 12 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort13 Serum corticosterone level QTL 13 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort14 Serum corticosterone level QTL 14 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort15 Serum corticosterone level QTL 15 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort16 Serum corticosterone level QTL 16 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort17 Serum corticosterone level QTL 17 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort18 Serum corticosterone level QTL 18 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort19 Serum corticosterone level QTL 19 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort20 Serum corticosterone level QTL 20 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort21 Serum corticosterone level QTL 21 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort22 Serum corticosterone level QTL 22 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort3 Serum corticosterone level QTL 3 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort4 Serum corticosterone level QTL 4 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort5 Serum corticosterone level QTL 5 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort6 Serum corticosterone level QTL 6 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort7 Serum corticosterone level QTL 7 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort8 Serum corticosterone level QTL 8 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Scort9 Serum corticosterone level QTL 9 blood corticosterone amount   (VT:0005345)    
Sffal3 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 3 blood free fatty acid amount   (VT:0001553)    
Sffal4 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 4 blood free fatty acid amount   (VT:0001553)    
Sffal5 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 5 blood free fatty acid amount   (VT:0001553)    
Sffal6 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 6 blood free fatty acid amount   (VT:0001553)    
Sffal7 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 7 blood free fatty acid amount   (VT:0001553)    
Sffal8 Serum free fatty acids level QTL 8 blood free fatty acid amount   (VT:0001553)    
Slep10 Serum leptin concentration QTL 10 blood leptin amount   (VT:0005667)    
Slep11 Serum leptin concentration QTL 11 blood leptin amount   (VT:0005667)    
Slep12 Serum leptin concentration QTL 12 blood leptin amount   (VT:0005667)    
Slep13 Serum leptin concentration QTL 13 blood leptin amount   (VT:0005667)    
Uminl1 Urine mineral level QTL 1 urine mineral amount   (VT:0015086)    
Uminl2 Urine mineral level QTL 2 urine mineral amount   (VT:0015086)    
Uminl3 Urine mineral level QTL 3 urine mineral amount   (VT:0015086)    
Uminl4 Urine mineral level QTL 4 urine mineral amount   (VT:0015086)    
Uminl5 Urine mineral level QTL 5 urine mineral amount   (VT:0015086)    

Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_drgs_chems Saline intake was restored by deoxycorticosterone (DOC) treatment of the adrenalectomy (ADX) rats. 1302889
strain_drgs_chems GR-specific agonist (RU28362) was able to induce weight loss, thymus invoution, decreased food intake and decreased plasma transcortin concentration in the BN rats than in F344. 1302889