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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
anther wall tapetum cell differentiation +  
antipodal cell differentiation +  
bundle sheath cell differentiation 
cardiocyte differentiation +   
cell development +   
cell differentiation in hindbrain +   
cell differentiation in spinal cord +   
cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development +   
cell differentiation involved in kidney development +   
cell differentiation involved in phenotypic switching +   
cell differentiation involved in salivary gland development +   
cell fate commitment +   
chondroblast differentiation  
chondrocyte differentiation +   
chorionic trophoblast cell differentiation +   
collenchyma cell differentiation 
compound eye cone cell differentiation +  
corticotropin hormone secreting cell differentiation +   
ectodermal cell differentiation +   
embryo sac central cell differentiation +  
embryo sac egg cell differentiation +  
endodermal cell differentiation +   
epithelial cell differentiation +   
fat cell differentiation +   
foam cell differentiation +   
follicular dendritic cell differentiation  
forebrain generation of neurons +   
G1 to G0 transition involved in cell differentiation  
generative cell differentiation 
glial cell differentiation +   
hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation +   
hemocyte differentiation +  
hepatic stellate cell differentiation 
hypothalamus cell differentiation +   
inner cell mass cell differentiation +   
leukocyte differentiation +   
Leydig cell differentiation  
lung cell differentiation +   
luteal cell differentiation 
Malpighian tubule tip cell differentiation 
mesenchymal cell differentiation +   
mesodermal cell differentiation +   
microgametophyte vegetative cell differentiation 
muscle cell differentiation +   
myeloid cell differentiation +   
myoblast differentiation +   
myofibroblast differentiation +   
mystery cell differentiation 
negative regulation of cell differentiation +   
neuroblast activation 
neuroblast differentiation +   
neuroblast proliferation +   
neurogenesis +   
neuromast mantle cell differentiation +  
neuromast support cell differentiation +  
neuron differentiation +   
The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron.
neuron migration +   
notochord cell differentiation +   
oenocyte differentiation +  
oocyte differentiation +   
osteoblast differentiation +   
pericyte cell differentiation +   
pigment cell differentiation +   
pigment cell precursor differentiation 
plant endodermal cell differentiation 
plant epidermal cell differentiation +  
plant parenchymal cell differentiation +  
pollen sperm cell differentiation 
positive regulation of cell differentiation +   
prolactin secreting cell differentiation +   
regulation of cell differentiation +   
renal filtration cell differentiation +   
rhombomere cell differentiation 
sclerenchyma cell differentiation +  
sieve element differentiation +  
skeletal muscle cell differentiation +   
somatotropin secreting cell differentiation +   
sorocarp spore cell differentiation +  
sorocarp stalk cell differentiation +  
spermatid differentiation +   
sporocyte differentiation +  
stem cell differentiation +   
synergid differentiation +  
tendon cell differentiation +   
tracheary element differentiation +  
transdifferentiation +   
trichome differentiation +  
trophectodermal cell differentiation +   
vasculogenesis +   

Definition Sources: GOC:mah

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