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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
central nervous system neuron differentiation +   
dopaminergic neuron differentiation +   
GABAergic neuron differentiation +   
glutamatergic neuron differentiation +   
hair cell differentiation +   
mechanoreceptor differentiation +   
medial motor column neuron differentiation  
negative regulation of neuron differentiation +   
neuroendocrine cell differentiation +   
neuron development +   
neuron differentiation involved in amphid sensory organ development +  
neuron differentiation involved in salivary gland development 
neuron fate commitment +   
noradrenergic neuron differentiation +   
peripheral nervous system neuron differentiation +   
photoreceptor cell differentiation +   
The specialization of organization of a photoreceptor, a cell that responds to incident electromagnetic radiation, particularly visible light. An example of this process is found in Drosophila melanogaster.
positive regulation of neuron differentiation +   
regulation of neuron differentiation +   

Alternate IDs: GO:0007467
Definition Sources: GOC:ai, ISBN:0198506732

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