commissural neuron differentiation in spinal cord +
dopaminergic neuron differentiation +
GABAergic neuron differentiation +
glutamatergic neuron differentiation +
hair cell differentiation +
lateral motor column neuron differentiation
mechanoreceptor differentiation +
medial motor column neuron differentiation
The process in which differentiating motor neurons in the neural tube acquire the specialized structural and/or functional features of medial motor column neurons. Medial motor column neurons are generated at all rostrocaudal levels and send axons to the axial muscles (medial group) and to the body wall muscles (lateral group). Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate.
negative regulation of neuron differentiation +
neuroendocrine cell differentiation +
neuron development +
neuron differentiation involved in amphid sensory organ development +
neuron differentiation involved in salivary gland development
neuron fate commitment +
noradrenergic neuron differentiation +
peripheral nervous system neuron differentiation +