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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

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Accession:CHEBI:8825 term browser browse the term
Definition:A dihydroxyanthraquinone that has formula C15H8O6.
Synonyms:related_synonym: Formula=C15H8O6;   InChI=1S/C15H8O6/c16-9-3-1-2-7-11(9)14(19)12-8(13(7)18)4-6(15(20)21)5-10(12)17/h1-5,16-17H,(H,20,21);   InChIKey=FCDLCPWAQCPTKC-UHFFFAOYSA-N;   SMILES=OC(=O)c1cc(O)c2C(=O)c3c(O)cccc3C(=O)c2c1
 xref: CAS:478-43-3;   HMDB:HMDB0032876;   KEGG:C10401;   KNApSAcK:C00002861;   LINCS:LSM-20950
 xref_mesh: MESH:C020491

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Rhein term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abcb11 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B member 11 multiple interactions ISO Enzymes and Coenzymes inhibits the reaction [rhein promotes the reaction [ABCB11 protein results in increased transport of Taurodeoxycholic Acid]]; rhein metabolite inhibits the reaction [ABCB11 protein results in increased transport of Taurodeoxycholic Acid]; rhein promotes the reaction [ABCB11 protein results in increased transport of Taurodeoxycholic Acid] CTD PMID:35101544 NCBI chr 2:69,068,626...69,172,960
Ensembl chr 2:69,068,626...69,172,958
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G Acta2 actin alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta multiple interactions ISO rhein inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of ACTA2 protein] CTD PMID:12546737 NCBI chr19:34,217,736...34,232,985
Ensembl chr19:34,218,490...34,232,990
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G Adgre1 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor E1 multiple interactions EXP rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of ADGRE1 protein] CTD PMID:37023836 NCBI chr17:57,665,650...57,790,527
Ensembl chr17:57,665,691...57,790,527
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G Ahr aryl-hydrocarbon receptor multiple interactions ISO rhein inhibits the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased activity of AHR protein] CTD PMID:19269596 NCBI chr12:35,547,978...35,584,988
Ensembl chr12:35,547,973...35,585,037
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G Alkbh2 alkB homolog 2, alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase decreases activity ISO rhein results in decreased activity of ALKBH2 protein CTD PMID:31088072 NCBI chr 5:114,261,987...114,268,782
Ensembl chr 5:114,261,987...114,266,279
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G Bax BCL2-associated X protein increases expression ISO rhein results in increased expression of BAX protein CTD PMID:31436023 NCBI chr 7:45,111,124...45,116,332
Ensembl chr 7:45,111,121...45,116,322
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G Becn1 beclin 1, autophagy related decreases expression ISO rhein results in decreased expression of BECN1 protein CTD PMID:31436023 NCBI chr11:101,179,084...101,193,112
Ensembl chr11:101,176,778...101,193,112
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G Casp1 caspase 1 multiple interactions EXP rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased cleavage of CASP1 protein] CTD PMID:37023836 NCBI chr 9:5,298,517...5,307,281
Ensembl chr 9:5,298,508...5,307,290
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G Casp3 caspase 3 decreases expression ISO rhein results in decreased expression of CASP3 protein CTD PMID:31436023 NCBI chr 8:47,070,326...47,092,733
Ensembl chr 8:47,070,326...47,092,724
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G Casp8 caspase 8 increases cleavage ISO rhein results in increased cleavage of CASP8 protein CTD PMID:31436023 NCBI chr 1:58,834,553...58,886,663
Ensembl chr 1:58,834,533...58,886,662
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G Casp9 caspase 9 decreases expression ISO rhein results in decreased expression of CASP9 protein CTD PMID:31436023 NCBI chr 4:141,520,923...141,543,289
Ensembl chr 4:141,520,923...141,543,287
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G Cyp1a1 cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 decreases activity ISO rhein results in decreased activity of CYP1A1 protein CTD PMID:27633141 NCBI chr 9:57,595,211...57,611,107
Ensembl chr 9:57,595,211...57,611,107
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G Cyp1a2 cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily a, polypeptide 2 decreases activity ISO rhein results in decreased activity of CYP1A2 protein CTD PMID:27633141 PMID:33438235 NCBI chr 9:57,584,220...57,590,938
Ensembl chr 9:57,584,220...57,590,986
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G Cyp2c38 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 38 decreases activity ISO rhein results in decreased activity of CYP2C19 protein CTD PMID:33438235 NCBI chr19:39,379,109...39,451,519
Ensembl chr19:39,378,000...39,451,519
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G Cyp2c65 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 65 decreases activity ISO rhein results in decreased activity of CYP2C9 protein CTD PMID:27633141 PMID:33438235 NCBI chr19:39,049,450...39,082,392
Ensembl chr19:39,049,459...39,082,388
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G Cyp2d22 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 22 decreases activity ISO rhein results in decreased activity of CYP2D6 protein CTD PMID:33438235 NCBI chr15:82,254,728...82,264,461
Ensembl chr15:82,254,728...82,264,461
JBrowse link
G Egf epidermal growth factor decreases expression ISO rhein results in decreased expression of EGF protein CTD PMID:21457705 NCBI chr 3:129,471,223...129,548,971
Ensembl chr 3:129,471,214...129,548,965
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G Erbb2 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 decreases expression ISO rhein results in decreased expression of ERBB2 protein CTD PMID:21457705 NCBI chr11:98,303,310...98,328,542
Ensembl chr11:98,303,296...98,328,542
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G Gpt glutamic pyruvic transaminase, soluble multiple interactions EXP rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of GPT protein] CTD PMID:37023836 NCBI chr15:76,580,926...76,583,875
Ensembl chr15:76,579,916...76,583,886
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G Hif1a hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO rhein results in decreased expression of HIF1A protein
rhein inhibits the reaction [cobaltous chloride results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]
CTD PMID:21457705 NCBI chr12:73,948,186...73,994,304
Ensembl chr12:73,948,149...73,994,304
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G Ifng interferon gamma increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP rhein results in increased expression of IFNG protein
rhein inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IFNG protein]
CTD PMID:26784856 NCBI chr10:118,276,951...118,281,799
Ensembl chr10:118,276,951...118,281,797
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G Il10 interleukin 10 multiple interactions EXP rhein inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL10 protein] CTD PMID:26784856 NCBI chr 1:130,947,459...130,952,707
Ensembl chr 1:130,947,582...130,952,711
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G Il17a interleukin 17A increases expression EXP rhein results in increased expression of IL17A protein CTD PMID:26784856 NCBI chr 1:20,801,129...20,804,720
Ensembl chr 1:20,801,129...20,804,720
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G Il18 interleukin 18 multiple interactions EXP rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of IL18 protein] CTD PMID:37023836 NCBI chr 9:50,466,000...50,493,141
Ensembl chr 9:50,466,127...50,493,140
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions EXP rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of IL1B mRNA]; rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of IL1B protein] CTD PMID:37023836 NCBI chr 2:129,206,490...129,213,059
Ensembl chr 2:129,206,490...129,213,059
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G Il2 interleukin 2 increases expression EXP rhein results in increased expression of IL2 protein CTD PMID:26784856 NCBI chr 3:37,174,862...37,180,103
Ensembl chr 3:37,174,672...37,180,108
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G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions EXP rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of IL6 protein]; rhein inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL6 protein] CTD PMID:26784856 PMID:37023836 NCBI chr 5:30,218,112...30,224,973
Ensembl chr 5:30,218,112...30,224,979
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G Itga4 integrin alpha 4 multiple interactions ISO rhein inhibits the reaction [ITGA4 protein results in increased expression of KDR protein]; rhein inhibits the reaction [ITGA4 protein results in increased expression of TEK protein]; rhein inhibits the reaction [ITGA4 protein results in increased expression of VEGFA protein] CTD PMID:36731809 NCBI chr 2:79,084,767...79,163,458
Ensembl chr 2:79,085,770...79,163,467
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G Kdr kinase insert domain protein receptor multiple interactions ISO rhein inhibits the reaction [ITGA4 protein results in increased expression of KDR protein] CTD PMID:36731809 NCBI chr 5:76,093,487...76,139,880
Ensembl chr 5:76,093,487...76,139,118
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G Mdk midkine multiple interactions ISO rhein inhibits the reaction [MDK protein results in increased phosphorylation of RELA protein] CTD PMID:36731809 NCBI chr 2:91,760,149...91,762,348
Ensembl chr 2:91,760,150...91,762,642
JBrowse link
G Nfkb1 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 1, p105 affects localization
decreases activity
multiple interactions
rhein affects the localization of NFKB1 protein
rhein results in decreased activity of NFKB1 protein
rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of NFKB1 mRNA]
CTD PMID:21457705 PMID:37023836 NCBI chr 3:135,290,416...135,397,422
Ensembl chr 3:135,290,416...135,397,308
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G Nlrp3 NLR family, pyrin domain containing 3 multiple interactions EXP rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of NLRP3 mRNA] CTD PMID:37023836 NCBI chr11:59,432,395...59,457,781
Ensembl chr11:59,432,394...59,457,782
JBrowse link
G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 decreases expression ISO rhein results in decreased expression of PTGS2 protein CTD PMID:21457705 NCBI chr 1:149,975,851...149,983,978
Ensembl chr 1:149,975,782...149,983,978
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G Rela v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (avian) decreases activity
multiple interactions
affects localization
rhein results in decreased activity of RELA protein
cobaltous chloride promotes the reaction [rhein affects the localization of RELA protein]
rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of RELA protein]
rhein inhibits the reaction [MDK protein results in increased phosphorylation of RELA protein]
CTD PMID:21457705 PMID:36731809 PMID:37023836 NCBI chr19:5,686,993...5,698,162
Ensembl chr19:5,687,511...5,698,158
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G Slc22a6 solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 6 multiple interactions ISO rhein inhibits the reaction [SLC22A6 protein results in increased uptake of p-Aminohippuric Acid]; rhein metabolite inhibits the reaction [SLC22A6 protein results in increased uptake of Methotrexate]; rhein metabolite inhibits the reaction [SLC22A6 protein results in increased uptake of p-Aminohippuric Acid] CTD PMID:28890383 NCBI chr19:8,595,360...8,605,663
Ensembl chr19:8,595,403...8,605,663
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G Slc22a8 solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 8 multiple interactions ISO rhein inhibits the reaction [SLC22A8 protein results in increased uptake of estrone sulfate]; rhein metabolite inhibits the reaction [SLC22A8 protein results in increased uptake of estrone sulfate]; rhein metabolite inhibits the reaction [SLC22A8 protein results in increased uptake of Methotrexate] CTD PMID:28890383 NCBI chr19:8,568,576...8,589,199
Ensembl chr19:8,568,618...8,589,199
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G Sqstm1 sequestosome 1 increases expression ISO rhein results in increased expression of SQSTM1 protein CTD PMID:31436023 NCBI chr11:50,090,979...50,105,303
Ensembl chr11:50,090,193...50,101,654
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G Tek TEK receptor tyrosine kinase multiple interactions ISO rhein inhibits the reaction [ITGA4 protein results in increased expression of TEK protein] CTD PMID:36731809 NCBI chr 4:94,627,322...94,763,213
Ensembl chr 4:94,627,526...94,763,213
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G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 multiple interactions ISO rhein inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein] CTD PMID:12546737 NCBI chr 7:25,386,406...25,404,503
Ensembl chr 7:25,386,427...25,404,502
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor increases expression
multiple interactions
rhein results in increased expression of TNF protein
rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]; rhein inhibits the reaction [[Methionine deficiency co-treated with Choline deficiency] results in increased expression of TNF protein]; rhein inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein]
CTD PMID:26784856 PMID:31436023 PMID:37023836 NCBI chr17:35,418,343...35,420,983
Ensembl chr17:35,418,357...35,420,983
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G Tradd TNFRSF1A-associated via death domain increases expression ISO rhein results in increased expression of TRADD protein CTD PMID:31436023 NCBI chr 8:105,985,207...105,991,226
Ensembl chr 8:105,984,918...105,991,241
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G Traf1 TNF receptor-associated factor 1 increases expression ISO rhein results in increased expression of TRAF1 protein CTD PMID:31436023 NCBI chr 2:34,831,762...34,851,784
Ensembl chr 2:34,831,762...34,851,784
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G Vegfa vascular endothelial growth factor A decreases expression
decreases response to substance
multiple interactions
ISO rhein results in decreased expression of VEGFA protein
rhein results in decreased susceptibility to VEGFA protein
rhein inhibits the reaction [ITGA4 protein results in increased expression of VEGFA protein]
CTD PMID:21457705 PMID:36731809 NCBI chr17:46,327,919...46,343,303
Ensembl chr17:46,327,919...46,343,295
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 22222
    chemical entity 22221
      molecular entity 22213
        polyatomic entity 22116
          heteroatomic molecular entity 22048
            hydroxides 20818
              organic hydroxy compound 19757
                phenols 19256
                  hydroxyanthraquinones 511
                    dihydroxyanthraquinone 358
                      Rhein 43
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 22222
    subatomic particle 22214
      composite particle 22214
        hadron 22214
          baryon 22214
            nucleon 22214
              atomic nucleus 22214
                atom 22214
                  main group element atom 22145
                    p-block element atom 22145
                      carbon group element atom 21940
                        carbon atom 21880
                          organic molecular entity 21880
                            heteroorganic entity 21547
                              organochalcogen compound 21047
                                organooxygen compound 20895
                                  carbonyl compound 20215
                                    ketone 17972
                                      cyclic ketone 16409
                                        quinone 8769
                                          acenoquinone 7829
                                            anthraquinone 522
                                              hydroxyanthraquinones 511
                                                dihydroxyanthraquinone 358
                                                  Rhein 43
paths to the root