Drd3 (dopamine receptor D3) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: Drd3 (dopamine receptor D3) Rattus norvegicus
Symbol: Drd3
Name: dopamine receptor D3
RGD ID: 2521
Description: Enables D1 dopamine receptor binding activity; dopamine neurotransmitter receptor activity, coupled via Gi/Go; and protein domain specific binding activity. Involved in several processes, including adenylate cyclase-inhibiting dopamine receptor signaling pathway; behavioral response to cocaine; and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Located in several cellular components, including apical part of cell; cell projection; and endocytic vesicle. Is active in GABA-ergic synapse; glutamatergic synapse; and postsynaptic density membrane. Used to study Parkinsonism; amnestic disorder; essential tremor; and hypertension. Biomarker of heroin dependence and visual epilepsy. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in Parkinson's disease; essential tremor; essential tremor 1; and schizophrenia. Orthologous to human DRD3 (dopamine receptor D3); PARTICIPATES IN dopamine signaling pathway; dopamine signaling pathway via D2 family of receptors; G protein mediated signaling pathway via Galphai family; INTERACTS WITH (R,R)-tramadol; (S)-colchicine; 17beta-estradiol.
Type: protein-coding
RefSeq Status: VALIDATED
Previously known as: D(3) dopamine receptor; D3 receptor; dopamine D3 receptor; dopamine D3 receptor isoform; dopaminergic receptor D3
RGD Orthologs
Green Monkey
Naked Mole-Rat
Alliance Orthologs
More Info more info ...
Latest Assembly: mRatBN7.2 - mRatBN7.2 Assembly
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr81170,385,586 - 70,437,793 (-)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.21156,879,689 - 56,931,901 (-)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1156,879,689 - 56,940,596 (-)EnsemblmRatBN7.2 Ensembl
UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx1165,692,856 - 65,745,058 (-)NCBIRnor_SHRUTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx
UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.01158,355,096 - 58,407,302 (-)NCBIRnor_SHRSPUTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0
UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.01157,403,823 - 57,463,424 (-)NCBIRnor_WKYUTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0
Rnor_6.01161,819,102 - 61,883,223 (-)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1161,822,077 - 61,874,327 (-)EnsemblRnor6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_5.01160,955,136 - 61,016,058 (-)NCBIRnor5.0Rnor_5.0rn5Rnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41158,446,901 - 58,520,589 (-)NCBIRGSC3.4RGSC_v3.4rn4RGSC3.4
RGSC_v3.11158,504,489 - 58,578,178 (-)NCBI
Celera1156,432,639 - 56,484,538 (-)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map11q21NCBI
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Gene-Chemical Interaction Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View
(+)-butaclamol  (ISO)
(1S,2R)-5-methoxy-1-methyl-2-(propylamino)tetralin  (ISO)
(R,R)-tramadol  (EXP)
(S)-amphetamine  (ISO)
(S)-colchicine  (EXP)
(S)-nicotine  (ISO)
1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline  (ISO)
17beta-estradiol  (EXP)
2-[4-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylmethyl)-1-piperazinyl]pyrimidine  (ISO)
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine  (ISO)
3,5-dichloro-N-[[(2S)-1-ethyl-2-pyrrolidinyl]methyl]-2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzamide  (EXP)
4,4'-sulfonyldiphenol  (EXP,ISO)
6-propyl-2-thiouracil  (ISO)
acrylamide  (ISO)
aflatoxin B1  (ISO)
amitriptyline  (EXP)
ammonium chloride  (EXP)
amphetamine  (EXP)
apomorphine  (ISO)
Aroclor 1254  (EXP)
arsenite(3-)  (ISO)
atrazine  (ISO)
baclofen  (EXP)
bisphenol A  (EXP,ISO)
bisphenol F  (EXP)
bromocriptine  (EXP)
C60 fullerene  (EXP)
cadmium atom  (EXP)
calcium atom  (EXP)
calcium(0)  (EXP)
cannabidiol  (EXP)
CGP 52608  (ISO)
clozapine  (ISO)
cocaine  (EXP,ISO)
copper atom  (EXP)
copper(0)  (EXP)
Cuprizon  (EXP)
dieldrin  (EXP)
diiodine  (ISO)
dimethylarsinic acid  (ISO)
dizocilpine maleate  (EXP)
dopamine  (EXP,ISO)
ethanol  (ISO)
eticlopride(1+)  (ISO)
fenvalerate  (EXP)
fluoxetine  (ISO)
folic acid  (ISO)
FPL 64176  (EXP)
fucoxanthin  (ISO)
gamma-aminobutyric acid  (EXP)
gold atom  (EXP)
gold(0)  (EXP)
haloperidol  (EXP,ISO)
ionomycin  (EXP)
KN-93  (EXP)
mercury atom  (EXP)
mercury(0)  (EXP)
methamphetamine  (EXP,ISO)
methylarsonic acid  (ISO)
Methylazoxymethanol acetate  (EXP)
methylmercury chloride  (ISO)
mirtazapine  (EXP)
N-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium  (EXP)
N-methyl-6-chloro-1-(3-methylphenyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-3-benzazepine-7,8-diol  (EXP)
N-Methylspiperone  (EXP)
nafadotride  (ISO)
nicotine  (ISO)
nifedipine  (EXP)
olanzapine  (ISO)
oxidopamine  (EXP)
piperidines  (ISO)
pramipexole  (ISO)
propanal  (ISO)
quercetin  (EXP)
quinpirole  (EXP,ISO)
risperidone  (ISO)
ropinirole  (ISO)
SCH 23390  (EXP)
silver atom  (EXP)
silver(0)  (EXP)
sodium arsenate  (ISO)
sodium arsenite  (ISO)
spiperone  (ISO)
tetrahydropalmatine  (EXP)
tramadol  (EXP)
trichloroethene  (EXP)
triptonide  (ISO)
U-73122  (EXP)
zinc atom  (EXP)
zinc(0)  (EXP)

Gene Ontology Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Biological Process
acid secretion  (IDA)
adenylate cyclase-activating adrenergic receptor signaling pathway  (IBA)
adenylate cyclase-activating dopamine receptor signaling pathway  (IEA,ISO)
adenylate cyclase-inhibiting dopamine receptor signaling pathway  (IBA,IDA,IEA,ISO)
arachidonate secretion  (IEA,ISO)
autophagy  (IMP)
behavioral response to cocaine  (IEA,IMP,ISO)
circadian regulation of gene expression  (ISO)
G protein-coupled dopamine receptor signaling pathway  (ISO,TAS)
G protein-coupled receptor internalization  (IDA,IEA,ISO)
G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway  (IEA,IMP,ISO)
intracellular calcium ion homeostasis  (IEA,ISO)
locomotory behavior  (ISO)
musculoskeletal movement, spinal reflex action  (ISO)
negative regulation of apoptotic process  (IDA)
negative regulation of blood pressure  (ISO)
negative regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration  (IBA)
negative regulation of dopamine receptor signaling pathway  (ISO)
negative regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation  (ISO)
negative regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction  (ISO)
negative regulation of protein secretion  (IEA,ISO)
negative regulation of sodium:proton antiporter activity  (IMP)
negative regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic  (IBA)
negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II  (IDA)
oligodendrocyte differentiation  (ISO)
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signal transduction  (ISO)
phospholipase C-activating dopamine receptor signaling pathway  (IBA)
positive regulation of cell population proliferation  (IDA)
positive regulation of cytokinesis  (IEA,ISO)
positive regulation of dopamine receptor signaling pathway  (ISO)
positive regulation of MAPK cascade  (IBA)
positive regulation of mitotic nuclear division  (IMP)
positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II  (IDA)
prepulse inhibition  (IEA,ISO)
regulation of biological quality  (IEA)
regulation of blood volume by renin-angiotensin  (ISO)
regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep  (IMP)
regulation of dopamine secretion  (IBA,IMP,ISO)
regulation of lipid metabolic process  (ISO)
regulation of locomotion  (IEA)
regulation of locomotion involved in locomotory behavior  (IMP)
regulation of multicellular organism growth  (ISO)
regulation of neurotransmitter uptake  (ISO)
regulation of postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptor internalization  (EXP,IDA,IEP)
regulation of potassium ion transport  (IBA)
response to amphetamine  (ISO)
response to cocaine  (ISO)
response to ethanol  (ISO)
response to histamine  (IEA,ISO)
response to morphine  (ISO)
response to xenobiotic stimulus  (IDA,TAS)
synaptic transmission, dopaminergic  (IEA)
visual learning  (ISO)

Cellular Component


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Striatal neurochemical changes in transgenic models of Huntington's disease. Ariano MA, etal., J Neurosci Res. 2002 Jun 15;68(6):716-29.
2. Silencing dopamine D3-receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell in vivo induces changes in cocaine-induced hyperlocomotion. Bahi A, etal., Eur J Neurosci. 2005 Jun;21(12):3415-26.
3. Increased expression of dopamine receptors on lymphocytes in Parkinson's disease. Barbanti P, etal., Mov Disord. 1999 Sep;14(5):764-71.
4. Dopamine D3 modulation of locomotor activity and sleep in the nucleus accumbens and in lobules 9 and 10 of the cerebellum in the rat. Barik S and de Beaurepaire R, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2005 Jun;29(5):718-26.
5. The physiology, signaling, and pharmacology of dopamine receptors. Beaulieu JM and Gainetdinov RR, Pharmacol Rev. 2011 Mar;63(1):182-217. doi: 10.1124/pr.110.002642. Epub 2011 Feb 8.
6. Dopamine D3 receptors regulate GABAA receptor function through a phospho-dependent endocytosis mechanism in nucleus accumbens. Chen G, etal., J Neurosci. 2006 Mar 1;26(9):2513-21. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4712-05.2006.
7. Activation of heterologously expressed D3 dopamine receptors: comparison with D2 dopamine receptors. Chio CL, etal., Mol Pharmacol. 1994 Jan;45(1):51-60.
8. Dopamine D3 receptor stimulation promotes the proliferation of cells derived from the post-natal subventricular zone. Coronas V, etal., J Neurochem. 2004 Dec;91(6):1292-301.
9. Association between schizophrenia and homozygosity at the dopamine D3 receptor gene. Crocq MA, etal., J Med Genet. 1992 Dec;29(12):858-60.
10. Up-regulation of D3 dopaminergic receptor mRNA in the core of the nucleus accumbens accompanies the development of seizures in a genetic model of absence-epilepsy in the rat. Deransart C, etal., Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 2001 Oct 19;94(1-2):166-77.
11. Respective roles of dopamine D2 and D3 receptors in food-seeking behaviour in rats. Duarte C, etal., Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2003 Feb;166(1):19-32.
12. Lentiviral-mediated gene delivery reveals distinct roles of nucleus accumbens dopamine D2 and D3 receptors in novelty- and light-induced locomotor activity. Fernandes AR, etal., Eur J Neurosci. 2012 Apr;35(8):1344-53. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2012.08028.x. Epub 2012 Mar 7.
13. Reciprocal regulation of dopamine D1 and D3 receptor function and trafficking by heterodimerization. Fiorentini C, etal., Mol Pharmacol. 2008 Jul;74(1):59-69. doi: 10.1124/mol.107.043885. Epub 2008 Apr 18.
14. Phylogenetic-based propagation of functional annotations within the Gene Ontology consortium. Gaudet P, etal., Brief Bioinform. 2011 Sep;12(5):449-62. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbr042. Epub 2011 Aug 27.
15. CLIC6, a member of the intracellular chloride channel family, interacts with dopamine D(2)-like receptors. Griffon N, etal., Brain Res Mol Brain Res 2003 Sep 10;117(1):47-57.
16. Impulsivity and Concussion in Juvenile Rats: Examining Molecular and Structural Aspects of the Frontostriatal Pathway. Hehar H, etal., PLoS One. 2015 Oct 8;10(10):e0139842. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139842. eCollection 2015.
17. Interactions of GIPC with dopamine D2, D3 but not D4 receptors define a novel mode of regulation of G protein-coupled receptors. Jeanneteau F, etal., Mol Biol Cell. 2004 Feb;15(2):696-705. Epub 2003 Nov 14.
18. The D2/D3 agonist PD128907 (R-(+)-trans-3,4a,10b-tetrahydro-4-propyl-2H,5H-benzopyrano[4,3-b]-1,4-oxazin- 9-ol) inhibits stimulated pyloric relaxation and spontaneous gastric emptying. Kashyap P, etal., Dig Dis Sci. 2009 Jan;54(1):57-62. Epub 2008 Jul 4.
19. Pramipexole at a Low Dose Induces Beneficial Effect in the Harmaline-induced Model of Essential Tremor in Rats. Kosmowska B, etal., CNS Neurosci Ther. 2016 Jan;22(1):53-62. doi: 10.1111/cns.12467. Epub 2015 Oct 13.
20. Immunohistochemical localization of dopamine receptor subtypes (D1R-D5R) in Alzheimer's disease brain. Kumar U and Patel SC, Brain Res. 2007 Feb 2;1131(1):187-96. Epub 2006 Dec 19.
21. Dopamine D3 receptor antagonists improve the learning performance in memory-impaired rats. Laszy J, etal., Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2005 May;179(3):567-75. Epub 2004 Dec 24.
22. The usefulness of the spontaneously hypertensive rat to model attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be explained by the differential expression of dopamine-related genes in the brain. Li Q, etal., Neurochem Int. 2007 May;50(6):848-57. Epub 2007 Mar 1.
23. Changes in Expression of Dopamine, Its Receptor, and Transporter in Nucleus Accumbens of Heroin-Addicted Rats with Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Overexpression. Li Y, etal., Med Sci Monit. 2017 Jun 9;23:2805-2815.
24. Linkage with the Ser9Gly DRD3 polymorphism in essential tremor families. Lucotte G, etal., Clin Genet. 2006 May;69(5):437-40.
25. Dopamine D3 receptor mRNA and renal response to D3 receptor activation in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Luippold G, etal., Hypertens Res. 2003 Oct;26(10):855-61.
26. Dopamine D(3) receptors and salt-dependent hypertension. Luippold G, etal., J Am Soc Nephrol. 2001 Nov;12(11):2272-9.
27. Rat ISS GO annotations from MGI mouse gene data--August 2006 MGD data from the GO Consortium
28. Decrease of the D3 dopamine receptor mRNA expression in lymphocytes from patients with Parkinson's disease. Nagai Y, etal., Neurology. 1996 Mar;46(3):791-5.
29. A study of the association between schizophrenia and the dopamine D3 receptor gene. Nanko S, etal., Hum Genet. 1993 Oct;92(4):336-8.
30. Electronic Transfer of LocusLink and RefSeq Data NCBI rat LocusLink and RefSeq merged data July 26, 2002
31. Expression of the dopamine D3 receptor protein in the rat kidney. O'Connell DP, etal., Hypertension. 1998 Nov;32(5):886-95.
32. OMIM Disease Annotation Pipeline OMIM Disease Annotation Pipeline
33. Dopamine D3 receptor-mediated inhibition of Na+/H+ exchanger activity in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rat proximal tubular epithelial cells. Pedrosa R, etal., Br J Pharmacol. 2004 Aug;142(8):1343-53. Epub 2004 Jul 20.
34. Colocalization of dopamine receptor subtypes with dopamine and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) in rat brain. Rajput PS, etal., Neurosci Res. 2009 Sep;65(1):53-63. Epub 2009 May 22.
35. ClinVar Automated Import and Annotation Pipeline RGD automated import pipeline for ClinVar variants, variant-to-disease annotations and gene-to-disease annotations
36. Data Import for Chemical-Gene Interactions RGD automated import pipeline for gene-chemical interactions
37. Dopamine D3 receptor modulation of dopamine efflux in the rat nucleus accumbens. Roberts C, etal., Eur J Pharmacol. 2006 Mar 18;534(1-3):108-14. Epub 2006 Feb 21.
38. Ethanol concentration-dependent alterations in gene expression during acute binge drinking in the HIV-1 transgenic rat. Sarkar S and Chang SL, Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013 Jul;37(7):1082-90. doi: 10.1111/acer.12077. Epub 2013 Feb 15.
39. Alternative transcripts of the rat and human dopamine D3 receptor. Snyder LA, etal., Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1991 Oct 31;180(2):1031-5.
40. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel dopamine receptor (D3) as a target for neuroleptics. Sokoloff P, etal., Nature 1990 Sep 13;347(6289):146-51.
41. Direct and indirect interactions of the dopamine D3 receptor with glutamate pathways: implications for the treatment of schizophrenia. Sokoloff P, etal., Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2013 Feb;386(2):107-24. doi: 10.1007/s00210-012-0797-0. Epub 2012 Sep 22.
42. Ser9Gly polymorphism in the dopamine D3 receptor gene is not associated with essential hypertension in the Japanese. Soma M, etal., Med Sci Monit. 2002 Jan;8(1):CR1-4.
43. Association between novelty-seeking and the dopamine D3 receptor gene in bipolar patients: a preliminary report. Staner L, etal., Am J Med Genet 1998 Mar 28;81(2):192-4.
44. Effects of oligonucleotide antisense to dopamine D3 receptor mRNA in a rodent model of behavioural sensitization to levodopa. van Kampen JM and Stoessl AJ, Neuroscience 2003;116(1):307-14.
45. A pivotal role of FOS-mediated BECN1/Beclin 1 upregulation in dopamine D2 and D3 receptor agonist-induced autophagy activation. Wang JD, etal., Autophagy. 2015 Nov 2;11(11):2057-2073. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100930.
46. Stimulation of Dopamine D3 Receptor Attenuates Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury via Increased Linkage With Ga12. Wang Z, etal., Transplantation. 2015 Nov;99(11):2274-84. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000000762.
47. Activation of D3 dopamine receptor decreases angiotensin II type 1 receptor expression in rat renal proximal tubule cells. Zeng C, etal., Circ Res. 2006 Sep 1;99(5):494-500. Epub 2006 Aug 10.
48. Aberrant D1 and D3 dopamine receptor transregulation in hypertension. Zeng C, etal., Hypertension. 2004 Mar;43(3):654-60. Epub 2004 Jan 19.
49. Interaction between polymorphisms of the dopamine D3 receptor and manganese superoxide dismutase genes in susceptibility to tardive dyskinesia. Zhang ZJ, etal., Psychiatr Genet. 2003 Sep;13(3):187-92.
Additional References at PubMed
PMID:1358063   PMID:2039532   PMID:7566118   PMID:7907363   PMID:7911712   PMID:8301582   PMID:8333859   PMID:8413587   PMID:8449953   PMID:8666994   PMID:8700864   PMID:8815892  
PMID:8836575   PMID:9354330   PMID:9402626   PMID:9482807   PMID:9651217   PMID:9691085   PMID:10221759   PMID:10415668   PMID:10432116   PMID:10884517   PMID:10943692   PMID:11864730  
PMID:11988344   PMID:12044470   PMID:12097513   PMID:12544452   PMID:12544838   PMID:12574430   PMID:12652349   PMID:12873629   PMID:13129831   PMID:14523624   PMID:15016423   PMID:15081599  
PMID:15084447   PMID:15140009   PMID:15197646   PMID:15319371   PMID:15601940   PMID:15878801   PMID:16197514   PMID:16386234   PMID:16574158   PMID:16839358   PMID:17077299   PMID:17187934  
PMID:17251429   PMID:17332411   PMID:17593530   PMID:17952413   PMID:17996231   PMID:18325483   PMID:18441198   PMID:18547994   PMID:18588536   PMID:20435100   PMID:20531939   PMID:20811714  
PMID:20888837   PMID:20936685   PMID:21054688   PMID:21215744   PMID:21228598   PMID:21389298   PMID:21633357   PMID:21896332   PMID:22297482   PMID:22888021   PMID:23192317   PMID:23399948  
PMID:23407782   PMID:23420100   PMID:23602989   PMID:25257287   PMID:25266122   PMID:25344317   PMID:25517101   PMID:25770092   PMID:25907750   PMID:26233608   PMID:26802971   PMID:27254310  
PMID:27393374   PMID:28096775   PMID:29510167   PMID:30261284   PMID:30489132   PMID:31535376   PMID:31695055   PMID:32646740   PMID:33249031   PMID:34508168   PMID:36638964   PMID:38917939  


Comparative Map Data
(Rattus norvegicus - Norway rat)
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr81170,385,586 - 70,437,793 (-)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.21156,879,689 - 56,931,901 (-)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1156,879,689 - 56,940,596 (-)EnsemblmRatBN7.2 Ensembl
UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx1165,692,856 - 65,745,058 (-)NCBIRnor_SHRUTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx
UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.01158,355,096 - 58,407,302 (-)NCBIRnor_SHRSPUTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0
UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.01157,403,823 - 57,463,424 (-)NCBIRnor_WKYUTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0
Rnor_6.01161,819,102 - 61,883,223 (-)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1161,822,077 - 61,874,327 (-)EnsemblRnor6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_5.01160,955,136 - 61,016,058 (-)NCBIRnor5.0Rnor_5.0rn5Rnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41158,446,901 - 58,520,589 (-)NCBIRGSC3.4RGSC_v3.4rn4RGSC3.4
RGSC_v3.11158,504,489 - 58,578,178 (-)NCBI
Celera1156,432,639 - 56,484,538 (-)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map11q21NCBI
(Homo sapiens - human)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCh383114,127,580 - 114,199,407 (-)NCBIGRCh38GRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh38.p14 Ensembl3114,127,580 - 114,199,407 (-)EnsemblGRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh373113,846,427 - 113,918,254 (-)NCBIGRCh37GRCh37hg19GRCh37
Build 363115,330,247 - 115,380,589 (-)NCBINCBI36Build 36hg18NCBI36
Celera3112,255,976 - 112,306,017 (-)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map3q13.31NCBI
HuRef3111,221,547 - 111,271,509 (-)NCBIHuRef
CHM1_13113,810,902 - 113,860,923 (-)NCBICHM1_1
T2T-CHM13v2.03116,848,840 - 116,920,342 (-)NCBIT2T-CHM13v2.0
(Mus musculus - house mouse)
Mouse AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCm391643,574,285 - 43,646,353 (+)NCBIGRCm39GRCm39mm39
GRCm39 Ensembl1643,574,389 - 43,643,295 (+)EnsemblGRCm39 Ensembl
GRCm381643,754,015 - 43,825,982 (+)NCBIGRCm38GRCm38mm10GRCm38
GRCm38.p6 Ensembl1643,754,026 - 43,822,932 (+)EnsemblGRCm38mm10GRCm38
MGSCv371643,762,355 - 43,822,952 (+)NCBIGRCm37MGSCv37mm9NCBIm37
MGSCv361643,681,574 - 43,742,171 (+)NCBIMGSCv36mm8
Celera1644,116,581 - 44,178,828 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map16B4NCBI
cM Map1628.44NCBI
(Chinchilla lanigera - long-tailed chinchilla)
Chinchilla AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
ChiLan1.0 EnsemblNW_00495542714,219,594 - 14,252,178 (-)EnsemblChiLan1.0
ChiLan1.0NW_00495542714,219,519 - 14,252,178 (-)NCBIChiLan1.0ChiLan1.0
(Pan paniscus - bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee)
Bonobo AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
NHGRI_mPanPan1-v22112,119,170 - 112,171,040 (-)NCBINHGRI_mPanPan1-v2
NHGRI_mPanPan13112,123,944 - 112,175,818 (-)NCBINHGRI_mPanPan1
Mhudiblu_PPA_v03111,265,834 - 111,317,176 (-)NCBIMhudiblu_PPA_v0Mhudiblu_PPA_v0panPan3
PanPan1.13118,187,636 - 118,237,403 (-)NCBIpanpan1.1PanPan1.1panPan2
PanPan1.1 Ensembl3118,187,636 - 118,237,403 (-)Ensemblpanpan1.1panPan2
(Canis lupus familiaris - dog)
Dog AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
CanFam3.13318,369,362 - 18,414,465 (-)NCBICanFam3.1CanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
CanFam3.1 Ensembl3318,372,865 - 18,412,277 (-)EnsemblCanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha3318,479,435 - 18,522,131 (-)NCBIDog10K_Boxer_Tasha
ROS_Cfam_1.03318,617,139 - 18,660,020 (-)NCBIROS_Cfam_1.0
ROS_Cfam_1.0 Ensembl3318,616,976 - 18,660,045 (-)EnsemblROS_Cfam_1.0 Ensembl
UMICH_Zoey_3.13318,420,282 - 18,463,050 (-)NCBIUMICH_Zoey_3.1
UNSW_CanFamBas_1.03318,472,599 - 18,515,180 (-)NCBIUNSW_CanFamBas_1.0
UU_Cfam_GSD_1.03319,017,562 - 19,060,421 (-)NCBIUU_Cfam_GSD_1.0
(Ictidomys tridecemlineatus - thirteen-lined ground squirrel)
Squirrel AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
HiC_Itri_2NW_024405602135,897,271 - 135,945,568 (+)NCBIHiC_Itri_2
SpeTri2.0 EnsemblNW_0049365361,580,732 - 1,616,725 (-)EnsemblSpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0 Ensembl
SpeTri2.0NW_0049365361,580,732 - 1,616,726 (-)NCBISpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0
(Sus scrofa - pig)
Pig AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
Sscrofa11.1 Ensembl13145,771,774 - 145,819,168 (+)EnsemblSscrofa11.1susScr11Sscrofa11.1
Sscrofa11.113145,769,294 - 145,817,997 (+)NCBISscrofa11.1Sscrofa11.1susScr11Sscrofa11.1
Sscrofa10.213155,329,068 - 155,375,118 (-)NCBISscrofa10.2Sscrofa10.2susScr3
(Chlorocebus sabaeus - green monkey)
Green Monkey AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
ChlSab1.12266,683,987 - 66,737,645 (+)NCBIChlSab1.1ChlSab1.1chlSab2
ChlSab1.1 Ensembl2266,691,177 - 66,736,690 (+)EnsemblChlSab1.1ChlSab1.1 EnsemblchlSab2
Vero_WHO_p1.0NW_02366604199,729,580 - 99,781,727 (-)NCBIVero_WHO_p1.0Vero_WHO_p1.0
(Heterocephalus glaber - naked mole-rat)
Naked Mole-Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
HetGla_female_1.0 EnsemblNW_00462473134,319,130 - 34,363,184 (+)EnsemblHetGla_female_1.0HetGla_female_1.0 EnsemblhetGla2
HetGla 1.0NW_00462473134,318,733 - 34,369,111 (+)NCBIHetGla_female_1.0HetGla 1.0hetGla2


Variants in Drd3
303 total Variants
miRNA Target Status

Predicted Target Of
Summary Value
Count of predictions:60
Count of miRNA genes:58
Interacting mature miRNAs:60
Prediction methods:Microtar, Miranda, Rnahybrid, Targetscan
Result types:miRGate_prediction

The detailed report is available here: Full Report CSV TAB Printer

miRNA Target Status data imported from miRGate (http://mirgate.bioinfo.cnio.es/).
For more information about miRGate, see PMID:25858286 or access the full paper here.

QTLs in Region (mRatBN7.2)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
1300147Bp187Blood pressure QTL 1873.67arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)blood pressure time series experimental set point of the baroreceptor response (CMO:0002593)11169446234Rat
724554Iddm17Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 170.001blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)blood glucose level (CMO:0000046)111897620886241447Rat
70180BpQTLcluster10Blood pressure QTL cluster 103.19arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)113491804179918041Rat
1581565Pur10Proteinuria QTL 100.0001urine albumin amount (VT:0002871)urine albumin excretion rate (CMO:0000757)114480331882846466Rat
4889859Pur28Proteinuria QTL 2819.50.001urine total protein amount (VT:0000032)urine total protein excretion rate (CMO:0000756)114545932375190161Rat
8694376Bw156Body weight QTL 1562.250.001body lean mass (VT:0010483)lean tissue morphological measurement (CMO:0002184)112328045668280456Rat
1300130Rf20Renal function QTL 204.44kidney glomerulus integrity trait (VT:0010546)kidney glomerulus diameter (CMO:0001166)112952841860324829Rat
10058952Gmadr6Adrenal mass QTL 62.290.0072adrenal gland mass (VT:0010420)both adrenal glands wet weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0002411)112295940367959403Rat
2298551Neuinf10Neuroinflammation QTL 103.7nervous system integrity trait (VT:0010566)spinal cord beta-2 microglobulin mRNA level (CMO:0002125)113123913478851519Rat
1300135Rf19Renal function QTL 193.38blood creatinine amount (VT:0005328)creatinine clearance (CMO:0000765)114094618882566702Rat
1558659Tescar1Testicular tumor resistance QTL 13.9testis integrity trait (VT:0010572)percentage of study population developing testis tumors during a period of time (CMO:0001261)11104193166113562Rat
2312566Glom20Glomerulus QTL 203.60.001kidney glomerulus morphology trait (VT:0005325)index of glomerular damage (CMO:0001135)114428575982566702Rat
724563Uae10Urinary albumin excretion QTL 106urine albumin amount (VT:0002871)urine albumin level (CMO:0000130)112767241082846715Rat
724561Plsm4Polydactyly-luxate syndrome (PLS) morphotypes QTL 40.0003forelimb integrity trait (VT:0010562)front foot phalanges count (CMO:0001947)115445753486241447Rat
9589032Epfw10Epididymal fat weight QTL 109.290.001epididymal fat pad mass (VT:0010421)epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000658)112328045668280456Rat
4889521Gluco62Glucose level QTL 622.820.001blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)blood glucose level (CMO:0000046)115513672982993457Rat
9590313Scort20Serum corticosterone level QTL 206.510.001blood corticosterone amount (VT:0005345)plasma corticosterone level (CMO:0001173)112328045668280456Rat
7411658Foco27Food consumption QTL 2716.20.001eating behavior trait (VT:0001431)feed conversion ratio (CMO:0001312)115635142486241447Rat
1581572Uae35Urinary albumin excretion QTL 350.0001urine albumin amount (VT:0002871)urine albumin excretion rate (CMO:0000757)114480331882846466Rat
8694424Bw162Body weight QTL 1623.80.001body lean mass (VT:0010483)lean tissue morphological measurement (CMO:0002184)112328045668280456Rat
1300110Stl7Serum triglyceride level QTL 74.64blood triglyceride amount (VT:0002644)plasma triglyceride level (CMO:0000548)112952841882566702Rat

Markers in Region
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.21156,919,347 - 56,919,497 (+)MAPPERmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01161,861,776 - 61,861,923NCBIRnor6.0
Rnor_5.01160,994,847 - 60,994,994UniSTSRnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41158,508,038 - 58,508,185UniSTSRGSC3.4
Celera1156,471,987 - 56,472,134UniSTS
Cytogenetic Map11q21UniSTS
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.21156,879,748 - 56,879,926 (+)MAPPERmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01161,822,137 - 61,822,314NCBIRnor6.0
Rnor_5.01160,956,033 - 60,956,210UniSTSRnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41158,446,961 - 58,447,138UniSTSRGSC3.4
Celera1156,432,699 - 56,432,876UniSTS
Cytogenetic Map11q21UniSTS
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.21156,879,815 - 56,879,922 (+)MAPPERmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01161,822,204 - 61,822,310NCBIRnor6.0
Rnor_5.01160,956,100 - 60,956,206UniSTSRnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41158,447,028 - 58,447,134UniSTSRGSC3.4
Celera1156,432,766 - 56,432,872UniSTS
Cytogenetic Map11q21UniSTS
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.21156,918,309 - 56,918,584 (+)MAPPERmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01161,860,738 - 61,861,012NCBIRnor6.0
Rnor_5.01160,993,809 - 60,994,083UniSTSRnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41158,506,990 - 58,507,274UniSTSRGSC3.4
Celera1156,470,941 - 56,471,223UniSTS
Cytogenetic Map11q21UniSTS
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.21156,919,224 - 56,919,495 (+)MAPPERmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01161,861,653 - 61,861,921NCBIRnor6.0
Rnor_5.01160,994,724 - 60,994,992UniSTSRnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41158,507,915 - 58,508,183UniSTSRGSC3.4
Celera1156,471,864 - 56,472,132UniSTS
Cytogenetic Map11q21UniSTS
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.21156,879,856 - 56,881,140 (+)MAPPERmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01161,822,245 - 61,823,528NCBIRnor6.0
Rnor_5.01160,956,141 - 60,957,424UniSTSRnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41158,447,069 - 58,448,352UniSTSRGSC3.4
Celera1156,432,807 - 56,434,090UniSTS
Cytogenetic Map11q21UniSTS


RNA-SEQ Expression

alimentary part of gastrointestinal system
circulatory system
endocrine system
exocrine system
hemolymphoid system
hepatobiliary system
integumental system
nervous system
reproductive system
respiratory system
6 9 95 22 19 6 6 6 6 39 27 83 27 13


Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOT00000089057   ⟹   ENSRNOP00000073117
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1156,879,689 - 56,940,596 (-)Ensembl
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1161,822,077 - 61,874,327 (-)Ensembl
Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOT00000093511
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1156,894,382 - 56,931,828 (-)Ensembl
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1161,836,769 - 61,874,254 (-)Ensembl
RefSeq Acc Id: NM_017140   ⟹   NP_058836
RefSeq Status: VALIDATED
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCr81170,385,586 - 70,437,793 (-)NCBI
mRatBN7.21156,879,689 - 56,931,901 (-)NCBI
Rnor_6.01161,822,077 - 61,874,327 (-)NCBI
Rnor_5.01160,955,136 - 61,016,058 (-)NCBI
RGSC_v3.41158,446,901 - 58,520,589 (-)RGD
Celera1156,432,639 - 56,484,538 (-)RGD
RefSeq Acc Id: NP_058836   ⟸   NM_017140
- UniProtKB: P70647 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot),   P19020 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot),   A6IR24 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL),   A0A8L2R6V7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL)
- Sequence:
Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOP00000073117   ⟸   ENSRNOT00000089057
Protein Structures
Name Modeler Protein Id AA Range Protein Structure
AF-P19020-F1-model_v2 AlphaFold P19020 1-446 view protein structure


eQTL   View at Phenogen
WGCNA   View at Phenogen
Tissue/Strain Expression   View at Phenogen

Additional Information

Database Acc Id Source(s)
AGR Gene RGD:2521 AgrOrtholog
BioCyc Gene G2FUF-21329 BioCyc
Ensembl Genes ENSRNOG00000060806 Ensembl, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
Ensembl Transcript ENSRNOT00000089057.2 UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  ENSRNOT00000093511.2 UniProtKB/TrEMBL
Gene3D-CATH Rhodopsin 7-helix transmembrane proteins UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
InterPro Dopamine_D3_rcpt UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  Dopamine_rcpt UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  GPCR_Rhodpsn UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  GPCR_Rhodpsn_7TM UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
KEGG Report rno:29238 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
Pfam 7tm_1 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
PhenoGen Drd3 PhenoGen
  DOPAMINER UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  G_PROTEIN_RECEP_F1_2 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
RatGTEx ENSRNOG00000060806 RatGTEx
SMART 7TM_GPCR_Srsx UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
Superfamily-SCOP Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
UniProt A0A8I5Y1J6_RAT UniProtKB/TrEMBL
UniProt Secondary P70647 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2002-06-10 Drd3  dopamine receptor D3      Name updated 70584 APPROVED