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Term:negative regulation of protein kinase activity
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Accession:GO:0006469 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of protein kinase activity.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: down regulation of protein kinase activity;   downregulation of protein kinase activity
 narrow_synonym: inhibition of protein kinase activity

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negative regulation of protein kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ADORA2A adenosine A2a receptor ISO in PC12 cells, PKCzeta deactivated after long-term activation of Adora2a RGD PMID:12590138 RGD:1625697 NCBI chr19:7,691,678...7,706,781
Ensembl chr19:7,691,536...7,706,926
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G AKT1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 involved_in ISO PMID:8524413 BHF-UCL PMID:8524413 RGD:8554844 NCBI chr24:82,704,087...82,730,711
Ensembl chr24:82,704,068...82,727,698
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G AKT1S1 AKT1 substrate 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:17386266) UniProt PMID:17386266 NCBI chr 6:43,026,392...43,034,896
Ensembl chr 6:43,026,286...43,035,533
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G CAV3 caveolin 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:14600260) MGI PMID:14600260 NCBI chr22:44,726,597...44,740,456
Ensembl chr22:44,727,624...44,740,459
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G CEACAM1 CEA cell adhesion molecule 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:22496641) UniProt PMID:22496641 NCBI chr 6:36,708,368...36,731,729
Ensembl chr 6:36,708,311...36,730,189
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G CEP43 centrosomal protein 43 involved_in ISO (PMID:17888034) UniProt PMID:17888034 NCBI chr13:94,755,014...94,799,305
Ensembl chr13:94,755,189...94,799,306
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G CEP85 centrosomal protein 85 involved_in ISO (PMID:26220856) UniProt PMID:26220856 NCBI chr20:106,494,932...106,545,408
Ensembl chr20:106,496,464...106,534,095
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G CHP1 calcineurin like EF-hand protein 1 involved_in ISO PMID:12966074 UniProt PMID:12966074 RGD:8553340 NCBI chr26:41,734,698...41,785,273
Ensembl chr26:41,733,063...41,785,586
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G DAXX death domain associated protein ISO RGD PMID:17289031 RGD:9587773 NCBI chr17:38,754,227...38,758,714
Ensembl chr17:38,754,280...38,759,071
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G DBNDD2 dysbindin domain containing 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:16618118) UniProt PMID:16618118 NCBI chr 2:18,424,594...18,429,086 JBrowse link
G DEPTOR DEP domain containing MTOR interacting protein involved_in ISO (PMID:19446321) UniProt PMID:19446321 NCBI chr 8:114,442,212...114,626,411
Ensembl chr 8:114,442,379...114,625,171
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G DNAJA3 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A3 involved_in ISO (PMID:15601829) UniProt PMID:15601829 NCBI chr 5:4,109,612...4,139,789 JBrowse link
G DRD1 dopamine receptor D1 ISO RGD PMID:12688394 RGD:1581394 NCBI chr23:77,587,340...77,591,434 JBrowse link
G DRD5 dopamine receptor D5 ISO RGD PMID:12688394 RGD:1581394 NCBI chr27:40,267,681...40,270,061
Ensembl chr27:40,268,235...40,269,671
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G DUSP19 dual specificity phosphatase 19 involved_in ISO (PMID:11959862) BHF-UCL PMID:11959862 NCBI chr10:68,582,797...68,607,249
Ensembl chr10:68,583,314...68,610,537
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G EPHA1 EPH receptor A1 involved_in ISO (PMID:19118217) UniProt PMID:19118217 NCBI chr21:112,276,941...112,294,505
Ensembl chr21:112,277,427...112,294,424
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G EPHB2 EPH receptor B2 acts_upstream_of ISO (PMID:11585923) ARUK-UCL PMID:11585923 NCBI chr20:109,747,883...109,954,936
Ensembl chr20:109,746,925...109,890,777
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G FABP4 fatty acid binding protein 4 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:15684432) MGI PMID:15684432 NCBI chr 8:76,895,516...76,900,153
Ensembl chr 8:76,894,512...76,900,212
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G GADD45A growth arrest and DNA damage inducible alpha acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:12124778) MGI PMID:12124778 NCBI chr20:65,422,668...65,425,845
Ensembl chr20:65,422,451...65,425,840
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G GADD45B growth arrest and DNA damage inducible beta acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:12124778) MGI PMID:12124778 NCBI chr 6:2,248,566...2,250,718
Ensembl chr 6:2,248,583...2,250,889
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G GADD45G growth arrest and DNA damage inducible gamma acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:12124778) MGI PMID:12124778 NCBI chr12:100,097,990...100,099,541
Ensembl chr12:100,097,967...100,099,697
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G GNAQ G protein subunit alpha q involved_in ISO (PMID:20399743) BHF-UCL PMID:20399743 NCBI chr12:88,666,375...88,988,989
Ensembl chr12:88,670,424...88,871,154
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G GSKIP GSK3B interacting protein involved_in ISO (PMID:16981698) UniProt PMID:16981698 NCBI chr24:74,246,221...74,270,608
Ensembl chr24:74,246,255...74,271,765
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G GSTP1 glutathione S-transferase pi 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:16636664) RGD
PMID:16636664 PMID:21668448 RGD:10401931 NCBI chr 1:6,676,897...6,679,936 JBrowse link
G HSPB1 heat shock protein family B (small) member 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:15731106) BHF-UCL PMID:15731106 NCBI chr28:10,442,530...10,443,804
Ensembl chr28:10,442,398...10,443,855
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G IL6 interleukin 6 ISO Phospholamban phosphorylation RGD PMID:15845578 RGD:2306941 NCBI chr21:35,577,513...35,582,385
Ensembl chr21:35,577,939...35,582,237
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G ILK integrin linked kinase ISO GSK-3 activity as a Tau protein kinase RGD PMID:12629168 RGD:2302091 NCBI chr 1:58,214,630...58,221,770
Ensembl chr 1:58,213,310...58,221,217
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G INPP5K inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase K involved_in ISO (PMID:12556481) UniProt PMID:12556481 NCBI chr16:1,171,059...1,192,241
Ensembl chr16:1,170,899...1,191,965
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G ITGB1BP1 integrin subunit beta 1 binding protein 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:20616313) UniProt PMID:20616313 NCBI chr14:98,226,666...98,244,094
Ensembl chr14:98,230,100...98,248,862
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G LOC103230910 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase SMYD3 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:23752591) MGI PMID:23752591 NCBI chr25:82,794,748...83,531,942 JBrowse link
G MLLT1 MLLT1 super elongation complex subunit acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:11007757) MGI PMID:11007757 NCBI chr 6:5,835,483...5,913,096
Ensembl chr 6:5,834,660...5,913,119
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G NF1 neurofibromin 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:16835260)
MGI PMID:16835260 PMID:17053831 NCBI chr16:24,550,983...24,836,311
Ensembl chr16:24,550,977...24,836,307
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G NF2 NF2, moesin-ezrin-radixin like (MERLIN) tumor suppressor acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:16405865)
MGI PMID:14580336 PMID:16405865 NCBI chr19:12,474,479...12,572,144
Ensembl chr19:12,474,468...12,572,250
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G PCP4 Purkinje cell protein 4 ISO RGD PMID:10751438 RGD:1579763 NCBI chr 2:83,791,520...83,855,289
Ensembl chr 2:83,791,458...83,855,336
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G PKIA cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor alpha acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:9218452) MGI PMID:9218452 NCBI chr 8:74,017,536...74,102,881
Ensembl chr 8:74,096,037...74,099,441
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G PKIG cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor gamma acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:9218452) MGI PMID:9218452 NCBI chr 2:19,200,718...19,289,649
Ensembl chr 2:19,201,221...19,237,497
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G PKN1 protein kinase N1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:23223530) MGI PMID:23223530 NCBI chr 6:13,088,060...13,130,848
Ensembl chr 6:13,082,132...13,130,897
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G PLEC plectin involved_in ISO (PMID:12200133) MGI PMID:12200133 NCBI chr 8:138,125,471...138,187,209
Ensembl chr 8:138,125,280...138,149,364
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G PPIA peptidylprolyl isomerase A involved_in ISO (PMID:26095851) UniProt PMID:26095851 NCBI chr21:13,876,099...13,883,546
Ensembl chr21:13,876,099...13,883,462
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G PPM1E protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1E involved_in ISO (PMID:11864573) UniProt PMID:11864573 NCBI chr16:34,433,918...34,647,076 JBrowse link
G PRKAG2 protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:17255938) BHF-UCL PMID:17255938 NCBI chr21:119,738,976...120,058,831
Ensembl chr21:119,738,967...119,970,972
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G PRKAR1A protein kinase cAMP-dependent type I regulatory subunit alpha acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:18316483) MGI PMID:18316483 NCBI chr16:53,021,666...53,042,594
Ensembl chr16:53,023,963...53,042,493
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G PRKCA protein kinase C alpha acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:11923480) MGI PMID:11923480 NCBI chr16:54,638,548...55,144,372
Ensembl chr16:54,642,729...54,948,256
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G PRKRIP1 PRKR interacting protein 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:12679338) MGI PMID:12679338 NCBI chr28:10,796,943...10,828,215
Ensembl chr28:10,796,885...10,827,653
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G PSEN1 presenilin 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:12805290) MGI PMID:12805290 NCBI chr24:50,394,310...50,476,521
Ensembl chr24:50,405,590...50,472,132
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G PTPRC protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C involved_in ISO (PMID:9197241)
UniProt PMID:9197241 PMID:10970857 NCBI chr25:30,655,014...30,777,367
Ensembl chr25:30,653,044...30,777,303
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G RB1 RB transcriptional corepressor 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:9858607) UniProt PMID:9858607 NCBI chr 3:26,220,783...26,393,671
Ensembl chr 3:26,220,803...26,394,546
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G RGN regucalcin ISO RGD PMID:11455566 RGD:9590207 NCBI chr  X:44,282,825...44,299,027
Ensembl chr  X:44,285,601...44,299,258
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G RTRAF RNA transcription, translation and transport factor involved_in ISO (PMID:15147888) UniProt PMID:15147888 NCBI chr24:29,091,241...29,106,349 JBrowse link
G SH3BP5 SH3 domain binding protein 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:10339589) UniProt PMID:10339589 NCBI chr15:60,098,901...60,175,421
Ensembl chr15:60,100,132...60,175,349
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G SHB SH2 domain containing adaptor protein B acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:23528453) MGI PMID:23528453 NCBI chr12:42,520,803...42,669,892
Ensembl chr12:42,520,905...42,669,211
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G TAF7 TATA-box binding protein associated factor 7 involved_in ISO (PMID:18391197) UniProt PMID:18391197 NCBI chr23:43,938,202...43,940,486
Ensembl chr23:43,938,714...43,939,763
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G THY1 Thy-1 cell surface antigen involved_in ISO PMID:15093746 UniProt PMID:15093746 RGD:8553684 NCBI chr 1:110,787,213...110,791,536
Ensembl chr 1:110,783,877...110,791,569
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G TRIB1 tribbles pseudokinase 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:15299019) BHF-UCL PMID:15299019 NCBI chr 8:120,013,757...120,021,823
Ensembl chr 8:120,014,339...120,019,887
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G TRIB3 tribbles pseudokinase 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:12791994) UniProt
PMID:12791994 NCBI chr 2:35,512,911...35,530,856
Ensembl chr 2:35,512,861...35,530,966
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G TRIM27 tripartite motif containing 27 involved_in ISO (PMID:22128329) UniProt PMID:22128329 NCBI chr17:43,647,965...43,670,945
Ensembl chr17:43,647,951...43,670,978
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G TSC2 TSC complex subunit 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:15249583) MGI PMID:15249583 NCBI chr 5:1,946,534...1,985,168
Ensembl chr 5:1,946,927...1,987,682
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G UBASH3B ubiquitin associated and SH3 domain containing B acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:27609517)
MGI PMID:20585042 PMID:27609517 NCBI chr 1:114,053,792...114,218,909
Ensembl chr 1:114,054,384...114,218,912
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G WARS1 tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:22504299) CAFA PMID:22504299 NCBI chr24:78,296,154...78,340,683
Ensembl chr24:78,295,741...78,339,732
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G WNK4 WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 4 involved_in ISO (PMID:30765526) MGI PMID:30765526 NCBI chr16:63,494,090...63,512,068 JBrowse link
negative regulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G PKIA cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor alpha acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:7905001) MGI PMID:7905001 NCBI chr 8:74,017,536...74,102,881
Ensembl chr 8:74,096,037...74,099,441
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G PKIB cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor beta acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:7905001) MGI PMID:7905001 NCBI chr13:51,080,860...51,198,353
Ensembl chr13:51,078,369...51,198,438
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G PRKAR2A protein kinase cAMP-dependent type II regulatory subunit alpha involved_in ISO (PMID:22674394) AgBase PMID:22674394 NCBI chr22:10,153,951...10,251,438
Ensembl chr22:10,150,378...10,251,397
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negative regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G CDKN1A cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A involved_in ISO (PMID:8876165) CAFA PMID:8876165 NCBI chr17:35,445,668...35,454,334
Ensembl chr17:35,445,223...35,454,342
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G CDKN1B cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1B involved_in ISO (PMID:8684460) CAFA PMID:8684460 NCBI chr11:12,612,064...12,617,228
Ensembl chr11:12,612,079...12,617,531
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G CDKN1C cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1C involved_in ISO (PMID:11746698) CAFA PMID:11746698 NCBI chr 1:2,696,382...2,699,054
Ensembl chr 1:2,696,233...2,699,028
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negative regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G APC APC regulator of WNT signaling pathway involved_in ISO (PMID:8521819) UniProt PMID:8521819 NCBI chr23:15,992,437...16,135,117
Ensembl chr23:16,042,287...16,137,067
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G CASP3 caspase 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:12970760) MGI PMID:12970760 NCBI chr 7:130,589,592...130,610,845
Ensembl chr 7:130,591,166...130,610,899
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G CDK5RAP1 CDK5RAP1 mitochondrial tRNA methylthiotransferase involved_in ISO (PMID:11882646) UniProt PMID:11882646 NCBI chr 2:37,655,094...37,695,129
Ensembl chr 2:37,655,102...37,695,075
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G CDK5RAP2 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 2 ISO RGD PMID:10721722 RGD:632478 NCBI chr12:18,999,203...19,186,801
Ensembl chr12:18,999,213...19,186,785
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G CDK5RAP3 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 3 ISO RGD PMID:10721722 RGD:632478 NCBI chr16:68,367,591...68,382,000
Ensembl chr16:68,370,483...68,382,022
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G CDKN1A cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:12130539) MGI PMID:12130539 NCBI chr17:35,445,668...35,454,334
Ensembl chr17:35,445,223...35,454,342
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G CDKN1B cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1B involved_in
ISO (PMID:28666995)
PMID:12130539 PMID:22584582 PMID:28666995 RGD:10045364 NCBI chr11:12,612,064...12,617,228
Ensembl chr11:12,612,079...12,617,531
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G CDKN2C cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2C acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:7739547) MGI PMID:7739547 NCBI chr20:81,964,164...81,970,891
Ensembl chr20:81,963,562...81,968,450
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G FBXO7 F-box protein 7 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:21652635) MGI PMID:21652635 NCBI chr19:15,300,135...15,324,256
Ensembl chr19:15,300,158...15,323,956
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G HEXIM2 HEXIM P-TEFb complex subunit 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:15713662) HGNC-UCL PMID:15713662 NCBI chr16:61,236,919...61,251,203
Ensembl chr16:61,236,566...61,248,252
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G HHEX hematopoietically expressed homeobox involved_in ISO (PMID:12554669) BHF-UCL PMID:12554669 NCBI chr 9:85,957,684...85,963,414
Ensembl chr 9:85,957,779...85,963,404
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G INCA1 inhibitor of CDK, cyclin A1 interacting protein 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:21540187) MGI PMID:21540187 NCBI chr16:4,469,067...4,476,337
Ensembl chr16:4,468,469...4,472,886
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G KAT2B lysine acetyltransferase 2B involved_in ISO (PMID:19773423) UniProt PMID:19773423 NCBI chr15:64,769,590...64,885,536
Ensembl chr15:64,770,185...64,886,219
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G LATS1 large tumor suppressor kinase 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:9988268) UniProt PMID:9988268 NCBI chr13:21,901,153...21,966,227
Ensembl chr13:21,919,280...21,967,117
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G LATS2 large tumor suppressor kinase 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:12853976) UniProt PMID:12853976 NCBI chr 3:124,520...215,426 JBrowse link
G MEN1 menin 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:15640349) UniProt PMID:15640349 NCBI chr 1:9,423,885...9,431,123
Ensembl chr 1:9,423,917...9,431,104
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G MYOCD myocardin involved_in ISO (PMID:18451334) BHF-UCL PMID:18451334 NCBI chr16:11,923,464...12,100,897
Ensembl chr16:12,000,197...12,095,552
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G NR2F2 nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group F member 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:19210544) BHF-UCL PMID:19210544 NCBI chr29:14,889,526...14,901,848
Ensembl chr29:14,891,737...14,903,813
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G PTEN phosphatase and tensin homolog involved_in ISO (PMID:21241890) BHF-UCL PMID:21241890 NCBI chr 9:81,308,058...81,412,386
Ensembl chr 9:81,309,099...81,409,146
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G TFAP4 transcription factor AP-4 involved_in ISO (PMID:18818310) UniProt PMID:18818310 NCBI chr 5:3,931,288...3,960,039
Ensembl chr 5:3,932,149...3,954,486
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G TNFAIP3 TNF alpha induced protein 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:15962316) BHF-UCL PMID:15962316 NCBI chr13:35,537,103...35,553,396
Ensembl chr13:35,537,102...35,549,197
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G WEE2 WEE2 oocyte meiosis inhibiting kinase involved_in ISO (PMID:21454751) UniProt PMID:21454751 NCBI chr21:110,450,650...110,485,249
Ensembl chr21:110,463,560...110,484,301
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negative regulation of epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G CHMP6 charged multivesicular body protein 6 involved_in ISO (PMID:16973552) UniProt PMID:16973552 NCBI chr16:72,943,048...72,951,121
Ensembl chr16:72,943,122...72,950,694
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G ERRFI1 ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 involved_in ISO PMID:17599051
UniProt PMID:16648858 PMID:17599051 PMID:18046415 RGD:8553726 NCBI chr20:123,738,971...123,753,575
Ensembl chr20:123,738,973...123,755,809
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G GPRC5A G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member A involved_in ISO (PMID:25744720) UniProt PMID:25744720 NCBI chr11:12,800,517...12,820,861
Ensembl chr11:12,816,729...12,820,805
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G PSEN1 presenilin 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:20208556) BHF-UCL PMID:20208556 NCBI chr24:50,394,310...50,476,521
Ensembl chr24:50,405,590...50,472,132
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G PSEN2 presenilin 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:20208556) BHF-UCL PMID:20208556 NCBI chr25:2,862,354...2,888,735
Ensembl chr25:2,862,251...2,877,386
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G SOCS4 suppressor of cytokine signaling 4 involved_in ISO (PMID:15590694) UniProt PMID:15590694 NCBI chr24:32,198,438...32,227,240
Ensembl chr24:32,220,800...32,222,122
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G SOCS5 suppressor of cytokine signaling 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:15590694) UniProt PMID:15590694 NCBI chr14:60,330,192...60,335,477
Ensembl chr14:60,431,401...60,433,011
Ensembl chr14:60,431,401...60,433,011
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G TSG101 tumor susceptibility 101 involved_in ISO (PMID:16973552) UniProt PMID:16973552 NCBI chr 1:46,401,889...46,451,122
Ensembl chr 1:46,402,024...46,450,916
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G VPS25 vacuolar protein sorting 25 homolog involved_in ISO (PMID:16973552) UniProt PMID:16973552 NCBI chr16:63,512,161...63,520,923
Ensembl chr16:63,511,674...63,521,093
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G ZFYVE28 zinc finger FYVE-type containing 28 involved_in ISO (PMID:19460345) UniProt PMID:19460345 NCBI chr27:46,340,014...46,495,299
Ensembl chr27:46,340,244...46,495,651
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G ZGPAT zinc finger CCCH-type and G-patch domain containing involved_in ISO (PMID:19644445) UniProt PMID:19644445 NCBI chr 2:494,547...520,081
Ensembl chr 2:494,771...519,519
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negative regulation of JUN kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G AIDA axin interactor, dorsalization associated acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:17681137) MGI PMID:17681137 NCBI chr25:6,858,138...6,900,064
Ensembl chr25:6,858,152...6,898,175
JBrowse link
G DNAJA1 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member A1 involved_in ISO (PMID:24512202) UniProt PMID:24512202 NCBI chr12:47,220,976...47,235,684 JBrowse link
G DUSP10 dual specificity phosphatase 10 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:15306813) MGI PMID:15306813 NCBI chr25:7,790,969...7,833,485
Ensembl chr25:7,792,913...7,834,346
JBrowse link
G DUSP19 dual specificity phosphatase 19 involved_in ISO (PMID:11959862) BHF-UCL PMID:11959862 NCBI chr10:68,582,797...68,607,249
Ensembl chr10:68,583,314...68,610,537
JBrowse link
G GSTP1 glutathione S-transferase pi 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:16636664) BHF-UCL PMID:16636664 NCBI chr 1:6,676,897...6,679,936 JBrowse link
G HIPK3 homeodomain interacting protein kinase 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:11034606) UniProt PMID:11034606 NCBI chr 1:31,944,760...32,009,328
Ensembl chr 1:31,944,749...32,009,297
JBrowse link
G LOC103234298 zinc finger protein 675 involved_in ISO (PMID:11751921) BHF-UCL PMID:11751921 NCBI chr 6:21,193,513...21,219,564 JBrowse link
G MAPK8IP1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 1 involved_in ISO PMID:21076496 RGD
PMID:12064607 PMID:21076496 RGD:1299562 RGD:13673827 NCBI chr 1:19,435,593...19,457,073
Ensembl chr 1:19,432,631...19,442,185
JBrowse link
G NPPA natriuretic peptide A involved_in ISO (PMID:22399583) UniProt PMID:22399583 NCBI chr20:119,942,412...119,946,211
Ensembl chr20:119,944,532...119,945,917
JBrowse link
G PTPN22 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 involved_in ISO (PMID:23991106) UniProt PMID:23991106 NCBI chr20:19,792,807...19,855,784
Ensembl chr20:19,793,083...19,855,827
JBrowse link
G SFRP1 secreted frizzled related protein 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:19300477) MGI PMID:19300477 NCBI chr 8:39,243,775...39,289,050
Ensembl chr 8:39,243,780...39,288,984
JBrowse link
G SFRP2 secreted frizzled related protein 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:19300477) MGI PMID:19300477 NCBI chr 7:100,336,442...100,345,093
Ensembl chr 7:100,336,119...100,345,086
JBrowse link
G SFRP5 secreted frizzled related protein 5 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:19300477) MGI PMID:19300477 NCBI chr 9:90,931,819...90,938,156 JBrowse link
negative regulation of MAP kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ADIPOQ adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing involved_in ISO (PMID:19460854) UniProt PMID:19460854 NCBI chr15:81,128,427...81,142,779
Ensembl chr15:81,129,795...81,147,391
JBrowse link
G AGT angiotensinogen involved_in ISO (PMID:28283184) CACAO PMID:28283184 NCBI chr25:67,964,840...67,977,006
Ensembl chr25:67,962,401...67,973,324
JBrowse link
G APOE apolipoprotein E involved_in ISO (PMID:9685360) BHF-UCL PMID:9685360 NCBI chr 6:38,377,154...38,381,219
Ensembl chr 6:38,376,887...38,381,438
JBrowse link
G CAV1 caveolin 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:12388746) MGI PMID:12388746 NCBI chr21:85,222,724...85,258,562
Ensembl chr21:85,222,879...85,258,627
JBrowse link
G CD300A CD300a molecule involved_in ISO (PMID:16254138) UniProt PMID:16254138
G CDK5RAP3 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:21283629) UniProt PMID:21283629 NCBI chr16:68,367,591...68,382,000
Ensembl chr16:68,370,483...68,382,022
JBrowse link
G DAB2IP DAB2 interacting protein involved_in ISO (PMID:12813029)
BHF-UCL PMID:12813029 PMID:20154697 NCBI chr12:17,802,030...18,017,648
Ensembl chr12:17,801,831...17,830,890
JBrowse link
G DEFB114 defensin beta 114 involved_in ISO (PMID:23482568) UniProt PMID:23482568
G DUSP1 dual specificity phosphatase 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:7593328) UniProt PMID:7593328 NCBI chr23:74,931,421...74,934,510
Ensembl chr23:74,929,863...74,934,532
JBrowse link
G DUSP7 dual specificity phosphatase 7 involved_in ISO (PMID:9788880) UniProt PMID:9788880 NCBI chr22:13,416,262...13,423,736
Ensembl chr22:13,416,287...13,423,661
JBrowse link
G GSK3B glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta ISO RGD PMID:17182785 RGD:2301767 NCBI chr22:60,732,449...61,002,735
Ensembl chr22:60,733,465...60,997,239
JBrowse link
G GSTP1 glutathione S-transferase pi 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:11408560) BHF-UCL PMID:11408560 NCBI chr 1:6,676,897...6,679,936 JBrowse link
G HMGCR 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:12409258), (PMID:16271875) MGI PMID:12409258 PMID:16271875 NCBI chr 4:69,664,784...69,690,343
Ensembl chr 4:69,665,417...69,688,686
JBrowse link
G HYAL2 hyaluronidase 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:12676986) UniProt PMID:12676986 NCBI chr22:11,704,422...11,710,013
Ensembl chr22:11,703,790...11,709,454
JBrowse link
G IL1B interleukin 1 beta involved_in ISO (PMID:16865359) BHF-UCL PMID:16865359 NCBI chr14:15,844,628...15,852,652
Ensembl chr14:15,844,672...15,850,729
JBrowse link
G INPP5K inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase K involved_in ISO (PMID:12556481) UniProt PMID:12556481 NCBI chr16:1,171,059...1,192,241
Ensembl chr16:1,170,899...1,191,965
JBrowse link
G INPPL1 inositol polyphosphate phosphatase like 1 ISO RGD PMID:12933696 RGD:1626126 NCBI chr 1:63,443,819...63,459,067
Ensembl chr 1:63,444,713...63,459,776
JBrowse link
G IRAK3 interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:17379480) BHF-UCL PMID:17379480 NCBI chr11:61,868,817...61,920,896
Ensembl chr11:61,869,173...61,920,406
JBrowse link
G LOC103233730 protein fem-1 homolog A acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:18270204) MGI PMID:18270204 NCBI chr 6:4,503,012...4,506,873
Ensembl chr 6:4,503,146...4,505,155
JBrowse link
G LYN LYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase involved_in ISO (PMID:9252121) UniProt PMID:9252121 NCBI chr 8:51,919,656...52,057,376
Ensembl chr 8:51,919,808...52,057,959
JBrowse link
G NF1 neurofibromin 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:12409258), (PMID:16271875)
MGI PMID:10620616 PMID:11297510 PMID:12409258 PMID:16271875 NCBI chr16:24,550,983...24,836,311
Ensembl chr16:24,550,977...24,836,307
JBrowse link
G NUP62 nucleoporin 62 involved_in ISO (PMID:11489947) UniProt PMID:11489947 NCBI chr 6:43,063,483...43,086,264
Ensembl chr 6:43,064,875...43,066,440
JBrowse link
G PAQR3 progestin and adipoQ receptor family member 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:17724343) MGI PMID:17724343 NCBI chr 7:27,358,443...27,385,612
Ensembl chr 7:27,367,059...27,385,568
JBrowse link
G PTPN1 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:22045810) CACAO PMID:22045810 NCBI chr 2:13,385,681...13,459,180
Ensembl chr 2:13,387,727...13,459,105
JBrowse link
G PTPN5 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 5 ISO RGD PMID:9857190 RGD:10044039 NCBI chr 1:46,134,109...46,197,246
Ensembl chr 1:46,153,340...46,199,002
JBrowse link
G PTPN6 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 6 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:9064344), (PMID:9254656) MGI PMID:9064344 PMID:9254656 NCBI chr11:6,977,480...6,994,525
Ensembl chr11:6,984,710...6,994,545
JBrowse link
G PTPRJ protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type J involved_in ISO (PMID:12833140)
UniProt PMID:12833140 PMID:19494114 NCBI chr 1:17,137,896...17,328,836
Ensembl chr 1:17,135,907...17,328,590
JBrowse link
G RGS14 regulator of G protein signaling 14 involved_in ISO (PMID:20837545) UniProt PMID:20837545 NCBI chr23:79,370,320...79,385,355
Ensembl chr23:79,370,087...79,387,192
JBrowse link
G RGS2 regulator of G protein signaling 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:19127022) BHF-UCL PMID:19127022 NCBI chr25:36,620,047...36,623,367
Ensembl chr25:36,619,140...36,623,308
JBrowse link
G SPRY1 sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:16339969) MGI PMID:16339969 NCBI chr 7:70,626,524...70,634,084
Ensembl chr 7:70,631,925...70,632,884
JBrowse link
G SPRY2 sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:16339969) MGI PMID:16339969 NCBI chr 3:59,357,611...59,362,705
Ensembl chr 3:59,358,394...59,359,341
JBrowse link
G SPRY4 sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 4 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:16339969) MGI PMID:16339969 NCBI chr23:44,931,967...44,946,838 JBrowse link
G STK38 serine/threonine kinase 38 involved_in ISO (PMID:17906693) UniProt PMID:17906693 NCBI chr17:35,587,246...35,641,555
Ensembl chr17:35,587,256...35,642,279
JBrowse link
G TSC2 TSC complex subunit 2 ISO RGD PMID:14612383 RGD:1580517 NCBI chr 5:1,946,534...1,985,168
Ensembl chr 5:1,946,927...1,987,682
JBrowse link
G UCHL1 ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 involved_in ISO (PMID:19477270) BHF-UCL PMID:19477270 NCBI chr27:9,074,961...9,086,606
Ensembl chr27:9,074,923...9,086,517
JBrowse link
negative regulation of non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G HNF4A hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha ISO RGD PMID:16584384 RGD:1625011 NCBI chr 2:19,390,870...19,466,300
Ensembl chr 2:19,388,891...19,421,664
JBrowse link
negative regulation of protein kinase activity by regulation of protein phosphorylation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ADAR adenosine deaminase RNA specific involved_in ISO (PMID:19651874)
UniProt PMID:18362360 PMID:19651874 NCBI chr20:9,194,611...9,241,102
Ensembl chr20:9,219,937...9,241,329
JBrowse link
G ADARB1 adenosine deaminase RNA specific B1 involved_in ISO (PMID:21289159) UniProt PMID:21289159 NCBI chr 2:88,780,954...88,915,672
Ensembl chr 2:88,833,707...88,918,066
JBrowse link
G CDK5RAP3 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:21283629) UniProt PMID:21283629 NCBI chr16:68,367,591...68,382,000
Ensembl chr16:68,370,483...68,382,022
JBrowse link
G CORO1C coronin 1C involved_in ISO (PMID:19913511) UniProt PMID:19913511 NCBI chr11:103,846,783...103,933,283
Ensembl chr11:103,845,292...103,999,993
JBrowse link
G DUSP10 dual specificity phosphatase 10 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:23977283) MGI PMID:23977283 NCBI chr25:7,790,969...7,833,485
Ensembl chr25:7,792,913...7,834,346
JBrowse link
G ERRFI1 ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:20418913) MGI PMID:20418913 NCBI chr20:123,738,971...123,753,575
Ensembl chr20:123,738,973...123,755,809
JBrowse link
G NPM1 nucleophosmin 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:12882984) UniProt PMID:12882984 NCBI chr23:73,555,020...73,575,910
Ensembl chr23:73,555,260...73,575,925
JBrowse link
G PTEN phosphatase and tensin homolog acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:20418913) MGI PMID:20418913 NCBI chr 9:81,308,058...81,412,386
Ensembl chr 9:81,309,099...81,409,146
JBrowse link
negative regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G CDK5RAP3 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:19223857) UniProt PMID:19223857 NCBI chr16:68,367,591...68,382,000
Ensembl chr16:68,370,483...68,382,022
JBrowse link
G DAB2IP DAB2 interacting protein involved_in ISO (PMID:20154697)
BHF-UCL PMID:19903888 PMID:20154697 NCBI chr12:17,802,030...18,017,648
Ensembl chr12:17,801,831...17,830,890
JBrowse link
G DTNBP1 dystrobrevin binding protein 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:25297099) MGI PMID:25297099 NCBI chr17:56,500,523...56,650,925
Ensembl chr17:56,500,574...56,651,491
JBrowse link
G GADD45A growth arrest and DNA damage inducible alpha involved_in ISO (PMID:23329839) CACAO PMID:23329839 NCBI chr20:65,422,668...65,425,845
Ensembl chr20:65,422,451...65,425,840
JBrowse link
G H2AFY core histone macro-H2A.1 involved_in ISO (PMID:22194607) UniProt PMID:22194607 NCBI chr23:38,113,212...38,178,227
Ensembl chr23:38,113,195...38,168,382
JBrowse link
G LRP5 LDL receptor related protein 5 involved_in ISO (PMID:19107203) BHF-UCL PMID:19107203 NCBI chr 1:6,090,048...6,224,956
Ensembl chr 1:6,089,930...6,190,383
JBrowse link
G LRP6 LDL receptor related protein 6 involved_in ISO (PMID:19107203) BHF-UCL PMID:19107203 NCBI chr11:12,016,542...12,170,496
Ensembl chr11:12,021,560...12,170,663
JBrowse link
G PRKCH protein kinase C eta involved_in ISO (PMID:34593629) UniProt PMID:34593629 NCBI chr24:38,489,535...38,726,028
Ensembl chr24:38,488,970...38,724,879
JBrowse link
G PYCARD PYD and CARD domain containing involved_in ISO (PMID:12486103) UniProt PMID:12486103 NCBI chr 5:27,892,332...27,894,386
Ensembl chr 5:27,889,230...27,893,697
JBrowse link
G SLC8A1 solute carrier family 8 member A1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:29274751) ARUK-UCL PMID:29274751 NCBI chr14:66,813,523...67,210,261 JBrowse link
G SLC8A3 solute carrier family 8 member A3 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:29274751) ARUK-UCL PMID:29274751 NCBI chr24:47,287,487...47,428,608
Ensembl chr24:47,288,256...47,427,776
JBrowse link
negative regulation of protein tyrosine kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G GGNBP2 gametogenetin binding protein 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:26764350) MGI PMID:26764350 NCBI chr16:31,200,734...31,261,040
Ensembl chr16:31,200,740...31,260,305
JBrowse link
G HYAL2 hyaluronidase 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:12676986) UniProt PMID:12676986 NCBI chr22:11,704,422...11,710,013
Ensembl chr22:11,703,790...11,709,454
JBrowse link
G LILRB4 leukocyte immunoglobulin like receptor B4 involved_in ISO (PMID:9151699) ARUK-UCL PMID:9151699 NCBI chr 6:47,299,764...47,333,711 JBrowse link
G MVP major vault protein involved_in ISO (PMID:16441665) UniProt PMID:16441665 NCBI chr 5:26,805,070...26,833,043
Ensembl chr 5:26,801,753...26,833,199
JBrowse link
G PTK6 protein tyrosine kinase 6 involved_in ISO (PMID:15539407) UniProt PMID:15539407 NCBI chr 2:667,440...676,380
Ensembl chr 2:667,510...676,109
JBrowse link
G PTPN2 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:21216966) ParkinsonsUK-UCL PMID:21216966 NCBI chr18:71,302,082...71,400,201
Ensembl chr18:71,310,577...71,345,960
JBrowse link
G SRCIN1 SRC kinase signaling inhibitor 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:17525734) UniProt PMID:17525734 NCBI chr16:67,585,505...67,662,865
Ensembl chr16:67,587,582...67,659,599
JBrowse link
negative regulation of Rho-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G CHORDC1 cysteine and histidine rich domain containing 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:20230755) UniProt PMID:20230755 NCBI chr 1:81,326,464...81,350,640
Ensembl chr 1:81,328,422...81,350,214
JBrowse link
G HEG1 heart development protein with EGF like domains 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:26780829) UniProt PMID:26780829 NCBI chr22:55,782,039...55,874,679
Ensembl chr22:55,809,901...55,871,402
JBrowse link
G RASIP1 Ras interacting protein 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:26780829) UniProt PMID:26780829 NCBI chr 6:41,970,704...41,997,951
Ensembl chr 6:41,991,176...41,996,155
JBrowse link
peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation involved in inactivation of protein kinase activity term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ACP4 acid phosphatase 4 involved_in ISO (PMID:15219672) UniProt PMID:15219672 NCBI chr 6:43,838,103...43,843,715
Ensembl chr 6:43,838,321...43,843,654
JBrowse link
G DUSP3 dual specificity phosphatase 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:28759036) BHF-UCL PMID:28759036 NCBI chr16:62,622,667...62,637,129
Ensembl chr16:62,622,663...62,637,127
JBrowse link
G PTPN1 protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:23639442) BHF-UCL PMID:23639442 NCBI chr 2:13,385,681...13,459,180
Ensembl chr 2:13,387,727...13,459,105
JBrowse link
G PTPRB protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type B involved_in ISO (PMID:26063811) CACAO PMID:26063811 NCBI chr11:66,095,445...66,222,402
Ensembl chr11:66,101,038...66,221,982
JBrowse link
G PTPRH protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type H involved_in ISO (PMID:26063811) CACAO PMID:26063811 NCBI chr 6:47,776,907...47,809,359
Ensembl chr 6:47,777,454...47,808,507
JBrowse link
G PTPRJ protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type J involved_in ISO (PMID:26063811) CACAO PMID:26063811 NCBI chr 1:17,137,896...17,328,836
Ensembl chr 1:17,135,907...17,328,590
JBrowse link
G PTPRO protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type O involved_in ISO (PMID:26063811) CACAO PMID:26063811 NCBI chr11:15,225,375...15,494,559
Ensembl chr11:15,392,926...15,495,807
JBrowse link
G PTPRT protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type T involved_in ISO (PMID:24846175) ARUK-UCL PMID:24846175 NCBI chr 2:20,613,352...21,720,417 JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 19801
    biological regulation 12150
      regulation of molecular function 1529
        regulation of catalytic activity 977
          regulation of transferase activity 550
            negative regulation of transferase activity 196
              negative regulation of kinase activity 178
                negative regulation of protein kinase activity 164
                  negative regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity + 23
                  negative regulation of protein kinase activity by regulation of protein phosphorylation 8
                  negative regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity + 83
                  negative regulation of protein tyrosine kinase activity + 19
                  peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation involved in inactivation of protein kinase activity 8
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 19801
    biological regulation 12150
      regulation of biological process 11755
        regulation of cellular process 11395
          regulation of metabolic process 6700
            regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 6158
              regulation of protein metabolic process 1889
                regulation of protein modification process 1104
                  regulation of protein phosphorylation 820
                    negative regulation of protein phosphorylation 272
                      negative regulation of protein kinase activity 164
                        negative regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity + 23
                        negative regulation of protein kinase activity by regulation of protein phosphorylation 8
                        negative regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity + 83
                        negative regulation of protein tyrosine kinase activity + 19
                        peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation involved in inactivation of protein kinase activity 8
paths to the root