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RGD uses the Human Disease Ontology (DO, for disease curation across species. RGD automatically downloads each new release of the ontology on a monthly basis. Some additional terms which are required for RGD's curation purposes but are not currently covered in the official version of DO have been added. As corresponding terms are added to DO, these custom terms are retired and the DO terms substituted in existing annotations and subsequently used for curation.

Term:post-traumatic stress disorder
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Accession:DOID:2055 term browser browse the term
Definition:An anxiety disorder which results from a traumatic experience that results in psychological trauma. (DO)
Synonyms:exact_synonym: PTSD;   acute post traumatic stress disorder;   chronic post traumatic stress disorder;   delayed onset post traumatic stress disorder;   post-traumatic neuroses;   posttraumatic neuroses;   posttraumatic stress disorder;   posttraumatic stress disorders;   traumatic neurosis
 primary_id: MESH:D013313
 xref: EFO:0001358;   ICD10CM:F43.1;   ICD9CM:309.81;   NCI:C3389
For additional species annotation, visit the Alliance of Genome Resources.

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post-traumatic stress disorder term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator IEP RGD PMID:23381833 RGD:10054113 NCBI chr 1:95,940,001...95,945,407
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
JBrowse link
G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator IEP RGD PMID:23381833 RGD:10054113 NCBI chr13:22,689,783...22,853,920
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
JBrowse link
G Bdnf brain-derived neurotrophic factor susceptibility
DNA:missense mutation:cds:196G>A (p.V66M) (human) RGD PMID:23319005 PMID:28791385 RGD:10059367, RGD:401940159 NCBI chr 3:96,165,042...96,215,621
Ensembl chr 3:96,165,042...96,215,615
JBrowse link
G Cacna1c calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 C ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Post-traumatic stress disorder ClinVar PMID:32332995 NCBI chr 4:151,764,138...152,379,454
Ensembl chr 4:151,764,138...152,379,648
JBrowse link
G Casp12 caspase 12 IEP RGD PMID:25331812 RGD:13782181 NCBI chr 8:2,642,296...2,669,549
Ensembl chr 8:2,642,434...2,674,037
JBrowse link
G Casp9 caspase 9 IEP RGD PMID:25331812 RGD:13782181 NCBI chr 5:154,108,872...154,126,628
Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626
JBrowse link
G Cnr1 cannabinoid receptor 1 ISO CTD Direct Evidence: marker/mechanism CTD PMID:34262461 NCBI chr 5:48,408,543...48,436,099
Ensembl chr 5:48,408,574...48,435,099
JBrowse link
G Cnr2 cannabinoid receptor 2 ISO CTD Direct Evidence: marker/mechanism CTD PMID:34262461 NCBI chr 5:148,125,222...148,151,548
Ensembl chr 5:148,125,604...148,151,548
JBrowse link
G Fkbp5 FKBP prolyl isomerase 5 ISO ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Post-traumatic stress disorder ClinVar PMID:18349090 NCBI chr20:6,457,207...6,575,404
Ensembl chr20:6,457,216...6,541,674
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G Fos Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit disease_progression ISO RGD PMID:27421892 RGD:405255654 NCBI chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
Ensembl chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
JBrowse link
G Grin2a glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2A treatment IEP RGD PMID:28791385 RGD:401940159 NCBI chr10:5,629,683...6,053,262
Ensembl chr10:5,631,369...6,044,637
JBrowse link
G Hspa5 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 5 IEP RGD PMID:25331812 RGD:13782181 NCBI chr 3:18,055,507...18,059,969
Ensembl chr 3:18,055,405...18,059,891
JBrowse link
G Il2 interleukin 2 ISO RGD PMID:21714072 RGD:5147887 NCBI chr 2:120,004,862...120,009,566
Ensembl chr 2:120,004,862...120,009,566
JBrowse link
G Mdm2 MDM2 proto-oncogene IDA RGD PMID:23174211 RGD:10412309 NCBI chr 7:53,290,660...53,315,205
Ensembl chr 7:53,290,664...53,314,915
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G Nr3c1 nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 IEP mRNA, protein:altered expression:locus coeruleus (rat) RGD PMID:21584742 RGD:5686336 NCBI chr18:31,271,681...31,393,320
Ensembl chr18:31,271,681...31,393,375
JBrowse link
G Ntrk2 neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase 2 IEP protein:increased expression:hippocampus RGD PMID:20863519 RGD:5684783 NCBI chr17:5,558,992...5,870,299
Ensembl chr17:5,559,043...5,869,136
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G Oprm1 opioid receptor, mu 1 severity ISO DNA:missense mutation:exon:p.N40D (118A>G) (rs 1799971) (human) RGD PMID:22143634 RGD:401827931 NCBI chr 1:43,160,057...43,413,409
Ensembl chr 1:43,160,057...43,413,409
JBrowse link
G Pdia3 protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 3 IEP RGD PMID:25331812 RGD:13782181 NCBI chr 3:108,388,189...108,412,013
Ensembl chr 3:108,388,245...108,413,236
JBrowse link
G Sigmar1 sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1 treatment IMP RGD PMID:28791385 RGD:401940159 NCBI chr 5:56,904,155...56,907,012
Ensembl chr 5:56,904,159...56,907,017
JBrowse link
G Wfs1 wolframin ER transmembrane glycoprotein treatment IEP RGD PMID:17968352 RGD:8694407 NCBI chr14:73,810,478...73,834,993
Ensembl chr14:73,810,404...73,835,602
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  disease 19051
    disease of anatomical entity 18384
      nervous system disease 14258
        central nervous system disease 12591
          brain disease 11816
            disease of mental health 8412
              cognitive disorder 2310
                anxiety disorder 184
                  post-traumatic stress disorder 20
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  disease 19051
    disease of anatomical entity 18384
      nervous system disease 14258
        central nervous system disease 12591
          brain disease 11816
            disease of mental health 8412
              cognitive disorder 2310
                anxiety disorder 184
                  acute stress disorder 26
                    post-traumatic stress disorder 20
paths to the root