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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
base-excision repair +   
chromosomal 5-methylcytosine DNA demethylation, oxidative deamination pathway 
DNA alkylation repair  
DNA ligation involved in DNA repair +   
DNA replication proofreading  
DNA synthesis involved in DNA repair +   
double-strand break repair +   
interstrand cross-link repair +   
mismatch repair +   
mitochondrial DNA repair  
negative regulation of cellular response to nitrogen starvation 
negative regulation of DNA metabolic process +   
negative regulation of DNA repair +   
negative regulation of GDF15-GFRAL signaling pathway  
non-photoreactive DNA repair 
nucleotide-excision repair +   
positive regulation of DNA metabolic process +   
positive regulation of DNA repair +   
postreplication repair +   
priming of cellular response to stress 
protein-DNA covalent cross-linking repair  
pyrimidine dimer repair +   
recombinational repair +   
regulation of aggregation involved in sorocarp development +  
regulation of cellular response to amino acid starvation +  
regulation of cellular response to glucose starvation 
regulation of cellular response to heat +   
regulation of cellular response to hypoxia +   
regulation of cellular response to iron ion starvation +  
regulation of cellular response to osmotic stress +   
regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress +   
regulation of cellular response to phosphate starvation +  
regulation of deoxyribonuclease activity +   
regulation of DNA biosynthetic process +   
regulation of DNA catabolic process +   
regulation of DNA damage checkpoint +   
regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator +   
regulation of DNA double-strand break processing  
regulation of DNA ligation +   
regulation of DNA recombination +   
regulation of DNA repair +   
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of DNA repair.
regulation of DNA replication +   
regulation of DNA strand elongation +   
regulation of DNA strand resection involved in replication fork processing +   
regulation of eIF2 alpha phosphorylation by dsRNA  
regulation of eIF2 alpha phosphorylation by heme  
regulation of induction of conjugation upon nitrogen starvation 
regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage +   
regulation of meiotic DNA double-strand break formation +   
regulation of mitochondrial DNA metabolic process +   
regulation of mitotic recombination-dependent replication fork processing +  
regulation of neuron projection regeneration +   
regulation of nitrosative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway +   
regulation of plant-type hypersensitive response +  
regulation of response to endoplasmic reticulum stress +   
regulation of SREBP signaling pathway +   
regulation of strand invasion +   
regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade +   
regulation of telomere maintenance +   
regulation of telomere maintenance in response to DNA damage +   
single strand break repair +   
UV-damage excision repair +   
viral DNA repair 

Definition Sources: GOC:go_curators

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