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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adenohypophysis morphogenesis +   
anatomical structure arrangement +   
anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis +   
anatomical structure regression +   
animal organ morphogenesis +   
apoptotic process involved in luteolysis  
apoptotic process involved in metanephric collecting duct development +   
apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron tubule development +   
apoptotic process involved in morphogenesis +   
Any apoptotic process that contributes to the shaping of an anatomical structure.
appendage morphogenesis +   
ascending aorta morphogenesis  
atrioventricular canal morphogenesis  
B cell deletion +  
beak morphogenesis +  
body morphogenesis +   
cardiac chamber morphogenesis +   
cardiac septum morphogenesis +   
cardiogenic plate morphogenesis  
cell morphogenesis +   
cell projection morphogenesis +   
central nervous system morphogenesis +   
cerebellar cortex morphogenesis +   
cerebellar granular layer morphogenesis +   
cerebellar molecular layer morphogenesis +   
cerebellar Purkinje cell layer morphogenesis +   
cerebellum morphogenesis +   
cerebellum vasculature morphogenesis  
ciliary body morphogenesis  
comma-shaped body morphogenesis +   
compound eye corneal lens morphogenesis 
cranial nerve morphogenesis +   
craniofacial suture morphogenesis +   
descending aorta morphogenesis 
developmental growth involved in morphogenesis +   
diencephalon morphogenesis +   
dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve morphogenesis +  
ectodermal placode morphogenesis +   
embryonic morphogenesis +   
endocardium morphogenesis +   
epicardium morphogenesis  
epithelium-like organization 
establishment of anatomical structure orientation +   
establishment of tissue polarity +   
face morphogenesis  
foramen ovale closure  
forebrain morphogenesis +   
foregut morphogenesis +   
fungiform papilla morphogenesis +   
glomerulus morphogenesis +   
hair follicle morphogenesis  
hard palate morphogenesis  
head morphogenesis +   
heart valve morphogenesis +   
heart wedging 
hindbrain morphogenesis +   
hindgut morphogenesis +   
inferior olivary nucleus morphogenesis +  
iris morphogenesis  
kidney vasculature morphogenesis +   
leaflet morphogenesis +  
lens morphogenesis in camera-type eye +   
limb joint morphogenesis +   
locus ceruleus morphogenesis +  
lung lobe morphogenesis +   
lymph vessel morphogenesis +   
lymphangiogenesis +   
male anatomical structure morphogenesis +   
medulla oblongata morphogenesis +  
membranous septum morphogenesis  
mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development +   
midbrain morphogenesis  
morphogenesis of a branching structure +   
negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in development +   
nematode pharyngeal gland morphogenesis 
nephron morphogenesis +   
nipple morphogenesis +   
nurse cell apoptotic process +  
outflow tract morphogenesis +   
plant epidermis morphogenesis +  
plant organ morphogenesis +  
pons morphogenesis +  
positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in development +   
post-anal tail morphogenesis  
post-embryonic animal morphogenesis +   
post-embryonic plant morphogenesis +  
prostate gland stromal morphogenesis  
regulation of anatomical structure morphogenesis +   
regulation of apoptotic process involved in development +   
renal system vasculature morphogenesis +   
retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye +   
retina vasculature morphogenesis in camera-type eye +   
rhombomere morphogenesis +   
S-shaped body morphogenesis +   
shoot system morphogenesis +  
sorocarp morphogenesis +  
sorocarp stalk morphogenesis 
spiracle morphogenesis, open tracheal system 
superior olivary nucleus morphogenesis +  
swim bladder inflation 
tail spike morphogenesis 
tissue morphogenesis +   
trabecula morphogenesis +   
tube morphogenesis +   
umbilical cord morphogenesis  

Narrow Synonyms: apoptosis involved in morphogenesis
Related Synonyms: apoptosis involved in development ;   morphogenetic apoptosis
Definition Sources: GOC:dph, GOC:mtg_apoptosis

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