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Term:positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in development
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Accession:GO:1904747 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of apoptotic process involved in development.
Comment:U4PR86 in PMID:22801495 inferred from mutant phenotype
Synonyms:exact_synonym: positive regulation of apoptotic cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of apoptotic cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of apoptotic programmed cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of apoptotic programmed cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of programmed cell death by apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of programmed cell death by apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of apoptotic cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of apoptotic cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of apoptotic process involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of apoptotic process involved in development;   up regulation of apoptotic process involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of apoptotic programmed cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of apoptotic programmed cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of programmed cell death by apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of programmed cell death by apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of apoptotic cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of apoptotic cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of apoptotic process involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of apoptotic process involved in development;   upregulation of apoptotic process involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of apoptotic programmed cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of apoptotic programmed cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of programmed cell death by apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of programmed cell death by apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure
 narrow_synonym: activation of activation of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of activation of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of apoptosis signaling involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of apoptosis signaling involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of apoptotic cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of apoptotic cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of apoptotic process involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of apoptotic process involved in development;   activation of apoptotic process involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of apoptotic program involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of apoptotic program involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of apoptotic programmed cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of apoptotic programmed cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of programmed cell death by apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of programmed cell death by apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of type I programmed cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of type I programmed cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of activation of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of activation of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of apoptosis signaling involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of apoptosis signaling involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of apoptotic program involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of apoptotic program involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of type I programmed cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of type I programmed cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of activation of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of activation of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of apoptosis signaling involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of apoptosis signaling involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of apoptotic program involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of apoptotic program involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of type I programmed cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of type I programmed cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of activation of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of activation of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of apoptosis signaling involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of apoptosis signaling involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of apoptotic program involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of apoptotic program involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of type I programmed cell death involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of type I programmed cell death involved in development of an anatomical structure
 related_synonym: activation of apoptosis activator activity involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of apoptosis activator activity involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of commitment to apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of commitment to apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of induction of apoptosis by p53 involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of induction of apoptosis by p53 involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of induction of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of induction of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   activation of signaling (initiator) caspase activity involved in anatomical structure development;   activation of signaling (initiator) caspase activity involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of apoptosis activator activity involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of apoptosis activator activity involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of commitment to apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of commitment to apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of induction of apoptosis by p53 involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of induction of apoptosis by p53 involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of induction of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of induction of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   positive regulation of signaling (initiator) caspase activity involved in anatomical structure development;   positive regulation of signaling (initiator) caspase activity involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of apoptosis activator activity involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of apoptosis activator activity involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of commitment to apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of commitment to apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of induction of apoptosis by p53 involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of induction of apoptosis by p53 involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of induction of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of induction of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   up regulation of signaling (initiator) caspase activity involved in anatomical structure development;   up regulation of signaling (initiator) caspase activity involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of apoptosis activator activity involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of apoptosis activator activity involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of commitment to apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of commitment to apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of induction of apoptosis by p53 involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of induction of apoptosis by p53 involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of induction of apoptosis involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of induction of apoptosis involved in development of an anatomical structure;   upregulation of signaling (initiator) caspase activity involved in anatomical structure development;   upregulation of signaling (initiator) caspase activity involved in development of an anatomical structure

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positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in mammary gland involution term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:1857429 (PMID:10363969) RGD PMID:10363969 NCBI chr 1:105,076,472...105,081,906
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
JBrowse link
G Cdkn2a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:1926877 (PMID:15105443) RGD PMID:15105443 NCBI chr 5:103,984,949...103,992,143
Ensembl chr 5:103,984,949...104,003,149
JBrowse link
G Pml PML nuclear body scaffold involved_in ISO (PMID:11080164) RGD PMID:11080164 NCBI chr 8:58,627,347...58,661,927
Ensembl chr 8:58,628,837...58,658,971
JBrowse link
G Vdr vitamin D receptor involved_in
MGI:2183404 (PMID:15178742)
PMID:15178742 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 7:128,987,981...129,037,677
Ensembl chr 7:128,987,981...129,037,677
JBrowse link
positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in morphogenesis term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Notch1 notch receptor 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:26491108) RGD PMID:26491108 NCBI chr 3:9,277,955...9,323,531
Ensembl chr 3:9,278,086...9,323,531
JBrowse link
G Tnfrsf1a TNF receptor superfamily member 1A involved_in ISO UniProtKB:P25119 (PMID:26491108) RGD PMID:26491108 NCBI chr 4:158,150,815...158,163,592
Ensembl chr 4:158,150,820...158,163,591
JBrowse link
G Tnfrsf1b TNF receptor superfamily member 1B involved_in ISO UniProtKB:P25118 (PMID:26491108) RGD PMID:26491108 NCBI chr 5:157,070,642...157,104,216
Ensembl chr 5:157,070,642...157,104,206
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20536
    positive regulation of biological process 6759
      positive regulation of developmental process 1565
        positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in development 7
          positive regulation of B cell deletion + 0
          positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric collecting duct development 0
          positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron tubule development 0
          positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in morphogenesis + 7
          positive regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development + 0
          positive regulation of nurse cell apoptotic process 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20536
    cellular process 19525
      cell death 2184
        programmed cell death 2184
          apoptotic process 2112
            regulation of apoptotic process 1706
              positive regulation of apoptotic process 705
                positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in development 7
                  positive regulation of B cell deletion + 0
                  positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric collecting duct development 0
                  positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in metanephric nephron tubule development 0
                  positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in morphogenesis + 7
                  positive regulation of mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development + 0
                  positive regulation of nurse cell apoptotic process 0
paths to the root