The internally coordinated responses (actions or inactions) of animals (individuals or groups) to internal or external stimuli, via a mechanism that involves nervous system activity.
bud dormancy process
callus formation
cell activation +
circadian regulation of heart rate +
coagulation +
cytokine production +
determination of adult lifespan
digestion +
innervation +
keratinization +
megagametogenesis +
meristem determinacy +
meristem maintenance +
microgametogenesis +
midbrain-hindbrain boundary maturation during brain development
midbrain-hindbrain boundary maturation during neural plate development
molting cycle +
molting cycle process +
morphogenesis of a branching structure +
multi-multicellular organism process +
multicellular organism adhesion +
multicellular organism development +
multicellular organism growth +
multicellular organismal movement +
multicellular organismal response to stress +
multicellular organismal-level homeostasis +
muscle attachment +
negative regulation of multicellular organismal process +
neurotrophin production +
organ growth +
organism emergence from protective structure +
ossification +
otolith tethering
pattern specification process +
photoreceptor cell maintenance
pigment accumulation in tissues +
plasma lipoprotein particle clearance +
plasma lipoprotein particle organization +
pollen germination
polyphenic determination +
positive regulation of multicellular organismal process +
post-embryonic development +
primary growth
production of molecular mediator involved in inflammatory response +
pseudocleavage +
pupariation +
regulation of multicellular organismal process +
respiratory gaseous exchange by respiratory system +