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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
behavior +     
adult behavior +   
aggressive behavior +   
behavioral defense response +   
behavioral response to nutrient +   
behavioral response to pain +   
behavioral response to water deprivation 
behavioral response to wounding 
cellular response to light stimulus +   
chemosensory behavior +   
cone photoresponse recovery  
crying behavior 
detection of light stimulus +   
energy quenching +  
exploration behavior +   
feeding behavior +   
foraging behavior +  
general adaptation syndrome, behavioral process  
grooming behavior +   
hatching behavior 
host-seeking behavior +  
larval behavior +  
learning or memory +   
locomotory behavior +   
mechanosensory behavior +   
motor behavior +   
negative regulation of behavior +   
olfactory sociosexual communication  
photoperiodism +   
phototaxis +  
positive regulation of behavior +   
regulation of behavior +   
reproductive behavior +   
response to blue light +   
response to light intensity +   
response to red or far red light +   
response to UV +   
rhythmic behavior +   
social behavior +   
thermosensory behavior  
visual behavior +   
The behavior of an organism in response to a visual stimulus.
vocalization behavior +   

Exact Synonyms: behavioral response to visual stimulus ;   behavioural response to visual stimulus ;   visual behaviour
Definition Sources: GOC:jid, GOC:pr

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