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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
2-chloro-N-isopropylacetanilide metabolic process +  
achromobactin metabolic process +  
acyl-CoA metabolic process +   
allantoin metabolic process +   
amide biosynthetic process +   
amide catabolic process +   
amyloid-beta metabolic process +   
bacitracin A metabolic process +  
biotin metabolic process +   
bradykinin catabolic process  
calcitonin catabolic process  
carnosine metabolic process +   
ceramide metabolic process +   
chrysobactin metabolic process +  
coenzyme A metabolic process +   
cyanophycin metabolic process 
depsipeptide metabolic process +  
dethiobiotin metabolic process +  
dihydrolipoamide metabolic process  
fatty acid primary amide metabolic process +   
ferrichrome metabolic process +  
folic acid metabolic process +   
formamide metabolic process +   
gliotoxin metabolic process +  
glutathione metabolic process +   
glycopeptide catabolic process 
iprodione metabolic process 
L-asparagine metabolic process +   
lactam metabolic process +   
leukotriene D4 metabolic process +   
lincomycin metabolic process +  
lipoamide metabolic process 
melatonin metabolic process +   
N-acetylneuraminate metabolic process +   
N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine metabolic process  
negative regulation of amide metabolic process +   
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving amides.
negative regulation of amine metabolic process +   
negative regulation of anthocyanin metabolic process +  
negative regulation of bioluminescence 
negative regulation of biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of carbohydrate metabolic process +   
negative regulation of catabolic process +   
negative regulation of cellular metabolic process +   
negative regulation of cellular organohalogen metabolic process +   
negative regulation of cellular respiration +   
negative regulation of cellular senescence  
negative regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis  
negative regulation of collagen metabolic process +   
negative regulation of fermentation +   
negative regulation of heptadecane metabolic process +  
negative regulation of hexadecanal metabolic process +  
negative regulation of hormone metabolic process +   
negative regulation of lipid metabolic process +   
negative regulation of macromolecule metabolic process +   
negative regulation of melanization defense response +  
negative regulation of metabolic activity involved in hibernation 
negative regulation of methanofuran metabolic process +  
negative regulation of methanophenazine metabolic process +  
negative regulation of nitric oxide metabolic process +   
negative regulation of nitrogen cycle metabolic process +  
negative regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process +   
negative regulation of olefin metabolic process +  
negative regulation of oxygen metabolic process 
negative regulation of pentadecane metabolic process +  
negative regulation of phosphorus metabolic process +   
negative regulation of photosynthesis +  
negative regulation of phytoalexin metabolic process +  
negative regulation of pteridine metabolic process +  
negative regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process +   
negative regulation of replicative senescence 
negative regulation of respiratory burst +   
negative regulation of siRNA processing 
negative regulation of small molecule metabolic process +   
negative regulation of sulfur metabolic process +   
negative regulation of tetrapyrrole metabolic process +  
negative regulation of toluene metabolic process +  
negative regulation of tridecane metabolic process +  
nicotinamide metabolic process +   
novobiocin metabolic process +  
ochratoxin A metabolic process +  
pantothenate metabolic process +   
peptide antibiotic metabolic process +  
peptide hormone processing +   
phytochelatin metabolic process +  
positive regulation of amide metabolic process +   
pyoverdine catabolic process 
pyrrolysine metabolic process +  
regulation of acyl-CoA biosynthetic process +   
regulation of amide catabolic process +  
regulation of amide metabolic process +   
regulation of amyloid-beta formation +   
regulation of butyryl-CoA catabolic process to butanol +  
regulation of butyryl-CoA catabolic process to butyrate +  
regulation of ceramide biosynthetic process +   
regulation of coenzyme A biosynthetic process 
regulation of emericellamide biosynthetic process +  
regulation of ferrichrome biosynthetic process +  
regulation of gliotoxin biosynthetic process +  
regulation of glucosylceramide catabolic process +   
regulation of glutathione biosynthetic process +   
regulation of isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process, mevalonate pathway +  
regulation of penicillin metabolic process +  
regulation of pentose-phosphate shunt +   
regulation of peptide hormone processing +  
regulation of pseurotin A biosynthetic process +  
regulation of sphingomyelin catabolic process +   
regulation of tensidol A biosynthetic process +  
regulation of tensidol B biosynthetic process +  
regulation of tetrapyrrole biosynthetic process from glycine and succinyl-CoA +  
regulation of urea metabolic process +   
rhizobactin 1021 metabolic process +  
sphingomyelin metabolic process +   
substance P catabolic process  
tensidol A metabolic process +  
tensidol B metabolic process +  
urea metabolic process +   
ureide metabolic process +  
vibriobactin metabolic process +  

Exact Synonyms: negative regulation of amide metabolism ;   negative regulation of cellular amide metabolic process
Definition Sources: GOC:mah

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