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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acquisition of seed longevity 
amyloid-beta clearance +   
behavior +   
bud dormancy process 
callus formation 
cell activation +   
circadian regulation of heart rate +  
coagulation +   
cytokine production +   
determination of adult lifespan  
digestion +   
hair cycle +   
innervation +   
keratinization +   
megagametogenesis +  
meristem determinacy +  
meristem maintenance +  
microgametogenesis +  
midbrain-hindbrain boundary maturation during brain development  
midbrain-hindbrain boundary maturation during neural plate development 
molting cycle +   
molting cycle process +   
A multicellular organismal process involved in the periodic casting off and regeneration of an outer covering of cuticle, feathers, hair, horns, skin.
molting cycle, chitin-based cuticle +  
molting cycle, collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle +  
morphogenesis of a branching structure +   
multi-multicellular organism process +   
multicellular organism adhesion +  
multicellular organism development +   
multicellular organism growth +   
multicellular organismal movement +   
multicellular organismal response to stress +   
multicellular organismal-level homeostasis +   
muscle attachment +   
negative regulation of multicellular organismal process +   
neurotrophin production +   
organ growth +   
organism emergence from protective structure +   
ossification +   
otolith tethering 
pattern specification process +   
photoreceptor cell maintenance  
pigment accumulation in tissues +   
plasma lipoprotein particle clearance +   
plasma lipoprotein particle organization +   
pollen germination 
polyphenic determination +  
positive regulation of multicellular organismal process +   
post-embryonic development +   
primary growth 
production of molecular mediator involved in inflammatory response +   
pseudocleavage +  
pupariation +  
regulation of multicellular organismal process +   
respiratory gaseous exchange by respiratory system +   
response to high population density 
scab formation 
secretion by tissue +   
seed dormancy process +  
seed germination +  
sleep +   
stem cell population maintenance +   
system process +   
tissue migration +   
tissue remodeling +   
transcytosis +   
vibrational conductance of sound to the inner ear  

Definition Sources: GOC:isa_complete

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