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Ontology Browser

thiamine-containing compound biosynthetic process (GO:0042724)
Annotations: Rat: (5) Mouse: (5) Human: (5) Chinchilla: (5) Bonobo: (5) Dog: (5) Squirrel: (5) Pig: (5) Naked Mole-rat: (5) Green Monkey: (3)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate biosynthetic process  
4-amino-3-isothiazolidinone biosynthetic process 
5-methylcytosine biosynthetic process 
alkanesulfonate biosynthetic process +   
bacillithiol biosynthetic process 
biotin biosynthetic process 
camalexin biosynthetic process +  
cephalosporin biosynthetic process +  
cephamycin C biosynthetic process 
chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic process  
cobalamin biosynthetic process +  
coenzyme M biosynthetic process 
dermatan sulfate biosynthetic process  
epothilone biosynthetic process 
folic acid biosynthetic process 
gliotoxin biosynthetic process +  
glutathione biosynthetic process +   
glutathione derivative biosynthetic process +   
heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process +   
heparin biosynthetic process  
hydrogen sulfide biosynthetic process +   
keratan sulfate biosynthetic process  
L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process +   
leukotriene D4 biosynthetic process  
lipoate biosynthetic process  
methionine catabolic process to 3-methylthiopropanoate 
methionine catabolic process to 3-methylthiopropanol 
mycothiol biosynthetic process 
pantothenate biosynthetic process 
penicillin biosynthetic process +  
pyochelin biosynthetic process 
pyrimidine nucleobase biosynthetic process +   
pyrimidine nucleoside biosynthetic process +   
pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthetic process +   
pyrimidine-containing compound salvage +   
riboflavin biosynthetic process  
S-adenosylmethionine biosynthetic process  
S-glycoside biosynthetic process +  
S-methylmethionine biosynthetic process 
sulfolipid biosynthetic process 
sulfur amino acid biosynthetic process +   
thiamine diphosphate metabolic process +   
thiamine metabolic process +   
thiamine-containing compound biosynthetic process +   
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of thiamine (vitamin B1), and related compounds.
thiamine-containing compound catabolic process +  
thiazole biosynthetic process 
thioester biosynthetic process +   
vitamin B6 biosynthetic process +   

Exact Synonyms: thiamin and derivative biosynthesis ;   thiamin and derivative biosynthetic process ;   thiamin-containing compound biosynthetic process ;   thiamine and derivative biosynthesis ;   thiamine and derivative biosynthetic process ;   thiamine-containing compound anabolism ;   thiamine-containing compound biosynthesis ;   thiamine-containing compound formation ;   thiamine-containing compound synthesis ;   vitamin B1 and derivative biosynthesis ;   vitamin B1 and derivative biosynthetic process
Definition Sources: GOC:jl

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