Cav2 (caveolin 2) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: Cav2 (caveolin 2) Rattus norvegicus
Symbol: Cav2
Name: caveolin 2
RGD ID: 620348
Description: Enables mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase binding activity; phosphoprotein binding activity; and syntaxin binding activity. Involved in several processes, including insulin receptor signaling pathway; negative regulation of endothelial cell proliferation; and positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation. Located in several cellular components, including caveola; lipid droplet; and nuclear inner membrane. Part of protein-containing complex. Biomarker of high grade glioma and obesity. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in low tension glaucoma and primary open angle glaucoma. Orthologous to human CAV2 (caveolin 2); PARTICIPATES IN reverse cholesterol transport pathway; syndecan signaling pathway; endocytosis pathway; INTERACTS WITH 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine; 2,4-dinitrotoluene; 2,6-dinitrotoluene.
Type: protein-coding
Previously known as: caveolin-2; MGC72322
RGD Orthologs
Green Monkey
Naked Mole-Rat
Alliance Orthologs
More Info more info ...
Latest Assembly: mRatBN7.2 - mRatBN7.2 Assembly
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr8446,582,681 - 46,590,058 (+)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.2445,616,766 - 45,624,144 (+)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl445,616,712 - 45,624,244 (+)EnsemblmRatBN7.2 Ensembl
UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx450,610,380 - 50,617,781 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRUTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx
UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0446,531,383 - 46,538,783 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRSPUTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0
UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0444,945,918 - 44,953,322 (+)NCBIRnor_WKYUTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0
Rnor_6.0444,573,264 - 44,580,640 (+)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl444,573,264 - 44,580,638 (+)EnsemblRnor6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_5.0445,178,080 - 45,186,997 (+)NCBIRnor5.0Rnor_5.0rn5Rnor5.0
RGSC_v3.4442,932,127 - 42,939,503 (+)NCBIRGSC3.4RGSC_v3.4rn4RGSC3.4
Celera440,892,754 - 40,900,130 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map4q22NCBI
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Gene-Chemical Interaction Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View
(-)-epigallocatechin 3-gallate  (ISO)
(S)-nicotine  (ISO)
1,2-dichloroethane  (ISO)
17beta-estradiol  (ISO)
2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether  (ISO)
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine  (EXP,ISO)
2,4-dinitrotoluene  (EXP)
2,6-dinitrotoluene  (EXP)
3-isobutyl-1-methyl-7H-xanthine  (ISO)
4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane  (ISO)
4,4'-sulfonyldiphenol  (ISO)
4-hydroxyphenyl retinamide  (ISO)
5-fluorouracil  (ISO)
6-propyl-2-thiouracil  (EXP)
acetamide  (EXP)
aflatoxin B1  (EXP,ISO)
all-trans-retinoic acid  (ISO)
alpha-Zearalanol  (EXP)
ammonium chloride  (EXP)
antirheumatic drug  (ISO)
arsenous acid  (ISO)
benzo[a]pyrene  (ISO)
bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate  (ISO)
bisphenol A  (EXP,ISO)
Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether  (ISO)
Bisphenol B  (ISO)
bisphenol F  (ISO)
bucladesine  (ISO)
butan-1-ol  (ISO)
butanal  (ISO)
cadmium atom  (ISO)
cadmium dichloride  (EXP,ISO)
carbamazepine  (ISO)
carbon nanotube  (ISO)
chloropicrin  (ISO)
chromium(6+)  (ISO)
cisplatin  (ISO)
cobalt dichloride  (EXP,ISO)
crocidolite asbestos  (ISO)
Cuprizon  (EXP)
cyclosporin A  (ISO)
dexamethasone  (ISO)
diarsenic trioxide  (ISO)
dimethylarsinic acid  (ISO)
dimethylarsinous acid  (ISO)
dioxygen  (EXP)
disodium selenite  (ISO)
diuron  (EXP)
dorsomorphin  (ISO)
doxorubicin  (ISO)
entinostat  (ISO)
epoxiconazole  (ISO)
ethanol  (ISO)
FR900359  (ISO)
furan  (EXP)
gentamycin  (EXP)
glafenine  (EXP)
glutathione  (EXP)
hexadecanoic acid  (ISO)
indometacin  (ISO)
isobutanol  (ISO)
lead(0)  (ISO)
lipopolysaccharide  (ISO)
manganese(II) chloride  (EXP)
medroxyprogesterone acetate  (ISO)
mercury dibromide  (ISO)
methotrexate  (ISO)
Methylazoxymethanol acetate  (EXP)
methylmercury chloride  (ISO)
monocrotaline  (EXP)
N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide  (EXP)
N-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium  (EXP)
N-nitrosodiethylamine  (ISO)
nicotine  (ISO)
oleic acid  (ISO)
oxycodone  (EXP)
p-chloromercuribenzoic acid  (ISO)
p-toluidine  (EXP)
paracetamol  (EXP,ISO)
paraquat  (ISO)
perfluorooctanoic acid  (EXP)
permethrin  (EXP)
phenobarbital  (ISO)
phenylmercury acetate  (ISO)
pirinixic acid  (ISO)
potassium chromate  (ISO)
quercetin  (ISO)
rimonabant  (ISO)
rotenone  (EXP)
S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine  (ISO)
SB 431542  (ISO)
silver atom  (ISO)
silver(0)  (ISO)
simvastatin  (EXP)
sodium arsenite  (ISO)
sunitinib  (ISO)
taurocholic acid  (ISO)
temozolomide  (ISO)
tert-butyl hydroperoxide  (ISO)
testosterone  (ISO)
tetrachloromethane  (EXP)
thioacetamide  (EXP)
titanium dioxide  (ISO)
triadimefon  (ISO)
trichostatin A  (ISO)
trimellitic anhydride  (ISO)
triphenyl phosphate  (EXP,ISO)
valdecoxib  (EXP)
valproic acid  (ISO)
vinclozolin  (EXP)

Gene Ontology Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Biological Process

Cellular Component

Molecular Pathway Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Increased expression of caveolin-1 and -2 in the hearts of Lewis rats with experimental autoimmune myocarditis. Ahn M, etal., Autoimmunity. 2006 Sep;39(6):489-95.
2. Maxi-K channels localize to caveolae in human myometrium: a role for an actin-channel-caveolin complex in the regulation of myometrial smooth muscle K+ current. Brainard AM, etal., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2005 Jul;289(1):C49-57. Epub 2005 Feb 9.
3. Phylogenetic-based propagation of functional annotations within the Gene Ontology consortium. Gaudet P, etal., Brief Bioinform. 2011 Sep;12(5):449-62. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbr042. Epub 2011 Aug 27.
4. Rat ISS GO annotations from GOA human gene data--August 2006 GOA data from the GO Consortium
5. Dietary obesity increases NO and inhibits BKCa-mediated, endothelium-dependent dilation in rat cremaster muscle artery: association with caveolins and caveolae. Howitt L, etal., Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2012 Jun;302(12):H2464-76. Epub 2012 Apr 6.
6. Rab6-mediated retrograde transport regulates inner nuclear membrane targeting of caveolin-2 in response to insulin. Jeong K, etal., Traffic. 2012 Sep;13(9):1218-33. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0854.2012.01378.x. Epub 2012 Jun 11.
7. Association study of genetic variants on chromosome 7q31 with susceptibility to normal tension glaucoma in a Japanese population. Kato T, etal., Eye (Lond). 2013 Aug;27(8):979-83. doi: 10.1038/eye.2013.123. Epub 2013 Jun 7.
8. Caveolin-2 regulation of the cell cycle in response to insulin in Hirc-B fibroblast cells. Kim S and Pak Y, Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Apr 29;330(1):88-96.
9. Caveolin isoforms in resident and elicited rat peritoneal macrophages. Kiss AL, etal., Eur J Cell Biol. 2000 May;79(5):343-9.
10. Co-localization and interaction of organic anion transporter 1 with caveolin-2 in rat kidney. Kwak JO, etal., Exp Mol Med. 2005 Jun 30;37(3):204-12.
11. A novel domain of caveolin-2 that controls nuclear targeting: regulation of insulin-specific ERK activation and nuclear translocation by caveolin-2. Kwon H, etal., J Cell Mol Med. 2011 Apr;15(4):888-908. doi: 10.1111/j.1582-4934.2010.01079.x.
12. Involvement of caveolin-2 in caveolar biogenesis in MDCK cells. Lahtinen U, etal., FEBS Lett. 2003 Mar 13;538(1-3):85-8.
13. Caveolin-1 and -2 interact with connexin43 and regulate gap junctional intercellular communication in keratinocytes. Langlois S, etal., Mol Biol Cell. 2008 Mar;19(3):912-28. Epub 2007 Dec 27.
14. Beta-subunit of cardiac Na+-K+-ATPase dictates the concentration of the functional enzyme in caveolae. Liu L and Askari A, Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2006 Oct;291(4):C569-78. Epub 2006 Apr 19.
15. Association of CAV1/CAV2 genomic variants with primary open-angle glaucoma overall and by gender and pattern of visual field loss. Loomis SJ, etal., Ophthalmology. 2014 Feb;121(2):508-16. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2013.09.012. Epub 2013 Oct 25.
16. ATP dependence of the SNARE/caveolin 1 interaction in the hippocampus. Magga JM, etal., Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2002 Mar 15;291(5):1232-8.
17. Rat ISS GO annotations from MGI mouse gene data--August 2006 MGD data from the GO Consortium
18. Electronic Transfer of LocusLink and RefSeq Data NCBI rat LocusLink and RefSeq merged data July 26, 2002
19. Reverse cholesterol transport and cholesterol efflux in atherosclerosis. Ohashi R, etal., QJM. 2005 Dec;98(12):845-56. Epub 2005 Oct 28.
20. KEGG Annotation Import Pipeline Pipeline to import KEGG annotations from KEGG into RGD
21. PID Annotation Import Pipeline Pipeline to import Pathway Interaction Database annotations from NCI into RGD
22. Dynamic and regulated association of caveolin with lipid bodies: modulation of lipid body motility and function by a dominant negative mutant. Pol A, etal., Mol Biol Cell. 2004 Jan;15(1):99-110. Epub 2003 Oct 3.
23. GOA pipeline RGD automated data pipeline
24. Data Import for Chemical-Gene Interactions RGD automated import pipeline for gene-chemical interactions
25. Caveolae-associated proteins in cardiomyocytes: caveolin-2 expression and interactions with caveolin-3. Rybin VO, etal., Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2003 Jul;285(1):H325-32. Epub 2003 Mar 20.
26. MicroRNA miR-199a-3p regulates cell proliferation and survival by targeting caveolin-2. Shatseva T, etal., J Cell Sci. 2011 Aug 15;124(Pt 16):2826-36.
27. Serine 23 and 36 phosphorylation of caveolin-2 is differentially regulated by targeting to lipid raft/caveolae and in mitotic endothelial cells. Sowa G, etal., Biochemistry. 2008 Jan 8;47(1):101-11. Epub 2007 Dec 15.
28. The phosphorylation of caveolin-2 on serines 23 and 36 modulates caveolin-1-dependent caveolae formation. Sowa G, etal., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 May 27;100(11):6511-6. Epub 2003 May 12.
29. Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. Strausberg RL, etal., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Dec 24;99(26):16899-903. Epub 2002 Dec 11.
30. Low-Frequency Ultrasound Irradiation Increases Blood-Tumor Barrier Permeability by Transcellular Pathway in a Rat Glioma Model. Xia CY, etal., J Mol Neurosci. 2012 Apr 20.
31. Expression of caveolin-1 in tongue squamous cell carcinoma by quantum dots. Xue J, etal., Eur J Histochem. 2010 Apr 14;54(2):e20.
32. D1 dopamine receptor signaling involves caveolin-2 in HEK-293 cells. Yu P, etal., Kidney Int. 2004 Dec;66(6):2167-80.
Additional References at PubMed
PMID:8552590   PMID:9361015   PMID:11294831   PMID:11316799   PMID:11884617   PMID:12091389   PMID:12138167   PMID:15499025   PMID:15545264   PMID:15788404   PMID:15814461   PMID:15925413  
PMID:16645331   PMID:16904002   PMID:17200204   PMID:17293479   PMID:19144954   PMID:19778377   PMID:19931615   PMID:21047970   PMID:21832243   PMID:22374691   PMID:22792322   PMID:24013648  
PMID:24040945   PMID:24953158   PMID:25450954   PMID:25556234   PMID:25667086   PMID:25753664   PMID:30269377  


Comparative Map Data
(Rattus norvegicus - Norway rat)
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr8446,582,681 - 46,590,058 (+)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.2445,616,766 - 45,624,144 (+)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl445,616,712 - 45,624,244 (+)EnsemblmRatBN7.2 Ensembl
UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx450,610,380 - 50,617,781 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRUTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx
UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0446,531,383 - 46,538,783 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRSPUTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0
UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0444,945,918 - 44,953,322 (+)NCBIRnor_WKYUTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0
Rnor_6.0444,573,264 - 44,580,640 (+)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl444,573,264 - 44,580,638 (+)EnsemblRnor6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_5.0445,178,080 - 45,186,997 (+)NCBIRnor5.0Rnor_5.0rn5Rnor5.0
RGSC_v3.4442,932,127 - 42,939,503 (+)NCBIRGSC3.4RGSC_v3.4rn4RGSC3.4
Celera440,892,754 - 40,900,130 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map4q22NCBI
(Homo sapiens - human)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCh387116,499,738 - 116,508,541 (+)NCBIGRCh38GRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh38.p14 Ensembl7116,287,380 - 116,508,541 (+)EnsemblGRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh377116,139,792 - 116,148,595 (+)NCBIGRCh37GRCh37hg19GRCh37
Build 367115,926,680 - 115,935,831 (+)NCBINCBI36Build 36hg18NCBI36
Build 347115,733,394 - 115,742,545NCBI
Celera7110,946,853 - 110,956,001 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map7q31.2NCBI
HuRef7110,505,654 - 110,514,581 (+)NCBIHuRef
CHM1_17116,073,006 - 116,081,933 (+)NCBICHM1_1
T2T-CHM13v2.07117,814,806 - 117,823,607 (+)NCBIT2T-CHM13v2.0
CRA_TCAGchr7v27115,535,087 - 115,544,028 (+)NCBI
(Mus musculus - house mouse)
Mouse AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCm39617,281,184 - 17,289,129 (+)NCBIGRCm39GRCm39mm39
GRCm39 Ensembl617,281,184 - 17,289,114 (+)EnsemblGRCm39 Ensembl
GRCm38617,281,185 - 17,289,130 (+)NCBIGRCm38GRCm38mm10GRCm38
GRCm38.p6 Ensembl617,281,185 - 17,289,115 (+)EnsemblGRCm38mm10GRCm38
MGSCv37617,231,341 - 17,239,011 (+)NCBIGRCm37MGSCv37mm9NCBIm37
MGSCv36617,231,341 - 17,239,011 (+)NCBIMGSCv36mm8
Celera617,353,818 - 17,361,488 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map6A2NCBI
cM Map67.72NCBI
(Chinchilla lanigera - long-tailed chinchilla)
Chinchilla AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
ChiLan1.0NW_00495543222,240,041 - 22,242,200 (+)NCBIChiLan1.0ChiLan1.0
(Pan paniscus - bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee)
Bonobo AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
NHGRI_mPanPan1-v26153,331,617 - 153,340,521 (+)NCBINHGRI_mPanPan1-v2
NHGRI_mPanPan175,341,885 - 5,350,773 (+)NCBINHGRI_mPanPan1
Mhudiblu_PPA_v07108,254,074 - 108,480,716 (+)NCBIMhudiblu_PPA_v0Mhudiblu_PPA_v0panPan3
PanPan1.17120,951,568 - 121,177,415 (+)NCBIpanpan1.1PanPan1.1panPan2
PanPan1.1 Ensembl7121,168,579 - 121,177,415 (+)Ensemblpanpan1.1panPan2
(Canis lupus familiaris - dog)
Dog AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
CanFam3.11455,437,622 - 55,445,481 (+)NCBICanFam3.1CanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
CanFam3.1 Ensembl1455,437,622 - 55,445,469 (+)EnsemblCanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha1454,833,000 - 54,840,856 (+)NCBIDog10K_Boxer_Tasha
ROS_Cfam_1.01455,479,629 - 55,487,494 (+)NCBIROS_Cfam_1.0
ROS_Cfam_1.0 Ensembl1455,479,629 - 55,501,237 (+)EnsemblROS_Cfam_1.0 Ensembl
UMICH_Zoey_3.11455,507,542 - 55,515,378 (+)NCBIUMICH_Zoey_3.1
UNSW_CanFamBas_1.01455,195,940 - 55,203,807 (+)NCBIUNSW_CanFamBas_1.0
UU_Cfam_GSD_1.01455,567,047 - 55,574,903 (+)NCBIUU_Cfam_GSD_1.0
(Ictidomys tridecemlineatus - thirteen-lined ground squirrel)
Squirrel AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
HiC_Itri_2NW_02440511844,128,741 - 44,135,934 (+)NCBIHiC_Itri_2
SpeTri2.0 EnsemblNW_0049365892,552,477 - 2,561,569 (-)EnsemblSpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0 Ensembl
SpeTri2.0NW_0049365892,553,932 - 2,561,186 (-)NCBISpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0
(Sus scrofa - pig)
Pig AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
Sscrofa11.1 Ensembl1829,699,020 - 29,707,277 (-)EnsemblSscrofa11.1susScr11Sscrofa11.1
Sscrofa11.11829,699,012 - 29,707,277 (-)NCBISscrofa11.1Sscrofa11.1susScr11Sscrofa11.1
Sscrofa10.21831,796,924 - 31,805,190 (-)NCBISscrofa10.2Sscrofa10.2susScr3
(Chlorocebus sabaeus - green monkey)
Green Monkey AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
ChlSab1.12185,197,452 - 85,206,521 (+)NCBIChlSab1.1ChlSab1.1chlSab2
ChlSab1.1 Ensembl2185,197,537 - 85,206,588 (+)EnsemblChlSab1.1ChlSab1.1 EnsemblchlSab2
Vero_WHO_p1.0NW_02366604218,527,200 - 18,536,233 (-)NCBIVero_WHO_p1.0Vero_WHO_p1.0
(Heterocephalus glaber - naked mole-rat)
Naked Mole-Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
HetGla_female_1.0 EnsemblNW_0046248272,897,731 - 2,905,911 (-)EnsemblHetGla_female_1.0HetGla_female_1.0 EnsemblhetGla2
HetGla 1.0NW_0046248272,897,824 - 2,905,835 (-)NCBIHetGla_female_1.0HetGla 1.0hetGla2


Variants in Cav2
28 total Variants
miRNA Target Status

Confirmed Target Of
miRNA GeneMature miRNAMethod NameResult TypeData TypeSupport TypePMID
Mir29arno-miR-29a-3pMirtarbaseexternal_infoImmunoprecipitaion//Luciferase reporter assay//MicFunctional MTI17652184

Predicted Target Of
Summary Value
Count of predictions:410
Count of miRNA genes:229
Interacting mature miRNAs:287
Prediction methods:Microtar, Miranda, Targetscan
Result types:miRGate_prediction

The detailed report is available here: Full Report CSV TAB Printer

miRNA Target Status data imported from miRGate (
For more information about miRGate, see PMID:25858286 or access the full paper here.

QTLs in Region (mRatBN7.2)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
2302371Stl22Serum triglyceride level QTL 225.15blood triglyceride amount (VT:0002644)serum triglyceride level (CMO:0000360)4521829457114705Rat
2303585Bw86Body weight QTL 864body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)41467806559678065Rat
1358352Srcrt3Stress Responsive Cort QTL 32.29blood corticosterone amount (VT:0005345)plasma corticosterone level (CMO:0001173)438465774146803430Rat
61445Strs3Sensitivity to stroke QTL 33cerebrum integrity trait (VT:0010549)post-insult time to onset of cerebrovascular lesion (CMO:0002343)44043338885433388Rat
6893678Bw108Body weight QTL 1082.60.006body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)44345797688457976Rat
8552906Pigfal3Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 3blood insulin-like growth factor amount (VT:0010479)plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level (CMO:0001299)41008408955084089Rat
1331807Rf31Renal function QTL 312.988urine potassium amount (VT:0010539)urine potassium level (CMO:0000128)43952426474726312Rat
6478766Anxrr47Anxiety related response QTL 470.09637locomotor behavior trait (VT:0001392)number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus (CMO:0000960)41008408955084089Rat
8552782Vie1Viral induced encephalitis QTL 126.4brain integrity trait (VT:0010579)encephalitis incidence/prevalence measurement (CMO:0002361)43443048482490359Rat
631642Stl2Serum triglyceride level QTL 23.3blood triglyceride amount (VT:0002644)serum triglyceride level (CMO:0000360)4521917856647776Rat
6478769Anxrr48Anxiety related response QTL 480.02514locomotor behavior trait (VT:0001392)amount of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus (CMO:0000958)41008408955084089Rat
631261Tcas3Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 36.88tongue integrity trait (VT:0010553)number of squamous cell tumors of the tongue with diameter greater than 3 mm (CMO:0001950)41081417091360527Rat
2312567Glom19Glomerulus QTL 191.90.006kidney glomerulus morphology trait (VT:0005325)index of glomerular damage (CMO:0001135)445456990146803430Rat
2313401Anxrr27Anxiety related response QTL 27aggression-related behavior trait (VT:0015014)tameness/aggressiveness composite score (CMO:0002136)41793350862933508Rat
8655961Kidm43Kidney mass QTL 4318kidney mass (VT:0002707)both kidneys wet weight (CMO:0000085)436303261103194984Rat
1354612Foco1Food consumption QTL 18.87eating behavior trait (VT:0001431)food intake rate (CMO:0000427)444463908148090542Rat
6909128Pancm4Pancreatic morphology QTL 411.35pancreas mass (VT:0010144)pancreas wet weight (CMO:0000626)42690728575585128Rat
8694374Bw155Body weight QTL 1553.390.001body lean mass (VT:0010483)lean tissue morphological measurement (CMO:0002184)41008408955084089Rat
2303168Bp330Blood pressure QTL 3304.250.017arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)45214602146446691Rat
8552801Bw143Body weight QTL 1437.3body mass (VT:0001259)change in body weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0002216)43443048482490359Rat
61475Aia2Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 25.8joint integrity trait (VT:0010548)joint inflammation composite score (CMO:0000919)43950527573892441Rat
8694439Bw168Body weight QTL 1689.570.001retroperitoneal fat pad mass (VT:0010430)retroperitoneal fat pad weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000635)44043341485433414Rat
61412Pia2Pristane induced arthritis QTL 23.9joint integrity trait (VT:0010548)post-insult time to onset of experimental arthritis (CMO:0001450)42133334362278020Rat
6478724Anxrr35Anxiety related response QTL 350.00449defecation behavior trait (VT:0010462)defecation measurement (CMO:0000997)41008408955084089Rat
8655906Rf60Renal function QTL 603.8blood creatinine amount (VT:0005328)creatinine clearance (CMO:0000765)42949419581006281Rat
619616Bp79Blood pressure QTL 790.0292arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)4521460278882945Rat
1576305Emca6Estrogen-induced mammary cancer QTL 65.8mammary gland integrity trait (VT:0010552)mammary tumor number (CMO:0000343)444463720155883716Rat
6909122Insul22Insulin level QTL 224.63blood insulin amount (VT:0001560)plasma insulin level (CMO:0000342)42690728575585128Rat
8552809Vie5Viral induced encephalitis QTL 525.3brain integrity trait (VT:0010579)encephalitis incidence/prevalence measurement (CMO:0002361)43443048482490359Rat
1358203Stl19Serum triglyceride level QTL 192.80.002blood triglyceride amount (VT:0002644)serum triglyceride level (CMO:0000360)4521829465958103Rat
1354660Salc1Saline consumption QTL 111.26drinking behavior trait (VT:0001422)saline drink intake rate (CMO:0001627)444463908148090542Rat
9590304Scort17Serum corticosterone level QTL 174.960.001blood corticosterone amount (VT:0005345)plasma corticosterone level (CMO:0001173)41008408955084089Rat
1300139Hrtrt6Heart rate QTL 62.85heart pumping trait (VT:2000009)heart rate (CMO:0000002)439524264116179656Rat
12798520Anxrr55Anxiety related response QTL 554.450.01locomotor behavior trait (VT:0001392)number of rearing movements with lid-pushing in an experimental apparatus (CMO:0002715)432583980114627242Rat
11530004Niddm71Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 710.001blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) (CMO:0000350)43258419952754138Rat
2316958Gluco58Glucose level QTL 5810blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)blood glucose level (CMO:0000046)411320076180699135Rat


RNA-SEQ Expression
High: > 1000 TPM value   Medium: Between 11 and 1000 TPM
Low: Between 0.5 and 10 TPM   Below Cutoff: < 0.5 TPM

alimentary part of gastrointestinal system circulatory system endocrine system exocrine system hemolymphoid system hepatobiliary system integumental system musculoskeletal system nervous system renal system reproductive system respiratory system appendage
Medium 2 31 18 5 15 5 8 9 39 34 26 11 8
Low 1 12 39 36 4 36 2 35 1 15
Below cutoff


Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOT00000080271   ⟹   ENSRNOP00000075024
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl445,616,712 - 45,624,244 (+)Ensembl
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl444,573,264 - 44,580,638 (+)Ensembl
RefSeq Acc Id: NM_131914   ⟹   NP_571989
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCr8446,582,681 - 46,590,058 (+)NCBI
mRatBN7.2445,616,766 - 45,624,144 (+)NCBI
Rnor_6.0444,573,264 - 44,580,640 (+)NCBI
Rnor_5.0445,178,080 - 45,186,997 (+)NCBI
RGSC_v3.4442,932,127 - 42,939,503 (+)RGD
Celera440,892,754 - 40,900,130 (+)RGD
RefSeq Acc Id: NP_571989   ⟸   NM_131914
- UniProtKB: Q8VIK7 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot),   Q6P6R8 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot),   Q2IBC5 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot),   A6IE19 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL),   A0A0A0MXU8 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL)
- Sequence:
Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOP00000075024   ⟸   ENSRNOT00000080271

Protein Structures
Name Modeler Protein Id AA Range Protein Structure
AF-Q2IBC5-F1-model_v2 AlphaFold Q2IBC5 1-162 view protein structure


eQTL   View at Phenogen
WGCNA   View at Phenogen
Tissue/Strain Expression   View at Phenogen

RGD ID:13692891
Promoter ID:EPDNEW_R3415
Type:initiation region
Description:caveolin 2
SO ACC ID:SO:0000170
Source:EPDNEW (Eukaryotic Promoter Database,
Experiment Methods:Single-end sequencing.
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
Rnor_6.0444,573,352 - 44,573,412EPDNEW

Additional Information

Database Acc Id Source(s)
AGR Gene RGD:620348 AgrOrtholog
BioCyc Gene G2FUF-45569 BioCyc
Ensembl Genes ENSRNOG00000057713 Ensembl, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  ENSRNOG00055018134 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
  ENSRNOG00060000798 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
  ENSRNOG00065007760 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
Ensembl Transcript ENSRNOT00000080271.2 UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  ENSRNOT00055030712 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
  ENSRNOT00060000977 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
  ENSRNOT00065012168 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
InterPro Caveolin UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  Caveolin_CS UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
KEGG Report rno:363425 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
PANTHER PTHR10844 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  PTHR10844:SF3 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
Pfam Caveolin UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
PhenoGen Cav2 PhenoGen
RatGTEx ENSRNOG00000057713 RatGTEx
  ENSRNOG00055018134 RatGTEx
  ENSRNOG00060000798 RatGTEx
  ENSRNOG00065007760 RatGTEx
UniProt Secondary Q6P6R8 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
  Q8VIK7 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2005-07-08 Cav2  caveolin 2      Symbol and Name status set to approved 1299863 APPROVED
2002-08-07 Cav2  caveolin 2      Symbol and Name status set to provisional 70820 PROVISIONAL

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
gene_physical_interaction may interact with both caveolin 1 and caveolin 3 632372