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The Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology and Mammalian Phenotype Ontology are downloaded weekly from the Mouse Genome Informatics databases at Jackson Laboratories ( For more information about these ontologies, see the MGI Publications Page at

Term:decreased circulating cholesterol level
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Accession:MP:0005179 term browser browse the term
Definition:less than the normal amount in the blood of the principal sterol of vertebrates and the precursor of many steroids, including bile acids and steroid hormones; it is a component of the plasma membrane lipid bilayer and of plasma lipoproteins and can be found in all animal tissues
Synonyms:exact_synonym: decreased total circulating cholesterol level;   hypocholesterolaemia;   hypocholesterolemia;   low total circulating cholesterol level;   reduced circulating cholesterol level
 narrow_synonym: decreased total plasma cholesterol level;   decreased total serum cholesterol level;   low total plasma cholesterol level;   low total serum cholesterol level
 alt_id: MP:0002616

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decreased circulating cholesterol level term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cfb complement factor B IMP compared to wild type SHR RGD PMID:28739975 RGD:127285403 NCBI chr20:3,970,643...3,976,510
Ensembl chr20:3,951,474...3,976,505
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G Cfbem1Tja complement factor B, ZFN induced mutant 1, Tja IMP compared to wild type SHR RGD PMID:28739975 RGD:127285403
G Fmr1 fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein 1 IMP compared to wild type RGD PMID:35328827 RGD:405100966 NCBI chr  X:147,240,239...147,278,057
Ensembl chr  X:147,240,301...147,278,050
JBrowse link
G Fmr1em1Sage FMRP translational regulator 1; zinc finger nuclease induced mutant 1, Sigma Advanced Genetic Engineering Labs IMP compared to wild type RGD PMID:35328827 RGD:405100966
G Gla galactosidase, alpha IMP compared to Wild type female RGD PMID:29979634 RGD:401976416 NCBI chr  X:97,769,227...97,780,646
Ensembl chr  X:97,768,996...97,780,664
JBrowse link
G Glaem2Mcwi galactosidase, alpha; CRISPR/Cas9 system induced mutant 2, Medical College of Wisconsin IMP compared to Wild type female RGD PMID:29979634 RGD:401976416
G Htr7 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7 IMP in male RGD PMID:31125290 RGD:14696717 NCBI chr 1:233,636,442...233,761,063
Ensembl chr 1:233,636,452...233,760,626
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G Htr7em1Msu 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7; CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutant 1, Msu IMP in male RGD PMID:31125290 RGD:14696717
G Zbtb16 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16 IMP compared to wild type SHR/OlaIpcv; RGD PMID:28396530 RGD:150340623 NCBI chr 8:48,989,376...49,177,011
Ensembl chr 8:48,994,566...49,177,011
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G Zbtb16em1Ipcv zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16; TALEN induced mutant 1, Ipcv IMP compared to wild type SHR/OlaIpcv; RGD PMID:28396530 RGD:150340623
decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Apoe apolipoprotein E IMP RGD PMID:30796231 RGD:150521536 NCBI chr 1:79,353,924...79,357,852
Ensembl chr 1:79,353,916...79,357,932
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G Atp7b ATPase copper transporting beta IAGP RGD PMID:17303181 RGD:2292672 NCBI chr16:69,952,286...70,024,404
Ensembl chr16:69,951,778...70,023,636
JBrowse link
G Atp7bhts ATPase copper transporting beta; hepatitis IAGP RGD PMID:17303181 RGD:2292672
G Gja8 gap junction protein, alpha 8 IAGP RGD PMID:27871290 RGD:150429989 NCBI chr 2:184,490,840...184,492,456
Ensembl chr 2:184,490,840...184,492,456
JBrowse link
G Gja8m1Cub gap junction protein, alpha 8; mutant 1 Cub IAGP RGD PMID:27871290 RGD:150429989
decreased circulating LDL cholesterol level term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Gja8 gap junction protein, alpha 8 IAGP RGD PMID:27871290 RGD:150429989 NCBI chr 2:184,490,840...184,492,456
Ensembl chr 2:184,490,840...184,492,456
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G Gja8m1Cub gap junction protein, alpha 8; mutant 1 Cub IAGP RGD PMID:27871290 RGD:150429989

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 5417
    homeostasis/metabolism phenotype 1423
      abnormal homeostasis 1324
        abnormal blood homeostasis 762
          abnormal circulating lipid level 307
            abnormal circulating cholesterol level 170
              decreased circulating cholesterol level 47
                decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level 15
                decreased circulating LDL cholesterol level 3
                decreased circulating VLDL cholesterol level 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 5417
    homeostasis/metabolism phenotype 1423
      abnormal homeostasis 1324
        abnormal lipid homeostasis 361
          abnormal lipid level 356
            abnormal sterol level 195
              abnormal cholesterol level 194
                abnormal circulating cholesterol level 170
                  decreased circulating cholesterol level 47
                    decreased circulating HDL cholesterol level 15
                    decreased circulating LDL cholesterol level 3
                    decreased circulating VLDL cholesterol level 0
paths to the root