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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal anandamide level +   
abnormal bile salt level +   
abnormal blood gas level +   
abnormal blood osmolality +   
abnormal blood oxygen capacity +   
abnormal blood pH regulation +   
abnormal blood urea nitrogen level +   
abnormal blood uric acid level +   
abnormal carcass lipid +  
abnormal circulating amino acid level +   
abnormal circulating ammonia level +   
abnormal circulating bicarbonate level +   
abnormal circulating bilirubin level +   
abnormal circulating fructosamine level +   
abnormal circulating glucose level +   
abnormal circulating histamine level +   
abnormal circulating hormone level +   
abnormal circulating hyaluronic acid level +   
abnormal circulating hypoxanthine level +   
abnormal circulating ketone body level +   
abnormal circulating lactate level +   
abnormal circulating lipid level +   
anomalous concentrations of fat-soluble substances (molecules composed of carbon and hydrogen and are characteristically insoluble in water) in the blood
abnormal circulating lipoprotein level +   
abnormal circulating mineral level +   
abnormal circulating protein level +   
abnormal circulating xanthine level +   
abnormal corticosterone level +   
abnormal erythrocyte sedimentation rate +   
abnormal fatty acids level +   
abnormal feces lipid level +   
abnormal galactolipid level  
abnormal glycerol level +   
abnormal hemostasis +   
abnormal leukotriene level +   
abnormal phospholipid level +   
abnormal prostaglandin level +   
abnormal sphingolipid level +   
abnormal sterol level +   
abnormal sulfolipid level 
abnormal thromboxane level +   
abnormal triglyceride level +   
decreased lipid level +   
increased lipid level +   
uremia +   

Exact Synonyms: dyslipidaemia ;   dyslipidemia
Definition Sources:, ISBN:0-683-40008-8

paths to the root