Imported Disease Annotations - ClinVarObject Symbol | Species | Term | Qualifier | Evidence | With | Reference | Notes | Source | Original Reference(s) | MMP2 | Green Monkey | Chromosome 16q12 Duplication Syndrome | | ISO | MMP2 (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Chromosome 16q12 duplication syndrome | ClinVar | PMID:25741868 and PMID:33891002 | MMP2 | Green Monkey | genetic disease | | ISO | MMP2 (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Inborn genetic diseases | ClinVar | PMID:25741868 and PMID:28492532 | MMP2 | Green Monkey | head and neck squamous cell carcinoma | | ISO | MMP2 (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Lip and oral cavity carcinoma | ClinVar | PMID:28595731 | MMP2 | Green Monkey | Joubert syndrome 1 | | ISO | MMP2 (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Familial aplasia of the vermis | ClinVar | PMID:17558409 and PMID:28492532 | MMP2 | Green Monkey | Osteolysis Hereditary Multicentric | | ISO | MMP2 (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar more ... | ClinVar | PMID:10356396 more ... | MMP2 | Green Monkey | Winchester syndrome | | ISO | MMP2 (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Winchester-Grossman syndrome | ClinVar | PMID:11431697 more ... | |