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Ontology Browser

negative regulation of fatty acid metabolic process (GO:0045922)
Annotations: Rat: (44) Mouse: (46) Human: (55) Chinchilla: (35) Bonobo: (34) Dog: (42) Squirrel: (35) Pig: (41) Naked Mole-rat: (33) Green Monkey: (35)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
fatty acid biosynthetic process +   
fatty acid catabolic process +   
fatty acid oxidation +   
lipoate metabolic process +   
lipoxygenase pathway +   
long-chain fatty acid metabolic process +   
medium-chain fatty acid metabolic process +   
methane biosynthetic process from 3-(methylthio)propionic acid +  
methyl-branched fatty acid metabolic process +   
monounsaturated fatty acid metabolic process +   
mycolic acid metabolic process +  
negative regulation of (R)-mevalonic acid biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of 17-methylnonadec-1-ene metabolic process +  
negative regulation of 18-methylnonadec-1-ene metabolic process +  
negative regulation of acetate catabolic process 
negative regulation of aflatoxin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of alcohol biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of aldosterone metabolic process +   
negative regulation of all-trans-retinyl-ester hydrolase, 11-cis retinol forming activity 
negative regulation of amylopectin metabolic process +  
negative regulation of androst-4-ene-3,17-dione biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of arginine catabolic process  
negative regulation of asperthecin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of auxin metabolic process +  
negative regulation of bile acid metabolic process +   
negative regulation of bioluminescence 
negative regulation of cellular alcohol catabolic process 
negative regulation of cellular biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of cellular catabolic process +   
negative regulation of cellular glucuronidation  
negative regulation of cellular organohalogen metabolic process +   
negative regulation of cellular respiration +   
negative regulation of cellular senescence  
negative regulation of cholesterol metabolic process +   
negative regulation of citrulline biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of cordyol C biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of diorcinol biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of ecdysteroid metabolic process +  
negative regulation of emericellamide biosynthetic process +  
negative regulation of emodin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of endocrocin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of ergosterol biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of fatty acid metabolic process +   
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving fatty acids.
negative regulation of fermentation +   
negative regulation of ferulate catabolic process 
negative regulation of fumagillin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of fumonisin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid catabolic process 
negative regulation of gerfelin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of gibberellin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of glucocorticoid metabolic process +   
negative regulation of gluconeogenesis  
negative regulation of glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate  
negative regulation of glutamate metabolic process +   
negative regulation of glycogen metabolic process +   
negative regulation of glycolytic fermentation to ethanol 
negative regulation of glyoxylate cycle 
negative regulation of helvolic acid biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of heptadecane metabolic process +  
negative regulation of hexadecanal metabolic process +  
negative regulation of histidine biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of homoserine biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of indoleacetic acid biosynthetic process via tryptophan 
negative regulation of isoprenoid metabolic process +   
negative regulation of L-dopa biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of L-glutamine biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of L-leucine biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of lipid biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of lipid catabolic process +   
negative regulation of lipid kinase activity +  
negative regulation of lipoprotein lipid oxidation  
negative regulation of lipoprotein metabolic process +   
negative regulation of lysine biosynthetic process via aminoadipic acid +  
negative regulation of methane biosynthetic process from formic acid 
negative regulation of monodictyphenone biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of naphtho-gamma-pyrone biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of nonadec-1-ene metabolic process +  
negative regulation of nucleoside metabolic process 
negative regulation of nucleotide metabolic process +   
negative regulation of o-orsellinic acid biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of octadecene metabolic process +  
negative regulation of ornithine catabolic process  
negative regulation of oxygen metabolic process 
negative regulation of penicillin metabolic process +  
negative regulation of pentadecane metabolic process +  
negative regulation of phospholipid metabolic process +   
negative regulation of phosphorus metabolic process +   
negative regulation of photosynthesis +  
negative regulation of phytoalexin metabolic process +  
negative regulation of progesterone biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of proline metabolic process +  
negative regulation of protein geranylgeranylation 
negative regulation of pseurotin A biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of purine nucleobase metabolic process 
negative regulation of pyrimidine nucleobase metabolic process 
negative regulation of quinolinate biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process +   
negative regulation of replicative senescence 
negative regulation of sarcinapterin metabolic process +  
negative regulation of selenocysteine metabolic process 
negative regulation of steroid metabolic process +   
negative regulation of sulfur amino acid metabolic process +  
negative regulation of sulfur metabolic process +   
negative regulation of tatiopterin metabolic process +  
negative regulation of tensidol A biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of tensidol B biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of testosterone biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of thyroid hormone generation 
negative regulation of tridecane metabolic process +  
negative regulation of triglyceride metabolic process +   
negative regulation of ubiquinone biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of UDP-glucose catabolic process  
negative regulation of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of urea catabolic process 
negative regulation of violaceol I biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of violaceol II biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of vitamin metabolic process +   
negative regulation of xanthone-containing compound biosynthetic process +  
negative regulation of xylose catabolic process to ethanol 
poly(hydroxyalkanoate) biosynthetic process from fatty acid 
positive regulation of fatty acid metabolic process +   
regulation of acyl-CoA biosynthetic process +   
regulation of butyryl-CoA catabolic process to butanol +  
regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process +   
regulation of fatty acid metabolic process +   
regulation of fatty acid oxidation +   
regulation of jasmonic acid metabolic process +  
regulation of methane biosynthetic process from 3-(methylthio)propionic acid +  
regulation of palmitic acid catabolic process +  
short-chain fatty acid metabolic process +   
unsaturated fatty acid metabolic process +   
very long-chain fatty acid metabolic process +   

Exact Synonyms: down regulation of fatty acid metabolic process ;   downregulation of fatty acid metabolic process ;   negative regulation of fatty acid metabolism
Narrow Synonyms: inhibition of fatty acid metabolic process
Definition Sources: GOC:go_curators

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