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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
actin cortical patch assembly +   
actin filament bundle assembly +   
assembly of actomyosin apparatus involved in cytokinesis +   
axonemal basal plate assembly 
axonemal central apparatus assembly  
axonemal outer doublet assembly 
axoneme assembly +   
bicoid mRNA localization +  
bilobe structure assembly 
brush border assembly +   
Casparian strip assembly 
cell junction assembly +   
cell plate assembly +  
cell projection assembly +   
cell septum assembly +   
cell wall assembly +  
cellular component assembly involved in morphogenesis +   
chiasma assembly  
ciliary pro-basal body maturation 
ciliary transition zone assembly  
DIM/DIP cell wall layer assembly 
double membrane vesicle viral factory assembly 
eisosome assembly 
endoplasmic reticulum cisternal network assembly 
endoplasmic reticulum tubular network formation  
equatorial microtubule organizing center assembly 
exosporium assembly 
extracellular matrix assembly +   
formation of extrachromosomal circular DNA +   
Golgi reassembly +   
granum assembly 
hyaluranon cable assembly +   
inclusion body assembly +   
intermediate filament bundle assembly +   
interphase microtubule organizing center assembly 
intranuclear rod assembly 
lateral element assembly  
linear element assembly +  
manchette assembly  
medial membrane band assembly 
membrane assembly +   
metallo-sulfur cluster assembly +   
microfibril assembly  
mycolate cell wall layer assembly 
neutrophic extracellular trap formation 
nuclear dicing body assembly 
nucleus-vacuole junction assembly 
organelle assembly +   
pole plasm assembly +   
Establishment of the specialized cytoplasm found at the poles of the egg. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster.
postsynapse assembly +   
preprophase band assembly 
presynapse assembly +   
presynaptic active zone assembly +   
protein aggregate center assembly  
protein-containing complex assembly +   
sperm mitochondrial sheath assembly  
spindle midzone assembly +   
spindle pole body duplication +  
synaptonemal complex assembly +   
telomere assembly +   
viral procapsid maturation 
vitellogenesis +   

Alternate IDs: GO:0048113
Definition Sources: GOC:mtg_sensu

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