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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acquisition of desiccation tolerance in seed 
acrosome assembly +   
anterior/posterior axis specification, follicular epithelium 
anther development +  
anther septum development 
anther wall tapetum cell differentiation +  
anther wall tapetum cell fate specification 
anther wall tapetum development +  
anther wall tapetum formation +  
anther wall tapetum morphogenesis +  
antral ovarian follicle growth +   
apical cell fate commitment 
ascospore release from ascus +  
ascospore wall assembly 
ascospore-type prospore assembly +  
ascospore-type prospore membrane formation +  
asexual spore wall assembly 
asexual sporulation +  
cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development +   
cell morphogenesis involved in conjugation with cellular fusion +  
cell morphogenesis involved in Malpighian tubule morphogenesis 
cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation +   
cell morphogenesis involved in semicircular canal fusion 
cell projection morphogenesis +   
centrosomal and pronuclear rotation 
chondrocyte morphogenesis +   
chorion micropyle formation 
chorion-containing eggshell pattern formation 
conidiophore stalk development +  
cumulus cell differentiation +   
development of primary sexual characteristics +   
development of secondary sexual characteristics +   
dichotomous subdivision of prostate epithelial cord terminal unit 
donor selection +  
dorsal appendage formation 
dorsal/ventral axis specification, ovarian follicular epithelium +  
ectopic germ cell programmed cell death  
egg chorion assembly +  
eggshell formation +  
embryo development ending in seed dormancy +  
embryo sac egg cell differentiation +  
embryonic meristem development +  
endosperm development +  
endothelial to hematopoietic transition  
epithelial cell differentiation involved in prostate gland development +   
epithelial cell morphogenesis +   
establishment of bipolar cell polarity involved in cell morphogenesis  
establishment of floral organ orientation +  
floral meristem determinacy 
floral meristem growth +  
floral organ abscission +  
floral organ development +  
floral organ formation +  
floral organ morphogenesis +  
floral whorl development +  
floral whorl formation 
floral whorl morphogenesis +  
floral whorl structural organization 
flower formation 
flower morphogenesis +  
flower structural organization +  
follicle cell of egg chamber development +  
follicle cell of egg chamber stalk formation 
formation of radial glial scaffolds +   
fruit morphogenesis 
fruit septum development 
genital disc sexually dimorphic development 
genitalia morphogenesis +   
germ cell development +   
germ-line cyst encapsulation +  
germarium-derived egg chamber formation +  
germarium-derived oocyte fate determination 
gonad morphogenesis +   
gonadal mesoderm development  
growth of a germarium-derived egg chamber +  
guard cell morphogenesis 
histoblast morphogenesis +  
Hulle cell development +  
inflorescence meristem growth +  
inflorescence morphogenesis +  
inner cell mass cellular morphogenesis  
integument development 
lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation +  
lens fiber cell morphogenesis  
Leydig cell differentiation  
longitudinal axis specification 
mammary gland branching involved in pregnancy +   
maternal placenta development +   
menstrual cycle 
metula development +  
microsporocyte differentiation 
Mullerian duct regression  
Nebenkern assembly 
nectary development 
negative regulation of cell morphogenesis +   
negative regulation of oocyte development  
nurse cell apoptotic process +  
oocyte axis specification +   
oocyte construction +   
oocyte differentiation +   
oocyte fate commitment 
oocyte growth +   
oocyte maturation +   
oocyte morphogenesis 
The process in which the structures of an oocyte are generated and organized. This process occurs while the initially relatively unspecialized cell is acquiring the specialized features of an oocyte.
ovarian follicle atresia  
ovary septum development 
oviduct epithelium development +   
paramesonephric duct development  
phialide development +  
plant ovule development +  
plant ovule morphogenesis +  
plantlet formation on parent plant 
platelet morphogenesis +   
pole cell development +  
pole cell fate determination 
pole cell formation 
pollen sperm cell differentiation 
pollen tube development +  
pollen tube growth +  
positive regulation of cell morphogenesis +   
positive regulation of oocyte development  
primary shoot apical meristem specification 
primary spermatocyte growth  
prostate field specification +   
prostate gland epithelium morphogenesis +   
prostate gland growth +   
prostate gland morphogenesis +   
prostate gland stromal morphogenesis  
prostate glandular acinus development +   
regulation of cell morphogenesis +   
regulation of oocyte development +   
reproductive structure development +   
root hair initiation 
root meristem specification 
seed coat development +  
seed dormancy process +  
seed maturation +  
seed morphogenesis 
seed trichome differentiation +  
seed trichome elongation 
seed trichome initiation 
seed trichome maturation 
seminal vesicle epithelium development +   
Sertoli cell development +   
Sertoli cell differentiation +   
Sertoli cell fate commitment  
sex determination +   
sex determination, establishment of X:A ratio 
sex determination, primary response to X:A ratio 
sex differentiation +   
sex-specific pigmentation +  
sexual spore wall assembly 
sexual sporulation +  
smooth muscle cell differentiation involved in prostate glandular acinus development 
specification of floral organ identity +  
specification of floral organ number +  
specification of ovule identity 
sperm axoneme assembly  
sperm capacitation +   
sperm flagellum assembly +   
sperm individualization  
spermatid cytoplasm removal during spermiation of flagellated sperm  
spermatid differentiation +   
spermatogenesis +   
stamen filament development 
stigma development 
stomium development 
style development 
synergid death 
tertiary branching involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis  
trichome branching 
trichome morphogenesis +  
trophectodermal cellular morphogenesis  
unidimensional cell growth +   
uterus morphogenesis  
vegetative to reproductive phase transition of meristem +  
vitelline membrane formation +   

Exact Synonyms: oocyte morphogenesis during differentiation
Only In Taxon: NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
Definition Sources: GOC:go_curators

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