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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
embryonic heart tube development +   
endothelium development +   
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an endothelium over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Endothelium refers to the layer of cells lining blood vessels, lymphatics, the heart, and serous cavities, and is derived from bone marrow or mesoderm. Corneal endothelium is a special case, derived from neural crest cells.
epithelial cell differentiation +   
epithelium regeneration +   
heart rudiment development +  
kidney epithelium development +   
lung epithelium development +   
mammary gland epithelium development +   
morphogenesis of an epithelium +   
neural plate development +   
neural tube development +   
otic vesicle development +   
oviduct epithelium development +   
pericardium development +   
renal tubule development +   
retinal pigment epithelium development  
seminal vesicle epithelium development +   
skin epidermis development +   
somite development +   
ureter urothelium development +   
urethra epithelium development 

Definition Sources: GOC:mtg_heart

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