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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
androgen metabolic process +   
auxin metabolic process +   
brassinosteroid metabolic process +   
C21-steroid hormone metabolic process +   
cytokinin metabolic process +   
ecdysteroid metabolic process +  
estrogen metabolic process +   
hormone biosynthetic process +   
hormone catabolic process +   
hormone metabolic process +   
hormone transport +   
juvenile hormone metabolic process +  
melatonin metabolic process +   
mineralocorticoid metabolic process +   
negative regulation of hormone metabolic process +   
negative regulation of metabolic process +   
peptide hormone processing +   
pheromone metabolic process +  
positive regulation of hormone metabolic process +   
positive regulation of metabolic process +   
prolactin metabolic process  
regulation of amide metabolic process +   
regulation of amine metabolic process +   
regulation of angiotensin levels in blood +   
regulation of auxin polar transport 
regulation of biosynthetic process +   
regulation of catabolic process +   
regulation of cellular metabolic process +   
regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis +   
regulation of collagen metabolic process +   
regulation of hormone metabolic process +   
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways involving any hormone.
regulation of hormone secretion +   
regulation of macromolecule metabolic process +   
regulation of methanofuran metabolic process +  
regulation of methanophenazine metabolic process +  
regulation of nitric oxide metabolic process +   
regulation of nitrogen cycle metabolic process +   
regulation of olefin metabolic process +  
regulation of primary metabolic process +   
regulation of pteridine metabolic process +  
regulation of respiratory burst +   
regulation of secondary metabolic process +   
regulation of small molecule metabolic process +   
regulation of tetrapyrrole metabolic process +   
regulation of toluene metabolic process +  
retinoic acid metabolic process +   
retinol metabolic process  
thyroid hormone metabolic process +   

Exact Synonyms: regulation of hormone metabolism
Definition Sources: GOC:mah

paths to the root