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RGD uses the Human Disease Ontology (DO, for disease curation across species. RGD automatically downloads each new release of the ontology on a monthly basis. Some additional terms which are required for RGD's curation purposes but are not currently covered in the official version of DO have been added. As corresponding terms are added to DO, these custom terms are retired and the DO terms substituted in existing annotations and subsequently used for curation.

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Accession:DOID:305 term browser browse the term
Definition:A cell type cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. (DO)
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Carcinomas;   Carcinomatoses;   Carcinomatosis;   Epithelioma;   Epitheliomas;   Malignant Epithelial Neoplasm;   Malignant Epithelial Neoplasms;   Malignant Epithelial Tumor;   Malignant Epithelial Tumors;   anaplastic carcinoma;   anaplastic carcinomas;   epithelial cancer;   malignant epithelioma;   undifferentiated carcinoma;   undifferentiated carcinomas
 primary_id: MESH:D002277
 xref: EFO:0000313;   EFO:0006772;   ICDO:8010/3;   NCI:C2916;   NCI:C3709
For additional species annotation, visit the Alliance of Genome Resources.

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    Path 1
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      disease 19072
        disease of cellular proliferation 7791
          cancer 5634
            cell type cancer 3841
              carcinoma 3281
                Adult Pancreatic Cancer 1
                Carcinoma, Krebs 2 0
                Carcinoma, Lewis Lung 11
                Cowper gland carcinoma 0
                Ehrlich tumor carcinoma 3
                Familial Pancreatic Carcinoma 4
                Littre gland carcinoma 0
                NUT midline carcinoma 1
                Schneiderian carcinoma 0
                Skene gland carcinoma 0
                adenocarcinoma + 1714
                adenoid cystic carcinoma + 115
                adrenal carcinoma 1
                adrenal medulla carcinoma 0
                anal carcinoma + 0
                appendix carcinoma + 0
                basosquamous carcinoma 0
                bile duct carcinoma + 141
                bladder carcinoma + 9
                bone carcinoma + 0
                brain stem angioblastoma 0
                breast carcinoma + 298
                breast secretory carcinoma + 0
                bronchus carcinoma + 672
                cecum carcinoma + 0
                cerebellar angioblastoma 1
                cervix carcinoma + 44
                choroid plexus carcinoma 4
                collecting duct carcinoma 0
                colon carcinoma + 137
                colorectal carcinoma + 172
                embryonal carcinoma + 20
                endometrial carcinoma + 136
                esophageal carcinoma + 233
                external ear carcinoma + 0
                eye carcinoma + 0
                fallopian tube carcinoma + 0
                gallbladder carcinoma + 25
                gastrointestinal carcinoma + 4
                glottis carcinoma + 1
                granular cell carcinoma 0
                head and neck carcinoma + 144
                high grade ependymoma + 4
                in situ carcinoma + 145
                lacrimal gland carcinoma + 0
                large cell carcinoma + 11
                laryngeal carcinoma + 30
                liver carcinoma + 955
                lung carcinoma + 687
                lymph node carcinoma + 0
                lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma 0
                malignant cystadenoma + 24
                middle ear carcinoma + 0
                mucoepidermoid carcinoma + 5
                myoepithelial carcinoma + 0
                nasal cavity carcinoma + 4
                nasopharynx carcinoma + 59
                neuroendocrine carcinoma + 101
                ovarian carcinoma + 103
                ovary epithelial cancer + 127
                pancreatic carcinoma + 191
                papillary carcinoma + 22
                parathyroid carcinoma 850
                penis carcinoma + 0
                peritoneal carcinoma + 1
                pituitary carcinoma + 1
                prostate carcinoma + 154
                renal carcinoma + 367
                retinal hemangioblastoma 0
                retroperitoneum carcinoma 0
                salivary gland carcinoma + 6
                sarcomatoid carcinoma + 2
                scrotal carcinoma + 0
                sebaceous carcinoma + 0
                skin carcinoma + 175
                small cell carcinoma + 104
                small intestine carcinoma + 6
                squamous cell carcinoma + 644
                stomach carcinoma + 116
                thymic carcinoma + 0
                thyroid gland carcinoma + 90
                tongue carcinoma 3
                trachea carcinoma + 0
                transitional cell carcinoma + 139
                ureter carcinoma + 0
                vaginal carcinoma + 0
                verrucous carcinoma + 0
                vulva carcinoma + 4
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