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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

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Accession:CHEBI:92181 term browser browse the term
Definition:A polyether antibiotic used for prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in poultry.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: (1S,9S)-1,5:6,9-dianhydro-9-[(3R,5S,6S,7R)-9-(2-carboxy-3-hydroxy-4-methylphenyl)-6-hydroxy-5,7-dimethyl-4-oxononan-3-yl]-3,4,7,8-tetradeoxy-6-ethyl-2-C-ethyl-1,8-dimethyl-D-galacto-nonitol
 related_synonym: 6-[(3R,4S,5S,7R)-7-{(2S,3S,5S)-5-ethyl-5-[(2R,5R,6S)-5-ethyl-5-hydroxy-6-methyltetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl]-3-methyltetrahydrofuran-2-yl}-4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethyl-6-oxononyl]-2-hydroxy-3-methylbenzoic acid;   Formula=C34H54O8;   InChI=1S/C34H54O8/c1-9-25(31-21(6)18-34(11-3,42-31)26-16-17-33(40,10-2)23(8)41-26)30(37)22(7)28(35)19(4)12-14-24-15-13-20(5)29(36)27(24)32(38)39/h13,15,19,21-23,25-26,28,31,35-36,40H,9-12,14,16-18H2,1-8H3,(H,38,39)/t19-,21+,22+,23+,25+,26-,28+,31+,33-,34+/m1/s1;   InChIKey=BBMULGJBVDDDNI-OWKLGTHSSA-N;   Ro 2-2985;   SMILES=[H][C@@]1(O[C@@](CC)(C[C@@H]1C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@](O)(CC)[C@H](C)O1)[C@@H](CC)C(=O)[C@@H](C)[C@@H](O)[C@H](C)CCC1=C(C(O)=O)C(O)=C(C)C=C1;   X 537A;   antibiotic X 537A;   ionophore X 537A;   lasalocid A;   lasalocide;   lasalocido;   lasalocidum
 xref: CAS:25999-31-9;   DrugBank:DB11423;   KEGG:D04671;   LINCS:LSM-2214;   LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMPK09000002
 xref_mesh: MESH:D007832
 xref: PDBeChem:LSD;   PMCID:PMC6663702;   PMID:1705820;   PMID:25364932;   PMID:25535803;   PMID:25556006;   PMID:26054429;   PMID:26812337;   PMID:27580396;   PMID:28178613;   PMID:28470877;   PMID:28956164;   PMID:30191481;   PMID:30973080;   PMID:31864181;   PMID:31906353;   PMID:32069059;   PMID:32228806;   PMID:32625606;   PMID:32738374;   PMID:32774509;   Wikipedia:Lasalocid
 cyclic_relationship: is_conjugate_acid_of CHEBI:156364

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lasalocid term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Actb actin, beta increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of ACTB protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr12:11,663,112...11,666,697
Ensembl chr12:11,663,109...11,672,877
JBrowse link
G Anxa1 annexin A1 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of ANXA1 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 1:217,861,175...217,877,205
Ensembl chr 1:217,861,175...217,877,343
JBrowse link
G Anxa2 annexin A2 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of ANXA2 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 8:70,105,268...70,141,663
Ensembl chr 8:70,105,253...70,141,658
JBrowse link
G Dsp desmoplakin increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of DSP protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr17:26,623,602...26,671,692
Ensembl chr17:26,623,588...26,671,800
JBrowse link
G Hnrnpa1 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of HNRNPA1 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 7:134,375,318...134,381,610
Ensembl chr 7:134,375,150...134,381,609
JBrowse link
G Hnrnpa2b1 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2/B1 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of HNRNPA2B1 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 4:80,534,659...80,545,297
Ensembl chr 4:80,534,651...80,545,249
JBrowse link
G Hspb1 heat shock protein family B (small) member 1 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of HSPB1 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr12:20,794,014...20,795,675
Ensembl chr12:20,794,028...20,795,743
JBrowse link
G Ivl involucrin increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of IVL protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 2:178,146,694...178,160,807
Ensembl chr 2:178,147,061...178,149,100
JBrowse link
G Jup junction plakoglobin increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of JUP protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr10:85,300,438...85,327,378
Ensembl chr10:85,300,440...85,327,057
JBrowse link
G Krt5 keratin 5 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of KRT5 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 7:132,846,132...132,851,861
Ensembl chr 7:132,846,136...132,851,850
JBrowse link
G Mapt microtubule-associated protein tau decreases expression ISO Lasalocid results in decreased expression of MAPT protein CTD PMID:16930453 NCBI chr10:89,138,644...89,236,137
Ensembl chr10:89,138,627...89,236,129
JBrowse link
G Pkp1 plakophilin 1 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of PKP1 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr13:47,309,607...47,357,432
Ensembl chr13:47,309,614...47,357,465
JBrowse link
G Ppl periplakin increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of PPL protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr10:10,450,919...10,496,575
Ensembl chr10:10,450,919...10,496,575
JBrowse link
G S100a10 S100 calcium binding protein A10 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of S100A10 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 2:179,221,012...179,229,659
Ensembl chr 2:179,220,887...179,229,661
JBrowse link
G S100a11 S100 calcium binding protein A11 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of S100A11 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 2:179,191,688...179,197,098
Ensembl chr 2:179,191,715...179,197,044
JBrowse link
G S100a16 S100 calcium binding protein A16 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of S100A16 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 2:176,016,405...176,022,117
Ensembl chr 2:176,016,268...176,022,117
JBrowse link
G Serpinb2 serpin family B member 2 increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of SERPINB2 protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr13:23,537,312...23,551,823
Ensembl chr13:23,541,400...23,550,408
JBrowse link
G Sprr1a small proline-rich protein 1A increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of SPRR1A protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 2:178,055,096...178,057,012
Ensembl chr 2:178,055,096...178,057,063
JBrowse link
G Sprr1b small proline-rich protein 1B increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of SPRR1B protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 2:178,008,844...178,010,742
Ensembl chr 2:178,009,130...178,009,567
JBrowse link
G Sprr2d small proline-rich protein 2D increases expression ISO Lasalocid results in increased expression of SPRR2D protein CTD PMID:37788135 NCBI chr 2:177,870,082...177,870,679
Ensembl chr 2:177,870,434...177,870,679
JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19921
    role 19893
      biological role 19891
        biophysical role 14074
          membrane transport modulator 13912
            ionophore 1290
              lasalocid 20
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19921
    subatomic particle 19919
      composite particle 19919
        hadron 19919
          baryon 19919
            nucleon 19919
              atomic nucleus 19919
                atom 19919
                  main group element atom 19865
                    p-block element atom 19865
                      carbon group element atom 19804
                        carbon atom 19801
                          organic molecular entity 19801
                            heteroorganic entity 19558
                              organochalcogen compound 19317
                                organooxygen compound 19233
                                  carbon oxoacid 18695
                                    carboxylic acid 18692
                                      aromatic carboxylic acid 12706
                                        benzoic acids 12683
                                          benzoic acid 5507
                                            hydroxybenzoic acid 4983
                                              monohydroxybenzoic acid 2816
                                                lasalocid 20
paths to the root