Scnn1g (sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit gamma) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: Scnn1g (sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit gamma) Rattus norvegicus
Symbol: Scnn1g
Name: sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit gamma
RGD ID: 3641
Description: Enables WW domain binding activity and ligand-gated sodium channel activity. Contributes to sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity. Involved in several processes, including intracellular sodium ion homeostasis; sodium ion import across plasma membrane; and wound healing, spreading of epidermal cells. Located in apical plasma membrane and cell surface. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in Liddle syndrome; bronchiectasis 3; and pseudohypoaldosteronism. Orthologous to human SCNN1G (sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit gamma); PARTICIPATES IN amiloride pharmacodynamics pathway; bendroflumethiazide pharmacodynamics pathway; bumetanide pharmacodynamics pathway; INTERACTS WITH 3'-amino-3'-deoxy-N(6),N(6)-dimethyladenosine; 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-7H-xanthine; 6-propyl-2-thiouracil.
Type: protein-coding
RefSeq Status: VALIDATED
Previously known as: amiloride sensitive sodium channel gamma1 subunit; amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gamma; ENaC; epithelial Na(+) channel subunit gamma; epithelial sodium channel gamma subunit; gamma-ENaC; gamma-NaCH; nonvoltage-gated sodium channel 1 subunit gamma; SCNEG; sodium channel epithelial 1 gamma subunit; Sodium channel nonvoltage-gated 1 gamma (epithelial); sodium channel, non-voltage-gated 1, gamma subunit; sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 gamma; sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1, gamma; Sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1, gamma (epithelial); sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated, type I, gamma
RGD Orthologs
Green Monkey
Naked Mole-Rat
Alliance Orthologs
More Info more info ...
Is Marker For: Strains:   SHR.BN-(D1Mit3-Igf2)/Ipcv  
Latest Assembly: mRatBN7.2 - mRatBN7.2 Assembly
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr81185,736,225 - 185,770,099 (+)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.21176,304,942 - 176,338,816 (+)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1176,304,942 - 176,338,816 (+)EnsemblmRatBN7.2 Ensembl
UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx1184,638,693 - 184,672,499 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRUTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx
UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.01191,824,639 - 191,858,441 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRSPUTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0
UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.01184,509,747 - 184,543,391 (+)NCBIRnor_WKYUTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0
Rnor_6.01191,704,397 - 191,738,271 (+)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1191,704,311 - 191,738,268 (+)EnsemblRnor6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_5.01198,620,974 - 198,655,013 (+)NCBIRnor5.0Rnor_5.0rn5Rnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41180,555,660 - 180,589,534 (+)NCBIRGSC3.4RGSC_v3.4rn4RGSC3.4
RGSC_v3.11180,695,574 - 180,729,447 (+)NCBI
Celera1174,023,130 - 174,057,000 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map1q36NCBI
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Gene-Chemical Interaction Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View
1,1-dichloroethene  (ISO)
1,2-dichloroethane  (ISO)
17beta-estradiol  (ISO)
3'-amino-3'-deoxy-N(6),N(6)-dimethyladenosine  (EXP)
3,3',5,5'-tetrabromobisphenol A  (ISO)
3-isobutyl-1-methyl-7H-xanthine  (EXP)
4,4'-sulfonyldiphenol  (ISO)
6-propyl-2-thiouracil  (EXP)
8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP  (EXP)
8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cGMP  (ISO)
acetylleucyl-leucyl-norleucinal  (ISO)
actinomycin D  (ISO)
aflatoxin B1  (ISO)
aldosterone  (ISO)
all-trans-retinoic acid  (ISO)
amiloride  (ISO)
amitrole  (EXP)
ammonium chloride  (EXP)
arsane  (ISO)
arsenic atom  (ISO)
atrazine  (EXP)
benzo[a]pyrene  (ISO)
bisphenol A  (EXP,ISO)
bisphenol F  (ISO)
brefeldin A  (EXP)
CGP 52608  (ISO)
cisplatin  (ISO)
cortisol  (ISO)
crocidolite asbestos  (ISO)
desmopressin  (EXP)
dexamethasone  (EXP,ISO)
dichloroacetic acid  (ISO)
dioxygen  (EXP,ISO)
dobutamine  (EXP)
dorsomorphin  (ISO)
doxorubicin  (ISO)
entinostat  (ISO)
fulvestrant  (ISO)
gentamycin  (EXP)
iodide salt  (EXP)
lithium atom  (EXP,ISO)
lithium hydride  (EXP,ISO)
manganese(II) chloride  (EXP)
mercury dichloride  (EXP)
methimazole  (EXP)
methoxychlor  (EXP)
N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea  (ISO)
N-nitrosodiethylamine  (EXP)
nickel atom  (ISO)
nitrates  (EXP)
nitrofen  (EXP)
ozone  (EXP)
panobinostat  (ISO)
paraquat  (EXP)
perfluorohexanesulfonic acid  (ISO)
phenethyl caffeate  (EXP)
pioglitazone  (ISO)
pirinixic acid  (EXP,ISO)
potassium atom  (ISO)
progesterone  (EXP)
quercetin  (EXP)
rotenone  (ISO)
SB 431542  (ISO)
sodium arsenite  (ISO)
sodium atom  (ISO)
sodium chloride  (ISO)
sodium fluoride  (ISO)
sulfadimethoxine  (EXP)
terbutaline  (EXP)
testosterone  (ISO)
tetrachloromethane  (EXP)
thiourea  (EXP)
titanium dioxide  (EXP)
valproic acid  (ISO)
vinclozolin  (EXP)
zoledronic acid  (ISO)

Gene Ontology Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Cellular Component
apical plasma membrane  (IDA,IEA)
cell surface  (IDA)
external side of plasma membrane  (IEA,ISO)
extracellular exosome  (IEA,ISO)
membrane  (ISO)
nucleoplasm  (IEA,ISO)
plasma membrane  (IBA,ISO,ISS,NAS)
sodium channel complex  (IBA,IEA,IPI,ISO,ISS)

Molecular Function


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Determination of epithelial Na+ channel subunit stoichiometry from single-channel conductances. Anantharam A and Palmer LG, J Gen Physiol. 2007 Jul;130(1):55-70. doi: 10.1085/jgp.200609716. Epub 2007 Jun 11.
2. Characterization of interactions between Nedd4 and beta and gammaENaC using surface plasmon resonance. Asher C, etal., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Sep 7;286(5):1228-31.
3. Amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel is made of three homologous subunits. Canessa CM, etal., Nature 1994 Feb 3;367(6462):463-7.
4. The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is intracellularly located as a tetramer. Dijkink L, etal., Pflugers Arch. 2002 Jul;444(4):549-55. doi: 10.1007/s00424-002-0855-4. Epub 2002 May 29.
5. Regulation of maturation and processing of ENaC subunits in the rat kidney. Ergonul Z, etal., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2006 Sep;291(3):F683-93. Epub 2006 Mar 22.
6. The heterotetrameric architecture of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). Firsov D, etal., EMBO J. 1998 Jan 15;17(2):344-52. doi: 10.1093/emboj/17.2.344.
7. Phylogenetic-based propagation of functional annotations within the Gene Ontology consortium. Gaudet P, etal., Brief Bioinform. 2011 Sep;12(5):449-62. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbr042. Epub 2011 Aug 27.
8. Rat ISS GO annotations from GOA human gene data--August 2006 GOA data from the GO Consortium
9. ENaC proteins contribute to VSMC migration. Grifoni SC, etal., Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2006 Dec;291(6):H3076-86. Epub 2006 Jul 14.
10. A mutation causing pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 identifies a conserved glycine that is involved in the gating of the epithelial sodium channel. Gründer S, etal., EMBO J. 1997 Mar 3;16(5):899-907. doi: 10.1093/emboj/16.5.899.
11. Hypertension caused by a truncated epithelial sodium channel gamma subunit: genetic heterogeneity of Liddle syndrome. Hansson JH, etal., Nat Genet 1995 Sep;11(1):76-82.
12. Trafficking and cell surface stability of the epithelial Na+ channel expressed in epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Hanwell D, etal., J Biol Chem 2002 Mar 22;277(12):9772-9.
13. δ ENaC: a novel divergent amiloride-inhibitable sodium channel. Ji HL, etal., Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012 Dec 15;303(12):L1013-26. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00206.2012. Epub 2012 Sep 14.
14. Increased expression and apical targeting of renal ENaC subunits in puromycin aminonucleoside-induced nephrotic syndrome in rats. Kim SW, etal., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2004 May;286(5):F922-35. Epub 2004 Jan 6.
15. Role of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits of epithelial sodium channel in a model of polygenic hypertension. Kreutz R, etal., Hypertension 1997 Jan;29(1 Pt 1):131-6.
16. The carboxyl terminus of the alpha-subunit of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel binds to F-actin. Mazzochi C, etal., J Biol Chem. 2006 Mar 10;281(10):6528-38. Epub 2005 Dec 14.
17. Rat ISS GO annotations from MGI mouse gene data--August 2006 MGD data from the GO Consortium
18. Electronic Transfer of LocusLink and RefSeq Data NCBI rat LocusLink and RefSeq merged data July 26, 2002
19. OMIM Disease Annotation Pipeline OMIM Disease Annotation Pipeline
20. KEGG Annotation Import Pipeline Pipeline to import KEGG annotations from KEGG into RGD
21. SMPDB Annotation Import Pipeline Pipeline to import SMPDB annotations from SMPDB into RGD
22. Hypoxia and beta 2-agonists regulate cell surface expression of the epithelial sodium channel in native alveolar epithelial cells. Planes C, etal., J Biol Chem 2002 Dec 6;277(49):47318-24.
23. GOA pipeline RGD automated data pipeline
24. ClinVar Automated Import and Annotation Pipeline RGD automated import pipeline for ClinVar variants, variant-to-disease annotations and gene-to-disease annotations
25. Data Import for Chemical-Gene Interactions RGD automated import pipeline for gene-chemical interactions
26. Interactions of beta and gamma ENaC with Nedd4 can be facilitated by an ERK-mediated phosphorylation. Shi H, etal., J Biol Chem 2002 Apr 19;277(16):13539-47.
27. WW domains of Nedd4 bind to the proline-rich PY motifs in the epithelial Na+ channel deleted in Liddle's syndrome. Staub O, etal., EMBO J 1996 May 15;15(10):2371-80.
28. A novel splice-site mutation in the gamma subunit of the epithelial sodium channel gene in three pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 families. Strautnieks SS, etal., Nat Genet. 1996 Jun;13(2):248-50.
29. Blood pressure and amiloride-sensitive sodium channels in vascular and renal cells. Warnock DG, etal., Nat Rev Nephrol. 2014 Mar;10(3):146-57. doi: 10.1038/nrneph.2013.275. Epub 2014 Jan 14.
30. Stimulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) by cAMP involves putative ERK phosphorylation sites in the C termini of the channel's beta- and gamma-subunit. Yang LM, etal., J Biol Chem. 2006 Apr 14;281(15):9859-68. Epub 2006 Feb 13.
Additional References at PubMed
PMID:8188647   PMID:9351815   PMID:9501257   PMID:10072764   PMID:10212229   PMID:10409305   PMID:10642508   PMID:11323714   PMID:11502596   PMID:12548398   PMID:12759227   PMID:12876281  
PMID:12928314   PMID:12967915   PMID:14514522   PMID:14556380   PMID:14567502   PMID:14576089   PMID:14672917   PMID:15121635   PMID:15140763   PMID:15161604   PMID:15219314   PMID:15326289  
PMID:15381679   PMID:15956070   PMID:16020936   PMID:16172119   PMID:16174867   PMID:16189294   PMID:16192424   PMID:16403831   PMID:16426574   PMID:16495212   PMID:16757903   PMID:16891388  
PMID:16941024   PMID:17556672   PMID:17715136   PMID:17926064   PMID:17960568   PMID:18024548   PMID:18355814   PMID:18495800   PMID:18504317   PMID:18652671   PMID:18806814   PMID:18990692  
PMID:19073825   PMID:19202345   PMID:19224431   PMID:19458538   PMID:19635991   PMID:19776175   PMID:20097736   PMID:20595684   PMID:20953144   PMID:21413931   PMID:21423289   PMID:22045317  
PMID:22090066   PMID:22705055   PMID:22864553   PMID:23096235   PMID:23404498   PMID:23599382   PMID:24093724   PMID:24124190   PMID:24179170   PMID:24391909   PMID:24973914   PMID:26051998  
PMID:26297031   PMID:27592201   PMID:27832602   PMID:27941075   PMID:28356292   PMID:28383056   PMID:28954214   PMID:29767556   PMID:30659401   PMID:30736831   PMID:31522814  


Comparative Map Data
(Rattus norvegicus - Norway rat)
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr81185,736,225 - 185,770,099 (+)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.21176,304,942 - 176,338,816 (+)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1176,304,942 - 176,338,816 (+)EnsemblmRatBN7.2 Ensembl
UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx1184,638,693 - 184,672,499 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRUTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx
UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.01191,824,639 - 191,858,441 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRSPUTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0
UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.01184,509,747 - 184,543,391 (+)NCBIRnor_WKYUTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0
Rnor_6.01191,704,397 - 191,738,271 (+)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1191,704,311 - 191,738,268 (+)EnsemblRnor6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_5.01198,620,974 - 198,655,013 (+)NCBIRnor5.0Rnor_5.0rn5Rnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41180,555,660 - 180,589,534 (+)NCBIRGSC3.4RGSC_v3.4rn4RGSC3.4
RGSC_v3.11180,695,574 - 180,729,447 (+)NCBI
Celera1174,023,130 - 174,057,000 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map1q36NCBI
(Homo sapiens - human)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCh381623,182,745 - 23,216,883 (+)NCBIGRCh38GRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh38.p14 Ensembl1623,182,745 - 23,216,883 (+)EnsemblGRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh371623,194,066 - 23,228,204 (+)NCBIGRCh37GRCh37hg19GRCh37
Build 361623,101,541 - 23,135,701 (+)NCBINCBI36Build 36hg18NCBI36
Build 341623,101,540 - 23,135,701NCBI
Celera1621,971,795 - 22,005,983 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map16p12.2NCBI
HuRef1621,283,200 - 21,317,389 (+)NCBIHuRef
CHM1_11624,204,072 - 24,239,947 (+)NCBICHM1_1
T2T-CHM13v2.01623,458,746 - 23,492,881 (+)NCBIT2T-CHM13v2.0
(Mus musculus - house mouse)
Mouse AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCm397121,333,643 - 121,367,705 (+)NCBIGRCm39GRCm39mm39
GRCm39 Ensembl7121,333,702 - 121,367,698 (+)EnsemblGRCm39 Ensembl
GRCm387121,734,420 - 121,768,482 (+)NCBIGRCm38GRCm38mm10GRCm38
GRCm38.p6 Ensembl7121,734,479 - 121,768,475 (+)EnsemblGRCm38mm10GRCm38
MGSCv377128,878,021 - 128,911,991 (+)NCBIGRCm37MGSCv37mm9NCBIm37
MGSCv367121,525,655 - 121,559,625 (+)NCBIMGSCv36mm8
Celera7121,627,304 - 121,655,746 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map7F2NCBI
cM Map765.07NCBI
(Chinchilla lanigera - long-tailed chinchilla)
Chinchilla AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
ChiLan1.0 EnsemblNW_0049554931,784,885 - 1,813,205 (+)EnsemblChiLan1.0
ChiLan1.0NW_0049554931,787,693 - 1,813,085 (+)NCBIChiLan1.0ChiLan1.0
(Pan paniscus - bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee)
Bonobo AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
NHGRI_mPanPan1-v21824,587,647 - 24,628,257 (+)NCBINHGRI_mPanPan1-v2
NHGRI_mPanPan11629,115,419 - 29,149,991 (+)NCBINHGRI_mPanPan1
Mhudiblu_PPA_v01614,893,631 - 14,928,402 (-)NCBIMhudiblu_PPA_v0Mhudiblu_PPA_v0panPan3
PanPan1.11623,435,793 - 23,469,969 (+)NCBIpanpan1.1PanPan1.1panPan2
PanPan1.1 Ensembl1623,435,793 - 23,469,969 (+)Ensemblpanpan1.1panPan2
(Canis lupus familiaris - dog)
Dog AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
CanFam3.1622,566,568 - 22,593,479 (-)NCBICanFam3.1CanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
CanFam3.1 Ensembl622,567,711 - 22,593,503 (-)EnsemblCanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha624,133,974 - 24,160,890 (-)NCBIDog10K_Boxer_Tasha
ROS_Cfam_1.0622,710,568 - 22,737,530 (-)NCBIROS_Cfam_1.0
ROS_Cfam_1.0 Ensembl622,710,570 - 22,737,607 (-)EnsemblROS_Cfam_1.0 Ensembl
UMICH_Zoey_3.1622,514,929 - 22,541,871 (-)NCBIUMICH_Zoey_3.1
UNSW_CanFamBas_1.0622,418,178 - 22,445,130 (-)NCBIUNSW_CanFamBas_1.0
UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0622,812,745 - 22,839,705 (-)NCBIUU_Cfam_GSD_1.0
(Ictidomys tridecemlineatus - thirteen-lined ground squirrel)
Squirrel AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
HiC_Itri_2NW_024409344119,830,809 - 119,861,302 (+)NCBIHiC_Itri_2
SpeTri2.0 EnsemblNW_0049365017,932,703 - 7,958,204 (+)EnsemblSpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0 Ensembl
SpeTri2.0NW_0049365017,932,729 - 7,958,146 (+)NCBISpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0
(Sus scrofa - pig)
Pig AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
Sscrofa11.1 Ensembl322,977,947 - 23,013,384 (-)EnsemblSscrofa11.1susScr11Sscrofa11.1
Sscrofa11.1322,977,940 - 23,013,384 (-)NCBISscrofa11.1Sscrofa11.1susScr11Sscrofa11.1
Sscrofa10.2323,444,625 - 23,480,163 (-)NCBISscrofa10.2Sscrofa10.2susScr3
(Chlorocebus sabaeus - green monkey)
Green Monkey AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
ChlSab1.1520,860,062 - 20,924,628 (+)NCBIChlSab1.1ChlSab1.1chlSab2
ChlSab1.1 Ensembl520,891,416 - 20,924,819 (+)EnsemblChlSab1.1ChlSab1.1 EnsemblchlSab2
Vero_WHO_p1.0NW_0236660688,937,927 - 8,971,502 (-)NCBIVero_WHO_p1.0Vero_WHO_p1.0
(Heterocephalus glaber - naked mole-rat)
Naked Mole-Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
HetGla_female_1.0 EnsemblNW_0046247828,424,270 - 8,452,824 (+)EnsemblHetGla_female_1.0HetGla_female_1.0 EnsemblhetGla2
HetGla 1.0NW_0046247828,424,192 - 8,452,686 (+)NCBIHetGla_female_1.0HetGla 1.0hetGla2


Variants in Scnn1g
301 total Variants
miRNA Target Status

Predicted Target Of
Summary Value
Count of predictions:534
Count of miRNA genes:251
Interacting mature miRNAs:317
Prediction methods:Microtar, Miranda, Rnahybrid, Targetscan
Result types:miRGate_prediction

The detailed report is available here: Full Report CSV TAB Printer

miRNA Target Status data imported from miRGate (
For more information about miRGate, see PMID:25858286 or access the full paper here.

QTLs in Region (mRatBN7.2)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
10059597Bp377Blood pressure QTL 3773.420.025arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)132737458199368955Rat
634314Niddm44Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 44blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)blood glucose level (CMO:0000046)149393289199050459Rat
1578780Cm52Cardiac mass QTL 523.30.0001heart mass (VT:0007028)heart wet weight (CMO:0000069)181591954219808434Rat
1358902Bw47Body weight QTL 471.67body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)190508614180359386Rat
1331751Bp199Blood pressure QTL 1993.60022arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)diastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)194494440181830018Rat
1331749Hrtrt11Heart rate QTL 112.973heart pumping trait (VT:2000009)heart rate (CMO:0000002)194494440198211706Rat
70209Niddm23Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 232.82blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)blood glucose level (CMO:0000046)194494440198324465Rat
731168Bp154Blood pressure QTL 1543.4arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)194642644214537671Rat
8655649Arrd1Age-related retinal degeneration QTL 14.89retinal layer morphology trait (VT:0003727)percentage of study population developing retinopathy during a period of time (CMO:0002453)1100357752183970443Rat
1354591Cm36Cardiac mass QTL 364.1heart left ventricle mass (VT:0007031)calculated heart weight (CMO:0000073)1102813953201278233Rat
1354615Cm32Cardiac mass QTL 325.2heart left ventricle mass (VT:0007031)heart left ventricle wet weight (CMO:0000071)1102813953201278233Rat
1354606Bp246Blood pressure QTL 2463.6arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)pulse pressure (CMO:0000292)1102813953218753816Rat
1300158Bp173Blood pressure QTL 1733.48arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)blood pressure time series experimental set point of the baroreceptor response (CMO:0002593)1115540693185145286Rat
7794788Mcs32Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 322.61mammary gland integrity trait (VT:0010552)mammary tumor incidence/prevalence measurement (CMO:0000946)1115540693238914717Rat
7421630Bp362Blood pressure QTL 3620.001arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)1118608292241799120Rat
631205Bp196Blood pressure QTL 19640.0001arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)1118944897199050459Rat
631544Bp84Blood pressure QTL 845.6arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)1123350408181759564Rat
1358189Cstrr1Cold stress response QTL 10.0001catecholamine amount (VT:0010543)urine norepinephrine level (CMO:0001629)1123350408182418476Rat
1641895Bp298Blood pressure QTL 298arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)1123350408182418476Rat
1578770Stresp23Stress response QTL 23kidney sympathetic nerve activity (VT:0004050)stimulated renal sympathetic nerve activity to basal renal sympathetic nerve activity ratio (CMO:0001786)1123350408182418476Rat
631549Bp89Blood pressure QTL 895.7arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)1123350581201284552Rat
6893347Bw98Body weight QTL 980.20.53body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)1133680936178680936Rat
6893361Bw104Body weight QTL 1040.590.27body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)1133680936178680936Rat
1558645Bw55Body weight QTL 553.20.004body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)1133680936178680936Rat
71118Thym1Thymus enlargement QTL 110.170.001thymus mass (VT:0004954)thymus weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000612)1136829932181829932Rat
724550Thym3Thymus enlargement QTL 37.820.001thymus mass (VT:0004954)thymus weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000612)1136829932181829932Rat
631519Pia11Pristane induced arthritis QTL 115.3joint integrity trait (VT:0010548)joint inflammation composite score (CMO:0000919)1136830018181830018Rat
1598853Memor3Memory QTL 34.5exploratory behavior trait (VT:0010471)total horizontal distance resulting from voluntary locomotion in an experimental apparatus (CMO:0001443)1143506580212458660Rat
61348Bp30Blood pressure QTL 302.4arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)1144017057197814409Rat
70160Bw18Body weight QTL 185.7body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)1144267353196383668Rat
737828Hcas3Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 34.9liver integrity trait (VT:0010547)liver tumorous lesion volume to total liver volume ratio (CMO:0001082)1144267353222987745Rat
2302378Insul11Insulin level QTL 113.25blood insulin amount (VT:0001560)serum insulin level (CMO:0000358)1144267353251128347Rat
7771612Cm80Cardiac mass QTL 808.4heart left ventricle mass (VT:0007031)heart left ventricle weight (CMO:0000776)1149448574221264292Rat
724531Uae5Urinary albumin excretion QTL 54urine albumin amount (VT:0002871)urine albumin level (CMO:0000130)1150700142252085212Rat
1578759Uae30Urinary albumin excretion QTL 303.30.003urine albumin amount (VT:0002871)urine albumin excretion rate (CMO:0000757)1150700247252085048Rat
1578778Pur4Proteinuria QTL 43.30.003urine total protein amount (VT:0000032)urine total protein excretion rate (CMO:0000756)1150700247252085048Rat
1354602Bw35Body weight QTL 3512.2body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)1151162512201278233Rat
1354620Kidm19Kidney mass QTL 194kidney mass (VT:0002707)calculated kidney weight (CMO:0000160)1151162512201278233Rat
1354634Kidm12Kidney mass QTL 123.9kidney mass (VT:0002707)right kidney wet weight (CMO:0000082)1151162512201278233Rat
1354636Lmblg1Limb length QTL 16.4tibia length (VT:0004357)tibia length (CMO:0000450)1151162512201278233Rat
1354610Bw34Body weight QTL 344.1body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)1151162512256448636Rat
1354646Kidm18Kidney mass QTL 185.7kidney mass (VT:0002707)calculated kidney weight (CMO:0000160)1151162512256448636Rat
1354661Bw33Body weight QTL 335.2body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)1151162512256448636Rat
1358886Bp260Blood pressure QTL 2603.67arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)1151162766225824951Rat
61343Bp28Blood pressure QTL 28arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)1151646613196646613Rat
1549837Hcar15Hepatocarcinoma resistance QTL 150.05liver integrity trait (VT:0010547)liver tumorous lesion number (CMO:0001068)1153136852260522016Rat
2303622Vencon6Ventilatory control QTL 60.001respiration trait (VT:0001943)respiration rate (CMO:0000289)1154561505199561505Rat
4889428Stresp24Stress response QTL 240.05heart pumping trait (VT:2000009)absolute change in electrocardiographic low frequency R-R spectral component to high frequency R-R spectral component ratio (CMO:0002162)1155866514200866514Rat
631548Bp88Blood pressure QTL 8850.001arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)1156677124176484451Rat
1354618Kidm15Kidney mass QTL 155kidney mass (VT:0002707)left kidney wet weight (CMO:0000083)1156677124201278233Rat
2312420Pur17Proteinuria QTL 177.10.0001urine protein amount (VT:0005160)urine total protein excretion rate (CMO:0000756)1156677124218753816Rat
1354580Scort1Serum corticosterone level QTL 13.4blood corticosterone amount (VT:0005345)blood corticosterone level (CMO:0001172)1156677124256448636Rat
61347Bp197Blood pressure QTL 1974.2arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)blood pressure measurement (CMO:0000003)1158633083203633083Rat
2292222Bp307Blood pressure QTL 3073.060.0014arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)1164310393213533942Rat
2292220Bp306Blood pressure QTL 3063.470.00087arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)1164310393243914901Rat
619613Bp77Blood pressure QTL 770.01arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)1164747424209747424Rat
619613Bp77Blood pressure QTL 770.01arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)diastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)1164747424209747424Rat
737974Bp161Blood pressure QTL 1610.002arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)1164747558181133855Rat
2312558Glom17Glomerulus QTL 173.90.001kidney glomerulus morphology trait (VT:0005325)index of glomerular damage (CMO:0001135)1166532971191278129Rat
1354653Despr9Despair related QTL 90.00019locomotor behavior trait (VT:0001392)amount of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus (CMO:0000958)1167909849212909849Rat
619614Bp78Blood pressure QTL 780.001arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)1169112897197261052Rat
619614Bp78Blood pressure QTL 780.001arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)diastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)1169112897197261052Rat
61341Bp26Blood pressure QTL 26arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)1169537671214537671Rat
724562Rends1Renal damage susceptibility QTL 10.05kidney glomerulus integrity trait (VT:0010546)index of glomerular damage (CMO:0001135)1169537671214537671Rat
1358294Bw37Body weight QTL 3750.000011body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)1171310381216310381Rat
2293689Bss47Bone structure and strength QTL 477.250.0001lumbar vertebra size trait (VT:0010518)lumbar vertebra trabecular cross-sectional area (CMO:0001692)1171629477216629477Rat
2293693Bss22Bone structure and strength QTL 2233.520.0001femur morphology trait (VT:0000559)femur cross-sectional area (CMO:0001661)1171629477216629477Rat
2300161Bmd43Bone mineral density QTL 438.40.0001femur mineral mass (VT:0010011)volumetric bone mineral density (CMO:0001553)1171629477216629477Rat
2300174Bmd42Bone mineral density QTL 428.40.0001lumbar vertebra mineral mass (VT:0010511)bone mineral density (CMO:0001226)1171629477216629477Rat
2300187Bmd41Bone mineral density QTL 418.90.0001femur mineral mass (VT:0010011)volumetric bone mineral density (CMO:0001553)1171629477216629477Rat
2293654Bss30Bone structure and strength QTL 3032.650.0001femur strength trait (VT:0010010)femur midshaft polar moment of inertia (CMO:0001669)1171629477216629477Rat
2293673Bss27Bone structure and strength QTL 2718.630.0001femur morphology trait (VT:0000559)femur midshaft cortical cross-sectional area (CMO:0001663)1171629477216629477Rat
2293677Bss41Bone structure and strength QTL 419.380.0001lumbar vertebra size trait (VT:0010518)lumbar vertebra cross-sectional area (CMO:0001689)1171629477216629477Rat
1549830Bss1Bone structure and strength QTL 14.8femur strength trait (VT:0010010)femur ultimate force (CMO:0001675)1172609619217609619Rat
61326Eae6Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 65.3body mass (VT:0001259)change in body weight (CMO:0002045)1172949660181830018Rat
631214Bw61Body weight QTL613.40.0001intramuscular adipose amount (VT:0010044)intramuscular fat area (CMO:0001162)1173108781218108781Rat
631670Iddm10Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 101.9blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)plasma glucose level (CMO:0000042)1174133260196383668Rat
70163Bw20Body weight QTL 205.1body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)1174133260219133260Rat

Markers in Region
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.21176,338,480 - 176,338,661 (+)MAPPERmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01191,737,936 - 191,738,116NCBIRnor6.0
Rnor_5.01198,654,678 - 198,654,858UniSTSRnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41180,589,199 - 180,589,379UniSTSRGSC3.4
Celera1174,056,665 - 174,056,845UniSTS
RH 3.4 Map11375.4UniSTS
Cytogenetic Map1q36-q41UniSTS

Related Rat Strains
The following Strains have been annotated to Scnn1g


RNA-SEQ Expression
High: > 1000 TPM value   Medium: Between 11 and 1000 TPM
Low: Between 0.5 and 10 TPM   Below Cutoff: < 0.5 TPM

alimentary part of gastrointestinal system circulatory system endocrine system exocrine system hemolymphoid system hepatobiliary system integumental system musculoskeletal system nervous system renal system reproductive system respiratory system appendage
Medium 29 11
Low 1 6 6 7 6 12
Below cutoff 2 4 14 11 8 11 6 7 39 24 6


RefSeq Acc Id: ENSRNOT00000024057   ⟹   ENSRNOP00000024057
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1176,304,942 - 176,338,816 (+)Ensembl
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1191,704,311 - 191,738,268 (+)Ensembl
RefSeq Acc Id: NM_017046   ⟹   NP_058742
RefSeq Status: VALIDATED
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCr81185,736,225 - 185,770,099 (+)NCBI
mRatBN7.21176,304,942 - 176,338,816 (+)NCBI
Rnor_6.01191,704,397 - 191,738,271 (+)NCBI
Rnor_5.01198,620,974 - 198,655,013 (+)NCBI
RGSC_v3.41180,555,660 - 180,589,534 (+)RGD
Celera1174,023,130 - 174,057,000 (+)RGD
RefSeq Acc Id: NP_058742   ⟸   NM_017046
- UniProtKB: P37091 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot),   G3V8A6 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL),   A6I8V0 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL)
- Sequence:
RefSeq Acc Id: ENSRNOP00000024057   ⟸   ENSRNOT00000024057

Protein Structures
Name Modeler Protein Id AA Range Protein Structure
AF-P37091-F1-model_v2 AlphaFold P37091 1-650 view protein structure


eQTL   View at Phenogen
WGCNA   View at Phenogen
Tissue/Strain Expression   View at Phenogen

RGD ID:13690367
Promoter ID:EPDNEW_R892
Type:initiation region
Description:sodium channel epithelial 1 gamma subunit
SO ACC ID:SO:0000170
Source:EPDNEW (Eukaryotic Promoter Database,
Experiment Methods:Single-end sequencing.
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
Rnor_6.01191,704,385 - 191,704,445EPDNEW

Additional Information

Database Acc Id Source(s)
AGR Gene RGD:3641 AgrOrtholog
BioCyc Gene G2FUF-57555 BioCyc
Ensembl Genes ENSRNOG00000017842 Ensembl, ENTREZGENE, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  ENSRNOG00055008625 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
  ENSRNOG00060028078 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
  ENSRNOG00065031487 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
Ensembl Transcript ENSRNOT00000024057 ENTREZGENE
  ENSRNOT00000024057.5 UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  ENSRNOT00055014552 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
  ENSRNOT00060048763 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
  ENSRNOT00065054273 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
Gene3D-CATH Acid-sensing ion channels like domains UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  YojJ-like UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
InterPro ENaC UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  ENaC_chordates UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  ENaC_CS UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
KEGG Report rno:24768 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
  PTHR11690 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
Pfam ASC UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
PhenoGen Scnn1g PhenoGen
PROSITE ASC UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
RatGTEx ENSRNOG00000017842 RatGTEx
  ENSRNOG00055008625 RatGTEx
  ENSRNOG00060028078 RatGTEx
  ENSRNOG00065031487 RatGTEx
  P37091 ENTREZGENE, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2019-12-06 Scnn1g  sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit gamma  Scnn1g  sodium channel epithelial 1 gamma subunit  Nomenclature updated to reflect human and mouse nomenclature 1299863 APPROVED
2016-02-11 Scnn1g  sodium channel epithelial 1 gamma subunit  Scnn1g  sodium channel, non-voltage-gated 1, gamma subunit  Nomenclature updated to reflect human and mouse nomenclature 1299863 APPROVED
2013-11-11 Scnn1g  sodium channel, non-voltage-gated 1, gamma subunit  Scnn1g  sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1, gamma  Nomenclature updated to reflect human and mouse nomenclature 1299863 APPROVED
2010-05-07 Scnn1g  sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1, gamma  Scnn1g  sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated, type I, gamma  Nomenclature updated to reflect human and mouse nomenclature 1299863 APPROVED
2009-12-15 Scnn1g  sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated, type I, gamma  Scnn1g  sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 gamma  Nomenclature updated to reflect human and mouse nomenclature 1299863 APPROVED
2002-06-10 Scnn1g  Sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1, gamma (epithelial)      Symbol and Name status set to approved 70586 APPROVED

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
gene_protein gamma subunit with alpha and beta subunits forms the amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel 729911