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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cell cycle process +     
mitotic cell cycle +     
actomyosin contractile ring assembly actin filament organization +   
actomyosin contractile ring organization +   
attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore +   
cell cycle comprising mitosis without cytokinesis +   
cell cycle DNA replication +   
cell cycle DNA replication DNA unwinding +  
cell cycle phase transition +   
cell cycle switching +   
cell plate assembly +  
centriole elongation +   
centriole replication +   
centriole-centriole cohesion +   
centromere separation +  
centrosome cycle +   
centrosome duplication +   
centrosome separation +   
chromosome attachment to the nuclear envelope +   
chromosome movement towards spindle pole +   
chromosome segregation +   
chromosome separation +   
cohesin loading +   
cytokinesis +   
cytokinetic process +   
DNA replication preinitiation complex assembly +   
endomitotic cell cycle  
establishment of sister chromatid cohesion +   
G0 to G1 transition +   
G1 to G0 transition +   
maintenance of protein location to spindle pole body 
maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion +   
MCM complex loading 
meiotic cell cycle process +   
microtubule anchoring at spindle pole body +  
mitotic cell cycle process +   
A process that is part of the mitotic cell cycle.
mitotic cell cycle, embryonic +   
mitotic cohesin unloading +  
negative regulation of cell cycle process +   
negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle +   
positive regulation of cell cycle process +   
positive regulation of mitotic cell cycle +   
pre-replicative complex assembly involved in cell cycle DNA replication +  
preprophase band assembly 
protein localization to cell division site involved in cytokinesis, actomyosin contractile ring assembly +  
re-entry into mitotic cell cycle +   
regulation of cell cycle process +   
regulation of mitotic cell cycle +   
regulation of syncytial blastoderm mitotic cell cycle +  
repair of kinetochore microtubule attachment defect +   
second mitotic wave involved in compound eye morphogenesis 
sister chromatid cohesion +   
spindle elongation +   
spindle localization +   
spindle midzone assembly +   
spindle organization +   
spindle pole body organization +  
spindle pole body separation +  
telomere maintenance via semi-conservative replication +   

Definition Sources: GO_REF:0000060, GOC:mtg_cell_cycle, GOC:TermGenie

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