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Doxorubucin (DOX, trade name Adriamycin) is an anthracycline derived from Streptomyces bacterium Streptomyces peucetius var. caesius. DOX is used in the treatment of several solid cancers, leukemia and lymphomas. The drug is composed of a planar aromatic ring with an anthraquinone chromophore and a sugar group. Once taken up by the cell and inside the nucleus for which it has a high affinity, the planar ring structure intercalates between adjacent DNA base pairs, preferentia

Pathway Diagram:

Elsevier Inc. Aco1 ---- iron response element Ireb2 ---- iron response element Ireb2 citrate ---> isocitrate iron response element p53 signaling pathway intrinsic apoptotic pathway doxorubicin pharmacokinetics pathway Aco1 doxorubicin ---- Fe3+ p53 signaling pathway --+> intrinsic apoptotic pathway ROS generation cardiolipin --+> intrinsic apoptotic pathway damage responses, inhibition of transcription, chromatin --+> p53 signaling pathway damage responses, inhibition of transcription, chromatin --+> intrinsic apoptotic pathway damage responses, inhibition of transcription, chromatin Top2b doxorubicin ---> damage responses, inhibition of transcription, chromatin DOX adducts doxorubicin ---| Ireb2 citrate Fe3+ ---> Fe2+ Fe3+ Fe2+ ---> ROS generation Fe2+ doxorubicin pharmacokinetics pathway ---> ROS generation isocitrate doxorubicin ---| Aco1 doxorubicin ---- iron response element doxorubicin ---> doxorubicin pharmacokinetics pathway cardiolipin ---- doxorubicin ROS generation ---> cardiolipin cardiolipin doxorubicin doxorubicin ---- Top2b

Genes in Pathway:

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doxorubicin response pathway term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Aco1 aconitase 1 ISO RGD PMID:15883202 PMID:24616701 RGD:10395266, RGD:10395265 NCBI chr 5:55,259,841...55,315,872
Ensembl chr 5:55,259,827...55,316,391
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G Ireb2 iron responsive element binding protein 2 ISO RGD PMID:15883202 PMID:24616701 RGD:10395266, RGD:10395265 NCBI chr 8:55,228,080...55,311,613
Ensembl chr 8:55,228,085...55,311,611
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G Top2b DNA topoisomerase II beta ISO RGD PMID:25895646 PMID:24361676 RGD:10395260, RGD:10395267 NCBI chr15:9,051,340...9,111,721
Ensembl chr15:9,051,341...9,112,085
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Pathway Gene Annotations

Disease Annotations Associated with Genes in the doxorubicin response pathway
Pathway Annotations Associated with Genes in the doxorubicin response pathway

References Associated with the doxorubicin response pathway:

Ontology Path Diagram:

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