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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
collecting duct development +   
common bile duct development +   
digestive tract development +   
embryonic heart tube development +   
epididymis development  
long descending thin limb bend development +  
mesonephric nephron epithelium development +  
mesonephric tubule development +   
The progression of a mesonephric tubule over time, from its initial formation to the mature structure. A mesonephric tubule is an epithelial tube that is part of the mesonephros.
metanephric part of ureteric bud development +   
metanephric tubule development +   
nephric duct development +   
neural tube development +   
otic vesicle development +   
oviduct development +   
paramesonephric duct development  
prebend segment development +  
proximal convoluted tubule segment 1 development +  
proximal convoluted tubule segment 2 development +   
renal tubule development +   
respiratory tube development +   
semicircular canal development +   
seminal vesicle epithelium development +   
seminiferous tubule development  
tube morphogenesis +   
ureter development +   
ureter part of ureteric bud development 
urethra epithelium development 

Definition Sources: GOC:mtg_kidney_jan10

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