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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adipose tissue development +   
animal organ maturation +   
animal organ morphogenesis +   
animal organ regeneration +   
biomineral tissue development +   
bone development +   
brain development +   
carotid body glomus cell differentiation  
cartilage development +   
convergent extension involved in organogenesis +   
embryonic organ development +   
fat body development +  
gallbladder development  
genitalia development +   
gland development +   
gonad development +   
heart development +   
hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development +   
imaginal disc development +  
kidney development +   
larynx development +   
lung development +   
maintenance of animal organ identity +   
Malpighian tubule development +  
mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in renal system development +   
mesenchyme development +   
muscle organ development +   
pancreas development +   
placenta development +   
proboscis development +  
renal filtration cell differentiation +   
renal system pattern specification +   
renal system vasculature development +   
renal tubule development +   
respiratory tube development +   
sensory organ development +   
skin development +   
swim bladder development +  
trachea development +   
ureter development +   
urethra development +  
The progression of the urethra over time from its initial formation to the mature structure. The urethra is a renal system organ that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body.
urinary bladder development  
uterus development +   
ventral cord development 
vulval development +  

Definition Sources: GOC:dph

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