negative regulation of deoxyribonuclease activity +
negative regulation of DNA biosynthetic process +
negative regulation of DNA catabolic process +
negative regulation of DNA recombination +
negative regulation of DNA repair +
negative regulation of DNA replication +
negative regulation of kinetochore assembly
negative regulation of meiotic DNA double-strand break formation +
negative regulation of mitochondrial DNA metabolic process +
negative regulation of mitotic recombination-dependent replication fork processing
negative regulation of oocyte karyosome formation
negative regulation of sister chromatid cohesion +
negative regulation of sister chromatid segregation +
negative regulation of t-circle formation
negative regulation of telomere maintenance +
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of a process that affects and monitors the activity of telomeric proteins and the length of telomeric DNA.
positive regulation of telomere maintenance +
regulation of t-circle formation +
regulation of telomere capping +
regulation of telomere maintenance +
regulation of telomere maintenance in response to DNA damage +
regulation of telomere maintenance via recombination +
regulation of telomere maintenance via semi-conservative replication +
regulation of telomere maintenance via telomere lengthening +
regulation of telomeric loop disassembly +
regulation of telomeric loop formation +
telomere capping +
telomere maintenance in response to DNA damage +
telomere maintenance via recombination +
telomere maintenance via semi-conservative replication +