RGD Reference Report - MIR-210 modulates mitochondrial respiration in placenta with preeclampsia. - Rat Genome Database

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MIR-210 modulates mitochondrial respiration in placenta with preeclampsia.

Authors: Muralimanoharan, S  Maloyan, A  Mele, J  Guo, C  Myatt, L G  Myatt, L 
Citation: Muralimanoharan S, etal., Placenta. 2012 Oct;33(10):816-23. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2012.07.002. Epub 2012 Jul 26.
RGD ID: 155631283
Pubmed: PMID:22840297   (View Abstract at PubMed)
PMCID: PMC3439551   (View Article at PubMed Central)
DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.placenta.2012.07.002   (Journal Full-text)

Preeclampsia (PE) affects 5-8% of all pregnancies and is associated with significant maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Placental mitochondrial dysfunction has been reported in PE. MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression through mRNA degradation and translational repression. MiR-210 has been previously shown to be upregulated in placentas from pregnancies complicated by PE. We hypothesized that placental mitochondrial dysfunction during PE can be mediated by miR-210. Placentas were collected at term from normotensive pregnancies (CTRL) and those complicated by severe PE (n = 6 each) following c-section (no labor). Villous tissue from PE showed significantly increased levels of HIF-1α compared to CTRL with no change in corresponding mRNA expression but with reduced DNA-binding activity. Mitochondrial complex III was significantly decreased in PE along with significantly reduced protein expression in complex I and IV during PE. Among the four miRNAs tested, miR-210 showed significant up regulation in PE and significant downregulation of its target, ISCU mRNA. To understand the role of miR-210 in PE, loss- and gain-of-function studies were performed using primary trophoblasts. Trophoblasts were transfected with miR-210 inhibitor or pre-miR-210 and mitochondrial function was measured using Seahorse Extracellular Flux Analyzer. Cells transfected with pre-miR-210 showed significant reduction in oxygen consumption. In contrast, transfection of trophoblast with AntagomiR-210 was sufficient to prevent the DFO-mediated respiratory deficiency. These data collectively suggest that miR-210 overexpression during PE could be responsible for placental mitochondria dysfunction.

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Object Symbol
Original Reference(s)
HIF1AHumanpre-eclampsia  IEP protein:increased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
Hif1aRatpre-eclampsia  ISOHIF1A (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
Hif1aMousepre-eclampsia  ISOHIF1A (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
ISCUHumanpre-eclampsia  IEP mRNA:decreased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
IscuRatpre-eclampsia  ISOISCU (Homo sapiens)mRNA:decreased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
IscuMousepre-eclampsia  ISOISCU (Homo sapiens)mRNA:decreased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
MIR210Humanpre-eclampsia  IEP miRNA:increased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
Mir210Ratpre-eclampsia  ISOMIR210 (Homo sapiens)miRNA:increased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
Mir210Mousepre-eclampsia  ISOMIR210 (Homo sapiens)miRNA:increased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
SLC2A1Humanpre-eclampsia  IEP mRNA:decreased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
Slc2a1Ratpre-eclampsia  ISOSLC2A1 (Homo sapiens)mRNA:decreased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
Slc2a1Mousepre-eclampsia  ISOSLC2A1 (Homo sapiens)mRNA:decreased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
VEGFAHumanpre-eclampsia  IEP mRNA:decreased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
VegfaRatpre-eclampsia  ISOVEGFA (Homo sapiens)mRNA:decreased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
VegfaMousepre-eclampsia  ISOVEGFA (Homo sapiens)mRNA:decreased expression:chorionic villus (human)RGD 
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Object Symbol
Original Reference(s)
MIR210Humandesferrioxamine B increases expression EXP desferrioxamine B increases expression of MIR210 miRNA in trophoblast cells RGD 
Mir210Ratdesferrioxamine B increases expression ISOMIR210 (Homo sapiens)desferrioxamine B increases expression of MIR210 miRNA in trophoblast cells RGD 
Mir210Mousedesferrioxamine B increases expression ISOMIR210 (Homo sapiens)desferrioxamine B increases expression of MIR210 miRNA in trophoblast cells RGD 
MIR210Humandiatomic oxygen increases expression EXP Diatomic oxygen increases expression of MIR210 miRNA in trophoblast cells RGD 
Mir210Mousediatomic oxygen increases expression ISOMIR210 (Homo sapiens)Diatomic oxygen increases expression of MIR210 miRNA in trophoblast cells RGD 
Mir210Ratdiatomic oxygen increases expression ISOMIR210 (Homo sapiens)Diatomic oxygen increases expression of MIR210 miRNA in trophoblast cells RGD 

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Hif1a  (hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha) Iscu  (iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme) Mir210  (microRNA 210)
Slc2a1  (solute carrier family 2 member 1) Vegfa  (vascular endothelial growth factor A)

Genes (Mus musculus)
Hif1a  (hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit) Iscu  (iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme) Mir210  (microRNA 210)
Slc2a1  (solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 1) Vegfa  (vascular endothelial growth factor A)

Genes (Homo sapiens)
HIF1A  (hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha) ISCU  (iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme) MIR210  (microRNA 210)
SLC2A1  (solute carrier family 2 member 1) VEGFA  (vascular endothelial growth factor A)