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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
5-phosphoribose 1-diphosphate biosynthetic process  
bis(5'-nucleosidyl) oligophosphate biosynthetic process 
bis(molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide)molybdenum biosynthetic process 
cyclic nucleotide biosynthetic process +   
D-ribose 5-phosphate biosynthetic process 
deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic process +   
diadenosine polyphosphate biosynthetic process +   
flavin adenine dinucleotide biosynthetic process +   
FMN metabolic process +   
Mo(VI)-molybdopterin cytosine dinucleotide biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of nucleotide biosynthetic process +   
nucleoside monophosphate phosphorylation +   
nucleotide salvage +   
positive regulation of nucleotide biosynthetic process +   
purine nucleotide biosynthetic process +   
purine ribonucleotide metabolic process +   
pyridine nucleotide biosynthetic process +   
pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthetic process +   
pyrimidine ribonucleotide metabolic process +   
regulation of nucleotide biosynthetic process +   
ribonucleotide biosynthetic process +   
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a ribonucleotide, a compound consisting of ribonucleoside (a base linked to a ribose sugar) esterified with a phosphate group at either the 3' or 5'-hydroxyl group of the sugar.
ribonucleotide catabolic process +   

Exact Synonyms: ribonucleotide anabolism ;   ribonucleotide biosynthesis ;   ribonucleotide formation ;   ribonucleotide synthesis
Definition Sources: GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0198506732

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