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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cardiac cell development +   
cardiac cell fate commitment +   
cardiac endothelial cell differentiation +   
cardiac fibroblast cell differentiation +   
cardiac glial cell differentiation +  
cardiac muscle cell differentiation +   
cardiac neural crest cell differentiation involved in heart development +   
cardiac neuron differentiation +   
cardiac septum cell differentiation +   
cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation +   
cardioblast differentiation +   
endocardial cushion cell differentiation +   
heart valve cell differentiation 
negative regulation of cardiocyte differentiation +   
negative regulation of cell differentiation +   
positive regulation of cardiocyte differentiation +   
positive regulation of cell differentiation +   
regulation of antipodal cell differentiation +  
regulation of cardiac endothelial to mesenchymal transition +   
regulation of cardiocyte differentiation +   
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cardiocyte differentiation.
regulation of cell development +   
regulation of cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development +   
regulation of cell differentiation involved in phenotypic switching +   
regulation of cell differentiation involved in tissue homeostasis 
regulation of chondrocyte differentiation +   
regulation of embryo sac central cell differentiation +  
regulation of embryo sac egg cell differentiation +  
regulation of endodermal cell differentiation +   
regulation of epithelial cell differentiation +   
regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition +   
regulation of fat cell differentiation +   
regulation of glial cell differentiation +   
regulation of hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation +   
regulation of hemocyte differentiation +  
regulation of macrophage derived foam cell differentiation +   
regulation of mesodermal cell differentiation +   
regulation of metanephric DCT cell differentiation +   
regulation of muscle cell differentiation +   
regulation of myoblast differentiation +   
regulation of myofibroblast differentiation +   
regulation of neuron differentiation +   
regulation of osteoblast differentiation +   
regulation of pigment cell differentiation +   
regulation of plant epidermal cell differentiation +  
regulation of sclerenchyma cell differentiation +  
regulation of skeletal muscle cell differentiation +   
regulation of sorocarp spore cell differentiation +  
regulation of sorocarp stalk cell differentiation +  
regulation of stem cell differentiation +   
regulation of synergid differentiation +  
regulation of tendon cell differentiation +   
regulation of timing of cell differentiation +   
regulation of transdifferentiation +   
regulation of trichome morphogenesis 
regulation of trichome patterning +  
regulation of vasculogenesis +   

Exact Synonyms: regulation of cardiac cell differentiation ;   regulation of heart cell differentiation
Definition Sources: GO_REF:0000058, GOC:bc, GOC:BHF, GOC:BHF_miRNA, GOC:TermGenie, PMID:23069713

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