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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acetate ester biosynthetic process +   
acetylenic compound biosynthetic process +  
amide biosynthetic process +   
amino acid biosynthetic process +   
antibiotic biosynthetic process +  
archaeosine-tRNA biosynthetic process 
austinol biosynthetic process +  
betaine aldehyde biosynthetic process 
candicidin biosynthetic process 
cannabinoid biosynthetic process  
carbohydrate biosynthetic process +   
carbohydrate derivative biosynthetic process +   
cellular biosynthetic process +   
collagen biosynthetic process +   
cyanide biosynthetic process 
ether biosynthetic process +   
flavonoid biosynthetic process +  
hormone biosynthetic process +   
hydrocarbon biosynthetic process +  
hydrogen biosynthetic process +  
iron-sulfur-molybdenum cofactor biosynthetic process 
lactone biosynthetic process +   
lipid biosynthetic process +   
methanofuran biosynthetic process +  
negative regulation of biosynthetic process +   
nicotine biosynthetic process 
nitric oxide biosynthetic process +   
nitrobenzene biosynthetic process 
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of nitrobenzene.
nitrobenzene catabolic process 
nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process +   
olefinic compound biosynthetic process +   
organic heteropentacyclic compound biosynthetic process +  
organic hydroxy compound biosynthetic process +   
organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process +   
organophosphate biosynthetic process +   
peptide biosynthetic process +   
peptidyl-lysine modification to peptidyl-hypusine 
phlobaphene biosynthetic process 
phosphinothricin biosynthetic process 
phytochrome chromophore biosynthetic process 
poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) biosynthetic process +  
poly(hydroxyalkanoate) biosynthetic process +  
positive regulation of biosynthetic process +   
prosthetic group biosynthetic process +  
reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process +   
regulation of biosynthetic process +   
secondary metabolite biosynthetic process +   
small molecule biosynthetic process +   
sporopollenin biosynthetic process 
tartrate biosynthetic process 
tyrocidine biosynthetic process 
Z-phenylacetaldoxime biosynthetic process 

Exact Synonyms: nitrobenzene anabolism ;   nitrobenzene biosynthesis ;   nitrobenzene formation ;   nitrobenzene synthesis
Definition Sources: GOC:TermGenie, GOC:yaf, UniPathway:UPA00923

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