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Term:positive regulation of biosynthetic process
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Accession:GO:0009891 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of substances.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: positive regulation of anabolism;   positive regulation of biosynthesis;   positive regulation of formation;   positive regulation of synthesis;   up regulation of biosynthetic process;   upregulation of biosynthetic process
 narrow_synonym: activation of biosynthetic process;   stimulation of biosynthetic process

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    Path 1
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 19870
        metabolic process 11602
          biosynthetic process 8279
            positive regulation of biosynthetic process 2849
              positive regulation of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of acetylcholine biosynthetic process 1
              positive regulation of alcohol biosynthetic process + 33
              positive regulation of amino acid biosynthetic process + 1
              positive regulation of austinol biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process + 2790
              positive regulation of collagen biosynthetic process 38
              positive regulation of dopamine biosynthetic process 3
              positive regulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process + 0
              positive regulation of lactose biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of lipid biosynthetic process + 113
              positive regulation of methanofuran biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of methanophenazine biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process 54
              positive regulation of nucleotide biosynthetic process + 19
              positive regulation of olefin biosynthetic process + 0
              positive regulation of phenazine biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of pseurotin A biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of pyocyanine biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of pyrimidine-containing compound salvage 0
              positive regulation of raffinose biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process + 26
              positive regulation of secondary metabolite biosynthetic process + 9
              positive regulation of serotonin biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of spermidine biosynthetic process 1
              positive regulation of tetrapyrrole biosynthetic process + 2
    Path 2
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 19870
        biological regulation 13395
          regulation of biological process 12997
            regulation of metabolic process 6492
              regulation of biosynthetic process 5382
                positive regulation of biosynthetic process 2849
                  positive regulation of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of acetylcholine biosynthetic process 1
                  positive regulation of alcohol biosynthetic process + 33
                  positive regulation of amino acid biosynthetic process + 1
                  positive regulation of austinol biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process + 2790
                  positive regulation of collagen biosynthetic process 38
                  positive regulation of dopamine biosynthetic process 3
                  positive regulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process + 0
                  positive regulation of lactose biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of lipid biosynthetic process + 113
                  positive regulation of methanofuran biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of methanophenazine biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process 54
                  positive regulation of nucleotide biosynthetic process + 19
                  positive regulation of olefin biosynthetic process + 0
                  positive regulation of phenazine biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of pseurotin A biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of pyocyanine biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of pyrimidine-containing compound salvage 0
                  positive regulation of raffinose biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process + 26
                  positive regulation of secondary metabolite biosynthetic process + 9
                  positive regulation of serotonin biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of spermidine biosynthetic process 1
                  positive regulation of tetrapyrrole biosynthetic process + 2
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