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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
organelle assembly +     
acrosome assembly +   
autophagosome assembly +   
ciliary vesicle assembly 
cilium assembly +   
Cvt vesicle assembly 
extracellular exosome assembly +   
female pronucleus assembly  
gut granule assembly +  
karyomere assembly 
magnetosome assembly 
male pronucleus assembly +   
melanosome assembly  
multivesicular body assembly  
Nebenkern assembly 
negative regulation of organelle assembly +   
non-membrane-bounded organelle assembly +   
The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a non-membrane-bounded organelle.
phagolysosome assembly +   
positive regulation of organelle assembly +   
postsynaptic specialization assembly +   
regulation of organelle assembly +   
spine apparatus assembly  

Exact Synonyms: non-membrane-bounded organelle formation ;   non-membrane-enclosed organelle assembly ;   non-membrane-enclosed organelle formation
Definition Sources: PMID:28225081

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