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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
(+)-secoisolariciresinol biosynthetic process 
(-)-secoisolariciresinol biosynthetic process 
asperfuranone biosynthetic process +  
culmorin biosynthetic process 
glycol biosynthetic process +  
phytosphingosine biosynthetic process  
sphinganine biosynthetic process  
sphingosine biosynthetic process  
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of sphingosine (sphing-4-enine), trans-D-erytho-2-amino-octadec-4-ene-1,3-diol, a long chain amino diol sphingoid base that occurs in most sphingolipids in animal tissues.
sphingosine catabolic process 
tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthetic process  
verruculogen biosynthetic process 

Exact Synonyms: sphingosine anabolism ;   sphingosine biosynthesis ;   sphingosine formation ;   sphingosine synthesis
Definition Sources: GOC:ma, ISBN:0198506732

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