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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adrenal gland development +   
cement gland development 
cloacal gland development 
exocrine pancreas development  
gland morphogenesis +   
Harderian gland development  
hatching gland development 
lacrimal gland development  
liver development +   
lymph gland development +  
mammary gland development +   
neurohypophysis development +   
parathyroid gland development +   
pineal gland development 
pituitary gland development +   
prostate gland development +   
ring gland development 
salivary gland development +   
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the salivary gland over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Salivary glands include any of the saliva-secreting exocrine glands of the oral cavity.
sebaceous gland development +   
seminal vesicle development +   
sweat gland development +   
thymus development +   
thyroid gland development +   
trachea gland development  
uterine gland development  

Definition Sources: GOC:jid, UBERON:0001044

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