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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
transport +     
acetate ester transport +   
alkane transport 
amino acid transport +   
arsenite transport +   
carbohydrate derivative transport +   
carbohydrate transport +   
cutin transport 
epinephrine uptake +   
export from cell +   
extracellular transport +   
eye pigment precursor transport 
flavonoid transport from endoplasmic reticulum to plant-type vacuole 
fluid transport +   
gas transport +   
hormone transport +   
import into cell +   
inorganic anion transport +   
intercellular transport +   
intracellular transport +   
lipid transport +   
mevalonate transport  
microtubule-based transport +   
mitochondrial transport +   
monoatomic ion transport +   
The directed movement of a monoatomic ion into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. Monatomic ions (also called simple ions) are ions consisting of exactly one atom.
negative regulation of transport +   
neurotransmitter transport +   
nitrogen compound transport +   
one-carbon compound transport +   
organic acid transport +   
organic anion transport +   
organic cation transport +   
organic hydroxy compound transport +   
organophosphate ester transport +   
ovarian nurse cell to oocyte transport +  
paracellular transport  
pigment granule transport +   
positive regulation of transport +   
regulation of transport +   
secretion +   
sulfur compound transport +   
synaptic vesicle recycling +   
synaptic vesicle transport +   
transepithelial transport +   
transmembrane transport +   
vascular transport +   
vesicle cargo loading +   
vesicle-mediated transport +   
vitamin transport +   
xenobiotic transport +   

Broad Synonyms: ion transport
Definition Sources: GOC:ai

paths to the root