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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
monoatomic anion transport +   
monoatomic cation transport +   
monoatomic ion transmembrane transport +   
negative regulation of monoatomic ion transport +   
negative regulation of transport +   
positive regulation of monoatomic ion transport +   
positive regulation of transport +   
regulation of amine transport +   
regulation of auxin polar transport 
regulation of cellotriose transport +  
regulation of epinephrine uptake +  
regulation of galactotriose transport +  
regulation of heptasaccharide transport +  
regulation of hexasaccharide transport +  
regulation of intracellular transport +   
regulation of laminaritriose transport +  
regulation of lipid transport +   
regulation of maltose transport +  
regulation of maltotetraose transport +  
regulation of maltotriulose transport +  
regulation of mannotriose transport +  
regulation of melanosome transport +   
regulation of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization involved in apoptotic signaling pathway +   
regulation of monoatomic ion transport +   
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of charged atoms or small charged molecules into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
regulation of neurotransmitter transport +   
regulation of nigerotriose transport +  
regulation of norepinephrine uptake +   
regulation of nucleobase-containing compound transport +   
regulation of oligopeptide transport +   
regulation of organic acid transport +   
regulation of pentasaccharide transport +  
regulation of peptide transport +   
regulation of phosphate transport +   
regulation of protein transport +   
regulation of renal water transport +   
regulation of secretion +   
regulation of sulfite transport +  
regulation of synaptic vesicle recycling +   
regulation of synaptic vesicle transport +   
regulation of transepithelial transport  
regulation of transmembrane transport +   
regulation of transport across blood-brain barrier +   
regulation of vesicle-mediated transport +   

Broad Synonyms: regulation of ion transport
Definition Sources: GOC:jl

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